diff --git a/sdrgui/CMakeLists.txt b/sdrgui/CMakeLists.txt
index ff1b173dd..3c629e7f6 100644
--- a/sdrgui/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/sdrgui/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ set(sdrgui_SOURCES
- gui/glscopemulti.cpp
-# gui/glscopemultigui.cpp
@@ -50,7 +48,6 @@ set(sdrgui_SOURCES
-# dsp/scopevismulti.cpp
@@ -91,9 +88,7 @@ set(sdrgui_HEADERS
- gui/glscopemulti.h
-# gui/glscopemultigui.h
@@ -118,7 +113,6 @@ set(sdrgui_HEADERS
-# dsp/scopevismulti.h
@@ -154,7 +148,6 @@ set(sdrgui_FORMS
- gui/glscopemultigui.ui
diff --git a/sdrgui/dsp/scopevismulti.cpp b/sdrgui/dsp/scopevismulti.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7318d18cb..000000000
--- a/sdrgui/dsp/scopevismulti.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB //
-// written by Edouard Griffiths //
-// //
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
-// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
-// //
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
-// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
-// //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
-// along with this program. If not, see . //
-#include "scopevismulti.h"
-#include "dsp/dspcommands.h"
-#include "gui/glscopemulti.h"
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgConfigureScopeVisNG, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGOneShot, Message)
-MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(ScopeVisMulti::MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace, Message)
-ScopeVisMulti::ScopeVisMulti(GLScopeMulti* glScope) :
- m_glScope(glScope),
- m_preTriggerDelay(0),
- m_currentTriggerIndex(0),
- m_focusedTriggerIndex(0),
- m_triggerState(TriggerUntriggered),
- m_focusedTraceIndex(0),
- m_traceSize(m_traceChunkSize),
- m_nbSamples(0),
- m_timeBase(1),
- m_timeOfsProMill(0),
- m_traceStart(true),
- m_postTrigBuffering(false),
- m_traceFill(0),
- m_zTraceIndex(-1),
- m_sampleRate(0),
- m_freeRun(true),
- m_maxTraceDelay(0),
- m_triggerOneShot(false),
- m_triggerWaitForReset(false),
- m_currentTraceMemoryIndex(0),
- m_nbSources(0)
- setObjectName("ScopeVisNG");
- m_glScope->setTraces(&m_traces.m_tracesData, &m_traces.m_traces[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < (int) nbProjectionTypes; i++) {
- m_projectorCache[i] = 0.0;
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::setSampleRate(int sampleRate)
- if (sampleRate != m_sampleRate)
- {
- m_sampleRate = sampleRate;
- if (m_glScope) m_glScope->setSampleRate(m_sampleRate);
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::configure(
- uint32_t nbSources,
- uint32_t traceSize,
- uint32_t timeBase,
- uint32_t timeOfsProMill,
- uint32_t triggerPre,
- bool freeRun)
- Message* cmd = MsgConfigureScopeVisNG::create(nbSources, traceSize, timeBase, timeOfsProMill, triggerPre, freeRun);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::addTrace(const TraceData& traceData)
- qDebug() << "ScopeVisMulti::addTrace:"
- << " m_amp: " << traceData.m_amp
- << " m_ofs: " << traceData.m_ofs
- << " m_traceDelay: " << traceData.m_traceDelay;
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace::create(traceData);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::changeTrace(const TraceData& traceData, uint32_t traceIndex)
- qDebug() << "ScopeVisMulti::changeTrace:"
- << " trace: " << traceIndex
- << " m_amp: " << traceData.m_amp
- << " m_ofs: " << traceData.m_ofs
- << " m_traceDelay: " << traceData.m_traceDelay;
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace::create(traceData, traceIndex);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::removeTrace(uint32_t traceIndex)
- qDebug() << "ScopeVisMulti::removeTrace:"
- << " trace: " << traceIndex;
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace::create(traceIndex);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::moveTrace(uint32_t traceIndex, bool upElseDown)
- qDebug() << "ScopeVisMulti::moveTrace:"
- << " trace: " << traceIndex
- << " up: " << upElseDown;
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace::create(traceIndex, upElseDown);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::focusOnTrace(uint32_t traceIndex)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace::create(traceIndex);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::addTrigger(const TriggerData& triggerData)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger::create(triggerData);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::changeTrigger(const TriggerData& triggerData, uint32_t triggerIndex)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger::create(triggerData, triggerIndex);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::removeTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger::create(triggerIndex);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::moveTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex, bool upElseDown)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger::create(triggerIndex, upElseDown);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::focusOnTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger::create(triggerIndex);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::setOneShot(bool oneShot)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGOneShot::create(oneShot);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::setMemoryIndex(uint32_t memoryIndex)
- Message* cmd = MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace::create(memoryIndex);
- m_inputMessageQueue.push(cmd);
-void ScopeVisMulti::feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& cbegin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end, uint32_t sourceIndex)
- if ((m_triggerWaitForReset) || (m_currentTraceMemoryIndex > 0)) {
- return;
- }
- if(!m_mutex.tryLock(2)) { // prevent conflicts with configuration process
- return;
- }
- m_traceDiscreteMemory.feed(cbegin, end, sourceIndex); // memory storage
- if (m_traceDiscreteMemory.minFill() >= m_traceSize)
- {
- if (m_triggerState == TriggerTriggered)
- {
- processSources();
- }
- else
- {
- lookForTrigger();
- }
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::lookForTrigger()
- int count = 0;
- if ((m_freeRun) || (m_triggerConditions.size() == 0)) // immediate re-trigger
- {
- if (m_triggerState == TriggerUntriggered)
- {
- m_traceStart = true; // start trace processing
- m_nbSamples = m_traceSize + m_maxTraceDelay;
- m_triggerState = TriggerTriggered;
- }
- }
- else if ((m_triggerState == TriggerUntriggered) || (m_triggerState == TriggerDelay))
- {
- TriggerCondition& triggerCondition = m_triggerConditions[m_currentTriggerIndex]; // current trigger condition
- uint32_t sourceIndex = triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_inputIndex;
- SampleVector::iterator begin = m_traceDiscreteMemory.getBeginIterator(sourceIndex);
- SampleVector::iterator end = begin + m_traceSize;
- SampleVector::const_iterator cbegin = begin;
- while (begin < end)
- {
- if (m_triggerState == TriggerDelay)
- {
- if (triggerCondition.m_triggerDelayCount > 0) // skip samples during delay period
- {
- triggerCondition.m_triggerDelayCount--;
- ++begin;
- continue;
- }
- else // process trigger
- {
- if (nextTrigger()) // move to next trigger and keep going
- {
- m_triggerComparator.reset();
- m_triggerState = TriggerUntriggered;
- ++begin;
- continue;
- }
- else // this was the last trigger then start trace
- {
- m_traceStart = true; // start trace processing
- m_nbSamples = m_traceSize + m_maxTraceDelay;
- m_triggerComparator.reset();
- m_triggerState = TriggerTriggered;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // look for trigger
- if (m_triggerComparator.triggered(*begin, triggerCondition))
- {
- if (triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerDelay > 0)
- {
- triggerCondition.m_triggerDelayCount = triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerDelay; // initialize delayed samples counter
- m_triggerState = TriggerDelay;
- ++begin;
- continue;
- }
- if (nextTrigger()) // move to next trigger and keep going
- {
- m_triggerComparator.reset();
- m_triggerState = TriggerUntriggered;
- }
- else // this was the last trigger then start trace
- {
- m_traceStart = true; // start trace processing
- m_nbSamples = m_traceSize + m_maxTraceDelay;
- m_triggerComparator.reset();
- m_triggerState = TriggerTriggered;
- break;
- }
- }
- ++begin;
- }
- count = begin - cbegin;
- }
- m_traceDiscreteMemory.consume(count);
-void ScopeVisMulti::processSources()
- if (m_glScope->getDataChanged()) // optimization: process trace only if required by glScope
- {
- m_triggerState = TriggerUntriggered;
- return;
- }
- uint32_t nbSources = m_traceDiscreteMemory.getNbSources();
- for (unsigned int is = 0; is < nbSources; is++)
- {
- SampleVector::iterator begin = m_traceDiscreteMemory.getBeginIterator(is); // trigger position
- SampleVector::iterator end = begin + m_traceSize;
- if (m_traceStart)
- {
- // trace back
- if (m_maxTraceDelay > 0)
- {
- processTraces(begin - m_preTriggerDelay - m_maxTraceDelay, begin - m_preTriggerDelay, true, is);
- }
- // pre-trigger
- if (m_preTriggerDelay > 0)
- {
- processTraces(begin - m_preTriggerDelay, begin, false, is);
- }
- m_traceStart = false;
- }
- processTraces(begin, end, false, is);
- m_traceDiscreteMemory.markEnd(is, end);
- } // sources loop
- m_glScope->newTraces(&m_traces.m_traces[m_traces.currentBufferIndex()]);
- m_traces.switchBuffer();
- m_traceDiscreteMemory.store();
-void ScopeVisMulti::processMemorySources()
- if ((m_currentTraceMemoryIndex > 0) && (m_currentTraceMemoryIndex < m_nbTraceMemories))
- {
- uint32_t nbSources = m_traceDiscreteMemory.getNbSources();
- for (unsigned int is = 0; is < nbSources; is++)
- {
- SampleVector::const_iterator mend = m_traceDiscreteMemory.m_traceBackBuffers[is].at(m_currentTraceMemoryIndex).m_endPoint;
- SampleVector::const_iterator mbegin = mend - m_traceSize;
- SampleVector::const_iterator mbegin_tb = mbegin - m_maxTraceDelay;
- processTraces(mbegin_tb, mbegin, true, is); // traceback
- processTraces(mbegin, mend, false, is);
- }
- }
-bool ScopeVisMulti::nextTrigger()
- TriggerCondition& triggerCondition = m_triggerConditions[m_currentTriggerIndex]; // current trigger condition
- if (triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerRepeat > 0)
- {
- if (triggerCondition.m_triggerCounter < triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerRepeat)
- {
- triggerCondition.m_triggerCounter++;
- return true; // not final keep going
- }
- else
- {
- triggerCondition.m_triggerCounter = 0; // reset for next time
- }
- }
- if (m_triggerConditions.size() == 0)
- {
- m_currentTriggerIndex = 0;
- return false; // final
- }
- else if (m_currentTriggerIndex < m_triggerConditions.size() - 1) // check if next trigger is available
- {
- m_currentTriggerIndex++;
- return true; // not final keep going
- }
- else
- {
- // now this is really finished
- m_currentTriggerIndex = 0;
- return false; // final
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::processTraces(const SampleVector::const_iterator& cbegin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end, bool traceBack, uint32_t sourceIndex)
- SampleVector::const_iterator begin(cbegin);
- uint32_t shift = (m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * m_traceSize;
- uint32_t length = m_traceSize / m_timeBase;
- int nbSamples = end - begin;
- while (begin < end)
- {
- std::vector::iterator itCtl = m_traces.m_tracesControl.begin();
- std::vector::iterator itData = m_traces.m_tracesData.begin();
- std::vector::iterator itTrace = m_traces.m_traces[m_traces.currentBufferIndex()].begin();
- for (; itCtl != m_traces.m_tracesControl.end(); ++itCtl, ++itData, ++itTrace)
- {
- if (itData->m_inputIndex != sourceIndex) {
- continue;
- }
- if (traceBack && ((end - begin) > itData->m_traceDelay)) { // before start of trace
- continue;
- }
- ProjectionType projectionType = itData->m_projectionType;
- if (itCtl->m_traceCount[m_traces.currentBufferIndex()] < m_traceSize)
- {
- uint32_t& traceCount = itCtl->m_traceCount[m_traces.currentBufferIndex()]; // reference for code clarity
- float v;
- if (projectionType == ProjectionMagLin)
- {
- v = (itCtl->m_projector.run(*begin) - itData->m_ofs)*itData->m_amp - 1.0f;
- }
- else if (projectionType == ProjectionMagDB)
- {
- // there is no processing advantage in direct calculation without projector
-// uint32_t magsq = begin->m_real*begin->m_real + begin->m_imag*begin->m_imag;
-// v = ((log10f(magsq/1073741824.0f)*0.2f - 2.0f*itData->m_ofs) + 2.0f)*itData->m_amp - 1.0f;
- float pdB = itCtl->m_projector.run(*begin);
- float p = pdB - (100.0f * itData->m_ofs);
- v = ((p/50.0f) + 2.0f)*itData->m_amp - 1.0f;
- if ((traceCount >= shift) && (traceCount < shift+length)) // power display overlay values construction
- {
- if (traceCount == shift)
- {
- itCtl->m_maxPow = -200.0f;
- itCtl->m_sumPow = 0.0f;
- itCtl->m_nbPow = 1;
- }
- if (pdB > -200.0f)
- {
- if (pdB > itCtl->m_maxPow)
- {
- itCtl->m_maxPow = pdB;
- }
- itCtl->m_sumPow += pdB;
- itCtl->m_nbPow++;
- }
- }
- if ((nbSamples == 1) && (itCtl->m_nbPow > 0)) // on last sample create power display overlay
- {
- double avgPow = itCtl->m_sumPow / itCtl->m_nbPow;
- double peakToAvgPow = itCtl->m_maxPow - avgPow;
- itData->m_textOverlay = QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(itCtl->m_maxPow, 0, 'f', 1).arg(avgPow, 0, 'f', 1).arg(peakToAvgPow, 4, 'f', 1, ' ');
- itCtl->m_nbPow = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- v = (itCtl->m_projector.run(*begin) - itData->m_ofs) * itData->m_amp;
- }
- if(v > 1.0f) {
- v = 1.0f;
- } else if (v < -1.0f) {
- v = -1.0f;
- }
- (*itTrace)[2*traceCount]
- = traceCount - shift; // display x
- (*itTrace)[2*traceCount + 1] = v; // display y
- traceCount++;
- }
- }
- ++begin;
- nbSamples--;
- }
-bool ScopeVisMulti::handleMessage(const Message& message)
- qDebug() << "ScopeVisNG::handleMessage" << message.getIdentifier();
- if (DSPSignalNotification::match(message))
- {
- DSPSignalNotification& notif = (DSPSignalNotification&) message;
- setSampleRate(notif.getSampleRate());
- qDebug() << "ScopeVisNG::handleMessage: DSPSignalNotification: m_sampleRate: " << m_sampleRate;
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgConfigureScopeVisNG::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgConfigureScopeVisNG& conf = (MsgConfigureScopeVisNG&) message;
- uint32_t nbSources = conf.getNbSources();
- uint32_t traceSize = conf.getTraceSize();
- uint32_t timeBase = conf.getTimeBase();
- uint32_t timeOfsProMill = conf.getTimeOfsProMill();
- uint32_t triggerPre = conf.getTriggerPre();
- bool freeRun = conf.getFreeRun();
- if (m_nbSources != nbSources)
- {
- if (nbSources == 0) {
- m_nbSources = 1;
- } else if (nbSources > m_maxNbTraceSources) {
- m_nbSources = m_maxNbTraceSources;
- } else {
- m_nbSources = nbSources;
- }
- }
- if (m_traceSize != traceSize)
- {
- m_traceSize = traceSize;
- m_traces.resize(m_traceSize);
- m_traceDiscreteMemory.resizeBuffers(m_traceSize);
- initTraceBuffers();
- if (m_glScope) {
- m_glScope->setTraceSize(m_traceSize);
- }
- }
- if (m_timeBase != timeBase)
- {
- m_timeBase = timeBase;
- if (m_glScope) {
- m_glScope->setTimeBase(m_timeBase);
- }
- }
- if (m_timeOfsProMill != timeOfsProMill)
- {
- m_timeOfsProMill = timeOfsProMill;
- if (m_glScope) {
- m_glScope->setTimeOfsProMill(m_timeOfsProMill);
- }
- }
- if (m_preTriggerDelay != triggerPre)
- {
- m_preTriggerDelay = triggerPre;
- if (m_glScope) {
- m_glScope->setTriggerPre(m_preTriggerDelay);
- }
- }
- if (freeRun != m_freeRun)
- {
- m_freeRun = freeRun;
- }
- qDebug() << "ScopeVisNG::handleMessage: MsgConfigureScopeVisNG:"
- << " m_traceSize: " << m_traceSize
- << " m_timeOfsProMill: " << m_timeOfsProMill
- << " m_preTriggerDelay: " << m_preTriggerDelay
- << " m_freeRun: " << m_freeRun;
- if ((m_glScope) && (m_currentTraceMemoryIndex > 0)) {
- processMemorySources();
- }
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger&) message;
- m_triggerConditions.push_back(TriggerCondition(conf.getTriggerData()));
- m_triggerConditions.back().initProjector();
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger&) message;
- uint32_t triggerIndex = conf.getTriggerIndex();
- if (triggerIndex < m_triggerConditions.size())
- {
- m_triggerConditions[triggerIndex].setData(conf.getTriggerData());
- if (triggerIndex == m_focusedTriggerIndex)
- {
- computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- m_glScope->setFocusedTriggerData(m_triggerConditions[m_focusedTriggerIndex].m_triggerData);
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger&) message;
- uint32_t triggerIndex = conf.getTriggerIndex();
- if (triggerIndex < m_triggerConditions.size()) {
- m_triggerConditions.erase(m_triggerConditions.begin() + triggerIndex);
- }
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger&) message;
- int triggerIndex = conf.getTriggerIndex();
- if (!conf.getMoveUp() && (triggerIndex == 0)) {
- return true;
- }
- int nextTriggerIndex = (triggerIndex + (conf.getMoveUp() ? 1 : -1)) % m_triggerConditions.size();
- TriggerCondition nextTrigger = m_triggerConditions[nextTriggerIndex];
- m_triggerConditions[nextTriggerIndex] = m_triggerConditions[triggerIndex];
- m_triggerConditions[triggerIndex] = nextTrigger;
- computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- m_glScope->setFocusedTriggerData(m_triggerConditions[m_focusedTriggerIndex].m_triggerData);
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger::match(message))
- {
- MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger&) message;
- uint32_t triggerIndex = conf.getTriggerIndex();
- if (triggerIndex < m_triggerConditions.size())
- {
- m_focusedTriggerIndex = triggerIndex;
- computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- m_glScope->setFocusedTriggerData(m_triggerConditions[m_focusedTriggerIndex].m_triggerData);
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- }
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace&) message;
- m_traces.addTrace(conf.getTraceData(), m_traceSize);
- initTraceBuffers();
- updateMaxTraceDelay();
- computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace&) message;
- bool doComputeTriggerLevelsOnDisplay = m_traces.isVerticalDisplayChange(conf.getTraceData(), conf.getTraceIndex());
- m_traces.changeTrace(conf.getTraceData(), conf.getTraceIndex());
- updateMaxTraceDelay();
- if (doComputeTriggerLevelsOnDisplay) computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace&) message;
- m_traces.removeTrace(conf.getTraceIndex());
- updateMaxTraceDelay();
- computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace::match(message))
- {
- QMutexLocker configLocker(&m_mutex);
- MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace&) message;
- m_traces.moveTrace(conf.getTraceIndex(), conf.getMoveUp());
- //updateMaxTraceDelay();
- computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace::match(message))
- {
- MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace&) message;
- uint32_t traceIndex = conf.getTraceIndex();
- if (traceIndex < m_traces.m_tracesData.size())
- {
- m_focusedTraceIndex = traceIndex;
- computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- m_glScope->setFocusedTraceIndex(m_focusedTraceIndex);
- updateGLScopeDisplay();
- }
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGOneShot::match(message))
- {
- MsgScopeVisNGOneShot& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGOneShot&) message;
- bool oneShot = conf.getOneShot();
- m_triggerOneShot = oneShot;
- if (m_triggerWaitForReset && !oneShot) m_triggerWaitForReset = false;
- return true;
- }
- else if (MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace::match(message))
- {
- MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace& conf = (MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace&) message;
- uint32_t memoryIndex = conf.getMemoryIndex();
- if (memoryIndex != m_currentTraceMemoryIndex)
- {
- m_currentTraceMemoryIndex = memoryIndex;
- if (m_currentTraceMemoryIndex > 0) {
- processMemorySources();
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::updateMaxTraceDelay()
- int maxTraceDelay = 0;
- bool allocateCache = false;
- uint32_t projectorCounts[(int) nbProjectionTypes];
- memset(projectorCounts, 0, ((int) nbProjectionTypes)*sizeof(uint32_t));
- std::vector::iterator itData = m_traces.m_tracesData.begin();
- std::vector::iterator itCtrl = m_traces.m_tracesControl.begin();
- for (; itData != m_traces.m_tracesData.end(); ++itData, ++itCtrl)
- {
- if (itData->m_traceDelay > maxTraceDelay)
- {
- maxTraceDelay = itData->m_traceDelay;
- }
- if (projectorCounts[(int) itData->m_projectionType] > 0)
- {
- allocateCache = true;
- itCtrl->m_projector.setCacheMaster(false);
- }
- else
- {
- itCtrl->m_projector.setCacheMaster(true);
- }
- projectorCounts[(int) itData->m_projectionType]++;
- }
- itCtrl = m_traces.m_tracesControl.begin();
- for (; itCtrl != m_traces.m_tracesControl.end(); ++itCtrl)
- {
- if (allocateCache) {
- itCtrl->m_projector.setCache(m_projectorCache);
- } else {
- itCtrl->m_projector.setCache(0);
- }
- }
- m_maxTraceDelay = maxTraceDelay;
-void ScopeVisMulti::initTraceBuffers()
- int shift = (m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * m_traceSize;
- std::vector::iterator it0 = m_traces.m_traces[0].begin();
- std::vector::iterator it1 = m_traces.m_traces[1].begin();
- for (; it0 != m_traces.m_traces[0].end(); ++it0, ++it1)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_traceSize; i++)
- {
- (*it0)[2*i] = (i - shift); // display x
- (*it0)[2*i + 1] = 0.0f; // display y
- (*it1)[2*i] = (i - shift); // display x
- (*it1)[2*i + 1] = 0.0f; // display y
- }
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::computeDisplayTriggerLevels()
- std::vector::iterator itData = m_traces.m_tracesData.begin();
- for (; itData != m_traces.m_tracesData.end(); ++itData)
- {
- if ((m_focusedTriggerIndex < m_triggerConditions.size()) && (m_triggerConditions[m_focusedTriggerIndex].m_projector.getProjectionType() == itData->m_projectionType))
- {
- float level = m_triggerConditions[m_focusedTriggerIndex].m_triggerData.m_triggerLevel;
- float levelPowerLin = level + 1.0f;
- float levelPowerdB = (100.0f * (level - 1.0f));
- float v;
- if (itData->m_projectionType == ProjectionMagLin)
- {
- v = (levelPowerLin - itData->m_ofs)*itData->m_amp - 1.0f;
- }
- else if (itData->m_projectionType == ProjectionMagDB)
- {
- float ofsdB = itData->m_ofs * 100.0f;
- v = ((levelPowerdB + 100.0f - ofsdB)*itData->m_amp)/50.0f - 1.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- v = (level - itData->m_ofs) * itData->m_amp;
- }
- if(v > 1.0f) {
- v = 1.0f;
- } else if (v < -1.0f) {
- v = -1.0f;
- }
- itData->m_triggerDisplayLevel = v;
- }
- else
- {
- itData->m_triggerDisplayLevel = 2.0f;
- }
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::updateGLScopeDisplay()
- if (m_currentTraceMemoryIndex > 0) {
- m_glScope->setConfigChanged();
- processMemorySources();
- } else {
- m_glScope->updateDisplay();
- }
-void ScopeVisMulti::handleInputMessages()
- Message* message;
- while ((message = m_inputMessageQueue.pop()) != 0)
- {
- if (handleMessage(*message))
- {
- delete message;
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdrgui/dsp/scopevismulti.h b/sdrgui/dsp/scopevismulti.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6073c7973..000000000
--- a/sdrgui/dsp/scopevismulti.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1175 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB //
-// written by Edouard Griffiths //
-// //
-// ScopeVis class specialized for multiple sources handling //
-// //
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
-// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
-// //
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
-// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
-// //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
-// along with this program. If not, see . //
-#include "dsp/dsptypes.h"
-#include "export.h"
-#include "util/message.h"
-#include "util/messagequeue.h"
-#include "util/doublebuffer.h"
-#undef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
-class GLScopeMulti;
-class SDRGUI_API ScopeVisMulti : public QObject {
- enum ProjectionType
- {
- ProjectionReal = 0, //!< Extract real part
- ProjectionImag, //!< Extract imaginary part
- ProjectionMagLin, //!< Calculate linear magnitude or modulus
- ProjectionMagDB, //!< Calculate logarithmic (dB) of squared magnitude
- ProjectionPhase, //!< Calculate phase
- ProjectionDPhase, //!< Calculate phase derivative i.e. instantaneous frequency scaled to sample rate
- nbProjectionTypes //!< Gives the number of projections in the enum
- };
- struct TraceData
- {
- ProjectionType m_projectionType; //!< Complex to real projection type
- uint32_t m_inputIndex; //!< Input or feed index this trace is associated with
- float m_amp; //!< Amplification factor
- uint32_t m_ampIndex; //!< Index in list of amplification factors
- float m_ofs; //!< Offset factor
- int m_ofsCoarse; //!< Coarse offset slider value
- int m_ofsFine; //!< Fine offset slider value
- int m_traceDelay; //!< Trace delay in number of samples
- int m_traceDelayCoarse; //!< Coarse delay slider value
- int m_traceDelayFine; //!< Fine delay slider value
- float m_triggerDisplayLevel; //!< Displayable trigger display level in -1:+1 scale. Off scale if not displayable.
- QColor m_traceColor; //!< Trace display color
- float m_traceColorR; //!< Trace display color - red shortcut
- float m_traceColorG; //!< Trace display color - green shortcut
- float m_traceColorB; //!< Trace display color - blue shortcut
- bool m_hasTextOverlay; //!< True if a text overlay has to be displayed
- QString m_textOverlay; //!< Text overlay to display
- bool m_viewTrace; //!< Trace visibility
- TraceData() :
- m_projectionType(ProjectionReal),
- m_inputIndex(0),
- m_amp(1.0f),
- m_ampIndex(0),
- m_ofs(0.0f),
- m_ofsCoarse(0),
- m_ofsFine(0),
- m_traceDelay(0),
- m_traceDelayCoarse(0),
- m_traceDelayFine(0),
- m_triggerDisplayLevel(2.0), // OVer scale by default (2.0)
- m_traceColor(255,255,64),
- m_hasTextOverlay(false),
- m_viewTrace(true)
- {
- setColor(m_traceColor);
- }
- void setColor(QColor color)
- {
- m_traceColor = color;
- qreal r,g,b,a;
- m_traceColor.getRgbF(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- m_traceColorR = r;
- m_traceColorG = g;
- m_traceColorB = b;
- }
- };
- struct TriggerData
- {
- ProjectionType m_projectionType; //!< Complex to real projection type
- uint32_t m_inputIndex; //!< Input or feed index this trigger is associated with
- Real m_triggerLevel; //!< Level in real units
- int m_triggerLevelCoarse;
- int m_triggerLevelFine;
- bool m_triggerPositiveEdge; //!< Trigger on the positive edge (else negative)
- bool m_triggerBothEdges; //!< Trigger on both edges (else only one)
- uint32_t m_triggerDelay; //!< Delay before the trigger is kicked off in number of samples (trigger delay)
- double m_triggerDelayMult; //!< Trigger delay as a multiplier of trace length
- int m_triggerDelayCoarse;
- int m_triggerDelayFine;
- uint32_t m_triggerRepeat; //!< Number of trigger conditions before the final decisive trigger
- QColor m_triggerColor; //!< Trigger line display color
- float m_triggerColorR; //!< Trigger line display color - red shortcut
- float m_triggerColorG; //!< Trigger line display color - green shortcut
- float m_triggerColorB; //!< Trigger line display color - blue shortcut
- TriggerData() :
- m_projectionType(ProjectionReal),
- m_inputIndex(0),
- m_triggerLevel(0.0f),
- m_triggerLevelCoarse(0),
- m_triggerLevelFine(0),
- m_triggerPositiveEdge(true),
- m_triggerBothEdges(false),
- m_triggerDelay(0),
- m_triggerDelayMult(0.0),
- m_triggerDelayCoarse(0),
- m_triggerDelayFine(0),
- m_triggerRepeat(0),
- m_triggerColor(0,255,0)
- {
- setColor(m_triggerColor);
- }
- void setColor(QColor color)
- {
- m_triggerColor = color;
- qreal r,g,b,a;
- m_triggerColor.getRgbF(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- m_triggerColorR = r;
- m_triggerColorG = g;
- m_triggerColorB = b;
- }
- };
- static const uint32_t m_traceChunkSize = 4800;
- static const uint32_t m_maxNbTriggers = 10;
- static const uint32_t m_maxNbTraces = 10;
- static const uint32_t m_nbTraceMemories = 16;
- static const uint32_t m_maxNbTraceSources = 4;
- ScopeVisMulti(GLScopeMulti* glScope = 0);
- ~ScopeVisMulti();
- void setSampleRate(int sampleRate);
- void configure(uint32_t nbSources, uint32_t traceSize, uint32_t timeBase, uint32_t timeOfsProMill, uint32_t triggerPre, bool freeRun);
- void addTrace(const TraceData& traceData);
- void changeTrace(const TraceData& traceData, uint32_t traceIndex);
- void removeTrace(uint32_t traceIndex);
- void moveTrace(uint32_t traceIndex, bool upElseDown);
- void focusOnTrace(uint32_t traceIndex);
- void addTrigger(const TriggerData& triggerData);
- void changeTrigger(const TriggerData& triggerData, uint32_t triggerIndex);
- void removeTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex);
- void moveTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex, bool upElseDown);
- void focusOnTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex);
- void setOneShot(bool oneShot);
- void setMemoryIndex(uint32_t memoryIndex);
- void getTriggerData(TriggerData& triggerData, uint32_t triggerIndex)
- {
- if (triggerIndex < m_triggerConditions.size())
- {
- triggerData = m_triggerConditions[triggerIndex].m_triggerData;
- }
- }
- void getTraceData(TraceData& traceData, uint32_t traceIndex)
- {
- if (traceIndex < m_traces.m_tracesData.size())
- {
- traceData = m_traces.m_tracesData[traceIndex];
- }
- }
- const TriggerData& getTriggerData(uint32_t triggerIndex) const { return m_triggerConditions[triggerIndex].m_triggerData; }
- const std::vector& getTracesData() const { return m_traces.m_tracesData; }
- uint32_t getNbTriggers() const { return m_triggerConditions.size(); }
- void feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end, uint32_t sourceIndex);
- MessageQueue m_inputMessageQueue; //!< Queue for asynchronous inbound communication
- MessageQueue m_outputMessageQueue; //!< Queue for asynchronous outbound communication
- bool handleMessage(const Message& message);
-protected slots:
- void handleInputMessages();
- // === messages ===
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgConfigureScopeVisNG : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgConfigureScopeVisNG* create(
- uint32_t nbSources,
- uint32_t traceSize,
- uint32_t timeBase,
- uint32_t timeOfsProMill,
- uint32_t triggerPre,
- bool freeRun)
- {
- return new MsgConfigureScopeVisNG(nbSources, traceSize, timeBase, timeOfsProMill, triggerPre, freeRun);
- }
- uint32_t getNbSources() const { return m_nbSources; }
- uint32_t getTraceSize() const { return m_traceSize; }
- uint32_t getTimeBase() const { return m_timeBase; }
- uint32_t getTimeOfsProMill() const { return m_timeOfsProMill; }
- uint32_t getTriggerPre() const { return m_triggerPre; }
- bool getFreeRun() const { return m_freeRun; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_nbSources;
- uint32_t m_traceSize;
- uint32_t m_timeBase;
- uint32_t m_timeOfsProMill;
- uint32_t m_triggerPre;
- bool m_freeRun;
- MsgConfigureScopeVisNG(
- uint32_t nbSources,
- uint32_t traceSize,
- uint32_t timeBase,
- uint32_t timeOfsProMill,
- uint32_t triggerPre,
- bool freeRun) :
- m_nbSources(nbSources),
- m_traceSize(traceSize),
- m_timeBase(timeBase),
- m_timeOfsProMill(timeOfsProMill),
- m_triggerPre(triggerPre),
- m_freeRun(freeRun)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger* create(
- const TriggerData& triggerData)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger(triggerData);
- }
- const TriggerData& getTriggerData() const { return m_triggerData; }
- private:
- TriggerData m_triggerData;
- MsgScopeVisNGAddTrigger(const TriggerData& triggerData) :
- m_triggerData(triggerData)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger* create(
- const TriggerData& triggerData, uint32_t triggerIndex)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger(triggerData, triggerIndex);
- }
- const TriggerData& getTriggerData() const { return m_triggerData; }
- uint32_t getTriggerIndex() const { return m_triggerIndex; }
- private:
- TriggerData m_triggerData;
- uint32_t m_triggerIndex;
- MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrigger(const TriggerData& triggerData, uint32_t triggerIndex) :
- m_triggerData(triggerData),
- m_triggerIndex(triggerIndex)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger* create(
- uint32_t triggerIndex)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger(triggerIndex);
- }
- uint32_t getTriggerIndex() const { return m_triggerIndex; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_triggerIndex;
- MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex) :
- m_triggerIndex(triggerIndex)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger* create(
- uint32_t triggerIndex,
- bool moveUpElseDown)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger(triggerIndex, moveUpElseDown);
- }
- uint32_t getTriggerIndex() const { return m_triggerIndex; }
- bool getMoveUp() const { return m_moveUpElseDown; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_triggerIndex;
- bool m_moveUpElseDown;
- MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex, bool moveUpElseDown) :
- m_triggerIndex(triggerIndex),
- m_moveUpElseDown(moveUpElseDown)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger* create(
- uint32_t triggerIndex)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger(triggerIndex);
- }
- uint32_t getTriggerIndex() const { return m_triggerIndex; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_triggerIndex;
- MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrigger(uint32_t triggerIndex) :
- m_triggerIndex(triggerIndex)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace* create(
- const TraceData& traceData)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace(traceData);
- }
- const TraceData& getTraceData() const { return m_traceData; }
- private:
- TraceData m_traceData;
- MsgScopeVisNGAddTrace(const TraceData& traceData) :
- m_traceData(traceData)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace* create(
- const TraceData& traceData, uint32_t traceIndex)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace(traceData, traceIndex);
- }
- const TraceData& getTraceData() const { return m_traceData; }
- uint32_t getTraceIndex() const { return m_traceIndex; }
- private:
- TraceData m_traceData;
- uint32_t m_traceIndex;
- MsgScopeVisNGChangeTrace(TraceData traceData, uint32_t traceIndex) :
- m_traceData(traceData),
- m_traceIndex(traceIndex)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace* create(
- uint32_t traceIndex)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace(traceIndex);
- }
- uint32_t getTraceIndex() const { return m_traceIndex; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_traceIndex;
- MsgScopeVisNGRemoveTrace(uint32_t traceIndex) :
- m_traceIndex(traceIndex)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace* create(
- uint32_t traceIndex,
- bool moveUpElseDown)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace(traceIndex, moveUpElseDown);
- }
- uint32_t getTraceIndex() const { return m_traceIndex; }
- bool getMoveUp() const { return m_moveUpElseDown; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_traceIndex;
- bool m_moveUpElseDown;
- MsgScopeVisNGMoveTrace(uint32_t traceIndex, bool moveUpElseDown) :
- m_traceIndex(traceIndex),
- m_moveUpElseDown(moveUpElseDown)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace* create(
- uint32_t traceIndex)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace(traceIndex);
- }
- uint32_t getTraceIndex() const { return m_traceIndex; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_traceIndex;
- MsgScopeVisNGFocusOnTrace(uint32_t traceIndex) :
- m_traceIndex(traceIndex)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGOneShot : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGOneShot* create(
- bool oneShot)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGOneShot(oneShot);
- }
- bool getOneShot() const { return m_oneShot; }
- private:
- bool m_oneShot;
- MsgScopeVisNGOneShot(bool oneShot) :
- m_oneShot(oneShot)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- class MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace : public Message {
- public:
- static MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace* create(
- uint32_t memoryIndex)
- {
- return new MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace(memoryIndex);
- }
- uint32_t getMemoryIndex() const { return m_memoryIndex; }
- private:
- uint32_t m_memoryIndex;
- MsgScopeVisNGMemoryTrace(uint32_t memoryIndex) :
- m_memoryIndex(memoryIndex)
- {}
- };
- // ---------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Projection stuff
- */
- class Projector
- {
- public:
- Projector(ProjectionType projectionType) :
- m_projectionType(projectionType),
- m_prevArg(0.0f),
- m_cache(0),
- m_cacheMaster(true)
- {}
- ~Projector()
- {}
- ProjectionType getProjectionType() const { return m_projectionType; }
- void settProjectionType(ProjectionType projectionType) { m_projectionType = projectionType; }
- void setCache(Real *cache) { m_cache = cache; }
- void setCacheMaster(bool cacheMaster) { m_cacheMaster = cacheMaster; }
- Real run(const Sample& s)
- {
- Real v;
- if ((m_cache) && !m_cacheMaster) {
- return m_cache[(int) m_projectionType];
- }
- else
- {
- switch (m_projectionType)
- {
- case ProjectionImag:
- v = s.m_imag / SDR_RX_SCALEF;
- break;
- case ProjectionMagLin:
- {
- Real re = s.m_real / SDR_RX_SCALEF;
- Real im = s.m_imag / SDR_RX_SCALEF;
- Real magsq = re*re + im*im;
- v = std::sqrt(magsq);
- }
- break;
- case ProjectionMagDB:
- {
- Real re = s.m_real / SDR_RX_SCALEF;
- Real im = s.m_imag / SDR_RX_SCALEF;
- Real magsq = re*re + im*im;
- v = log10f(magsq) * 10.0f;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectionPhase:
- v = std::atan2((float) s.m_imag, (float) s.m_real) / M_PI;
- break;
- case ProjectionDPhase:
- {
- Real curArg = std::atan2((float) s.m_imag, (float) s.m_real);
- Real dPhi = (curArg - m_prevArg) / M_PI;
- m_prevArg = curArg;
- if (dPhi < -1.0f) {
- dPhi += 2.0f;
- } else if (dPhi > 1.0f) {
- dPhi -= 2.0f;
- }
- v = dPhi;
- }
- break;
- case ProjectionReal:
- default:
- v = s.m_real / SDR_RX_SCALEF;
- break;
- }
- if (m_cache) {
- m_cache[(int) m_projectionType] = v;
- }
- return v;
- }
- }
- private:
- ProjectionType m_projectionType;
- Real m_prevArg;
- Real *m_cache;
- bool m_cacheMaster;
- };
- /**
- * Trigger stuff
- */
- enum TriggerState
- {
- TriggerUntriggered, //!< Trigger is not kicked off yet (or trigger list is empty)
- TriggerTriggered, //!< Trigger has been kicked off
- TriggerDelay, //!< Trigger conditions have been kicked off but it is waiting for delay before final kick off
- TriggerNewConfig, //!< Special condition when a new configuration has been received
- };
- struct TriggerCondition
- {
- public:
- Projector m_projector;
- TriggerData m_triggerData; //!< Trigger data
- bool m_prevCondition; //!< Condition (above threshold) at previous sample
- uint32_t m_triggerDelayCount; //!< Counter of samples for delay
- uint32_t m_triggerCounter; //!< Counter of trigger occurences
- TriggerCondition(const TriggerData& triggerData) :
- m_projector(ProjectionReal),
- m_triggerData(triggerData),
- m_prevCondition(false),
- m_triggerDelayCount(0),
- m_triggerCounter(0)
- {
- }
- ~TriggerCondition()
- {
- }
- void initProjector()
- {
- m_projector.settProjectionType(m_triggerData.m_projectionType);
- }
- void releaseProjector()
- {
- }
- void setData(const TriggerData& triggerData)
- {
- m_triggerData = triggerData;
- if (m_projector.getProjectionType() != m_triggerData.m_projectionType)
- {
- m_projector.settProjectionType(m_triggerData.m_projectionType);
- }
- m_prevCondition = false;
- m_triggerDelayCount = 0;
- m_triggerCounter = 0;
- }
- void operator=(const TriggerCondition& other)
- {
- setData(other.m_triggerData);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Complex trace stuff
- */
- typedef DoubleBufferSimple TraceBuffer;
- struct TraceBackBuffer
- {
- TraceBuffer m_traceBuffer;
- SampleVector::iterator m_endPoint;
- TraceBackBuffer()
- {
- m_endPoint = m_traceBuffer.getCurrent();
- }
- void resize(uint32_t size)
- {
- m_traceBuffer.resize(size);
- }
- void reset()
- {
- m_traceBuffer.reset();
- }
- void write(const SampleVector::const_iterator begin, const SampleVector::const_iterator end)
- {
- m_traceBuffer.write(begin, end);
- }
- unsigned int absoluteFill() const {
- return m_traceBuffer.absoluteFill();
- }
- SampleVector::iterator getCurrent() { return m_traceBuffer.getCurrent(); }
- };
- typedef std::vector TBBVector;
- struct TraceBackDiscreteMemory
- {
- std::vector m_traceBackBuffers;
- std::vector m_sourceFill;
- uint32_t m_nbSources;
- uint32_t m_memSize;
- uint32_t m_currentMemIndex;
- uint32_t m_traceSize;
- int m_preTrigCount;
- /**
- * Allocate with maximum number of traces
- */
- TraceBackDiscreteMemory() :
- m_nbSources(1),
- m_memSize(m_nbTraceMemories),
- m_currentMemIndex(0),
- m_traceSize(m_traceChunkSize),
- m_preTrigCount(0)
- {
- m_traceBackBuffers.resize(m_nbSources);
- m_sourceFill.resize(m_nbSources);
- resizeBuffers(m_traceSize);
- }
- /**
- * Resize all trace buffers in memory
- */
- void resizeBuffers(uint32_t size)
- {
- m_traceSize = size;
- std::vector::iterator itFill = m_sourceFill.begin();
- for (std::vector::iterator itTBB = m_traceBackBuffers.begin(); itTBB != m_traceBackBuffers.end(); ++itTBB)
- {
- for (std::vector::iterator it = itTBB->begin(); it != itTBB->end(); ++it)
- {
- it->resize(4*m_traceSize);
- }
- *itFill = 0;
- ++itFill;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set the number of sources
- */
- void setNbSources(uint32_t nbSources)
- {
- if ((nbSources < 1) || (nbSources > m_maxNbTraceSources)) {
- return;
- }
- if (nbSources != m_nbSources)
- {
- m_traceBackBuffers.resize(nbSources);
- resizeBuffers(m_traceSize);
- m_nbSources = nbSources;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Feed current buffer at source index with sample
- */
- void feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end, uint32_t sourceIndex)
- {
- m_traceBackBuffers[sourceIndex][m_currentMemIndex].write(begin, end);
- m_sourceFill[sourceIndex] += end - begin;
- }
- /**
- * Return the minimum number of samples in buffer
- */
- uint32_t minFill() const
- {
- return *std::min_element(m_sourceFill.begin(), m_sourceFill.end());
- }
- /**
- * Consume a number of samples from the buffers (that is reduce the fill count)
- */
- void consume(int nbSamples)
- {
- for (std::vector::iterator itFill = m_sourceFill.begin(); itFill != m_sourceFill.end(); ++itFill)
- {
- (*itFill) -= nbSamples;
- }
- }
- SampleVector::iterator getBeginIterator(int sourceIndex)
- {
- return m_traceBackBuffers[sourceIndex][m_currentMemIndex].getCurrent() - m_sourceFill[sourceIndex];
- }
- uint32_t getNbSources() const
- {
- return m_nbSources;
- }
- void markEnd(int sourceIndex, SampleVector::iterator& end)
- {
- m_traceBackBuffers[sourceIndex][m_currentMemIndex].m_endPoint = end;
- }
- void store()
- {
- uint32_t nextMemIndex = m_currentMemIndex < (m_memSize-1) ? m_currentMemIndex+1 : 0;
- for (std::vector::iterator itTBB = m_traceBackBuffers.begin(); itTBB != m_traceBackBuffers.end(); ++itTBB)
- {
- (*itTBB)[nextMemIndex].reset();
- (*itTBB)[nextMemIndex].write(
- (*itTBB)[m_currentMemIndex].m_endPoint - m_traceSize,
- (*itTBB)[m_currentMemIndex].m_endPoint);
- }
- m_currentMemIndex = nextMemIndex;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Displayable trace stuff
- */
- struct TraceControl
- {
- Projector m_projector; //!< Projector transform from complex trace to real (displayable) trace
- uint32_t m_traceCount[2]; //!< Count of samples processed (double buffered)
- Real m_maxPow; //!< Maximum power over the current trace for MagDB overlay display
- Real m_sumPow; //!< Cumulative power over the current trace for MagDB overlay display
- int m_nbPow; //!< Number of power samples over the current trace for MagDB overlay display
- TraceControl() : m_projector(ProjectionReal)
- {
- reset();
- }
- ~TraceControl()
- {
- }
- void initProjector(ProjectionType projectionType)
- {
- m_projector.settProjectionType(projectionType);
- }
- void releaseProjector()
- {
- }
- void reset()
- {
- m_traceCount[0] = 0;
- m_traceCount[1] = 0;
- m_maxPow = 0.0f;
- m_sumPow = 0.0f;
- m_nbPow = 0;
- }
- };
- struct Traces
- {
- std::vector m_tracesControl; //!< Corresponding traces control data
- std::vector m_tracesData; //!< Corresponding traces data
- std::vector m_traces[2]; //!< Double buffer of traces processed by glScope
- int m_traceSize; //!< Current size of a trace in buffer
- int m_maxTraceSize; //!< Maximum Size of a trace in buffer
- bool evenOddIndex; //!< Even (true) or odd (false) index
- Traces() :
- m_traceSize(0),
- m_maxTraceSize(0),
- evenOddIndex(true),
- m_x0(0),
- m_x1(0)
- {
- }
- ~Traces()
- {
- if (m_x0) delete[] m_x0;
- if (m_x1) delete[] m_x1;
- m_maxTraceSize = 0;
- }
- bool isVerticalDisplayChange(const TraceData& traceData, uint32_t traceIndex)
- {
- return (m_tracesData[traceIndex].m_projectionType != traceData.m_projectionType)
- || (m_tracesData[traceIndex].m_amp != traceData.m_amp)
- || (m_tracesData[traceIndex].m_ofs != traceData.m_ofs
- || (m_tracesData[traceIndex].m_traceColor != traceData.m_traceColor));
- }
- void addTrace(const TraceData& traceData, int traceSize)
- {
- if (m_traces[0].size() < m_maxNbTraces)
- {
- m_traces[0].push_back(0);
- m_traces[1].push_back(0);
- m_tracesData.push_back(traceData);
- m_tracesControl.push_back(TraceControl());
- m_tracesControl.back().initProjector(traceData.m_projectionType);
- resize(traceSize);
- }
- }
- void changeTrace(const TraceData& traceData, uint32_t traceIndex)
- {
- if (traceIndex < m_tracesControl.size()) {
- m_tracesControl[traceIndex].releaseProjector();
- m_tracesControl[traceIndex].initProjector(traceData.m_projectionType);
- m_tracesData[traceIndex] = traceData;
- }
- }
- void removeTrace(uint32_t traceIndex)
- {
- if (traceIndex < m_tracesControl.size())
- {
- m_traces[0].erase(m_traces[0].begin() + traceIndex);
- m_traces[1].erase(m_traces[1].begin() + traceIndex);
- m_tracesControl[traceIndex].releaseProjector();
- m_tracesControl.erase(m_tracesControl.begin() + traceIndex);
- m_tracesData.erase(m_tracesData.begin() + traceIndex);
- resize(m_traceSize); // reallocate pointers
- }
- }
- void moveTrace(uint32_t traceIndex, bool upElseDown)
- {
- if ((!upElseDown) && (traceIndex == 0)) {
- return;
- }
- int nextControlIndex = (traceIndex + (upElseDown ? 1 : -1)) % (m_tracesControl.size());
- int nextDataIndex = (traceIndex + (upElseDown ? 1 : -1)) % (m_tracesData.size()); // should be the same
- m_tracesControl[traceIndex].releaseProjector();
- m_tracesControl[nextControlIndex].releaseProjector();
- TraceControl nextControl = m_tracesControl[nextControlIndex];
- m_tracesControl[nextControlIndex] = m_tracesControl[traceIndex];
- m_tracesControl[traceIndex] = nextControl;
- TraceData nextData = m_tracesData[nextDataIndex];
- m_tracesData[nextDataIndex] = m_tracesData[traceIndex];
- m_tracesData[traceIndex] = nextData;
- m_tracesControl[traceIndex].initProjector(m_tracesData[traceIndex].m_projectionType);
- m_tracesControl[nextControlIndex].initProjector(m_tracesData[nextDataIndex].m_projectionType);
- }
- void resize(int traceSize)
- {
- m_traceSize = traceSize;
- if (m_traceSize > m_maxTraceSize)
- {
- delete[] m_x0;
- delete[] m_x1;
- m_x0 = new float[2*m_traceSize*m_maxNbTraces];
- m_x1 = new float[2*m_traceSize*m_maxNbTraces];
- m_maxTraceSize = m_traceSize;
- }
- std::fill_n(m_x0, 2*m_traceSize*m_traces[0].size(), 0.0f);
- std::fill_n(m_x1, 2*m_traceSize*m_traces[0].size(), 0.0f);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_traces[0].size(); i++)
- {
- (m_traces[0])[i] = &m_x0[2*m_traceSize*i];
- (m_traces[1])[i] = &m_x1[2*m_traceSize*i];
- }
- }
- uint32_t currentBufferIndex() const { return evenOddIndex? 0 : 1; }
- uint32_t size() const { return m_tracesControl.size(); }
- void switchBuffer()
- {
- evenOddIndex = !evenOddIndex;
- for (std::vector::iterator it = m_tracesControl.begin(); it != m_tracesControl.end(); ++it)
- {
- it->m_traceCount[currentBufferIndex()] = 0;
- }
- }
- private:
- float *m_x0;
- float *m_x1;
- };
- class TriggerComparator
- {
- public:
- TriggerComparator() : m_level(0), m_reset(true)
- {
- computeLevels();
- }
- bool triggered(const Sample& s, TriggerCondition& triggerCondition)
- {
- if (triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerLevel != m_level)
- {
- m_level = triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerLevel;
- computeLevels();
- }
- bool condition, trigger;
- if (triggerCondition.m_projector.getProjectionType() == ProjectionMagDB) {
- condition = triggerCondition.m_projector.run(s) > m_levelPowerDB;
- } else if (triggerCondition.m_projector.getProjectionType() == ProjectionMagLin) {
- condition = triggerCondition.m_projector.run(s) > m_levelPowerLin;
- } else {
- condition = triggerCondition.m_projector.run(s) > m_level;
- }
- if (m_reset)
- {
- triggerCondition.m_prevCondition = condition;
- m_reset = false;
- return false;
- }
- if (triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerBothEdges) {
- trigger = triggerCondition.m_prevCondition ? !condition : condition; // This is a XOR between bools
- } else if (triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerPositiveEdge) {
- trigger = !triggerCondition.m_prevCondition && condition;
- } else {
- trigger = triggerCondition.m_prevCondition && !condition;
- }
-// if (trigger) {
-// qDebug("ScopeVisNG::triggered: %s/%s %f/%f",
-// triggerCondition.m_prevCondition ? "T" : "F",
-// condition ? "T" : "F",
-// triggerCondition.m_projector->run(s),
-// triggerCondition.m_triggerData.m_triggerLevel);
-// }
- triggerCondition.m_prevCondition = condition;
- return trigger;
- }
- void reset()
- {
- m_reset = true;
- }
- private:
- void computeLevels()
- {
- m_levelPowerLin = m_level + 1.0f;
- m_levelPowerDB = (100.0f * (m_level - 1.0f));
- }
- Real m_level;
- Real m_levelPowerDB;
- Real m_levelPowerLin;
- bool m_reset;
- };
- typedef std::vector TBMemoriesBegins;
- GLScopeMulti* m_glScope;
- uint32_t m_preTriggerDelay; //!< Pre-trigger delay in number of samples
- std::vector m_triggerConditions; //!< Chain of triggers
- uint32_t m_currentTriggerIndex; //!< Index of current index in the chain
- uint32_t m_focusedTriggerIndex; //!< Index of the trigger that has focus
- TriggerState m_triggerState; //!< Current trigger state
- Traces m_traces; //!< Displayable traces
- int m_focusedTraceIndex; //!< Index of the trace that has focus
- uint32_t m_traceSize; //!< Size of traces in number of samples
- int m_nbSamples; //!< Number of samples yet to process in one complex trace
- uint32_t m_timeBase; //!< Trace display time divisor
- uint32_t m_timeOfsProMill; //!< Start trace shift in 1/1000 trace size
- bool m_traceStart; //!< Trace is at start point
- bool m_postTrigBuffering; //!< Buffering after trigger match to get enough samples for the display traces
- int m_traceFill; //!< Count of samples accumulated into trace
- int m_zTraceIndex; //!< Index of the trace used for Z input (luminance or false colors)
- SampleVector::const_iterator m_triggerPoint; //!< Trigger start location in the samples vector
- int m_sampleRate;
- TraceBackDiscreteMemory m_traceDiscreteMemory; //!< Complex trace memories for triggered states. One trace history per source
- bool m_freeRun; //!< True if free running (trigger globally disabled)
- int m_maxTraceDelay; //!< Maximum trace delay
- TriggerComparator m_triggerComparator; //!< Compares sample level to trigger level
- QMutex m_mutex;
- Real m_projectorCache[(int) nbProjectionTypes];
- bool m_triggerOneShot; //!< True when one shot mode is active
- bool m_triggerWaitForReset; //!< In one shot mode suspended until reset by UI
- uint32_t m_currentTraceMemoryIndex; //!< The current index of trace in memory (0: current)
- uint32_t m_nbSources; //!< Current number of sample sources
- TBMemoriesBegins m_tbMemoriesBegins; //!< Current begin iterators
- /**
- * Moves on to the next trigger if any or increments trigger count if in repeat mode
- * - If not final it returns true
- * - If final i.e. signal is actually triggerd it returns false
- */
- bool nextTrigger(); //!< Returns true if not final
- /**
- * Process all input sources when ready. Assumes all memoruy traces are fed with enough samples
- */
- void processSources();
- /**
- * process a trace in memory at current trace index in memory
- */
- void processMemorySources();
- /**
- * Process traces from complex trace memory buffer.
- * - if finished it returns the number of unprocessed samples left in the buffer
- * - if not finished it returns -1
- */
- void processTraces(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end, bool traceBack, uint32_t sourceIndex);
- /**
- * Get maximum trace delay
- */
- void updateMaxTraceDelay();
- /**
- * Initialize trace buffers
- */
- void initTraceBuffers();
- /**
- * Calculate trigger levels on display
- * - every time a trigger condition focus changes TBD
- * - every time the focused trigger condition changes its projection type or level
- * - every time a trace data changes: projection type, amp, offset
- * - every time a trace data is added or removed
- */
- void computeDisplayTriggerLevels();
- /**
- * Update glScope display
- * - Live trace: call glScipe update method
- * - Trace in memory: call process memory trace
- */
- void updateGLScopeDisplay();
- void lookForTrigger();
diff --git a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemulti.cpp b/sdrgui/gui/glscopemulti.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d9549b4..000000000
--- a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemulti.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1976 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB //
-// written by Edouard Griffiths //
-// //
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
-// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
-// //
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
-// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
-// //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
-// along with this program. If not, see . //
-#include "glscopemulti.h"
-GLScopeMulti::GLScopeMulti(QWidget* parent) :
- QGLWidget(parent),
- m_tracesData(0),
- m_traces(0),
- m_bufferIndex(0),
- m_displayMode(DisplayX),
- m_dataChanged(false),
- m_configChanged(false),
- m_sampleRate(0),
- m_timeOfsProMill(0),
- m_triggerPre(0),
- m_traceSize(0),
- m_timeBase(1),
- m_timeOffset(0),
- m_focusedTraceIndex(0),
- m_displayGridIntensity(10),
- m_displayTraceIntensity(50)
- setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent);
- connect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick()));
- m_timer.start(50);
- m_y1Scale.setFont(font());
- m_y1Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Vertical);
- m_y2Scale.setFont(font());
- m_y2Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Vertical);
- m_x1Scale.setFont(font());
- m_x1Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
- m_x2Scale.setFont(font());
- m_x2Scale.setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
- m_channelOverlayFont = QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont);
- m_channelOverlayFont.setBold(true);
- m_channelOverlayFont.setPointSize(font().pointSize()+1);
- //m_traceCounter = 0;
- cleanup();
-void GLScopeMulti::setDisplayGridIntensity(int intensity)
- m_displayGridIntensity = intensity;
- if (m_displayGridIntensity > 100) {
- m_displayGridIntensity = 100;
- } else if (m_displayGridIntensity < 0) {
- m_displayGridIntensity = 0;
- }
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::setDisplayTraceIntensity(int intensity)
- m_displayTraceIntensity = intensity;
- if (m_displayTraceIntensity > 100) {
- m_displayTraceIntensity = 100;
- } else if (m_displayTraceIntensity < 0) {
- m_displayTraceIntensity = 0;
- }
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::setTraces(std::vector* tracesData, std::vector* traces)
- m_tracesData = tracesData;
- m_traces = traces;
-void GLScopeMulti::newTraces(std::vector* traces)
- if (traces->size() > 0)
- {
- if(!m_mutex.tryLock(2))
- return;
- m_traces = traces;
- m_dataChanged = true;
- m_mutex.unlock();
- }
-void GLScopeMulti::initializeGL()
- QOpenGLContext *glCurrentContext = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
- if (glCurrentContext) {
- if (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->isValid()) {
- qDebug() << "GLScopeMulti::initializeGL: context:"
- << " major: " << (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->format()).majorVersion()
- << " minor: " << (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->format()).minorVersion()
- << " ES: " << (QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->isOpenGLES() ? "yes" : "no");
- }
- else {
- qDebug() << "GLScopeMulti::initializeGL: current context is invalid";
- }
- } else {
- qCritical() << "GLScopeMulti::initializeGL: no current context";
- return;
- }
- QSurface *surface = glCurrentContext->surface();
- if (surface == 0)
- {
- qCritical() << "GLScopeMulti::initializeGL: no surface attached";
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (surface->surfaceType() != QSurface::OpenGLSurface)
- {
- qCritical() << "GLScopeMulti::initializeGL: surface is not an OpenGLSurface: " << surface->surfaceType()
- << " cannot use an OpenGL context";
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug() << "GLScopeMulti::initializeGL: OpenGL surface:"
- << " class: " << (surface->surfaceClass() == QSurface::Window ? "Window" : "Offscreen");
- }
- }
- connect(glCurrentContext, &QOpenGLContext::aboutToBeDestroyed, this, &GLScopeMulti::cleanup); // TODO: when migrating to QOpenGLWidget
- QOpenGLFunctions *glFunctions = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions();
- glFunctions->initializeOpenGLFunctions();
- //glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- m_glShaderSimple.initializeGL();
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initializeGL();
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initializeGL();
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initializeGL();
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initializeGL();
- m_glShaderPowerOverlay.initializeGL();
-void GLScopeMulti::resizeGL(int width, int height)
- QOpenGLFunctions *glFunctions = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions();
- glFunctions->glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
- m_configChanged = true;
-void GLScopeMulti::paintGL()
- if(!m_mutex.tryLock(2))
- return;
- if(m_configChanged)
- applyConfig();
-// qDebug("GLScopeMulti::paintGL: m_traceCounter: %d", m_traceCounter);
-// m_traceCounter = 0;
- m_dataChanged = false;
- QOpenGLFunctions *glFunctions = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions();
- glFunctions->glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- glFunctions->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
- if ((m_displayMode == DisplayX) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH)) // display trace #0
- {
- // draw rect around
- {
- GLfloat q3[] {
- 1, 1,
- 0, 1,
- 0, 0,
- 1, 0
- };
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 4);
- }
- // paint grid
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- // Y1 (X trace or trace #0)
- {
- tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList();
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY1.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for (int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++)
- {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if (tick->major)
- {
- if (tick->textSize > 0)
- {
- float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y1Scale.getSize());
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = y;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = 1;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = y;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- float blue = 1.0f;
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, blue, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // X1 (time)
- {
- tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList();
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickX1.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for(int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- float x = tick->pos / m_x1Scale.getSize();
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = 1;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // paint left #1 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.drawSurface(m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint bottom #1 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.drawSurface(m_glBot1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint trace #1
- if (m_traceSize > 0)
- {
- const float *trace = (*m_traces)[0];
- const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData = (*m_tracesData)[0];
- if (traceData.m_viewTrace)
- {
- int start = (m_timeOfsProMill/1000.0) * m_traceSize;
- int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize/m_timeBase, m_traceSize);
- if(end - start < 2)
- start--;
- float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x();
- float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width() * (float)m_timeBase / (float)(m_traceSize - 1);
- //float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f) * traceData.m_amp;
- float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- //QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f);
- QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f);
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, (GLfloat *) &trace[2*start], end - start);
- // Paint trigger level if any
- if ((traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel > -1.0f) && (traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel < 1.0f))
- {
- GLfloat q3[] {
- 0, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel,
- 1, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel
- };
- float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x();
- float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width();
- float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- QVector4D color(
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorR,
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorG,
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorB,
- 0.4f);
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(mat, color, q3, 2);
- } // display trigger
- // Paint overlay if any
- if ((m_focusedTraceIndex == 0) && (traceData.m_hasTextOverlay))
- {
- drawChannelOverlay(
- traceData.m_textOverlay,
- traceData.m_traceColor,
- m_channelOverlayPixmap1,
- m_glScopeRect1);
- } // display overlay
- } // displayable trace
- } // trace length > 0
- } // Display X
- if ((m_displayMode == DisplayY) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) || (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH)) // display traces #1..n
- {
- // draw rect around
- {
- GLfloat q3[] {
- 1, 1,
- 0, 1,
- 0, 0,
- 1, 0
- };
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 4);
- }
- // paint grid
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- // Y2 (Focused Y trace)
- {
- tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList();
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY2.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for (int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++)
- {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if (tick->major)
- {
- if (tick->textSize > 0)
- {
- float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y2Scale.getSize());
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = y;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = 1;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = y;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- float blue = 1.0f;
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, blue, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // X2 (time)
- {
- tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList();
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickX2.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for(int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- float x = tick->pos / m_x2Scale.getSize();
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = 1;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // paint left #2 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.drawSurface(m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint bottom #2 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.drawSurface(m_glBot2ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint traces #1..n
- if (m_traceSize > 0)
- {
- int start = (m_timeOfsProMill/1000.0) * m_traceSize;
- int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize/m_timeBase, m_traceSize);
- if(end - start < 2)
- start--;
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_traces->size(); i++)
- {
- const float *trace = (*m_traces)[i];
- const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData = (*m_tracesData)[i];
- if (!traceData.m_viewTrace) {
- continue;
- }
- float rectX = m_glScopeRect2.x();
- float rectY = m_glScopeRect2.y() + m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f;
- float rectW = m_glScopeRect2.width() * (float)m_timeBase / (float)(m_traceSize - 1);
- //float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f) * traceData.m_amp;
- float rectH = -m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f;
- //QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f);
- QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f);
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, (GLfloat *) &trace[2*start], end - start);
- // Paint trigger level if any
- if ((traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel > -1.0f) && (traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel < 1.0f))
- {
- GLfloat q3[] {
- 0, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel,
- 1, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel
- };
- float rectX = m_glScopeRect2.x();
- float rectY = m_glScopeRect2.y() + m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f;
- float rectW = m_glScopeRect2.width();
- float rectH = -m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f;
- QVector4D color(
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorR,
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorG,
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorB,
- 0.4f);
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(mat, color, q3, 2);
- }
- // Paint overlay if any
- if ((i == m_focusedTraceIndex) && (traceData.m_hasTextOverlay))
- {
- drawChannelOverlay(
- traceData.m_textOverlay,
- traceData.m_traceColor,
- m_channelOverlayPixmap2,
- m_glScopeRect2);
- }
- } // one trace display
- } // trace length > 0
- } // Display Y
- if (m_displayMode == DisplayPol)
- {
- // paint left display: mixed XY
- // draw rect around
- {
- GLfloat q3[] {
- 1, 1,
- 0, 1,
- 0, 0,
- 1, 0
- };
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 4);
- }
- // paint grid
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- // Horizontal Y1
- tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList();
- {
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY1.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for (int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++)
- {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if (tick->major)
- {
- if (tick->textSize > 0)
- {
- float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y1Scale.getSize());
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = y;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = 1;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = y;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // Vertical X1
- tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList();
- {
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickX1.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for(int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- float x = tick->pos / m_x1Scale.getSize();
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = 1;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // paint left #1 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.drawSurface(m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint bottom #1 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.drawSurface(m_glBot1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // Paint secondary grid
- // Horizontal Y2
- tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList();
- {
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY2.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for(int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y2Scale.getSize());
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = y;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = 1;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = y;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector4D color(0.25f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix1, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // Paint secondary scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.drawSurface(m_glRight1ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint all traces
- if (m_traceSize > 0)
- {
- int start = (m_timeOfsProMill/1000.0) * m_traceSize;
- int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize/m_timeBase, m_traceSize);
- if(end - start < 2)
- start--;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_traces->size(); i++)
- {
- const float *trace = (*m_traces)[i];
- const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData = (*m_tracesData)[i];
- if (!traceData.m_viewTrace) {
- continue;
- }
- float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x();
- float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width() * (float)m_timeBase / (float)(m_traceSize - 1);
- //float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f) * traceData.m_amp;
- float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- //QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f);
- QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f);
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, (GLfloat *) &trace[2*start], end - start);
- // Paint trigger level if any
- if ((traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel > -1.0f) && (traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel < 1.0f))
- {
- GLfloat q3[] {
- 0, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel,
- 1, traceData.m_triggerDisplayLevel
- };
- float rectX = m_glScopeRect1.x();
- float rectY = m_glScopeRect1.y() + m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- float rectW = m_glScopeRect1.width();
- float rectH = -m_glScopeRect1.height() / 2.0f;
- QVector4D color(
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorR,
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorG,
- m_focusedTriggerData.m_triggerColorB,
- 0.4f);
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(mat, color, q3, 2);
- }
- // Paint overlay if any
- if ((i == m_focusedTraceIndex) && (traceData.m_hasTextOverlay))
- {
- drawChannelOverlay(
- traceData.m_textOverlay,
- traceData.m_traceColor,
- m_channelOverlayPixmap1,
- m_glScopeRect1);
- }
- } // all traces display
- } // trace length > 0
- // paint right display: polar XY
- // draw rect around
- {
- GLfloat q3[] {
- 1, 1,
- 0, 1,
- 0, 0,
- 1, 0
- };
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawContour(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 4);
- }
- // paint grid
- // Horizontal Y2
- tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList();
- {
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickY2.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for(int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- float y = 1 - (tick->pos / m_y2Scale.getSize());
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = y;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = 1;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = y;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // Vertical X2
- tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList();
- {
- //GLfloat q3[4*tickList->count()];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3TickX2.m_array;
- int effectiveTicks = 0;
- for(int i= 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- float x = tick->pos / m_x2Scale.getSize();
- q3[4*effectiveTicks] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+1] = 0;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+2] = x;
- q3[4*effectiveTicks+3] = 1;
- effectiveTicks++;
- }
- }
- }
- QVector4D color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float) m_displayGridIntensity / 100.0f);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawSegments(m_glScopeMatrix2, color, q3, 2*effectiveTicks);
- }
- // paint left #2 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.drawSurface(m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint bottom #2 scale
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.drawSurface(m_glBot2ScaleMatrix, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
- // paint polar traces
- if (m_traceSize > 0)
- {
- int start = (m_timeOfsProMill/1000.0) * m_traceSize;
- int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize/m_timeBase, m_traceSize);
- if(end - start < 2)
- start--;
- //GLfloat q3[2*(end - start)];
- GLfloat *q3 = m_q3Polar.m_array;
- const float *trace0 = (*m_traces)[0];
- memcpy(q3, &(trace0[2*start+1]), (2*(end - start) - 1)*sizeof(float)); // copy X values
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_traces->size(); i++)
- {
- const float *trace = (*m_traces)[i];
- const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData = (*m_tracesData)[i];
- if (!traceData.m_viewTrace) {
- continue;
- }
- for(int i = start; i < end; i++)
- {
- float y = trace[2*i+1];
- q3[2*(i-start)+1] = y;
- }
- float rectX = m_glScopeRect2.x() + m_glScopeRect2.width() / 2.0f;
- float rectY = m_glScopeRect2.y() + m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f;
- float rectW = m_glScopeRect2.width() / 2.0f;
- float rectH = -(m_glScopeRect2.height() / 2.0f);
- QVector4D color(traceData.m_traceColorR, traceData.m_traceColorG, traceData.m_traceColorB, m_displayTraceIntensity / 100.0f);
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderSimple.drawPolyline(mat, color, q3, end -start);
- } // XY polar display
- } // trace length > 0
- } // XY mixed + polar display
- m_mutex.unlock();
-void GLScopeMulti::setSampleRate(int sampleRate)
- m_sampleRate = sampleRate;
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
- emit sampleRateChanged(m_sampleRate);
-void GLScopeMulti::setTimeBase(int timeBase)
- m_timeBase = timeBase;
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::setTriggerPre(uint32_t triggerPre)
- m_triggerPre = triggerPre;
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::setTimeOfsProMill(int timeOfsProMill)
- m_timeOfsProMill = timeOfsProMill;
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::setFocusedTraceIndex(uint32_t traceIndex)
- m_focusedTraceIndex = traceIndex;
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::setDisplayMode(DisplayMode displayMode)
- m_displayMode = displayMode;
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::setTraceSize(int traceSize)
- m_traceSize = traceSize;
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::updateDisplay()
- m_configChanged = true;
- update();
-void GLScopeMulti::applyConfig()
- m_configChanged = false;
- QFontMetrics fm(font());
- //float t_start = ((m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0) * ((float) m_traceSize / m_sampleRate)) - ((float) m_triggerPre / m_sampleRate);
- float t_start = (((m_timeOfsProMill / 1000.0f) * (float) m_traceSize) / m_sampleRate) - ((float) m_triggerPre / m_sampleRate);
- float t_len = ((float) m_traceSize / m_sampleRate) / (float) m_timeBase;
- // scales
- m_x1Scale.setRange(Unit::Time, t_start, t_start + t_len); // time scale
- if (m_displayMode == DisplayPol)
- {
- setYScale(m_x2Scale, 0); // polar scale (X)
- }
- else
- {
- m_x2Scale.setRange(Unit::Time, t_start, t_start + t_len); // time scale
- }
- if (m_traces->size() > 0)
- {
- setYScale(m_y1Scale, 0); // This is always the X trace (trace #0)
- }
- if ((m_traces->size() > 1) && (m_focusedTraceIndex < m_traces->size()))
- {
- setYScale(m_y2Scale, m_focusedTraceIndex > 0 ? m_focusedTraceIndex : 1); // if Highlighted trace is #0 (X trace) set it to first Y trace (trace #1)
- }
- else
- {
- setYScale(m_y2Scale, 0); // Default to the X trace (trace #0) - If there is only one trace it should not get there (Y displays disabled in the UI)
- }
- // display arrangements
- if ((m_displayMode == DisplayX) || (m_displayMode == DisplayY)) // unique displays
- {
- setUniqueDisplays();
- }
- else if (m_displayMode == DisplayXYV) // both displays vertically arranged
- {
- setVerticalDisplays();
- }
- else if (m_displayMode == DisplayXYH) // both displays horizontally arranged
- {
- setHorizontalDisplays();
- }
- else if (m_displayMode == DisplayPol) // horizontal arrangement: XY stacked on left and polar on right
- {
- setPolarDisplays();
- }
- m_q3TickY1.allocate(4*m_y1Scale.getTickList().count());
- m_q3TickY2.allocate(4*m_y2Scale.getTickList().count());
- m_q3TickX1.allocate(4*m_x1Scale.getTickList().count());
- m_q3TickX2.allocate(4*m_x2Scale.getTickList().count());
- int start = (m_timeOfsProMill/1000.0) * m_traceSize;
- int end = std::min(start + m_traceSize/m_timeBase, m_traceSize);
- if(end - start < 2)
- start--;
- m_q3Polar.allocate(2*(end - start));
-void GLScopeMulti::setUniqueDisplays()
- QFontMetrics fm(font());
- int M = fm.width("-");
- int scopeHeight = height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin;
- int scopeWidth = width() - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin;
- // X display
- m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF(
- (float) m_leftMargin / (float) width(),
- (float) m_topMargin / (float) height(),
- (float) scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix1.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f,
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- // Y displays
- m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF(
- (float) m_leftMargin / (float) width(),
- (float) m_topMargin / (float) height(),
- (float) scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix2.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f,
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- { // X horizontal scale (X1)
- m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth);
- m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeWidth,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // X horizontal scale
- { // Y horizontal scale (X2)
- m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeWidth);
- m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeWidth,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Y horizontal scale
- { // X vertical scale (Y1)
- m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // X vertical scale
- { // Y vertical scale (Y2)
- m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Y vertical scale
-void GLScopeMulti::setVerticalDisplays()
- QFontMetrics fm(font());
- int M = fm.width("-");
- int scopeHeight = (height() - m_topMargin) / 2 - m_botMargin;
- int scopeWidth = width() - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin;
- // X display
- m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF(
- (float) m_leftMargin / (float) width(),
- (float) m_topMargin / (float) height(),
- (float) scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix1.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f,
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- // Y display
- m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF(
- (float) m_leftMargin / (float)width(),
- (float) (m_botMargin + m_topMargin + scopeHeight) / (float)height(),
- (float) scopeWidth / (float)width(),
- (float) scopeHeight / (float)height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix2.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(m_botMargin + m_topMargin + scopeHeight) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + scopeHeight + m_botMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f,
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(m_topMargin + scopeHeight + m_botMargin) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- { // X horizontal scale (X1)
- m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth);
- m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeWidth,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // X horizontal scale (X1)
- { // Y horizontal scale (X2)
- m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeWidth);
- m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeWidth,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Y horizontal scale (X2)
- { // X vertical scale (Y1)
- m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // X vertical scale (Y1)
- { // Y vertical scale (Y2)
- m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Y vertical scale (Y2)
-void GLScopeMulti::setHorizontalDisplays()
- QFontMetrics fm(font());
- int M = fm.width("-");
- int scopeHeight = height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin;
- int scopeWidth = (width() - m_rightMargin)/2 - m_leftMargin;
- // X display
- m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF(
- (float) m_leftMargin / (float) width(),
- (float) m_topMargin / (float) height(),
- (float) scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix1.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f,
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- // Y display
- m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF(
- (float)(m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + ((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2)) / (float)width(),
- (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(),
- (float)((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2) / (float)width(),
- (float)(height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float)height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix2.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*(m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + ((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2)) / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.scale (
- (float) 2*((width() - m_leftMargin - m_leftMargin - m_rightMargin) / 2) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*(m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + (float) 2*(m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float) width(),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- { // X horizontal scale (X1)
- m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth);
- m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeWidth,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // X horizontal scale (X1)
- { // Y horizontal scale (X2)
- m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeWidth);
- m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeWidth,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Y horizontal scale (X2)
- { // X vertical scale (Y1)
- m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // X vertical scale (Y1)
- { // Y vertical scale (Y2)
- m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Y vertical scale (Y2)
-void GLScopeMulti::setPolarDisplays()
- QFontMetrics fm(font());
- int M = fm.width("-");
- int scopeHeight = height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin;
- int scopeWidth = (width() - m_rightMargin)/2 - m_leftMargin;
- int scopeDim = std::min(scopeWidth, scopeHeight);
- scopeWidth += scopeWidth - scopeDim;
- // Mixed XY display (left)
- m_glScopeRect1 = QRectF(
- (float) m_leftMargin / (float) width(),
- (float) m_topMargin / (float) height(),
- (float) (scopeWidth-m_leftMargin) / (float) width(),
- (float) scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix1.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix1.scale (
- (float) 2*(scopeWidth-m_leftMargin) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*m_leftMargin / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(scopeWidth-m_leftMargin) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f,
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- m_glRight1ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glRight1ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*scopeWidth / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glRight1ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- // Polar XY display (right)
- m_glScopeRect2 = QRectF(
- (float)(m_leftMargin + scopeWidth + m_leftMargin) / (float)width(),
- (float)m_topMargin / (float)height(),
- (float) scopeDim / (float)width(),
- (float)(height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float)height()
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.setToIdentity();
- m_glScopeMatrix2.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*(m_leftMargin + scopeWidth + m_leftMargin) / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glScopeMatrix2.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeDim / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(height() - m_topMargin - m_botMargin) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + ((float) 2*(m_leftMargin + m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float) width()),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*(scopeHeight + m_topMargin + 1) / (float) height())
- );
- m_glBot2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*scopeDim / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*(m_botMargin - 1) / (float) height()
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.setToIdentity();
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.translate (
- -1.0f + (float) 2*(m_leftMargin + scopeWidth) / (float) width(),
- 1.0f - ((float) 2*m_topMargin / (float) height())
- );
- m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix.scale (
- (float) 2*(m_leftMargin-1) / (float) width(),
- (float) -2*scopeHeight / (float) height()
- );
- { // Mixed XY horizontal scale (X1)
- m_x1Scale.setSize(scopeWidth);
- m_bot1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeWidth,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.initTexture(m_bot1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Mixed XY horizontal scale (X1)
- { // Polar XY horizontal scale (X2)
- m_x2Scale.setSize(scopeDim);
- m_bot2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- scopeDim,
- m_botMargin - 1
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_bot2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_bot2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_x2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(tick->textPos, fm.height() - 1), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.initTexture(m_bot2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Polar XY horizontal scale (X2)
- { // Mixed XY vertical scale (Y1)
- m_y1Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left1ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left1ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left1ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y1Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.initTexture(m_left1ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Mixed XY vertical scale (Y1)
- { // Polar XY vertical scale (Y2)
- m_y2Scale.setSize(scopeHeight);
- m_left2ScalePixmap = QPixmap(
- m_leftMargin - 1,
- scopeHeight
- );
- const ScaleEngine::TickList* tickList;
- const ScaleEngine::Tick* tick;
- m_left2ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black);
- QPainter painter(&m_left2ScalePixmap);
- painter.setPen(QColor(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xff));
- painter.setFont(font());
- tickList = &m_y2Scale.getTickList();
- for(int i = 0; i < tickList->count(); i++) {
- tick = &(*tickList)[i];
- if(tick->major) {
- if(tick->textSize > 0) {
- painter.drawText(QPointF(m_leftMargin - M - tick->textSize, m_topMargin + scopeHeight - tick->textPos - fm.ascent()/2), tick->text);
- }
- }
- }
- m_glShaderLeft2Scale.initTexture(m_left2ScalePixmap.toImage());
- } // Polar XY vertical scale (Y2)
-void GLScopeMulti::setYScale(ScaleEngine& scale, uint32_t highlightedTraceIndex)
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData = (*m_tracesData)[highlightedTraceIndex];
- float amp_range = 2.0 / traceData.m_amp;
- float amp_ofs = traceData.m_ofs;
- float pow_floor = -100.0 + traceData.m_ofs * 100.0;
- float pow_range = 100.0 / traceData.m_amp;
- switch (traceData.m_projectionType)
- {
- case ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagDB: // dB scale
- scale.setRange(Unit::Decibel, pow_floor, pow_floor + pow_range);
- break;
- case ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagLin:
- if (amp_range < 2.0) {
- scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs * 1000.0, amp_range * 1000.0 + amp_ofs * 1000.0);
- } else {
- scale.setRange(Unit::None, amp_ofs, amp_range + amp_ofs);
- }
- break;
- case ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionPhase: // Phase or frequency
- case ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionDPhase:
- scale.setRange(Unit::None, -1.0/traceData.m_amp + amp_ofs, 1.0/traceData.m_amp + amp_ofs);
- break;
- case ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionReal: // Linear generic
- case ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionImag:
- default:
- if (amp_range < 2.0) {
- scale.setRange(Unit::None, - amp_range * 500.0 + amp_ofs * 1000.0, amp_range * 500.0 + amp_ofs * 1000.0);
- } else {
- scale.setRange(Unit::None, - amp_range * 0.5 + amp_ofs, amp_range * 0.5 + amp_ofs);
- }
- break;
- }
-void GLScopeMulti::drawChannelOverlay(
- const QString& text,
- const QColor& color,
- QPixmap& channelOverlayPixmap,
- const QRectF& glScopeRect)
- if (text.isEmpty()) {
- return;
- }
- QFontMetricsF metrics(m_channelOverlayFont);
- QRectF rect = metrics.boundingRect(text);
- channelOverlayPixmap = QPixmap(rect.width() + 4.0f, rect.height());
- channelOverlayPixmap.fill(Qt::transparent);
- QPainter painter(&channelOverlayPixmap);
- painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing|QPainter::TextAntialiasing, false);
- painter.fillRect(rect, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0x80));
- QColor textColor(color);
- textColor.setAlpha(0xC0);
- painter.setPen(textColor);
- painter.setFont(m_channelOverlayFont);
- painter.drawText(QPointF(0, rect.height() - 2.0f), text);
- painter.end();
- m_glShaderPowerOverlay.initTexture(channelOverlayPixmap.toImage());
- {
- GLfloat vtx1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- GLfloat tex1[] = {
- 0, 1,
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0,
- 0, 0
- };
- float shiftX = glScopeRect.width() - ((rect.width() + 4.0f) / width());
- float rectX = glScopeRect.x() + shiftX;
- float rectY = glScopeRect.y();
- float rectW = rect.width() / (float) width();
- float rectH = rect.height() / (float) height();
- QMatrix4x4 mat;
- mat.setToIdentity();
- mat.translate(-1.0f + 2.0f * rectX, 1.0f - 2.0f * rectY);
- mat.scale(2.0f * rectW, -2.0f * rectH);
- m_glShaderPowerOverlay.drawSurface(mat, tex1, vtx1, 4);
- }
-void GLScopeMulti::tick()
- if(m_dataChanged) {
- update();
- }
-void GLScopeMulti::connectTimer(const QTimer& timer)
- qDebug() << "GLScopeMulti::connectTimer";
- disconnect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick()));
- connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick()));
- m_timer.stop();
-void GLScopeMulti::cleanup()
- //makeCurrent();
- m_glShaderSimple.cleanup();
- m_glShaderBottom1Scale.cleanup();
- m_glShaderBottom2Scale.cleanup();
- m_glShaderLeft1Scale.cleanup();
- m_glShaderPowerOverlay.cleanup();
- //doneCurrent();
diff --git a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemulti.h b/sdrgui/gui/glscopemulti.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4991b48eb..000000000
--- a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemulti.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB //
-// written by Edouard Griffiths //
-// //
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
-// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
-// //
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
-// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
-// //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
-// along with this program. If not, see . //
-#include "dsp/dsptypes.h"
-#include "dsp/scopevismulti.h"
-#include "gui/scaleengine.h"
-#include "gui/glshadersimple.h"
-#include "gui/glshadertextured.h"
-#include "export.h"
-#include "util/bitfieldindex.h"
-#include "util/incrementalarray.h"
-class QPainter;
-class SDRGUI_API GLScopeMulti: public QGLWidget {
- enum DisplayMode {
- DisplayXYH,
- DisplayXYV,
- DisplayX,
- DisplayY,
- DisplayPol
- };
- GLScopeMulti(QWidget* parent = 0);
- virtual ~GLScopeMulti();
- void connectTimer(const QTimer& timer);
- void setTraces(std::vector* tracesData, std::vector* traces);
- void newTraces(std::vector* traces);
- int getSampleRate() const { return m_sampleRate; }
- int getTraceSize() const { return m_traceSize; }
- void setTriggerPre(uint32_t triggerPre); //!< number of samples
- void setTimeOfsProMill(int timeOfsProMill);
- void setSampleRate(int sampleRate);
- void setTimeBase(int timeBase);
- void setFocusedTraceIndex(uint32_t traceIndex);
- void setDisplayMode(DisplayMode displayMode);
- void setTraceSize(int trceSize);
- void updateDisplay();
- void setDisplayGridIntensity(int intensity);
- void setDisplayTraceIntensity(int intensity);
- void setFocusedTriggerData(ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData) { m_focusedTriggerData = triggerData; }
- void setConfigChanged() { m_configChanged = true; }
- //void incrementTraceCounter() { m_traceCounter++; }
- bool getDataChanged() const { return m_dataChanged; }
- DisplayMode getDisplayMode() const { return m_displayMode; }
- void sampleRateChanged(int);
- std::vector *m_tracesData;
- std::vector *m_traces;
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData m_focusedTriggerData;
- //int m_traceCounter;
- uint32_t m_bufferIndex;
- DisplayMode m_displayMode;
- QTimer m_timer;
- QMutex m_mutex;
- bool m_dataChanged;
- bool m_configChanged;
- int m_sampleRate;
- int m_timeOfsProMill;
- uint32_t m_triggerPre;
- int m_traceSize;
- int m_timeBase;
- int m_timeOffset;
- uint32_t m_focusedTraceIndex;
- // graphics stuff
- QRectF m_glScopeRect1;
- QRectF m_glScopeRect2;
- QMatrix4x4 m_glScopeMatrix1;
- QMatrix4x4 m_glScopeMatrix2;
- QMatrix4x4 m_glLeft1ScaleMatrix;
- QMatrix4x4 m_glRight1ScaleMatrix;
- QMatrix4x4 m_glLeft2ScaleMatrix;
- QMatrix4x4 m_glBot1ScaleMatrix;
- QMatrix4x4 m_glBot2ScaleMatrix;
- QPixmap m_left1ScalePixmap;
- QPixmap m_left2ScalePixmap;
- QPixmap m_bot1ScalePixmap;
- QPixmap m_bot2ScalePixmap;
- QPixmap m_channelOverlayPixmap1;
- QPixmap m_channelOverlayPixmap2;
- int m_displayGridIntensity;
- int m_displayTraceIntensity;
- ScaleEngine m_x1Scale; //!< Display #1 X scale. Time scale
- ScaleEngine m_x2Scale; //!< Display #2 X scale. Time scale
- ScaleEngine m_y1Scale; //!< Display #1 Y scale. Always connected to trace #0 (X trace)
- ScaleEngine m_y2Scale; //!< Display #2 Y scale. Connected to highlighted Y trace (#1..n)
- QFont m_channelOverlayFont;
- GLShaderSimple m_glShaderSimple;
- GLShaderTextured m_glShaderLeft1Scale;
- GLShaderTextured m_glShaderBottom1Scale;
- GLShaderTextured m_glShaderLeft2Scale;
- GLShaderTextured m_glShaderBottom2Scale;
- GLShaderTextured m_glShaderPowerOverlay;
- IncrementalArray m_q3Polar;
- IncrementalArray m_q3TickY1;
- IncrementalArray m_q3TickY2;
- IncrementalArray m_q3TickX1;
- IncrementalArray m_q3TickX2;
- static const int m_topMargin = 5;
- static const int m_botMargin = 20;
- static const int m_leftMargin = 35;
- static const int m_rightMargin = 5;
- void initializeGL();
- void resizeGL(int width, int height);
- void paintGL();
- void applyConfig();
- void setYScale(ScaleEngine& scale, uint32_t highlightedTraceIndex);
- void setUniqueDisplays(); //!< Arrange displays when X and Y are unique on screen
- void setVerticalDisplays(); //!< Arrange displays when X and Y are stacked vertically
- void setHorizontalDisplays(); //!< Arrange displays when X and Y are stacked horizontally
- void setPolarDisplays(); //!< Arrange displays when X and Y are stacked over on the left and polar display is on the right
- void drawChannelOverlay( //!< Draws a text overlay
- const QString& text,
- const QColor& color,
- QPixmap& channelOverlayPixmap,
- const QRectF& glScopeRect);
-protected slots:
- void cleanup();
- void tick();
diff --git a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.cpp b/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e525e7cd5..000000000
--- a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1543 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB //
-// written by Edouard Griffiths //
-// //
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
-// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
-// //
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
-// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
-// //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
-// along with this program. If not, see . //
-#include "glscopemultigui.h"
-#include "glscopemulti.h"
-#include "ui_glscopemultigui.h"
-#include "util/simpleserializer.h"
-const double GLScopeMultiGUI::amps[11] = { 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0002, 0.0001 };
-GLScopeMultiGUI::GLScopeMultiGUI(QWidget* parent) :
- QWidget(parent),
- ui(new Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI),
- m_messageQueue(0),
- m_scopeVis(0),
- m_glScope(0),
- m_sampleRate(0),
- m_timeBase(1),
- m_timeOffset(0),
- m_traceLenMult(1)
- qDebug("GLScopeMultiGUI::GLScopeMultiGUI");
- setEnabled(false);
- ui->setupUi(this);
- ui->trigDelayFine->setMaximum(ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize / 10.0);
- ui->traceColor->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : rgb(255,255,64); }");
- m_focusedTraceColor.setRgb(255,255,64);
- ui->trigColor->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : rgb(0,255,0); }");
- m_focusedTriggerColor.setRgb(0,255,0);
- ui->traceText->setText("X");
- ui->mem->setMaximum(ScopeVisMulti::m_nbTraceMemories - 1);
- delete ui;
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setBuddies(MessageQueue* messageQueue, ScopeVisMulti* scopeVis, GLScopeMulti* glScope)
- qDebug("GLScopeMultiGUI::setBuddies");
- m_messageQueue = messageQueue;
- m_scopeVis = scopeVis;
- m_glScope = glScope;
- // initialize display combo
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(true);
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->polar->setChecked(false);
- ui->onlyY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->polar->setEnabled(false);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode(GLScopeMulti::DisplayX);
- // initialize trigger combo
- ui->trigPos->setChecked(true);
- ui->trigNeg->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigBoth->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigOneShot->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigOneShot->setEnabled(false);
- ui->freerun->setChecked(true);
- // Add a trigger
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData triggerData;
- fillTriggerData(triggerData);
- m_scopeVis->addTrigger(triggerData);
- // Add a trace
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData traceData;
- fillTraceData(traceData);
- m_scopeVis->addTrace(traceData);
- setEnabled(true);
- connect(m_glScope, SIGNAL(sampleRateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(on_scope_sampleRateChanged(int)));
- ui->traceMode->clear();
- fillProjectionCombo(ui->traceMode);
- ui->trigMode->clear();
- fillProjectionCombo(ui->trigMode);
- m_scopeVis->configure(
- ui->sourcePort->maximum() + 1,
- 2*m_traceLenMult*ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize,
- m_timeBase,
- m_timeOffset*10,
- (uint32_t) (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f)),
- ui->freerun->isChecked());
- m_scopeVis->configure(
- ui->sourcePort->maximum() + 1,
- m_traceLenMult*ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize,
- m_timeBase,
- m_timeOffset*10,
- (uint32_t) (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f)),
- ui->freerun->isChecked());
- setTraceLenDisplay();
- setTimeScaleDisplay();
- setTimeOfsDisplay();
- setAmpScaleDisplay();
- setAmpOfsDisplay();
- setTraceDelayDisplay();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setSampleRate(int sampleRate)
- m_sampleRate = sampleRate;
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_scope_sampleRateChanged(int sampleRate)
- //m_sampleRate = m_glScope->getSampleRate();
- m_sampleRate = sampleRate;
- ui->sampleRateText->setText(tr("%1\nkS/s").arg(m_sampleRate / 1000.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- setTraceLenDisplay();
- setTimeScaleDisplay();
- setTimeOfsDisplay();
- setTraceDelayDisplay();
- setTrigPreDisplay();
- setTrigDelayDisplay();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::resetToDefaults()
-QByteArray GLScopeMultiGUI::serialize() const
- SimpleSerializer s(1);
- // first row
- s.writeS32(1, (int) m_glScope->getDisplayMode());
- s.writeS32(2, ui->traceIntensity->value());
- s.writeS32(3, ui->gridIntensity->value());
- s.writeS32(4, ui->time->value());
- s.writeS32(5, ui->timeOfs->value());
- s.writeS32(6, ui->traceLen->value());
- // second row - by trace
- const std::vector& tracesData = m_scopeVis->getTracesData();
- std::vector::const_iterator traceDataIt = tracesData.begin();
- s.writeU32(10, (uint32_t) tracesData.size());
- int i = 0;
- for (; traceDataIt != tracesData.end(); ++traceDataIt, i++)
- {
- s.writeS32(20 + 16*i, (int) traceDataIt->m_projectionType);
- s.writeU32(21 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_ampIndex);
- s.writeS32(22 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_ofsCoarse);
- s.writeS32(23 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_ofsFine);
- s.writeS32(24 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_traceDelayCoarse);
- s.writeS32(25 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_traceDelayFine);
- s.writeFloat(26 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_traceColorR);
- s.writeFloat(27 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_traceColorG);
- s.writeFloat(28 + 16*i, traceDataIt->m_traceColorB);
- }
- // third row - by trigger
- s.writeU32(200, (uint32_t) m_scopeVis->getNbTriggers());
- s.writeS32(201, ui->trigPre->value());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_scopeVis->getNbTriggers(); i++)
- {
- const ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData = m_scopeVis->getTriggerData(i);
- s.writeS32(210 + 16*i, (int) triggerData.m_projectionType);
- s.writeS32(211 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerRepeat);
- s.writeBool(212 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerPositiveEdge);
- s.writeBool(213 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerBothEdges);
- s.writeS32(214 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerLevelCoarse);
- s.writeS32(215 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerLevelFine);
- s.writeS32(216 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerDelayCoarse);
- s.writeS32(217 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerDelayFine);
- s.writeFloat(218 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerColorR);
- s.writeFloat(219 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerColorG);
- s.writeFloat(220 + 16*i, triggerData.m_triggerColorB);
- }
- return s.final();
-bool GLScopeMultiGUI::deserialize(const QByteArray& data)
- qDebug("GLScopeMultiGUI::deserialize");
- SimpleDeserializer d(data);
- if(!d.isValid()) {
- resetToDefaults();
- return false;
- }
- if(d.getVersion() == 1)
- {
- TraceUIBlocker traceUIBlocker(ui);
- TrigUIBlocker trigUIBlocker(ui);
- int intValue;
- uint32_t uintValue;
- bool boolValue;
- ui->onlyX->setEnabled(false);
- ui->onlyY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->polar->setEnabled(false);
- ui->traceMode->setCurrentIndex(0);
- d.readS32(1, &intValue, (int) GLScopeMulti::DisplayX);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode((GLScopeMulti::DisplayMode) intValue);
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(false);
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->polar->setChecked(false);
- switch (m_glScope->getDisplayMode())
- {
- case GLScopeMulti::DisplayY:
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case GLScopeMulti::DisplayXYH:
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case GLScopeMulti::DisplayXYV:
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case GLScopeMulti::DisplayPol:
- ui->polar->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case GLScopeMulti::DisplayX:
- default:
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(true);
- break;
- }
- d.readS32(2, &intValue, 50);
- ui->traceIntensity->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(3, &intValue, 10);
- ui->gridIntensity->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(4, &intValue, 1);
- ui->time->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(5, &intValue, 0);
- ui->timeOfs->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(6, &intValue, 1);
- ui->traceLen->setValue(intValue);
- // trace stuff
- uint32_t nbTracesSaved;
- d.readU32(10, &nbTracesSaved, 1);
- const std::vector& tracesData = m_scopeVis->getTracesData();
- uint32_t iTrace = tracesData.size();
- qDebug("GLScopeMultiGUI::deserialize: nbTracesSaved: %u tracesData.size(): %lu", nbTracesSaved, tracesData.size());
- while (iTrace > nbTracesSaved) // remove possible traces in excess
- {
- m_scopeVis->removeTrace(iTrace - 1);
- iTrace--;
- }
- for (iTrace = 0; iTrace < nbTracesSaved; iTrace++)
- {
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData traceData;
- float r, g, b;
- d.readS32(20 + 16*iTrace, &intValue, 0);
- ui->traceMode->setCurrentIndex(intValue);
- d.readU32(21 + 16*iTrace, &uintValue, 0);
- ui->amp->setValue(uintValue);
- d.readS32(22 + 16*iTrace, &intValue, 0);
- ui->ofsCoarse->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(23 + 16*iTrace, &intValue, 0);
- ui->ofsFine->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(24 + 16*iTrace, &intValue, 0);
- ui->traceDelayCoarse->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(25 + 16*iTrace, &intValue, 0);
- ui->traceDelayFine->setValue(intValue);
- d.readFloat(26 + 16*iTrace, &r, 1.0f);
- d.readFloat(27 + 16*iTrace, &g, 1.0f);
- d.readFloat(28 + 16*iTrace, &b, 1.0f);
- m_focusedTraceColor.setRgbF(r, g, b);
- fillTraceData(traceData);
- if (iTrace < tracesData.size()) // change existing traces
- {
- m_scopeVis->changeTrace(traceData, iTrace);
- }
- else // add new traces
- {
- m_scopeVis->addTrace(traceData);
- }
- }
- ui->trace->setMaximum(nbTracesSaved-1);
- ui->trace->setValue(nbTracesSaved-1);
- m_glScope->setFocusedTraceIndex(nbTracesSaved-1);
- int r,g,b,a;
- m_focusedTraceColor.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- ui->traceColor->setStyleSheet(tr("QLabel { background-color : rgb(%1,%2,%3); }").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b));
- setTraceIndexDisplay();
- setAmpScaleDisplay();
- setAmpOfsDisplay();
- setTraceDelayDisplay();
- ui->onlyX->setEnabled(true);
- ui->onlyY->setEnabled(nbTracesSaved > 1);
- ui->horizontalXY->setEnabled(nbTracesSaved > 1);
- ui->verticalXY->setEnabled(nbTracesSaved > 1);
- ui->polar->setEnabled(nbTracesSaved > 1);
- // trigger stuff
- uint32_t nbTriggersSaved;
- d.readU32(200, &nbTriggersSaved, 1);
- uint32_t nbTriggers = m_scopeVis->getNbTriggers();
- uint32_t iTrigger = nbTriggers;
- d.readS32(201, &intValue, 0);
- ui->trigPre->setValue(intValue);
- qDebug("GLScopeMultiGUI::deserialize: nbTriggersSaved: %u nbTriggers: %u", nbTriggersSaved, nbTriggers);
- while (iTrigger > nbTriggersSaved) // remove possible triggers in excess
- {
- m_scopeVis->removeTrigger(iTrigger - 1);
- iTrigger--;
- }
- for (iTrigger = 0; iTrigger < nbTriggersSaved; iTrigger++)
- {
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData triggerData = m_scopeVis->getTriggerData(iTrigger);
- float r, g, b;
- d.readS32(210 + 16*iTrigger, &intValue, 0);
- ui->trigMode->setCurrentIndex(intValue);
- d.readS32(211 + 16*iTrigger, &intValue, 1);
- ui->trigCount->setValue(intValue);
- d.readBool(212 + 16*iTrigger, &boolValue, true);
- ui->trigPos->setChecked(boolValue);
- d.readBool(213 + 16*iTrigger, &boolValue, false);
- ui->trigBoth->setChecked(boolValue);
- d.readS32(214 + 16*iTrigger, &intValue, 1);
- ui->trigLevelCoarse->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(215 + 16*iTrigger, &intValue, 1);
- ui->trigLevelFine->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(216 + 16*iTrigger, &intValue, 1);
- ui->trigDelayCoarse->setValue(intValue);
- d.readS32(217 + 16*iTrigger, &intValue, 1);
- ui->trigDelayFine->setValue(intValue);
- d.readFloat(218 + 16*iTrigger, &r, 1.0f);
- d.readFloat(219 + 16*iTrigger, &g, 1.0f);
- d.readFloat(220 + 16*iTrigger, &b, 1.0f);
- m_focusedTriggerColor.setRgbF(r, g, b);
- fillTriggerData(triggerData);
- if (iTrigger < nbTriggers) // change existing triggers
- {
- m_scopeVis->changeTrigger(triggerData, iTrigger);
- }
- else // add new trigers
- {
- m_scopeVis->addTrigger(triggerData);
- }
- if (iTrigger == nbTriggersSaved-1)
- {
- m_glScope->setFocusedTriggerData(triggerData);
- }
- }
- ui->trig->setMaximum(nbTriggersSaved-1);
- ui->trig->setValue(nbTriggersSaved-1);
- m_focusedTriggerColor.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- ui->trigColor->setStyleSheet(tr("QLabel { background-color : rgb(%1,%2,%3); }").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b));
- setTrigCountDisplay();
- setTrigDelayDisplay();
- setTrigIndexDisplay();
- setTrigLevelDisplay();
- setTrigPreDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- resetToDefaults();
- return false;
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_onlyX_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->polar->setChecked(false);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode(GLScopeMulti::DisplayX);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_onlyY_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->polar->setChecked(false);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode(GLScopeMulti::DisplayY);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_horizontalXY_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(false);
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->polar->setChecked(false);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode(GLScopeMulti::DisplayXYH);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_verticalXY_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(false);
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->polar->setChecked(false);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode(GLScopeMulti::DisplayXYV);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_polar_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(false);
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(false);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode(GLScopeMulti::DisplayPol);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceIntensity_valueChanged(int value)
- ui->traceIntensity->setToolTip(QString("Trace intensity: %1").arg(value));
- m_glScope->setDisplayTraceIntensity(value);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_gridIntensity_valueChanged(int value)
- ui->gridIntensity->setToolTip(QString("Grid intensity: %1").arg(value));
- m_glScope->setDisplayGridIntensity(value);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_time_valueChanged(int value)
- m_timeBase = value;
- setTimeScaleDisplay();
- setTraceDelayDisplay();
- m_scopeVis->configure(
- ui->sourcePort->maximum() + 1,
- m_traceLenMult*ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize,
- m_timeBase,
- m_timeOffset*10,
- (uint32_t) (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f)),
- ui->freerun->isChecked());
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_timeOfs_valueChanged(int value)
- if ((value < 0) || (value > 100)) {
- return;
- }
- m_timeOffset = value;
- setTimeOfsDisplay();
- m_scopeVis->configure(
- ui->sourcePort->maximum() + 1,
- m_traceLenMult*ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize,
- m_timeBase,
- m_timeOffset*10,
- (uint32_t) (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f)),
- ui->freerun->isChecked());
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceLen_valueChanged(int value)
- if ((value < 1) || (value > 100)) {
- return;
- }
- m_traceLenMult = value;
- m_scopeVis->configure(
- ui->sourcePort->maximum() + 1,
- m_traceLenMult*ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize,
- m_timeBase,
- m_timeOffset*10,
- (uint32_t) (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f)),
- ui->freerun->isChecked());
- setTraceLenDisplay();
- setTimeScaleDisplay();
- setTimeOfsDisplay();
- setTrigDelayDisplay();
- setTrigPreDisplay();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trace_valueChanged(int value)
- ui->traceText->setText(value == 0 ? "X" : QString("Y%1").arg(ui->trace->value()));
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData traceData;
- m_scopeVis->getTraceData(traceData, value);
- qDebug() << "GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trace_valueChanged:"
- << " m_projectionType: " << (int) traceData.m_projectionType
- << " m_amp" << traceData.m_amp
- << " m_ofs" << traceData.m_ofs
- << " m_traceDelay" << traceData.m_traceDelay;
- setTraceUI(traceData);
- m_scopeVis->focusOnTrace(value);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceAdd_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData traceData;
- fillTraceData(traceData);
- addTrace(traceData);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceDel_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- if (ui->trace->value() > 0) // not the X trace
- {
- ui->trace->setMaximum(ui->trace->maximum() - 1);
- if (ui->trace->value() == 0)
- {
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(true);
- ui->onlyY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->horizontalXY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->verticalXY->setEnabled(false);
- ui->polar->setEnabled(false);
- m_glScope->setDisplayMode(GLScopeMulti::DisplayX);
- }
- m_scopeVis->removeTrace(ui->trace->value());
- changeCurrentTrace();
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceUp_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- if (ui->trace->maximum() > 0) // more than one trace
- {
- int newTraceIndex = (ui->trace->value() + 1) % (ui->trace->maximum()+1);
- m_scopeVis->moveTrace(ui->trace->value(), true);
- ui->trace->setValue(newTraceIndex); // follow trace
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData traceData;
- m_scopeVis->getTraceData(traceData, ui->trace->value());
- setTraceUI(traceData);
- m_scopeVis->focusOnTrace(ui->trace->value());
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceDown_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- if (ui->trace->value() > 0) // not the X (lowest) trace
- {
- int newTraceIndex = (ui->trace->value() - 1) % (ui->trace->maximum()+1);
- m_scopeVis->moveTrace(ui->trace->value(), false);
- ui->trace->setValue(newTraceIndex); // follow trace
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData traceData;
- m_scopeVis->getTraceData(traceData, ui->trace->value());
- setTraceUI(traceData);
- m_scopeVis->focusOnTrace(ui->trace->value());
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trig_valueChanged(int value)
- ui->trigText->setText(tr("%1").arg(value));
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData triggerData;
- m_scopeVis->getTriggerData(triggerData, value);
- qDebug() << "GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trig_valueChanged:"
- << " m_projectionType: " << (int) triggerData.m_projectionType
- << " m_triggerRepeat" << triggerData.m_triggerRepeat
- << " m_triggerPositiveEdge" << triggerData.m_triggerPositiveEdge
- << " m_triggerBothEdges" << triggerData.m_triggerBothEdges
- << " m_triggerLevel" << triggerData.m_triggerLevel;
- setTriggerUI(triggerData);
- m_scopeVis->focusOnTrigger(value);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigAdd_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData triggerData;
- fillTriggerData(triggerData);
- addTrigger(triggerData);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigDel_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- if (ui->trig->value() > 0)
- {
- m_scopeVis->removeTrigger(ui->trig->value());
- ui->trig->setMaximum(ui->trig->maximum() - 1);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigUp_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- if (ui->trig->maximum() > 0) // more than one trigger
- {
- int newTriggerIndex = (ui->trig->value() + 1) % (ui->trig->maximum()+1);
- m_scopeVis->moveTrigger(ui->trace->value(), true);
- ui->trig->setValue(newTriggerIndex); // follow trigger
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData triggerData;
- m_scopeVis->getTriggerData(triggerData, ui->trig->value());
- setTriggerUI(triggerData);
- m_scopeVis->focusOnTrigger(ui->trig->value());
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigDown_clicked(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- if (ui->trig->value() > 0) // not the 0 (lowest) trigger
- {
- int newTriggerIndex = (ui->trig->value() - 1) % (ui->trig->maximum()+1);
- m_scopeVis->moveTrigger(ui->trace->value(), false);
- ui->trig->setValue(newTriggerIndex); // follow trigger
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData triggerData;
- m_scopeVis->getTriggerData(triggerData, ui->trig->value());
- setTriggerUI(triggerData);
- m_scopeVis->focusOnTrigger(ui->trig->value());
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceMode_currentIndexChanged(int index __attribute__((unused)))
- setAmpScaleDisplay();
- setAmpOfsDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrace();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_amp_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setAmpScaleDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrace();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_ofsCoarse_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setAmpOfsDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrace();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_ofsFine_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setAmpOfsDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrace();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceDelayCoarse_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTraceDelayDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrace();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceDelayFine_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTraceDelayDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrace();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceView_toggled(bool checked __attribute__((unused)))
- changeCurrentTrace();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_traceColor_clicked()
- QColor newColor = QColorDialog::getColor(m_focusedTraceColor, this, tr("Select Color for trace"), QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
- if (newColor.isValid()) // user clicked OK and selected a color
- {
- m_focusedTraceColor = newColor;
- int r,g,b,a;
- m_focusedTraceColor.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- ui->traceColor->setStyleSheet(tr("QLabel { background-color : rgb(%1,%2,%3); }").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b));
- changeCurrentTrace();
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_mem_valueChanged(int value)
- QString text;
- text.sprintf("%02d", value);
- ui->memText->setText(text);
- disableLiveMode(value > 0); // block trigger UI line if memory is active
- m_scopeVis->setMemoryIndex(value);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigMode_currentIndexChanged(int index __attribute__((unused)))
- setTrigLevelDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigCount_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTrigCountDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigPos_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->trigNeg->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigBoth->setChecked(false);
- }
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigNeg_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->trigPos->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigBoth->setChecked(false);
- }
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigBoth_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->trigNeg->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigPos->setChecked(false);
- }
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigLevelCoarse_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTrigLevelDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigLevelFine_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTrigLevelDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigDelayCoarse_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTrigDelayDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigDelayFine_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTrigDelayDisplay();
- changeCurrentTrigger();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigPre_valueChanged(int value __attribute__((unused)))
- setTrigPreDisplay();
- m_scopeVis->configure(
- ui->sourcePort->maximum() + 1,
- m_traceLenMult*ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize,
- m_timeBase,
- m_timeOffset*10,
- (uint32_t) (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f)),
- ui->freerun->isChecked());
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigColor_clicked()
- QColor newColor = QColorDialog::getColor(m_focusedTriggerColor, this, tr("Select Color for trigger line"), QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
- if (newColor.isValid()) // user clicked "OK"
- {
- m_focusedTriggerColor = newColor;
- int r,g,b,a;
- m_focusedTriggerColor.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- ui->trigColor->setStyleSheet(tr("QLabel { background-color : rgb(%1,%2,%3); }").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b));
- changeCurrentTrigger();
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_trigOneShot_toggled(bool checked)
- m_scopeVis->setOneShot(checked);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::on_freerun_toggled(bool checked)
- if (checked)
- {
- ui->trigOneShot->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigOneShot->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else
- {
- ui->trigOneShot->setEnabled(true);
- }
- m_scopeVis->configure(
- ui->sourcePort->maximum() + 1,
- m_traceLenMult*ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize,
- m_timeBase,
- m_timeOffset*10,
- (uint32_t) (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f)),
- ui->freerun->isChecked());
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTraceIndexDisplay()
- ui->traceText->setText(ui->trace->value() == 0 ? "X" : QString("Y%1").arg(ui->trace->value()));
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTrigCountDisplay()
- QString text;
- text.sprintf("%02d", ui->trigCount->value());
- ui->trigCountText->setText(text);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTimeScaleDisplay()
- m_sampleRate = m_glScope->getSampleRate();
- unsigned int n_samples = (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * 1.0) / (double) m_timeBase;
- double t = (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * 1.0 / m_sampleRate) / (double) m_timeBase;
- if (n_samples < 1000) {
- ui->timeText->setToolTip(tr("%1 S").arg(n_samples));
- } else if (n_samples < 1000000) {
- ui->timeText->setToolTip(tr("%1 kS").arg(n_samples/1000.0));
- } else {
- ui->timeText->setToolTip(tr("%1 MS").arg(n_samples/1000000.0));
- }
- if(t < 0.000001)
- {
- t = round(t * 100000000000.0) / 100.0;
- ui->timeText->setText(tr("%1\nns").arg(t));
- }
- else if(t < 0.001)
- {
- t = round(t * 100000000.0) / 100.0;
- ui->timeText->setText(tr("%1\nµs").arg(t));
- }
- else if(t < 1.0)
- {
- t = round(t * 100000.0) / 100.0;
- ui->timeText->setText(tr("%1\nms").arg(t));
- }
- else
- {
- t = round(t * 100.0) / 100.0;
- ui->timeText->setText(tr("%1\ns").arg(t));
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTraceLenDisplay()
- unsigned int n_samples = m_traceLenMult * ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize;
- if (n_samples < 1000) {
- ui->traceLenText->setToolTip(tr("%1 S").arg(n_samples));
- } else if (n_samples < 1000000) {
- ui->traceLenText->setToolTip(tr("%1 kS").arg(n_samples/1000.0));
- } else {
- ui->traceLenText->setToolTip(tr("%1 MS").arg(n_samples/1000000.0));
- }
- m_sampleRate = m_glScope->getSampleRate();
- double t = (m_glScope->getTraceSize() * 1.0 / m_sampleRate);
- if(t < 0.000001)
- ui->traceLenText->setText(tr("%1\nns").arg(t * 1000000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(t < 0.001)
- ui->traceLenText->setText(tr("%1\nµs").arg(t * 1000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(t < 1.0)
- ui->traceLenText->setText(tr("%1\nms").arg(t * 1000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else
- ui->traceLenText->setText(tr("%1\ns").arg(t * 1.0, 0, 'f', 2));
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTimeOfsDisplay()
- unsigned int n_samples = m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (m_timeOffset/100.0);
- double dt = m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (m_timeOffset/100.0) / m_sampleRate;
- if (n_samples < 1000) {
- ui->timeOfsText->setToolTip(tr("%1 S").arg(n_samples));
- } else if (n_samples < 1000000) {
- ui->timeOfsText->setToolTip(tr("%1 kS").arg(n_samples/1000.0));
- } else {
- ui->timeOfsText->setToolTip(tr("%1 MS").arg(n_samples/1000000.0));
- }
- if(dt < 0.000001)
- ui->timeOfsText->setText(tr("%1\nns").arg(dt * 1000000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(dt < 0.001)
- ui->timeOfsText->setText(tr("%1\nµs").arg(dt * 1000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(dt < 1.0)
- ui->timeOfsText->setText(tr("%1\nms").arg(dt * 1000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else
- ui->timeOfsText->setText(tr("%1\ns").arg(dt * 1.0, 0, 'f', 2));
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setAmpScaleDisplay()
- ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType projectionType = (ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType) ui->traceMode->currentIndex();
- double ampValue = amps[ui->amp->value()];
- if (projectionType == ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagDB)
- {
- double displayValue = ampValue*500.0f;
- if (displayValue < 10.0f) {
- ui->ampText->setText(tr("%1\ndB").arg(displayValue, 0, 'f', 2));
- }
- else {
- ui->ampText->setText(tr("%1\ndB").arg(displayValue, 0, 'f', 1));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- double a = ampValue*10.0f;
- if(a < 0.000001)
- ui->ampText->setText(tr("%1\nn").arg(a * 1000000000.0));
- else if(a < 0.001)
- ui->ampText->setText(tr("%1\nµ").arg(a * 1000000.0));
- else if(a < 1.0)
- ui->ampText->setText(tr("%1\nm").arg(a * 1000.0));
- else
- ui->ampText->setText(tr("%1").arg(a * 1.0));
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setAmpOfsDisplay()
- ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType projectionType = (ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType) ui->traceMode->currentIndex();
- double o = (ui->ofsCoarse->value() * 10.0f) + (ui->ofsFine->value() / 20.0f);
- if (projectionType == ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagDB)
- {
- ui->ofsText->setText(tr("%1\ndB").arg(o/10.0f - 100.0f, 0, 'f', 1));
- }
- else
- {
- double a;
- if (projectionType == ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagLin)
- {
- a = o/2000.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- a = o/1000.0f;
- }
- if(fabs(a) < 0.000001f)
- ui->ofsText->setText(tr("%1\nn").arg(a * 1000000000.0));
- else if(fabs(a) < 0.001f)
- ui->ofsText->setText(tr("%1\nµ").arg(a * 1000000.0));
- else if(fabs(a) < 1.0f)
- ui->ofsText->setText(tr("%1\nm").arg(a * 1000.0));
- else
- ui->ofsText->setText(tr("%1").arg(a * 1.0));
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTraceDelayDisplay()
- if (m_sampleRate > 0)
- {
- int n_samples = ui->traceDelayCoarse->value()*100 + ui->traceDelayFine->value();
- double t = ((double) n_samples) / m_sampleRate;
- if (n_samples < 1000) {
- ui->traceDelayText->setToolTip(tr("%1 S").arg(n_samples));
- } else if (n_samples < 1000000) {
- ui->traceDelayText->setToolTip(tr("%1 kS").arg(n_samples/1000.0));
- } else {
- ui->traceDelayText->setToolTip(tr("%1 MS").arg(n_samples/1000000.0));
- }
- if(t < 0.000001)
- ui->traceDelayText->setText(tr("%1\nns").arg(t * 1000000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(t < 0.001)
- ui->traceDelayText->setText(tr("%1\nµs").arg(t * 1000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(t < 1.0)
- ui->traceDelayText->setText(tr("%1\nms").arg(t * 1000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else
- ui->traceDelayText->setText(tr("%1\ns").arg(t * 1.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTrigIndexDisplay()
- ui->trigText->setText(tr("%1").arg(ui->trig->value()));
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTrigLevelDisplay()
- double t = (ui->trigLevelCoarse->value() / 100.0f) + (ui->trigLevelFine->value() / 20000.0f);
- ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType projectionType = (ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType) ui->trigMode->currentIndex();
- ui->trigLevelCoarse->setToolTip(QString("Trigger level coarse: %1 %").arg(ui->trigLevelCoarse->value() / 100.0f));
- ui->trigLevelFine->setToolTip(QString("Trigger level fine: %1 ppm").arg(ui->trigLevelFine->value() * 50));
- if (projectionType == ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagDB) {
- ui->trigLevelText->setText(tr("%1\ndB").arg(100.0 * (t - 1.0), 0, 'f', 1));
- }
- else
- {
- double a;
- if (projectionType == ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagLin) {
- a = 1.0 + t;
- } else {
- a = t;
- }
- if(fabs(a) < 0.000001)
- ui->trigLevelText->setText(tr("%1\nn").arg(a * 1000000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(fabs(a) < 0.001)
- ui->trigLevelText->setText(tr("%1\nµ").arg(a * 1000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(fabs(a) < 1.0)
- ui->trigLevelText->setText(tr("%1\nm").arg(a * 1000.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- else
- ui->trigLevelText->setText(tr("%1").arg(a * 1.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTrigDelayDisplay()
- if (m_sampleRate > 0)
- {
- double delayMult = ui->trigDelayCoarse->value() + ui->trigDelayFine->value() / (ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize / 10.0);
- unsigned int n_samples_delay = m_traceLenMult * ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize * delayMult;
- if (n_samples_delay < 1000) {
- ui->trigDelayText->setToolTip(tr("%1 S").arg(n_samples_delay));
- } else if (n_samples_delay < 1000000) {
- ui->trigDelayText->setToolTip(tr("%1 kS").arg(n_samples_delay/1000.0));
- } else if (n_samples_delay < 1000000000) {
- ui->trigDelayText->setToolTip(tr("%1 MS").arg(n_samples_delay/1000000.0));
- } else {
- ui->trigDelayText->setToolTip(tr("%1 GS").arg(n_samples_delay/1000000000.0));
- }
- m_sampleRate = m_glScope->getSampleRate();
- double t = (n_samples_delay * 1.0f / m_sampleRate);
- if(t < 0.000001)
- ui->trigDelayText->setText(tr("%1\nns").arg(t * 1000000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(t < 0.001)
- ui->trigDelayText->setText(tr("%1\nµs").arg(t * 1000000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(t < 1.0)
- ui->trigDelayText->setText(tr("%1\nms").arg(t * 1000.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- else
- ui->trigDelayText->setText(tr("%1\ns").arg(t * 1.0, 0, 'f', 2));
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTrigPreDisplay()
- if (m_sampleRate > 0)
- {
- unsigned int n_samples_delay = m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f);
- double dt = m_glScope->getTraceSize() * (ui->trigPre->value()/100.0f) / m_sampleRate;
- if (n_samples_delay < 1000) {
- ui->trigPreText->setToolTip(tr("%1 S").arg(n_samples_delay));
- } else if (n_samples_delay < 1000000) {
- ui->trigPreText->setToolTip(tr("%1 kS").arg(n_samples_delay/1000.0));
- } else if (n_samples_delay < 1000000000) {
- ui->trigPreText->setToolTip(tr("%1 MS").arg(n_samples_delay/1000000.0));
- } else {
- ui->trigPreText->setToolTip(tr("%1 GS").arg(n_samples_delay/1000000000.0));
- }
- if(dt < 0.000001)
- ui->trigPreText->setText(tr("%1\nns").arg(dt * 1000000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(dt < 0.001)
- ui->trigPreText->setText(tr("%1\nµs").arg(dt * 1000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- else if(dt < 1.0)
- ui->trigPreText->setText(tr("%1\nms").arg(dt * 1000.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- else
- ui->trigPreText->setText(tr("%1\ns").arg(dt * 1.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::changeCurrentTrace()
- ScopeVisMulti::TraceData traceData;
- fillTraceData(traceData);
- uint32_t currentTraceIndex = ui->trace->value();
- m_scopeVis->changeTrace(traceData, currentTraceIndex);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::changeCurrentTrigger()
- ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData triggerData;
- fillTriggerData(triggerData);
- uint32_t currentTriggerIndex = ui->trig->value();
- m_scopeVis->changeTrigger(triggerData, currentTriggerIndex);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::fillProjectionCombo(QComboBox* comboBox)
- comboBox->addItem("Real", ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionReal);
- comboBox->addItem("Imag", ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionImag);
- comboBox->addItem("Mag", ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagLin);
- comboBox->addItem("MagdB", ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagDB);
- comboBox->addItem("Phi", ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionPhase);
- comboBox->addItem("dPhi", ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionDPhase);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::disableLiveMode(bool disable)
- ui->traceLen->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trig->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigAdd->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigDel->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigMode->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigCount->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigPos->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigNeg->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigBoth->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigLevelCoarse->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigLevelFine->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigDelayCoarse->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigDelayFine->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigPre->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->trigOneShot->setEnabled(!disable);
- ui->freerun->setEnabled(!disable);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::fillTraceData(ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData)
- traceData.m_projectionType = (ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType) ui->traceMode->currentIndex();
- traceData.m_hasTextOverlay = (traceData.m_projectionType == ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagDB);
- traceData.m_textOverlay.clear();
- traceData.m_inputIndex = 0;
- traceData.m_amp = 0.2 / amps[ui->amp->value()];
- traceData.m_ampIndex = ui->amp->value();
- traceData.m_ofsCoarse = ui->ofsCoarse->value();
- traceData.m_ofsFine = ui->ofsFine->value();
- if (traceData.m_projectionType == ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionMagLin) {
- traceData.m_ofs = ((10.0 * ui->ofsCoarse->value()) + (ui->ofsFine->value() / 20.0)) / 2000.0f;
- } else {
- traceData.m_ofs = ((10.0 * ui->ofsCoarse->value()) + (ui->ofsFine->value() / 20.0)) / 1000.0f;
- }
- traceData.m_traceDelayCoarse = ui->traceDelayCoarse->value();
- traceData.m_traceDelayFine = ui->traceDelayFine->value();
- traceData.m_traceDelay = traceData.m_traceDelayCoarse * 100 + traceData.m_traceDelayFine;
- traceData.setColor(m_focusedTraceColor);
- traceData.m_viewTrace = ui->traceView->isChecked();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::fillTriggerData(ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData)
- triggerData.m_projectionType = (ScopeVisMulti::ProjectionType) ui->trigMode->currentIndex();
- triggerData.m_inputIndex = 0;
- triggerData.m_triggerLevel = (ui->trigLevelCoarse->value() / 100.0) + (ui->trigLevelFine->value() / 20000.0);
- triggerData.m_triggerLevelCoarse = ui->trigLevelCoarse->value();
- triggerData.m_triggerLevelFine = ui->trigLevelFine->value();
- triggerData.m_triggerPositiveEdge = ui->trigPos->isChecked();
- triggerData.m_triggerBothEdges = ui->trigBoth->isChecked();
- triggerData.m_triggerRepeat = ui->trigCount->value();
- triggerData.m_triggerDelayMult = ui->trigDelayCoarse->value() + ui->trigDelayFine->value() / (ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize / 10.0);
- triggerData.m_triggerDelay = (int) (m_traceLenMult * ScopeVisMulti::m_traceChunkSize * triggerData.m_triggerDelayMult);
- triggerData.m_triggerDelayCoarse = ui->trigDelayCoarse->value();
- triggerData.m_triggerDelayFine = ui->trigDelayFine->value();
- triggerData.setColor(m_focusedTriggerColor);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTraceUI(const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData)
- TraceUIBlocker traceUIBlocker(ui);
- ui->traceMode->setCurrentIndex((int) traceData.m_projectionType);
- ui->amp->setValue(traceData.m_ampIndex);
- setAmpScaleDisplay();
- ui->ofsCoarse->setValue(traceData.m_ofsCoarse);
- ui->ofsFine->setValue(traceData.m_ofsFine);
- setAmpOfsDisplay();
- ui->traceDelayCoarse->setValue(traceData.m_traceDelayCoarse);
- ui->traceDelayFine->setValue(traceData.m_traceDelayFine);
- setTraceDelayDisplay();
- m_focusedTraceColor = traceData.m_traceColor;
- int r, g, b, a;
- m_focusedTraceColor.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- ui->traceColor->setStyleSheet(tr("QLabel { background-color : rgb(%1,%2,%3); }").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b));
- ui->traceView->setChecked(traceData.m_viewTrace);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTriggerUI(const ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData)
- TrigUIBlocker trigUIBlocker(ui);
- ui->trigMode->setCurrentIndex((int) triggerData.m_projectionType);
- ui->trigCount->setValue(triggerData.m_triggerRepeat);
- setTrigCountDisplay();
- ui->trigPos->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigNeg->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigPos->doToggle(false);
- ui->trigNeg->doToggle(false);
- if (triggerData.m_triggerBothEdges)
- {
- ui->trigBoth->setChecked(true);
- ui->trigBoth->doToggle(true);
- }
- else
- {
- ui->trigBoth->setChecked(false);
- ui->trigBoth->doToggle(false);
- if (triggerData.m_triggerPositiveEdge)
- {
- ui->trigPos->setChecked(true);
- ui->trigPos->doToggle(true);
- }
- else
- {
- ui->trigNeg->setChecked(true);
- ui->trigNeg->doToggle(true);
- }
- }
- ui->trigLevelCoarse->setValue(triggerData.m_triggerLevelCoarse);
- ui->trigLevelFine->setValue(triggerData.m_triggerLevelFine);
- setTrigLevelDisplay();
- ui->trigDelayCoarse->setValue(triggerData.m_triggerDelayCoarse);
- ui->trigDelayFine->setValue(triggerData.m_triggerDelayFine);
- setTrigDelayDisplay();
- m_focusedTriggerColor = triggerData.m_triggerColor;
- int r, g, b, a;
- m_focusedTriggerColor.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a);
- ui->trigColor->setStyleSheet(tr("QLabel { background-color : rgb(%1,%2,%3); }").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b));
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::applySettings()
-bool GLScopeMultiGUI::handleMessage(Message* message __attribute__((unused)))
- return false;
-GLScopeMultiGUI::TrigUIBlocker::TrigUIBlocker(Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI *ui) :
- m_ui(ui)
- m_oldStateTrigMode = ui->trigMode->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigCount = ui->trigCount->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigPos = ui->trigPos->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigNeg = ui->trigNeg->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigBoth = ui->trigBoth->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigLevelCoarse = ui->trigLevelCoarse->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigLevelFine = ui->trigLevelFine->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigDelayCoarse = ui->trigDelayCoarse->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTrigDelayFine = ui->trigDelayFine->blockSignals(true);
- unBlock();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::TrigUIBlocker::unBlock()
- m_ui->trigMode->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigMode);
- m_ui->trigCount->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigCount);
- m_ui->trigPos->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigPos);
- m_ui->trigNeg->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigNeg);
- m_ui->trigBoth->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigBoth);
- m_ui->trigLevelCoarse->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigLevelCoarse);
- m_ui->trigLevelFine->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigLevelFine);
- m_ui->trigDelayCoarse->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigDelayCoarse);
- m_ui->trigDelayFine->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrigDelayFine);
-GLScopeMultiGUI::TraceUIBlocker::TraceUIBlocker(Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI* ui) :
- m_ui(ui)
- m_oldStateTrace = m_ui->trace->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTraceAdd = m_ui->traceAdd->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTraceDel = m_ui->traceDel->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTraceMode = m_ui->traceMode->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateAmp = m_ui->amp->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateOfsCoarse = m_ui->ofsCoarse->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateOfsFine = m_ui->ofsFine->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTraceDelayCoarse = m_ui->traceDelayCoarse->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTraceDelayFine = m_ui->traceDelayFine->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateTraceColor = m_ui->traceColor->blockSignals(true);
- unBlock();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::TraceUIBlocker::unBlock()
- m_ui->trace->blockSignals(m_oldStateTrace);
- m_ui->traceAdd->blockSignals(m_oldStateTraceAdd);
- m_ui->traceDel->blockSignals(m_oldStateTraceDel);
- m_ui->traceMode->blockSignals(m_oldStateTraceMode);
- m_ui->amp->blockSignals(m_oldStateAmp);
- m_ui->ofsCoarse->blockSignals(m_oldStateOfsCoarse);
- m_ui->ofsFine->blockSignals(m_oldStateOfsFine);
- m_ui->traceDelayCoarse->blockSignals(m_oldStateTraceDelayCoarse);
- m_ui->traceDelayFine->blockSignals(m_oldStateTraceDelayFine);
- m_ui->traceColor->blockSignals(m_oldStateTraceColor);
-GLScopeMultiGUI::MainUIBlocker::MainUIBlocker(Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI* ui) :
- m_ui(ui)
- m_oldStateOnlyX = m_ui->onlyX->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateOnlyY = m_ui->onlyY->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateHorizontalXY = m_ui->horizontalXY->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStateVerticalXY = m_ui->verticalXY->blockSignals(true);
- m_oldStatePolar = m_ui->polar->blockSignals(true);
-// m_oldStateTime = m_ui->time->blockSignals(true);
-// m_oldStateTimeOfs = m_ui->timeOfs->blockSignals(true);
-// m_oldStateTraceLen = m_ui->traceLen->blockSignals(true);
- unBlock();
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::MainUIBlocker::unBlock()
- m_ui->onlyX->blockSignals(m_oldStateOnlyX);
- m_ui->onlyY->blockSignals(m_oldStateOnlyY);
- m_ui->horizontalXY->blockSignals(m_oldStateHorizontalXY);
- m_ui->verticalXY->blockSignals(m_oldStateVerticalXY);
- m_ui->polar->blockSignals(m_oldStatePolar);
-// m_ui->time->blockSignals(m_oldStateTime);
-// m_ui->timeOfs->blockSignals(m_oldStateTimeOfs);
-// m_ui->traceLen->blockSignals(m_oldStateTraceLen);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setDisplayMode(DisplayMode displayMode)
- if (ui->trace->maximum() == 0)
- {
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(true);
- }
- else
- {
- switch (displayMode)
- {
- case DisplayX:
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case DisplayY:
- ui->onlyY->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case DisplayXYH:
- ui->horizontalXY->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case DisplayXYV:
- ui->verticalXY->setChecked(true);
- break;
- case DisplayPol:
- ui->polar->setChecked(true);
- break;
- default:
- ui->onlyX->setChecked(true);
- break;
- }
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTraceIntensity(int value)
- if ((value < ui->traceIntensity->minimum()) || (value > ui->traceIntensity->maximum())) {
- return;
- }
- ui->traceIntensity->setValue(value);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setGridIntensity(int value)
- if ((value < ui->gridIntensity->minimum()) || (value > ui->gridIntensity->maximum())) {
- return;
- }
- ui->gridIntensity->setValue(value);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTimeBase(int step)
- if ((step < ui->time->minimum()) || (step > ui->time->maximum())) {
- return;
- }
- ui->time->setValue(step);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTimeOffset(int step)
- if ((step < ui->timeOfs->minimum()) || (step > ui->timeOfs->maximum())) {
- return;
- }
- ui->timeOfs->setValue(step);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setTraceLength(int step)
- if ((step < ui->traceLen->minimum()) || (step > ui->traceLen->maximum())) {
- return;
- }
- ui->traceLen->setValue(step);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::setPreTrigger(int step)
- if ((step < ui->trigPre->minimum()) || (step > ui->trigPre->maximum())) {
- return;
- }
- ui->trigPre->setValue(step);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::changeTrace(int traceIndex, const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData)
- m_scopeVis->changeTrace(traceData, traceIndex);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::addTrace(const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData)
- if (ui->trace->maximum() < 3)
- {
- if (ui->trace->value() == 0)
- {
- ui->onlyY->setEnabled(true);
- ui->horizontalXY->setEnabled(true);
- ui->verticalXY->setEnabled(true);
- ui->polar->setEnabled(true);
- }
- m_scopeVis->addTrace(traceData);
- ui->trace->setMaximum(ui->trace->maximum() + 1);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::focusOnTrace(int traceIndex)
- on_trace_valueChanged(traceIndex);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::changeTrigger(int triggerIndex, const ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData)
- m_scopeVis->changeTrigger(triggerData, triggerIndex);
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::addTrigger(const ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData)
- if (ui->trig->maximum() < 9)
- {
- m_scopeVis->addTrigger(triggerData);
- ui->trig->setMaximum(ui->trig->maximum() + 1);
- }
-void GLScopeMultiGUI::focusOnTrigger(int triggerIndex)
- on_trig_valueChanged(triggerIndex);
diff --git a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.h b/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 291d1ca9b..000000000
--- a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB //
-// written by Edouard Griffiths //
-// //
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
-// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
-// //
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
-// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
-// //
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
-// along with this program. If not, see . //
-#include "dsp/dsptypes.h"
-#include "export.h"
-#include "util/message.h"
-#include "dsp/scopevismulti.h"
-namespace Ui {
- class GLScopeMultiGUI;
-class MessageQueue;
-class GLScopeMulti;
-class SDRGUI_API GLScopeMultiGUI : public QWidget {
- enum DisplayMode {
- DisplayXYH,
- DisplayXYV,
- DisplayX,
- DisplayY,
- DisplayPol
- };
- explicit GLScopeMultiGUI(QWidget* parent = 0);
- ~GLScopeMultiGUI();
- void setBuddies(MessageQueue* messageQueue, ScopeVisMulti* scopeVis, GLScopeMulti* glScope);
- void setSampleRate(int sampleRate);
- void resetToDefaults();
- QByteArray serialize() const;
- bool deserialize(const QByteArray& data);
- bool handleMessage(Message* message);
- // preconfiguration methods
- // global (first line):
- void setDisplayMode(DisplayMode displayMode);
- void setTraceIntensity(int value);
- void setGridIntensity(int value);
- void setTimeBase(int step);
- void setTimeOffset(int step);
- void setTraceLength(int step);
- void setPreTrigger(int step);
- // trace (second line):
- void changeTrace(int traceIndex, const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData);
- void addTrace(const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData);
- void focusOnTrace(int traceIndex);
- // trigger (third line):
- void changeTrigger(int triggerIndex, const ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData);
- void addTrigger(const ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData);
- void focusOnTrigger(int triggerIndex);
- class TrigUIBlocker
- {
- public:
- TrigUIBlocker(Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI *ui);
- ~TrigUIBlocker();
- void unBlock();
- private:
- Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI *m_ui;
- bool m_oldStateTrigMode;
- bool m_oldStateTrigCount;
- bool m_oldStateTrigPos;
- bool m_oldStateTrigNeg;
- bool m_oldStateTrigBoth;
- bool m_oldStateTrigLevelCoarse;
- bool m_oldStateTrigLevelFine;
- bool m_oldStateTrigDelayCoarse;
- bool m_oldStateTrigDelayFine;
- };
- class TraceUIBlocker
- {
- public:
- TraceUIBlocker(Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI *ui);
- ~TraceUIBlocker();
- void unBlock();
- private:
- Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI *m_ui;
- bool m_oldStateTrace;
- bool m_oldStateTraceAdd;
- bool m_oldStateTraceDel;
- bool m_oldStateTraceMode;
- bool m_oldStateAmp;
- bool m_oldStateOfsCoarse;
- bool m_oldStateOfsFine;
- bool m_oldStateTraceDelayCoarse;
- bool m_oldStateTraceDelayFine;
- bool m_oldStateTraceColor;
- };
- class MainUIBlocker
- {
- public:
- MainUIBlocker(Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI *ui);
- ~MainUIBlocker();
- void unBlock();
- private:
- Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI *m_ui;
- bool m_oldStateOnlyX;
- bool m_oldStateOnlyY;
- bool m_oldStateHorizontalXY;
- bool m_oldStateVerticalXY;
- bool m_oldStatePolar;
-// bool m_oldStateTime;
-// bool m_oldStateTimeOfs;
-// bool m_oldStateTraceLen;
- };
- Ui::GLScopeMultiGUI* ui;
- MessageQueue* m_messageQueue;
- ScopeVisMulti* m_scopeVis;
- GLScopeMulti* m_glScope;
- int m_sampleRate;
- int m_timeBase;
- int m_timeOffset;
- int m_traceLenMult;
- QColor m_focusedTraceColor;
- QColor m_focusedTriggerColor;
- static const double amps[11];
- void applySettings();
- // First row
- void setTraceIndexDisplay();
- void setTimeScaleDisplay();
- void setTraceLenDisplay();
- void setTimeOfsDisplay();
- // Second row
- void setAmpScaleDisplay();
- void setAmpOfsDisplay();
- void setTraceDelayDisplay();
- // Third row
- void setTrigIndexDisplay();
- void setTrigCountDisplay();
- void setTrigLevelDisplay();
- void setTrigDelayDisplay();
- void setTrigPreDisplay();
- void changeCurrentTrace();
- void changeCurrentTrigger();
- void fillTraceData(ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData);
- void fillTriggerData(ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData);
- void setTriggerUI(const ScopeVisMulti::TriggerData& triggerData);
- void setTraceUI(const ScopeVisMulti::TraceData& traceData);
- void fillProjectionCombo(QComboBox* comboBox);
- void disableLiveMode(bool disable);
-private slots:
- void on_scope_sampleRateChanged(int value);
- // First row
- void on_onlyX_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_onlyY_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_horizontalXY_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_verticalXY_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_polar_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_traceIntensity_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_gridIntensity_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_time_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_timeOfs_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_traceLen_valueChanged(int value);
- // Second row
- void on_trace_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_traceAdd_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_traceDel_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_traceUp_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_traceDown_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_traceMode_currentIndexChanged(int index);
- void on_amp_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_ofsCoarse_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_ofsFine_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_traceDelayCoarse_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_traceDelayFine_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_traceView_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_traceColor_clicked();
- void on_mem_valueChanged(int value);
- // Third row
- void on_trig_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_trigAdd_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_trigDel_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_trigUp_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_trigDown_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_trigMode_currentIndexChanged(int index);
- void on_trigCount_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_trigPos_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_trigNeg_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_trigBoth_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_trigLevelCoarse_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_trigLevelFine_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_trigDelayCoarse_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_trigDelayFine_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_trigPre_valueChanged(int value);
- void on_trigColor_clicked();
- void on_trigOneShot_toggled(bool checked);
- void on_freerun_toggled(bool checked);
diff --git a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.ui b/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b51bb4a..000000000
--- a/sdrgui/gui/glscopemultigui.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1908 +0,0 @@
- GLScopeMultiGUI
- 0
- 0
- 750
- 121
- 750
- 0
- Liberation Sans
- 8
- Oscilloscope
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
- -
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 24
- 24
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- Show only X trace (trace #0)
- X
- true
- false
- -
- 24
- 24
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- Show only Y traces
- Y
- -
- 24
- 24
- Display X and Y traces side by side
- ...
- :/horizontal_w.png:/horizontal_w.png
- -
- 24
- 24
- Display X and Y trances on top of each other
- ...
- :/vertical_w.png:/vertical_w.png
- -
- 24
- 24
- Display XY traces and polar trace
- ...
- :/constellation.png:/constellation.png
- -
- 0
- 0
- 24
- 24
- Trace intensity
- 100
- 1
- 50
- -
- 24
- 24
- Grid intensity
- 100
- 1
- 10
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Time range
- T:
- -
- 40
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- Time range
- 1
- 100
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Time offset
- O:
- -
- 40
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- Time offset
- 100
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Trace length
- L:
- -
- 40
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- Trace length
- 1
- 20
- 1
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- 52
- 0
- Currently displayed trace sample rate (kS/s)
- 00000.00
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- 2
- 24
- 0
- Tra
- -
- 15
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- 24
- 24
- Trace index (0 is X trace)
- 0
- 1
- -
- 0
- 18
- 18
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- 10
- Add a new Y trace
- +
- -
- 18
- 18
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- 10
- Remove current Y trace
- -
- -
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 18
- 18
- Move trace up in trace list (wraps around)
- :/arrow_up.png:/arrow_up.png
- -
- 18
- 18
- Move trace down in trace list
- :/arrow_down.png:/arrow_down.png
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- 65
- 16777215
- Trace mode
- Real
- -
- Imag
- -
- Mag
- -
- MagdB
- -
- Phi
- -
- dPhi
- -
- 24
- 24
- Source port selection
- 0
- 1
- -
- 12
- 0
- Source port number
- 0
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Vertical range
- A:
- -
- 36
- 0
- Vertical range value
- 000
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- Vertical range
- 10
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Vertical offset
- O:
- -
- 36
- 0
- Vertical offset value
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- 2
- 16777215
- 14
- Vertical offset coarse
- -100
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- 16777215
- 14
- Vertical offset fine
- 200
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Trace delay
- D:
- -
- 40
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- Trace delay coarse
- 48
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Trace delay fine
- 100
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- View trace toggle
- true
- -
- 16
- 16
- 16
- 16
- Current trace color (click to change)
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- 40
- 20
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- M:
- -
- Trace memory index (greater is older)
- 00
- -
- 24
- 24
- Select trace memory (0 is live)
- 15
- 1
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- 2
- 24
- 0
- Trig
- -
- 15
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- 24
- 24
- Select trigger in trigger chain
- 0
- 1
- -
- 0
- 18
- 18
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- 10
- Add a new trigger to the trigger chain
- +
- -
- 18
- 18
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- 10
- Remove current trigger from the chain
- -
- -
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 18
- 18
- Move trigger up in trigger chain (wraps around)
- :/arrow_up.png:/arrow_up.png
- -
- 18
- 18
- Move trigger down in trigger chain
- :/arrow_down.png:/arrow_down.png
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- 65
- 16777215
- Trigger mode
- Real
- -
- Imag
- -
- Mag
- -
- MagdB
- -
- Phi
- -
- dPhi
- -
- 24
- 24
- 0
- 1
- -
- 12
- 0
- 0
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- 24
- 24
- Number of trigger condition before trigger is actuated
- 100
- 1
- -
- 00
- -
- 24
- 24
- Trigger on rising edge
- ...
- :/slopep_icon.png:/slopep_icon.png
- -
- 24
- 24
- Trigger on falling edge
- ...
- :/slopen_icon.png:/slopen_icon.png
- -
- 24
- 24
- Trigger on both edges
- ...
- :/slopeb_icon.png:/slopeb_icon.png
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Trigger level
- L:
- -
- 40
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- 2
- 16777215
- 14
- Trigger level coarse
- -100
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- 16777215
- 14
- Trigger level fine
- 200
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Trigger delay
- D:
- -
- 40
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- Trigger delay coarse (trace length multiplier)
- 100
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Trigger delay fine (trace length divider)
- 480
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Pre-trigger delay
- P:
- -
- 40
- 0
- 0
- Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter
- -
- Pre-trigger delay
- 1
- Qt::Horizontal
- -
- Qt::Vertical
- -
- Qt::Horizontal
- 40
- 20
- -
- 16
- 16
- 16
- 16
- Current trigger color (click to change)
- -
- 24
- 24
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- One shot trigger
- 1
- -
- 24
- 24
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 255
- 190
- 190
- 190
- Freerun (de-activate triggers)
- F
- ButtonSwitch
- QToolButton
- ClickableLabel
- QLabel