mirror of https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel.git synced 2025-03-22 12:18:32 -04:00

Fix spelling errors in documentation

This commit is contained in:
Jason Gerecke 2018-04-21 14:14:36 -07:00
parent f6ea7b216e
commit 8cf3469c87
35 changed files with 242 additions and 242 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- master: the production branch
- dev: the development branch
- legacy: the modified code from the parent application [hexameron rtl-sdrangelove](https://github.com/hexameron/rtl-sdrangelove) before a major redeisign of the code was carried out and sync was lost.
- legacy: the modified code from the parent application [hexameron rtl-sdrangelove](https://github.com/hexameron/rtl-sdrangelove) before a major redesign of the code was carried out and sync was lost.
<h2>Untested plugins</h2>
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ If you use your own location for libperseus-sdr install directory you need to sp
[PlutoSDR](https://wiki.analog.com/university/tools/pluto) is supported with the libiio interface. This library should be installed in your system for proper build of the software and operation support. Add `libiio-dev` to the list of dependencies to install. Be aware that version 0.10 is needed and is not available yet in all distributions. You may have to compile it from source instead.
If you use your own location for libiio install directory you need to specify library and include locations. Example with `/opt/install/libiio` with the following defines on `cmake` command line: `-DLIBIIO_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/install/libiio/include -DLIBIIO_LIBRARY=/opt/install/libiio/lib/libiio.so`. In openSuse the lib directory path would be: `-DLIBIIO_LIBRARY=/opt/install/libiio/lib64/libiio.so`.
If you use your own location for libiio install directory you need to specify library and include locations. Example with `/opt/install/libiio` with the following defines on `cmake` command line: `-DLIBIIO_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/install/libiio/include -DLIBIIO_LIBRARY=/opt/install/libiio/lib/libiio.so`. In openSUSE the lib directory path would be: `-DLIBIIO_LIBRARY=/opt/install/libiio/lib64/libiio.so`.
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ These plugins do not use any hardware device connected to your system.
The [File source plugin](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel/tree/dev/plugins/samplesource/filesource) allows the playback of a recorded IQ file. Such a file is obtained using the recording feature. Click on the record button on the left of the main frequency dial to toggle recording. The file has a fixed name `test_<n>.sdriq` created in the current directory where `<n>` is the device tab index.
Note that this plugin does not require any of the hardware support libraries nor the libusb library. It is alwasys available in the list of devices as `FileSource[0]` even if no physical device is connected.
Note that this plugin does not require any of the hardware support libraries nor the libusb library. It is always available in the list of devices as `FileSource[0]` even if no physical device is connected.
The `.sdriq` format produced are the 2x2 bytes I/Q samples with a header containing the center frequency of the baseband, the sample rate and the timestamp of the recording start. Note that this header length is a multiple of the sample size so the file can be read with a simple 2x2 bytes I/Q reader such as a GNU Radio file source block. It will just produce a short glitch at the beginning corresponding to the header data.
@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ The [Test source plugin](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel/tree/master/plugins/s
Linux only.
The [SDRdaemon source input plugin](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel/tree/dev/plugins/samplesource/sdrdaemonsource) is the client side of the SDRdaemon receiver server `sdrdaemonrx`. See the [SDRdaemon](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) project in this Github repository. You must specify the local address and UDP port to which the remote server connects and samples will flow into the SDRangel application (default is ``port `9090`). It uses the meta data to retrieve the sample flow characteristics such as sample rate and receiveng center frequency. It also opens a TCP link to another port to send service messages such as setting parameters specific to the hadrware device connected to the server (default port is `9091`). The `libnanomsg` library is used to support this messaging.
The [SDRdaemon source input plugin](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel/tree/dev/plugins/samplesource/sdrdaemonsource) is the client side of the SDRdaemon receiver server `sdrdaemonrx`. See the [SDRdaemon](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) project in this Github repository. You must specify the local address and UDP port to which the remote server connects and samples will flow into the SDRangel application (default is ``port `9090`). It uses the meta data to retrieve the sample flow characteristics such as sample rate and receiving center frequency. It also opens a TCP link to another port to send service messages such as setting parameters specific to the hardware device connected to the server (default port is `9091`). The `libnanomsg` library is used to support this messaging.
The data blocks transmitted via UDP are protected against loss with a Cauchy MDS block erasure codec. This makes the transmission more robust in particular with WiFi links.
There is an automated skew rate compensation in place. During rate readjustemnt streaming can be suspended or signal glitches can occur for about one second.
There is an automated skew rate compensation in place. During rate readjustment streaming can be suspended or signal glitches can occur for about one second.
This plugin will be built only if the libnanomsg and the [CM256cc library](https://github.com/f4exb/cm256cc) are installed in your system. libnanomsg is available as a dev package in most distributions For CM256cc if you install it in a non standard directory you will then have to specify the include and library paths on the cmake command line. Say if you install cm256cc in `/opt/install/cm256cc` you will have to add `-DCM256CC_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/install/cm256cc/include/cm256cc -DCM256CC_LIBRARIES=/opt/install/cm256cc/lib/libcm256cc.so` to the cmake commands.
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ Install cmake version 3:
Tested with Cinnamon 17.2. Since it is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS pleae follow instructions for this distribution (paragraph just above).
Tested with Cinnamon 17.2. Since it is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS please follow instructions for this distribution (paragraph just above).
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ For Debian Jessie or Stretch:
This has been tested with the bleeding edge "Thumbleweed" distribution:
This has been tested with the bleeding edge "Tumbleweed" distribution:
`sudo zypper install Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libEGL-devel Mesa-libGL-devel Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel Mesa-libGLESv2-devel Mesa-libGLESv3-devel Mesa-libglapi-devel libOSMesa-devel`
@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ Then you should be all set to build the software with `cmake` and `make` as disc
- Note1: if you are on Leap you will need a more recent g++ compiler so in place of `gcc-c++` use `gcc5-c++` or `gcc6-c++` then add the following in the cmake command: `-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-6 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-6` (for gcc 6) and then `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=...` for the custom install path (not `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=...`)
- Note2: On Leap and aarch64 architectures you will need to build and install `libnanomsg` from [source](https://github.com/nanomsg/nanomsg)
- Note3 for udev rules: installed udev rules for BladeRF and HackRF are targetted at Debian or Ubuntu systems that have a plugdev group for USB hotplug devices. This is not the case in openSUSE. To make the udev rules file compatible just remove the `GROUP` parameter on all lines and change `MODE` parameter to `666`.
- Note4: A package has been created in OpenSUSE thanks to Martin, see: [sdrangel](https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/hardware:sdr/sdrangel). It is based on the latest release on master branch.
- Note3 for udev rules: installed udev rules for BladeRF and HackRF are targeted at Debian or Ubuntu systems that have a plugdev group for USB hotplug devices. This is not the case in openSUSE. To make the udev rules file compatible just remove the `GROUP` parameter on all lines and change `MODE` parameter to `666`.
- Note4: A package has been created in openSUSE thanks to Martin, see: [sdrangel](https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/hardware:sdr/sdrangel). It is based on the latest release on master branch.
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ You can uninstall the software with `make uninstall` or `sudo make uninstall` fr
<h2>Changes from SDRangelove</h2>
See the v1.0.1 first official relase [release notes](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel/releases/tag/v1.0.1)
See the v1.0.1 first official release [release notes](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel/releases/tag/v1.0.1)
<h2>To Do</h2>
@ -449,4 +449,4 @@ Other ideas:
<h1>Developer's notes</h1>
Please check the developper's specific [readme](./ReadmeDeveloper.md)
Please check the developer's specific [readme](./ReadmeDeveloper.md)

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You can add `-Wno-dev` on the `cmake` command line to avoid warnings.
![SDRangel code map](./doc/img/SDRangelFlow.png)
The existing receiving flow is represented with green boxes. The futrue Tx flow with red boxes. Some classes and file paths in the Rx part were renamed to avoid collision with future Tx names in this case the old name appears below the present name in italics.
The existing receiving flow is represented with green boxes. The future Tx flow with red boxes. Some classes and file paths in the Rx part were renamed to avoid collision with future Tx names in this case the old name appears below the present name in italics.
<h3>Rx path</h3>
@ -33,22 +33,22 @@ The existing receiving flow is represented with green boxes. The futrue Tx flow
At present the following plugins are available:
- `AirspyXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/airspy`: Inteface with Airspy devices
- `BladeRFXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/bladerf`: Inteface with BladeRF devices
- `BladeRFXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/bladerf`: Inteface with BladeRF devices
- `FCDProXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/fcdpro`: Inteface with Funcube Pro devices
- `FCDProPlusXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/fcdproplus`: Inteface with Funcube Pro+ devices
- `HackRFXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/hackrf`: Inteface with HackRF devices
- `RTLSDRXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/rtlsdr`: Inteface with RTL-SDR devices
- `SDRDaemonXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/sdrdaemon`: Special inteface collecting I/Q samples from an UDP flow sent by a remote device using [SDRdaemon](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon).
- `SDRDaemonFECXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/sdrdaemonfec`: Special inteface collecting I/Q samples from an UDP flow sent by a remote device using [SDRdaemon](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) with FEC protection of blocks.
- `FileSource` classes in `plugins/samplesource/filesource`: Special inteface reading I/Q samples from a file directly into the baseband skipping the downsampling block
- `AirspyXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/airspy`: Interface with Airspy devices
- `BladeRFXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/bladerf`: Interface with BladeRF devices
- `BladeRFXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/bladerf`: Interface with BladeRF devices
- `FCDProXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/fcdpro`: Interface with Funcube Pro devices
- `FCDProPlusXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/fcdproplus`: Interface with Funcube Pro+ devices
- `HackRFXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/hackrf`: Interface with HackRF devices
- `RTLSDRXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/rtlsdr`: Interface with RTL-SDR devices
- `SDRDaemonXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/sdrdaemon`: Special interface collecting I/Q samples from an UDP flow sent by a remote device using [SDRdaemon](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon).
- `SDRDaemonFECXxx` classes in `plugins/samplesource/sdrdaemonfec`: Special interface collecting I/Q samples from an UDP flow sent by a remote device using [SDRdaemon](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) with FEC protection of blocks.
- `FileSource` classes in `plugins/samplesource/filesource`: Special interface reading I/Q samples from a file directly into the baseband skipping the downsampling block
<h3>Device sample sink plugins</h3>
At present the following plugins are available:
- `FileSink` classes in `plugins/samplesink/filesink`: Special inteface writing baseband I/Q samples to a file skipping the final upsampling block
- `FileSink` classes in `plugins/samplesink/filesink`: Special interface writing baseband I/Q samples to a file skipping the final upsampling block
<h3>Channel receiver (Rx) plugins</h3>
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ The `plugins` subdirectory contains the associated plugins used to manage device
- `xxxanalyzerplugin.h/cpp` : Analyzer plugin manager
- `xxxanalyzer.pro` : Qt .pro file for Windows/Android build
- `xxxsrc` : Interface to the outside (e.g xxx = udp):
- `xxxsrc.h/cpp` : Inteface core
- `xxxsrc.h/cpp` : Interface core
- `xxxsrcgui.h/cpp` : Interface GUI
- `xxxsrcplugin/h/cpp` : Interface plugin manager
- `xxxsrc.pro` : Qt .pro file for Windows/Android build
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ The `plugins` subdirectory contains the associated plugins used to manage device
- `xxxgeneratorplugin.h/cpp` : Generator plugin manager
- `xxxgenerator.pro` : Qt .pro file for Windows/Android build
- `xxxsink` : Interface to the outside (e.g xxx = udp):
- `xxxsink.h/cpp` : Inteface core
- `xxxsink.h/cpp` : Interface core
- `xxxsinkgui.h/cpp` : Interface GUI
- `xxxsinklugin/h/cpp` : Interface plugin manager
- `xxxsink.pro` : Qt .pro file for Windows/Android build
@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ The lifecycle of the GUI is controlled from the "Sampling Device Control" device
- Remove the current device API from the relevant buddies lists. Buddies list are effective only for physical devices with SISO or MIMO architecture (more on that later)
- Create the new device API
- Add the new device API to the relevant devices APIs buddies list
- creates tne new GUI and hence new device interface. This will always open the physical device unless the physical device has a SISO or MIMO architecture
- Creates the new GUI and hence new device interface. This will always open the physical device unless the physical device has a SISO or MIMO architecture
Here is the relevant par ot the code (source side) in the `MainWindow::on_sampleSource_confirmClicked` method:
Here is the relevant part of the code (source side) in the `MainWindow::on_sampleSource_confirmClicked` method:
deviceUI->m_deviceSourceAPI->setSampleSourcePluginInstanceUI(0); // deletes old UI and input object
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ Note that the following would also work for multiple sample channels Rx or Tx on
In SDRangel there is a complete receiver or transmitter per I/Q sample flow. These transmitters and receivers are visually represented by the Rn and Tn tabs in the main window. They are created and disposed in the way explained in the previous paragraph using the source or sink selection confirmation button. In fact it acts as if each receiver or transmitter was controlled independently. In single input or single output (none at the moment) devices this is a true independence but with SISO or MIMO devices this cannot be the case and although each receiver or transmitter looks like it was handled independently there are things in common that have to be taken into account. For example in all cases the device handle should be unique and opening and closing the device has to be done only once per physical device usage cycle.
This is where the "buddies list" come into play. Receivers exhibit a generic interface in the form of the DeviceSourceAPI class and transmitter have the DeviceSinkAPI with the same role. Through these APIs some information and control can flow between receivers and trasmitters. The point is that all receivers and/or transmitters pertaining to the same physical device must "know" each other in order to be able to exchange information or control each other. For this purpose the DeviceSourceAPI or DeviceSinkAPI maintain a list of DeviceSourceAPI siblings and a list of DeviceSinkAPI siblings called "buddies". Thus any multi flow Rx/Tx configuration can be handled.
This is where the "buddies list" come into play. Receivers exhibit a generic interface in the form of the DeviceSourceAPI class and transmitter have the DeviceSinkAPI with the same role. Through these APIs some information and control can flow between receivers and transmitters. The point is that all receivers and/or transmitters pertaining to the same physical device must "know" each other in order to be able to exchange information or control each other. For this purpose the DeviceSourceAPI or DeviceSinkAPI maintain a list of DeviceSourceAPI siblings and a list of DeviceSinkAPI siblings called "buddies". Thus any multi flow Rx/Tx configuration can be handled.
The exact behaviour of these coupled receivers and/or transmitters is dependent on the hardware therefore a generic pointer attached to the API can be used to convey any kind of class or structure taylored for the exact hardware use case. Through this structure the state of the receiver or transmitter can be exposed therefore there is one structure per receiver and transmitter in the device interface. This structure may contain pointers to common areas (dynamically allocated) related to the physical device. One such "area" is the device handle which is present in all cases.
The exact behaviour of these coupled receivers and/or transmitters is dependent on the hardware therefore a generic pointer attached to the API can be used to convey any kind of class or structure tailored for the exact hardware use case. Through this structure the state of the receiver or transmitter can be exposed therefore there is one structure per receiver and transmitter in the device interface. This structure may contain pointers to common areas (dynamically allocated) related to the physical device. One such "area" is the device handle which is present in all cases.
Normally the first buddy would create the common areas (through new) and the last would delete them (through delete) and the indovidual structure (superstructure) would be on the stack of each buddy. Thus by copying this superstructure a buddy would gain access to common areas from another (already present) buddy along with static information from the other buddy (such as which hadrware Rx or Tx channel it uses in a MIMO architecture). Exchange of dynamic information between buddies is done using message passing.
Normally the first buddy would create the common areas (through new) and the last would delete them (through delete) and the individual structure (superstructure) would be on the stack of each buddy. Thus by copying this superstructure a buddy would gain access to common areas from another (already present) buddy along with static information from the other buddy (such as which hardware Rx or Tx channel it uses in a MIMO architecture). Exchange of dynamic information between buddies is done using message passing.
The degree of entanglement between the different coupled flows in a single hardware can be very different:
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ The degree of entanglement between the different coupled flows in a single hardw
- independent Rx and Tx sample rates
- independent Rx and Tx center frequencies
- independent Gain, bandwidth, ...
- only the device handle and indication of the presence of the XB200 accesory board is common
- only the device handle and indication of the presence of the XB200 accessory board is common
- HackRF: this is a half duplex device. Rx and Tx might appear as tightly coupled but since you can use only one or the other then in fact you can control them differently as this is done in sequence. In fact only the common device handle has to be taken care of

View File

@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ Note: the spectrum view (Channel spectrum) is not presented here.
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>3: Toggle the rational downsampler</h3>
The input channel sample rate is given by the source device sample rate possibly downsampled by a power of two in the source device plugin. This input sample rate can be optionnaly downsampled to any value using a rational downsampler. This allows a precise control of the timings independently of the source plugin sample rate. Some devices are flexible on their sample rate some like the Airspy are not.
The input channel sample rate is given by the source device sample rate possibly downsampled by a power of two in the source device plugin. This input sample rate can be optionally downsampled to any value using a rational downsampler. This allows a precise control of the timings independently of the source plugin sample rate. Some devices are flexible on their sample rate some like the Airspy are not.
<h3>4: Rational downsampler output rate</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate that will be used in the rest of the signal processing in the channel. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. The minimum value is 2000 S/s and the maximum value is the source plugin output sample rate. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate that will be used in the rest of the signal processing in the channel. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. The minimum value is 2000 S/s and the maximum value is the source plugin output sample rate. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>5: Downsampler by a power of two</h3>
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Average total power in dB relative to a +/- 1.0 amplitude signal received in the
In SSB mode this filter is a complex filter that can lowpass on either side of the center frequency. It is therefore labeled as "LP". For negative frequencies (LSB) the cut-off frequency is therefore negative. In fact setting a negative frequency in SSB mode automatically turns on the LSB mode processing and the spectrum is reversed.
In normal (DSB) mode this filter is a real filter that lowpass on both sides of the zero (center) frequency symmetrically. Therefore it acts as a badpass filter centered on the zero frequency and therefore it is labeled as "BP". The value displayed in (9) is the full bandwidth of the filter.
In normal (DSB) mode this filter is a real filter that lowpass on both sides of the zero (center) frequency symmetrically. Therefore it acts as a bandpass filter centered on the zero frequency and therefore it is labeled as "BP". The value displayed in (9) is the full bandwidth of the filter.
<h3>9. Lowpass filter cut-off frequency</h3>
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ When SSB is off the lowpass filter is actually a bandpass filter around the chan
<h3>11. Select highpass filter cut-off frequency</h3>
In SSB mode this controls the cut-off frequency of the complex highpass filter which is the filter closest to the zero frequency. This cut-off frquency is always at least 0.1 kHz in absolute value below the lowpass filter cut-off frequency (8).
In SSB mode this controls the cut-off frequency of the complex highpass filter which is the filter closest to the zero frequency. This cut-off frequency is always at least 0.1 kHz in absolute value below the lowpass filter cut-off frequency (8).
In normal (DSB) mode this filter is not active.
<h3>12. Hghpass filter cut-off frequency</h3>
<h3>12. Highpass filter cut-off frequency</h3>
This is the cut-off frequency of the highpass filter in kHz. It is zero or negative in LSB mode.
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ To construct a trace which represents real values the incoming complex signal mu
- Imag: take the imaginary part
- Mag: calculate magnitude in linear representation. This is just the module of the complex sample
- MagDB: calculate power in log representation as 10*log10(x) or decibel (dB) representation. This is the squared module of the complex sample expressed in decibels
- Phi: instantaneous phase. This is the argument of the comlpex sample.
- Phi: instantaneous phase. This is the argument of the complex sample.
- dPhi: instantaneous derivative of the phase. This is the difference of arguments between successive samples thus represents the instantaneous frequency.
in the MagDB mode when the trace is selected (1) the display overlay on the top right of the trace shows 3 figures. From left to right: peak power in dB, average power in dB and peak to average difference in dB.
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ This is for future use when more than one incoming complex signals can be applie
This slider lets you adjust the amplitude scale. The full scale value appears on the left of the slider. The unit depends on the projection.
<h3>7. Offset adjustement</h3>
<h3>7. Offset adjustment</h3>
This pair of sliders let you offset the trace vertically. The offset value from reference appears on the left of the slider. The reference is either:
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ This pair of sliders let you offset the trace vertically. The offset value from
- bottom zero value for MagLin projection
- bottom -200 dB value for MagDB projection
The top slider is a coarse adjustement. Each step moves the trace by an amount that depends on the projection type:
The top slider is a coarse adjustment. Each step moves the trace by an amount that depends on the projection type:
- Real, Imag: 0.01
- Mag: 0.005
@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ The bottom slider is a fine adjustment. Each step moves the trace by an amount t
This pair of sliders let you control the time offset of the trace from the global starting point. The time offset value appears on the left of the slider and the corresponding number of samples appears as a tooltip.
The top slider is a coarse adjustement. Each step moves trace by 100 samples
The top slider is a coarse adjustment. Each step moves trace by 100 samples
The bottom slider is a fine adjustment. Each step moves trace by 1 sample
<h3>9. Trace display enable</h3>
By default the trace display is enabled and this checkbox is checked. You can optionnally "mute" the trace by unchecking this checkbox.
By default the trace display is enabled and this checkbox is checked. You can optionally "mute" the trace by unchecking this checkbox.
<h3>10. Trace color</h3>
@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ It is the complex signal that is memorized actually so when a trace in memory is
<h3>1. Select trigger</h3>
This button lets you select which triger condition is affected by the controls. The trigger index appears on the left of the button.
This button lets you select which trigger condition is affected by the controls. The trigger index appears on the left of the button.
Up to 10 triggers (index 0..9) can be chained to give the final trigger top. The first trigger condition (index 0) is tested then if the trigger is raised the next trigger condition (index 1) is activated then when trigger is raised it passes control to the next trigger etc... until the last trigger is raised then the trace process starts. This established to point in time of the trigger. Optionnally the trace can start some time before this point (this is pre-trigger - see 11)
Up to 10 triggers (index 0..9) can be chained to give the final trigger top. The first trigger condition (index 0) is tested then if the trigger is raised the next trigger condition (index 1) is activated then when trigger is raised it passes control to the next trigger etc... until the last trigger is raised then the trace process starts. This established to point in time of the trigger. Optionally the trace can start some time before this point (this is pre-trigger - see 11)
<h3>2. Add/delete trigger</h3>
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ Real: take the real part
Imag: take the imaginary part
Mag: calculate magnitude in linear representation. This is just the module of the complex sample
MagDB: calculate power in log representation as 10*log10(x) or decibel (dB) representation. This is the squared module of the complex sample expressed in decibels
Phi: instantaneous phase. This is the argument of the comlpex sample.
Phi: instantaneous phase. This is the argument of the complex sample.
dPhi: instantaneous derivative of the phase. This is the difference of arguments between successive samples thus represents the instantaneous frequency.
<h3>5. Trigger repetition</h3>
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ This button selects both signal edges triggering. Trigger is raised if the signa
This pair of sliders let you adjust the trigger level, The level appears on the left of the sliders.
The top slider is a coarse adjustement. Each step moves the trigger level by an amount that depends on the projection type:
The top slider is a coarse adjustment. Each step moves the trigger level by an amount that depends on the projection type:
- Real, Imag: 0.01
- Mag: 0.005
@ -301,17 +301,17 @@ The bottom slider is a fine adjustment. Each step moves the trigger level by an
The actual trigger top can be moved forward by a number of samples. This pair of slider lets you adjust this delay. The delay in time units appears at the left of the sliders and the amount of samples as a tooltip
The top slider is a coarse adjustement. Each step moves the delay by a trace length. The bottom slider is a fine adjustment. Each step moves the delay by 20 samples
The top slider is a coarse adjustment. Each step moves the delay by a trace length. The bottom slider is a fine adjustment. Each step moves the delay by 20 samples
<h3>11. Pre-trigger delay</h3>
The trace can start an amount of time before the trigger top. This pair of sliders let you adjust this amount of time which is displayed at the left of the sliders. The corresponding number of samples appear as a tooltip.
The top slider is a coarse adjustement. Each step moves the delay by a hundreth of the trace length. The bottom slider is a fine adjustment. Each step moves the delay by 20 samples.
The top slider is a coarse adjustment. Each step moves the delay by a hundreth of the trace length. The bottom slider is a fine adjustment. Each step moves the delay by 20 samples.
<h3>12. Trigger line color</h3>
This area shows the current trigger line color. When clicking on it a color chooser dialog appears that lets you change the color of the current trigger line color. This line appears when the selected trace projection matches the trigger projecion.
This area shows the current trigger line color. When clicking on it a color chooser dialog appears that lets you change the color of the current trigger line color. This line appears when the selected trace projection matches the trigger projection.
<h3>13. One-shot trigger</h3>
@ -319,4 +319,4 @@ This button toggles a one shot trigger. When the (final) trigger is raised only
<h3>14. Freerun</h3>
When active the triggers are disabled and traces are processed continuously. This is the default at plugin start time.
When active the triggers are disabled and traces are processed continuously. This is the default at plugin start time.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This plugin can be used to listen to a narrowband amplitude modulated signal. "N
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>2: Channel power</h3>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ If you right click on it it will open a dialog to select the audio output device
<h3>6:Bandpass boxcar filter toggle</h3>
Use this button to enable or disable the bandpass boxcar (sharp) filter with low cutoff at 300 Hz and high cutoff at half the RF bandwidth. This may help readibility of low signals on air traffic communications but degrades audio on comfortable AM broadcast transmissions.
Use this button to enable or disable the bandpass boxcar (sharp) filter with low cutoff at 300 Hz and high cutoff at half the RF bandwidth. This may help readability of low signals on air traffic communications but degrades audio on comfortable AM broadcast transmissions.
<h3>7: RF bandwidth</h3>

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Each part is detailed next
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews.Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>3: Rational downsampler toggle</h3>
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ N = S / (l &#215; F)
&#9758; The number of points should be a bit larger than the number of lines up to 240 lines then it can be a bit smaller to give an acceptable image quality.
When the rational dowsampler is engaged (3) the resulting sample rate is calculated as the closest 10 S/s multiple to the source sample rate to fit an integer number of line points.
When the rational downsampler is engaged (3) the resulting sample rate is calculated as the closest 10 S/s multiple to the source sample rate to fit an integer number of line points.
The example taken in the screenshot is from a 405 lines × 20 FPS video signal:
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ When single sideband demodulation is selected (USB, LSB) the BFO is phased locke
&#9888; this is experimental.
This allows adjstment of BFO frequency in 1 Hz steps from -2 to +2 kHz. You will have to look for the right value to lock to the carrier. See (6) for the lock indicator. This will work only at relatively low sample rates say below 1 MS/s.
This allows adjustment of BFO frequency in 1 Hz steps from -2 to +2 kHz. You will have to look for the right value to lock to the carrier. See (6) for the lock indicator. This will work only at relatively low sample rates say below 1 MS/s.
The BFO base frequency in Hz appears on the right. Actual frequency may change acoording to PLL locking to the carrier.
The BFO base frequency in Hz appears on the right. Actual frequency may change according to PLL locking to the carrier.
<h3>8: Channel power</h3>
@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ This combo lets you set the TV standard type. This sets the number of lines per
- PAL405: this is not the British standard. It just follows the same scheme as the two above but with only 7 black lines per half frame
- ShI: this is an experimental mode that uses the least possible vertical sync lines as possible. That is one line for a long synchronization pulse and one line at a higher level (0.7) to reset the vertical sync condition. Thus only 2 lines are consumed for vertical sync and the rest is left to the image. In this mode the frames are interleaved
- ShNI: this is the same as above but with non interleaved frames.
- HSkip: this is the horizontal sync skip technique for vertical synchronization. This has been in use in the first TV experiments with a small number of lines. This method just skips one horizontal synchronization pluse to mark the last or the first line (here it is the last). This method does not use any full line for vertical sync and all lines can be used for the image thus it suits the modes with a small number of lines. With more lines however the risk of missing pulses gets higher in adverse conditions because the pulses get shorter and may get swallowed by a stray pulse or a stray pulse can be taken for a valid one. In this case two images might get out of sync instead of just two lines. In practice this is suitable up to 90~120 lines.
- HSkip: this is the horizontal sync skip technique for vertical synchronization. This has been in use in the first TV experiments with a small number of lines. This method just skips one horizontal synchronization pulse to mark the last or the first line (here it is the last). This method does not use any full line for vertical sync and all lines can be used for the image thus it suits the modes with a small number of lines. With more lines however the risk of missing pulses gets higher in adverse conditions because the pulses get shorter and may get swallowed by a stray pulse or a stray pulse can be taken for a valid one. In this case two images might get out of sync instead of just two lines. In practice this is suitable up to 90~120 lines.
When the standard chosen matches the standard of transmission the image should appear in full size and proper aspect ratio.
&#9758; Interleaved mode requires an odd number of lines because the system recognizes the even and odd frames depending on a odd or even number of lines respectively for the half images
&#9758; For non interlaved mode all standards are supposed to work for any number of lines. You may experiment with any and see if it fits your purpose. However it will be easier to obtain good or optimal results in general with the following recommendations:
&#9758; For non interleaved mode all standards are supposed to work for any number of lines. You may experiment with any and see if it fits your purpose. However it will be easier to obtain good or optimal results in general with the following recommendations:

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@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ To enable this plugin at compile time you will need to have DSDcc installed in y
You can use a serial device connected to your system that implements and exposes the packet interface of the AMBE3000 chip. This can be for example a ThumbDV USB dongle. In order to support DV serial devices in your system you will need two things:
- Compile with [SerialDV](https://github.com/f4exb/serialDV) support Please refer to this project Readme.md to compile and install SerialDV. If you install it in a custom location say `/opt/install/serialdv` you will need to add these defines to the cmake command: `-DLIBSERIALDV_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/install/serialdv/include/serialdv -DLIBSERIALDV_LIBRARY=/opt/install/serialdv/lib/libserialdv.so`
- Enable DV serial devices in your system by checking the option in the Preferences menu. YOu will need to enable the DV serial devices each time you start SDRangel.
- Enable DV serial devices in your system by checking the option in the Preferences menu. You will need to enable the DV serial devices each time you start SDRangel.
Although such serial devices work with a serial interface at 400 kb in practice maybe for other reasons they are capable of handling only one conversation at a time. The software will allocate the device dynamically to a conversation with an inactivity timeout of 1 second so that conversations do not get interrupted constantly making the audio output too choppy. In practice you will have to have as many devices connected to your system as the number of conversations you would like to be handled in parallel.
Note also that this is not supported in Windows because of trouble with COM port support (contributors welcome!).
Altermatively you can use software decoding with Mbelib. Possible copyright issues apart (see next) the audio quality with the DVSI AMBE chip is much better.
Alternatively you can use software decoding with Mbelib. Possible copyright issues apart (see next) the audio quality with the DVSI AMBE chip is much better.
&#9888; Since kernel 4.4.52 the default for FTDI devices (that is in the ftdi_sio kernel module) is not to set it as low latency. This results in the ThumbDV dongle not working anymore because its response is too slow to sustain the normal AMBE packets flow. The solution is to force low latency by changing the variable for your device (ex: /dev/ttyUSB0) as follows:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ If you are not comfortable with this just do not install DSDcc and/or mbelib and
- For Linux distributions: `plugins/channel/libdemoddsd.so`
- For Windows distributions: `dsdcc.dll`, `mbelib.dll`, `plugins\channel\demoddsd.dll`
For software built fron source if you choose to have `mbelib` support you will need to have DSDcc compiled with `mbelib` support. You will also need to have defines for it on the cmake command. If you have mbelib installed in a custom location, say `/opt/install/mbelib` you will need to add these defines to the cmake command: `-DLIBMBE_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/install/mbelib/include -DLIBMBE_LIBRARY=/opt/install/mbelib/lib/libmbe.so`
For software built from source if you choose to have `mbelib` support you will need to have DSDcc compiled with `mbelib` support. You will also need to have defines for it on the cmake command. If you have mbelib installed in a custom location, say `/opt/install/mbelib` you will need to add these defines to the cmake command: `-DLIBMBE_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/install/mbelib/include -DLIBMBE_LIBRARY=/opt/install/mbelib/lib/libmbe.so`
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ For software built fron source if you choose to have `mbelib` support you will n
<h4>A.1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h4>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews.Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h4>A.2: Channel bandwidth before discriminator</h4>
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ If you right click on it it will open a dialog to select the audio output device
<h3>A.12: Format specific status display</h3>
When the display is active the background turns from the surrounding gray color to dark green. It shows informatory or status messages that are particular to each format.
When the display is active the background turns from the surrounding gray color to dark green. It shows informational or status messages that are particular to each format.
<h4>A11.1: D-Star status display</h4>
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ This is either:
- `IDL`: data idle block
- `VLC`: voice Link Control data block
- `TLC`: terminator with Link Control information data block
- `CSB`: CSBK (Control Signalling BlocK) data block
- `CSB`: CSBK (Control Signaling BlocK) data block
- `MBH`: Multi Block Control block header data block
- `MBC`: Multi Block Control block continuation data block
- `DAH`: Data header block
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ String is in the form: `02223297>G00000222`
- `--`: undetermined
- `HD`: Header of FS1 type
- `PY`: Payload frame of a sitll undetermined type
- `PY`: Payload frame of a still undetermined type
- `VO`: Voice frame
- `VD`: Voice and data frame
- `D1`: Data without FEC frame
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ This displays a summary of FICH (Frame Identification CHannel) block data. From
- `W`: wide band mode (as in the example)
- second character is the path type:
- `I`: Internet path
- `L`: local path (as inthe example)
- `L`: local path (as in the example)
- last three characters are the YSF squelch code (0..127) or dashes `---` if the YSF squelch is not active
<h5>A11.4.2: Origin and destination callsigns</h5>
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ This display shows the sampled points of the demodulated FM signal in a XY plane
- X as the signal at time t and Y the signal at time t minus symbol time if "transitions constellation" is selected by button (B.13)
- X as the signal and Y as the synchronization signal if "symbol synchronization" is selected by button (B.13)
The display shows 16 points as yellow crosses that can be used to tune the center frequency (A.1) and FM deviation (B.17) so that symbol recovery can be done with the best conditions. In the rest of the documentation they will be referenced with numbers fron 0 to 15 starting at the top left corner and going from left to right and top to bottom.
The display shows 16 points as yellow crosses that can be used to tune the center frequency (A.1) and FM deviation (B.17) so that symbol recovery can be done with the best conditions. In the rest of the documentation they will be referenced with numbers from 0 to 15 starting at the top left corner and going from left to right and top to bottom.
<h5>Transition constellation display</h5>
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ Normally you would always want to have a matched filter however on some strong D
<h4>B.5: Symbol PLL lock indicator</h4>
Since dsdcc version 1.7.1 the synbol synchronization can be done with a PLL fed by a ringing filter (narrow passband) tuned at the symbol rate and itself fed with the squared magnitude of the discriminator signal. For signals strong enough to lock the PLL this works significantly better than with the ringing filter alone that was the only option in versions <= 1.6.0. Version 1.7.0 had the PLL enabled permanently.
Since dsdcc version 1.7.1 the symbol synchronization can be done with a PLL fed by a ringing filter (narrow passband) tuned at the symbol rate and itself fed with the squared magnitude of the discriminator signal. For signals strong enough to lock the PLL this works significantly better than with the ringing filter alone that was the only option in versions <= 1.6.0. Version 1.7.0 had the PLL enabled permanently.
However with marginal signals the ringing filter alone and a few heuristics work better. This is why since DSDcc version 1.7.1 the PLL became optional.
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ With the PLL engaged the figure should be 100% all the time in presence of a loc
<h4>B.7: Zero crossing shift</h4>
This is the current (at display polling time) zero crosing shift. It should be the closest to 0 as possible. However some jitter is acceptable for good symbol synchronization:
This is the current (at display polling time) zero crossing shift. It should be the closest to 0 as possible. However some jitter is acceptable for good symbol synchronization:
- `2400 S/s`: +/- 5 inclusive
- `4800 S/s`: +/- 2 inclusive
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ Toggle button to select slot #2 voice output. When on waves appear on the icon.
<h5>B.12 (3): TDMA stereo mode toggle</h5>
- When off the icon shows a single loudspeaker. It mixes slot #1 and slot #2 voice as a mono audio signal
- When on the icon shows a pair of loudspeakers. It sends slot #1 vocie to the left stereo audio channel and slot #2 to the right one
- When on the icon shows a pair of loudspeakers. It sends slot #1 voice to the left stereo audio channel and slot #2 to the right one
For FDMA standards you may want to leave this as mono mode.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This plugin can be used to listen to a narrowband FM modulated signal. "Narrowba
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception value</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit.
<h3>2: Channel power</h3>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Average total power in dB relative to a +/- 1.0 amplitude signal received in the
This is the bandwidth in kHz of the channel signal before demodulation. It can be set in steps as 5, 6.25, 8.33, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25 and 40 kHz. The expected one side frequency deviation is 0.4 times the bandwidth.
&#9758; The demodulation is done at the channel sample rate which is guaranteed not to be lower than the requested audio sample rate but can possibly be equal to it. This means that for correct operaton in any case you must ensure that the sample rate of the audio device is not lower than the Nyquist rate required to process this channel bandwidth.
&#9758; The demodulation is done at the channel sample rate which is guaranteed not to be lower than the requested audio sample rate but can possibly be equal to it. This means that for correct operation in any case you must ensure that the sample rate of the audio device is not lower than the Nyquist rate required to process this channel bandwidth.
&#9758; The channel sample rate is always the baseband signal rate divided by an integer power of two so depending on the baseband sample rate obtained from the sampling device you could also guarantee a minimal channel bandwidth. For example with a 125 kS/s baseband sample rate and a 8 kS/s audio sample rate the channel sample rate cannot be lower than 125/8 = 15.625 kS/s (125/16 = 7.8125 kS/s is too small) which is still OK for 5 or 6.25 kHz channel bandwidths.
@ -80,4 +80,4 @@ This is the value of the tone squelch received when the CTCSS is activated. It d
Left click on this button to toggle audio mute for this channel. The button will light up in green if the squelch is open. This helps identifying which channels are active in a multi-channel configuration.
If you right click on it it will open a dialog to select the audio output device. See [audio management documentation](../../../sdrgui/audio.md) for details.
If you right click on it it will open a dialog to select the audio output device. See [audio management documentation](../../../sdrgui/audio.md) for details.

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ This plugin can be used to listen to a single sideband or double sidebands modul
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>2: Channel power</h3>
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ The span value display is set as follows depending on the SSB or DSB mode:
- In SSB mode: the span goes from zero to the upper (USB: positive frequencies) or lower (LSB: negative frequencies) limit and the absolute value of the limit is displayed.
- In DSB mode: the span goes from the lower to the upper limit of same absolute value and &#177; the absolute value of the limit is displayed.
This is how the Span (8) and bandpass (9, 10) fitler controls look like in the 3 possible modes:
This is how the Span (8) and bandpass (9, 10) filter controls look like in the 3 possible modes:
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Values are expressed in kHz and step is 100 Hz.
Values are expressed in kHz and step is 100 Hz.
- In SSB mode this is the lower cutoff (USB: positive frequencies) or higher cutoff (LSB: negative frequencies) of the in channel signe side band bandpass filter.
- In SSB mode this is the lower cutoff (USB: positive frequencies) or higher cutoff (LSB: negative frequencies) of the in channel single side band bandpass filter.
- In DSB mode it is inactive and set to zero (double side band filter).
<h3>11: Volume and AGC</h3>
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ This is the volume of the audio signal from 0.0 (mute) to 10.0 (maximum). It can
Use this checkbox to toggle AGC on and off.
If you are into digging weak signals out of the noise you probably will not turn the AGC on. AGC is intended for medium and large signals and help accomodate the signal power variations from a station to another or due to QSB.
If you are into digging weak signals out of the noise you probably will not turn the AGC on. AGC is intended for medium and large signals and help accommodate the signal power variations from a station to another or due to QSB.
This AGC is based on the calculated magnitude (square root of power of the filtered signal as I² + Q²) and will try to adjust audio volume as if a -20dB power signal was received.
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ The signal power is calculated as the moving average over the AGC time constant
Active only in AGC mode with squelch enabled.
To avoid unwanted squelch opening on short transient bursts only signals wilth power above threshold during this period in milliseconds will open the squelch.It can be varied from 0 to 20 ms in 1 ms steps.
To avoid unwanted squelch opening on short transient bursts only signals with power above threshold during this period in milliseconds will open the squelch.It can be varied from 0 to 20 ms in 1 ms steps.
When the power threshold is close to the noise floor a few milliseconds help in preventing noise power wiggle to open the squelch.
@ -152,4 +152,4 @@ If you right click on it a dialog will open to select the audio output device. S
<h3>14: Spectrum display</h3>
This is the spectrum display of the demodulated signal (SSB) or translated signal (DSB). Controls on the bottom of the panel are identical to the ones of the main spectrum display.
This is the spectrum display of the demodulated signal (SSB) or translated signal (DSB). Controls on the bottom of the panel are identical to the ones of the main spectrum display.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This plugin can be used to listen to a wideband or narrowband FM modulated signa
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>3: Channel power</h3>
@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ This is the squelch threshold in dB. The average total power received in the sig
Left click on this button to toggle audio mute for this channel. The button will light up in green if the squelch is open. This helps identifying which channels are active in a multi-channel configuration.
If you right click on this button this will open a dialog to select the audio output device.
If you right click on this button this will open a dialog to select the audio output device.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
By "source" one should undetstand a source of samples for the outside of SDRangel application. An UDP connection is established from the plugin to the given address and port and samples are directed to it.
By "source" one should understand a source of samples for the outside of SDRangel application. An UDP connection is established from the plugin to the given address and port and samples are directed to it.
The UDP block size or UDP payload size is fixed at 512 bytes.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ This plugin is available for Linux and Mac O/S only.
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>2: Input channel power</h3>
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ Sample rate in samples per second of the signal that is sent over UDP. The actua
Left: combo box to specify the type of samples that are sent over UDP:
- `I/Q`: Raw I/Q samples. Use it with software that accepts I/Q data as input like GNUradio with the `UDP source` block. The output is interleaved I and Q samples
- `NFM`: AF of FM demodulated signal. Use it with software that takes the FM demodulated audio or the discriminator output of a radio as input. Make sure you specify the appropriate signal bandwidth (see 7) according to the AF bandwidth needs. The output is a repetition of NFM samples on real part and on imaginary part this facilitates integration wtih software expecting a stereo type of input with the same samples on L and R channels. With GNURadio just use a complex to real block.
- `NFM`: AF of FM demodulated signal. Use it with software that takes the FM demodulated audio or the discriminator output of a radio as input. Make sure you specify the appropriate signal bandwidth (see 7) according to the AF bandwidth needs. The output is a repetition of NFM samples on real part and on imaginary part this facilitates integration with software expecting a stereo type of input with the same samples on L and R channels. With GNURadio just use a complex to real block.
- `NFM Mono`: This is the same as above but only one sample is output for one NFM sample. This can be used with software that accept a mono type of input like `dsd` or `multimon`.
- `USB`: AF of USB demodulated signal. Use it with software that uses a SSB demodulated signal as input i.e. software that is based on the audio output of a SSB radio. The output is the I/Q binaural output of the demodulator.
- `LSB`: AF of LSB demodulated signal. Use it with software that uses a SSB demodulated signal as input i.e. software that is based on the audio output of a SSB radio. The output is the I/Q binaural output of the demodulator.
- `LSB Mono`: AF of the LSB part of a SSB demodulated signal as "mono" (I+Q)*0.7 samples that is one sample per demodulator output sample. This can be used with software that accepts mono type of input.
- `USB Mono`: AF of the USB part of a SSB demodulated signal as "mono" (I+Q)*0.7 samples that is one sample per demodulator output sample. This can be used with software that accepts mono type of input.
- `AM Mono`: AF of the enveloppe demodulated signal i.e. channel magnitude or sqrt(I² + Q²) as "mono" samples that is one sample per demodulator output sample. This can be used with software that accepts mono type of input.
- `AM Mono`: AF of the envelope demodulated signal i.e. channel magnitude or sqrt(I² + Q²) as "mono" samples that is one sample per demodulator output sample. This can be used with software that accepts mono type of input.
- `AM !DC Mono`: Same as above but with a DC block based on magnitude average over a 5 ms period
- `AM BPF Mono`: Same as AM Mono but raw magnitude signal is passed through a bandpass filter with lower cutoff at 300 Hz and higher cutoff at RF bandwidth frequency

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This plugin can be used to generate a narrowband amplitude modulated signal. "Na
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of transmission</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>3: Channel power</h3>
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ This is the volume of the audio signal from 0.0 (mute) to 2.0 (maximum). It can
- bottom bar (brown): instantaneous peak value
- tip vertical bar (bright red): peak hold value
You should aim at keepimg the peak value below 100% using the volume control
You should aim at keeping the peak value below 100% using the volume control
<h3>9: Input source control</h3>
@ -133,4 +133,4 @@ This is the audio file play length in time units
<h3>17: Play file position slider</h3>
This slider can be used to randomly set the currennt position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 14.3)
This slider can be used to randomly set the current position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 14.3)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
This plugin can be used to generate an analog TV signal mostly used in amateur radio. It is limited to black and white images as only the luminance (256 levels) is supported.
There is no sound either. You coud imagine using any of the plugins supporting audio to create a mixed signal. This is not working well however for various reasons. It is better to use two physical transmitters and two physical receivers.
There is no sound either. You could imagine using any of the plugins supporting audio to create a mixed signal. This is not working well however for various reasons. It is better to use two physical transmitters and two physical receivers.
In practice 4 MS/s with about 300 points per line is the lowest sample rate that produces a standard image quality. Lower sample rates and line definition produce low quality images that may still be acceptable for experiments. The plugin offers to go as low as 32 lines and 8 FPS for NBTV experiments. NBTV stands for Narrow Band TeleVision see: [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narrow-bandwidth_television) and [NBTV.org](http://www.nbtv.org/)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ In practice 4 MS/s with about 300 points per line is the lowest sample rate that
<h2>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of transmission</h2>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h2>3: Sample rate data</h2>
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ The video signal can modulate the carrier in the following modes:
- AM: Amplitude modulation. Modulation index is 90%.
- FM: Frequency modulation. Excursion is a percentage of the bandwidth available given the channel sample rate. This percentage is controlled by button (2). e.g. at 25% for 4 MS/s sample rate this is 1 MHz (&#177;0.5 MHz)
- USB: SSB upper side band: video signal is transposed only in positive frequencies including DC component
- LSB: SSB lower side band: video signal is transposed only in megative frequencies excluding DC component
- LSB: SSB lower side band: video signal is transposed only in negative frequencies excluding DC component
- VUSB: SSB upper sideband with vestigial lower sideband. The cutoff frequency of the lower sideband is controlled by slider (3)
- VLSB: SSB lower sideband with vestigial upper sideband. The cutoff frequency of the upper sideband is controlled by slider (3)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ The video signal can modulate the carrier in the following modes:
Use this button to control FM deviation in FM modulation mode. This is a percentage of total available channel bandwidth. e.g for the sample rate of 2997 kS/s of the screenshot and a percentage of 19% this yields a full deviation of 2997 &#215; 0.19 = 569.43 kHz that is &#177;284.715 kHz
&#9758; You can adjust this value and see the result for yourseelf. A good starting point is half of the signal bandwidth.
&#9758; You can adjust this value and see the result for yourself. A good starting point is half of the signal bandwidth.
<h3>A.3: Opposite sideband FFT filter cutoff</h3>
@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ The cutoff frequency in kHz is displayed on the right of the slider
<h3>A.5: Modulated signal level before filtering stages</h3>
This button controls the scaling from the +1/-1 modulated signal level to the -32768/+32768 2 bytes samples. This is useful to control the saturation of the FFT or FIR filters. Looking at the output spectrum you can precisely control the limit above which distorsion appears.
This button controls the scaling from the +1/-1 modulated signal level to the -32768/+32768 2 bytes samples. This is useful to control the saturation of the FFT or FIR filters. Looking at the output spectrum you can precisely control the limit above which distortion appears.
<h3>A.6: Video signal level meter</h3>
This is the level meter fed with the video signal. Units are the percentage of the 0.0 to 1.0 modulating video signal.
<h3>A.7: Nuber of lines</h3>
<h3>A.7: Number of lines</h3>
This controls the number of lines per full frame. Choice is between 640, 625, 525, 480, 405, 360, 343, 240, 180, 120, 90, 60 and 32 lines.
@ -108,18 +108,18 @@ This controls the number of full frames per second. Choice is between 30, 25, 20
<h3>A.9: TV Standard</h2>
This controls the frame synchronization schem and number of black lines:
This controls the frame synchronization scheme and number of black lines:
- PAL625: this is the PAL 625 lines standard with 25 FPS. Since only black and white (luminance) is supported this corresponds to any of the B,G,I or L PAL standards
- PAL525: this is the PAL 525 lines standard with 30 FPS. This corresponds to the PAL M standard.
- PAL405: this loosely corresponds to the British 405 lines system and is similar to PAL for synchronization. This mode has only 7 black lines.
- ShI: this is an experimental mode that uses the least possible vertical sync lines as possible. That is one line for a long synchronization pulse and one line at a higher level (0.7) to reset the vertical sync condition. Thus only 2 lines are consumed for vertical sync and the rest is left to the image. In this mode the frames are interleaved
- ShNI: this is the same as above but with non interleaved frames.
- HSkip: this is the horizontal sync skip technique for vertical synchronization. This has been in use in the first TV experiments with a small number of lines. This method just skips one horizontal synchronization pluse to mark the last or the first line (here it is the last). This method does not use any full line for vertical sync and all lines can be used for the image thus it suits the modes with a small number of lines. With more lines however the risk of missing pulses gets higher in adverse conditions because the pulses get shorter and may get swallowed by a stray pulse or a stray pulse can be taken for a valid one. In this case two images might get out of sync instead of just two lines. In practice this is suitable up to 90~120 lines.
- HSkip: this is the horizontal sync skip technique for vertical synchronization. This has been in use in the first TV experiments with a small number of lines. This method just skips one horizontal synchronization pulse to mark the last or the first line (here it is the last). This method does not use any full line for vertical sync and all lines can be used for the image thus it suits the modes with a small number of lines. With more lines however the risk of missing pulses gets higher in adverse conditions because the pulses get shorter and may get swallowed by a stray pulse or a stray pulse can be taken for a valid one. In this case two images might get out of sync instead of just two lines. In practice this is suitable up to 90~120 lines.
&#9758; Interleaved mode requires an odd number of lines because the system recognizes the even and odd frames depending on a odd or even number of lines respectively for the half images
&#9758; For non interlaved mode all standards are supposed to work for any number of lines. You may experiment with any and see if it fits your purpose. However it will be easier to obtain good or optimal results in general with the following recommendations:
&#9758; For non interleaved mode all standards are supposed to work for any number of lines. You may experiment with any and see if it fits your purpose. However it will be easier to obtain good or optimal results in general with the following recommendations:
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ This is the video file play length in time units
<h2>12. Video file position slider</h2>
This slider can be used to randomly set the currennt position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 16). When video plays the slider moves according to the current position.
This slider can be used to randomly set the current position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 16). When video plays the slider moves according to the current position.
<h2>23. Play/Pause camera</h2>
@ -264,4 +264,4 @@ Use this button to switch between system camera FPS (off) and manual camera FPS
<h2>19. Manual camera FPS adjust</h2>
Use this dial button to adjust camera FPS manually between 2 and 30 FPS in 0.1 FPS steps. The manual FPS value appears on the right of the button.
Use this dial button to adjust camera FPS manually between 2 and 30 FPS in 0.1 FPS steps. The manual FPS value appears on the right of the button.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This plugin can be used to generate a narrowband frequency modulated signal. "Na
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of transmission/h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>3: Channel power</h3>
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ This is the volume of the audio signal from 0.0 (mute) to 2.0 (maximum). It can
- bottom bar (brown): instantaneous peak value
- tip vertical bar (bright red): peak hold value
You should aim at keepimg the peak value below 100% using the volume control
You should aim at keeping the peak value below 100% using the volume control
<h3>10: Input source control</h3>
@ -145,4 +145,4 @@ This is the audio file play length in time units
<h3>21: Play file position slider</h3>
This slider can be used to randomly set the currennt position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 18.3)
This slider can be used to randomly set the current position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 18.3)

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ This plugin can be used to generate a single sideband or double sidebands modula
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of transmission</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>2: Channel power</h3>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ The span value display is set as follows depending on the SSB or DSB mode:
- In SSB mode: the span goes from zero to the upper (USB: positive frequencies) or lower (LSB: negative frequencies) limit and the absolute value of the limit is displayed.
- In DSB mode: the span goes from the lower to the upper limit of same absolute value and &#177; the absolute value of the limit is displayed.
This is how the Span (7) and bandpass (8, 9) fitler controls look like in the 3 possible modes:
This is how the Span (7) and bandpass (8, 9) filter controls look like in the 3 possible modes:
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Values are expressed in kHz and step is 100 Hz.
Values are expressed in kHz and step is 100 Hz.
- In SSB mode this is the lower cutoff (USB: positive frequencies) or higher cutoff (LSB: negative frequencies) of the in channel signe side band bandpass filter.
- In SSB mode this is the lower cutoff (USB: positive frequencies) or higher cutoff (LSB: negative frequencies) of the in channel single side band bandpass filter.
- In DSB mode it is inactive and set to zero (double side band filter).
<h3>10: Volume</h3>
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ This is the volume of the audio signal from 0.0 (mute) to 2.0 (maximum). It can
- bottom bar (brown): instantaneous peak value
- tip vertical bar (bright red): peak hold value
You should aim at keepimg the peak value below 100% using the volume control
You should aim at keeping the peak value below 100% using the volume control
<h3>12: Audio compression</h3>
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Use this button to toggle audio compressor on and off. In "on" mode the button i
<h4>12.2: AGC magnitude order</h4>
This is the ratio to maximum signal magnitude aimed by the AGC. The higher the stronger is the compression but the signal will have more chances to get clamped and therefore will get more severly distorted.
This is the ratio to maximum signal magnitude aimed by the AGC. The higher the stronger is the compression but the signal will have more chances to get clamped and therefore will get more severely distorted.
The default value is 0.2 which is rather mild. For normal voice you should not exceed 0.4 however the criteria is rather subjective. It is flexible enough to be tuned between 0 and 1 in 0.01 increments.
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ The default value is 200 ms which is relatively "soft". Most practically useful
<h4>12.4: Power threshold</h4>
in order to avoid small signals due to background noise or power wiggle to enter the system and raise to normal voice level a power based squelch is in place. This control allows to select a threshold in dB above which a signal will open the squalch if it lasts longer than the squelch gate (2.5). Default is -40 dB.
in order to avoid small signals due to background noise or power wiggle to enter the system and raise to normal voice level a power based squelch is in place. This control allows to select a threshold in dB above which a signal will open the squelch if it lasts longer than the squelch gate (2.5). Default is -40 dB.
<h4>12.5: Squelch gate</h4>
@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ This is the audio file play length in time units
<h3>21: Play file position slider</h3>
This slider can be used to randomly set the currennt position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 17.3)
This slider can be used to randomly set the current position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 17.3)
<h3>22: Channel spectrum display</h3>
This is the channel spectrum display. Controls at the bottom of the panel are the same as with the central spectrum display.
This is the channel spectrum display. Controls at the bottom of the panel are the same as with the central spectrum display.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This plugin can be used to generate a wideband frequency modulated signal. "Wide
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of transmission</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of transmission. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>3: Channel power</h3>
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ This is the volume of the audio signal from 0.0 (mute) to 2.0 (maximum). It can
- bottom bar (brown): instantaneous peak value
- tip vertical bar (bright red): peak hold value
You should aim at keepimg the peak value below 100% using the volume control
You should aim at keeping the peak value below 100% using the volume control
<h3>10: Input source control</h3>
@ -137,4 +137,4 @@ This is the audio file play length in time units
<h3>18: Play file position slider</h3>
This slider can be used to randomly set the currennt position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 15.3)
This slider can be used to randomly set the current position in the file when file play is in pause state (button 15.3)

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
By "sink" one should undetstand a sink of samples for the outside of SDRangel application. An external application establishes an UDP connection to the plugin at the given address and port and samples are directed to it. In fact it can also come frome SDRangel itself using the UDP source plugin
By "sink" one should understand a sink of samples for the outside of SDRangel application. An external application establishes an UDP connection to the plugin at the given address and port and samples are directed to it. In fact it can also come from SDRangel itself using the UDP source plugin
The UDP block size or UDP payload size is optimized for 512 bytes but other sizes are acceptable.
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ This plugin is available for Linux and Mac O/S only.
<h3>1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>2: Input channel power</h3>
Total power in dB relative to a +/- 1.0 amplitude signal received fron UDP.
Total power in dB relative to a +/- 1.0 amplitude signal received from UDP.
<h3>3: Output channel power</h3>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Total power in dB relative to a +/- 1.0 amplitude signal sent in the channel.
<h3>4: Channel mute</h3>
Use this button to switch off the RF on the channel. The background of the button lits in green when a signal can be sent.
Use this button to switch off the RF on the channel. The background of the button lights in green when a signal can be sent.
<h3>5: UDP address and port</h3>
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The display is in the format `address:data port`
<h3>6: Input sample rate</h3>
Sample rate in samples per second of the signal that is recveived on UDP. The actual byte rate depends on the type of sample which corresponds to a number of bytes per sample.
Sample rate in samples per second of the signal that is received on UDP. The actual byte rate depends on the type of sample which corresponds to a number of bytes per sample.
<h3>7: Type of samples</h3>
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ This is the maximum FM deviation in Hz for a +/- 1.0 amplitude modulating signal
<h3>11: AM percentage modulation</h3>
this is the AM precentage modulation when a +/- 1.0 amplitude modulating signal is applied. herefore it is active only for `S16LE AM Mono` sample format.
this is the AM percentage modulation when a +/- 1.0 amplitude modulating signal is applied. Therefore it is active only for `S16LE AM Mono` sample format.
<h3>12: Apply (validation) button</h3>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ The button sets the delay after which a signal constantly above the squelch thre
<h3>14: signal amplitude percentage of maximum</h3>
The gain (15) should be adjusted so that the peak amplitude (small red vertical bar) never exceeds 100%. Above 100% the signal is clipper which results in distorsion.
The gain (15) should be adjusted so that the peak amplitude (small red vertical bar) never exceeds 100%. Above 100% the signal is clipper which results in distortion.
<h3>15: Input and output Gains</h3>

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Red square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
<h3>2: Baseband sample rate</h3>
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ This controls the optional XB-200 add-on when it is fitted to the BladeRF main b
This is the BladeRF device DAC sample rate in S/s.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>7: Tx filter bandwidth</h3>
@ -84,4 +84,4 @@ The VGA1 (relative) gain can be adjusted from -35 dB to -4 dB in 1 dB steps. The
<h3>9: Variable gain amplifier #2 gain</h3>
The VGA2 gain can be adjusted from 0 dB to 25 dB in 1 dB steps. The VGA2 is inside the LMS6002D chip and is placed after the RF mixer. It can be considered as the PA (Power AMplifier). The maximum output power when both VGA1 and VGA2 are at their maximum is about 4 mW (6 dBm).
The VGA2 gain can be adjusted from 0 dB to 25 dB in 1 dB steps. The VGA2 is inside the LMS6002D chip and is placed after the RF mixer. It can be considered as the PA (Power Amplifier). The maximum output power when both VGA1 and VGA2 are at their maximum is about 4 mW (6 dBm).

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Red square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred
<h3>2: File stream sample rate</h3>
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ The baseband stream is interpolated by this value before being written to file.
This is the baseband sample rate before interpolation in S/s.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>8: Time counter</h3>
This is the recording time count in HH:MM:SS.SSS
This is the recording time count in HH:MM:SS.SSS

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Red square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
If you have the Rx open in another tab and it is running then it will be stopped automatically before the Tx starts. In a similar manner the Tx will be stopped before the Rx is started from the Rx tab.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ According to HackRF documentation the output power when the PA is engaged and th
This is the HackRF device DAC sample rate in S/s.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>9: Tx filter bandwidth</h3>
@ -83,4 +83,4 @@ This is the Tx filter bandwidth in kHz. Possible values are: 1750, 2500, 3500, 5
<h3>10: Tx variable gain amplifier gain</h3>
The Tx VGA gain can be adjusted from 0 dB to 47 dB in 1 dB steps. See (7) for an indication on maximum output power.
The Tx VGA gain can be adjusted from 0 dB to 47 dB in 1 dB steps. See (7) for an indication on maximum output power.

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
<h3>2A: DAC sample rate</h3>
@ -77,21 +77,21 @@ Use this button to activate/deactivate the TSP NCO. The LMS7002M chip has an ind
<h3>6: NCO frequency shift</h3>
This is the frequency shift applied when the NCO is engaged thus the actual LO frequency is the center frequency of transmission minus this value. Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware interpolation factor.
This is the frequency shift applied when the NCO is engaged thus the actual LO frequency is the center frequency of transmission minus this value. Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware interpolation factor.
&#9758; In the LMS7002M TSP block the NCO sits after the interpolator (see Fig.14 of the [datasheet](http://www.limemicro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/LMS7002M-Data-Sheet-v2.8.0.pdf) p.7) so it runs at the actual DAC rate. Hence the NCO limits are calculated as +/- half the device to host sample rate multiplied by the hardware interpolation factor. For example with a 4 MS/s device to host sample rate (10) and a hadrware interpolation of 16 (8) you have +/- 32 MHz span around the LO for the NCO. In this example you can tune all HF frequencies with the center frequency set at its lowest (30 MHz).
&#9758; In the LMS7002M TSP block the NCO sits after the interpolator (see Fig.14 of the [datasheet](http://www.limemicro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/LMS7002M-Data-Sheet-v2.8.0.pdf) p.7) so it runs at the actual DAC rate. Hence the NCO limits are calculated as +/- half the device to host sample rate multiplied by the hardware interpolation factor. For example with a 4 MS/s device to host sample rate (10) and a hardware interpolation of 16 (8) you have +/- 32 MHz span around the LO for the NCO. In this example you can tune all HF frequencies with the center frequency set at its lowest (30 MHz).
<h3>7: Transverter mode open dialog</h3>
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options:
![SDR Daemon source input stream trasverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
![SDR Daemon source input stream transverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
Note that if you mouse over the button a tooltip appears that displays the translating frequency and if translation is enabled or disabled. When the frequency translation is enabled the button is lit.
<h4>7.1: Translating frequency</h4>
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The frequency set in the device is the frequency on the main dial (1) minus this frequency. Thus it is positive for down converters and negative for up converters.
@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ Use this button to open a dialog that lets you choose the external clock frequen
![LimeSDR input plugin gain GUI](../../../doc/img/LimeSDR_plugin_extclock.png)
<h4>7A.1: Exrernal clock frequency</h4>
<h4>7A.1: External clock frequency</h4>
Can be varied from 5 to 300 MHz
Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
<h4>7A.2: Enable/disable external clock input</h7A>
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ The I/Q stream from the baseband is upsampled by a power of two by software insi
This is the LMS7002M device to/from host stream sample rate in S/s. It is the same for the Rx and Tx systems.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.
The LMS7002M uses the same clock for both the ADCs and DACs therefore this sample rate affects all of the 2x2 MIMO channels.
<h3>11: Tx hardware filter bandwidth</h3>
This is the Tx hardware filter bandwidth in kHz in the LMS7002M device for the given channel. Boundaries are updated automatically but generally are from 5 to 130 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
This is the Tx hardware filter bandwidth in kHz in the LMS7002M device for the given channel. Boundaries are updated automatically but generally are from 5 to 130 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>12: TSP FIR filter toggle</h3>
@ -163,11 +163,11 @@ The TSP in the LMS7002M chip has a FIR filter chain per channel. Use this button
<h3>13: TSP FIR filter bandwidth</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware TSP FIR filter. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware TSP FIR filter. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>14: Gain</h2>
Use this slider to adjust the global gain of the Tx chain. LimeSuite software automatically set optimal values of the amplifiers to achive this global gain. This gain can be set between 0 and 70 dB in 1 dB steps. The value in dB appears at the right of the slider.
Use this slider to adjust the global gain of the Tx chain. LimeSuite software automatically set optimal values of the amplifiers to achieve this global gain. This gain can be set between 0 and 70 dB in 1 dB steps. The value in dB appears at the right of the slider.
<h3>15: Antenna selection</h3>
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ This label turns green when status can be obtained from the current stream. Usua
<h3>18: Stream global (all Tx) throughput in MB/s</h3>
This is the stream throughput in MB/s and is usually about 3 times the sample rate for a single stream and 6 times for a dual Tx stream. This is due to the fact that 12 bits samples are used and although they are represented as 16 bit values only 12 bita travel on the USB link.
This is the stream throughput in MB/s and is usually about 3 times the sample rate for a single stream and 6 times for a dual Tx stream. This is due to the fact that 12 bits samples are used and although they are represented as 16 bit values only 12 bits travel on the USB link.
<h3>19: FIFO status</h3>
@ -195,4 +195,4 @@ This is the fill percentage of the Tx FIFO in the LimeSuite interface. In normal
<h3>20: Board temperature</h3>
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s. Before the first probe the display marks "00C" this is normal.
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s. Before the first probe the display marks "00C" this is normal.

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This output sample sink plugin sends its samples to a [PlutoSDR device](https://wiki.analog.com/university/tools/pluto). This is also known as the ADALM-Pluto. ADALM stands for Analog Devices Active Learning Module and is targetting students in electrical engineering and digital signal processing. Of course it can be used as a radio device like any other SDR.
This output sample sink plugin sends its samples to a [PlutoSDR device](https://wiki.analog.com/university/tools/pluto). This is also known as the ADALM-Pluto. ADALM stands for Analog Devices Active Learning Module and is targeting students in electrical engineering and digital signal processing. Of course it can be used as a radio device like any other SDR.
As you can see from the Wiki this is becoming a fairly popular SDR hardware platform. It does have interesting features but the library documentation and examples are poor when not misleading. Therefore while this implementation does work it should still be considered experimental.
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
<h4>1.3: DAC sample rate</h4>
@ -63,19 +63,19 @@ Use this slider to adjust LO correction in ppm. It can be varied from -20.0 to 2
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options:
![SDR Daemon source input stream trasverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
![SDR Daemon source input stream transverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
Note that if you mouse over the button a tooltip appears that displays the translating frequency and if translation is enabled or disabled. When the frequency translation is enabled the button is lit.
<h4>2a.1: Translating frequency</h4>
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The frequency set in the device is the frequency on the main dial (1) minus this frequency. Thus it is positive for up converters and negative for down converters.
For example with a mixer at 120 MHz for HF operation you would set the value to -120,000,000 Hz so that if the main dial frequency is set to 7,130 kHz the PuotSDR will be set to 127.130 MHz.
For example with a mixer at 120 MHz for HF operation you would set the value to -120,000,000 Hz so that if the main dial frequency is set to 7,130 kHz the PlutoSDR will be set to 127.130 MHz.
If you use an up converter to transmit at the 6 cm band narrowband center frequency of 5670 MHz aith the PlutoSDR set at 432 MHz you would set the translating frequency to 5760 - 432 = 5328 MHz thus dial +5,328,000,000 Hz.
If you use an up converter to transmit at the 6 cm band narrowband center frequency of 5670 MHz with the PlutoSDR set at 432 MHz you would set the translating frequency to 5760 - 432 = 5328 MHz thus dial +5,328,000,000 Hz.
For bands even higher in the frequency spectrum the GHz digits are not really significant so you can have them set at 1 GHz. Thus to transmit at the 10368 MHz frequency with 432 MHz for the PlutoSDR you would set the translating frequency to 1368 - 432 = 936 MHz. Note that in this case the frequency of the LO used in the mixer of the transverter is set at 9936 MHz.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ The AD9363 has many port options however as only the A output is connected you s
This is the AD9363 device to/from host stream sample rate in S/s. It is the same for the Rx and Tx systems.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.
The minimum sample rate depends on the hardware FIR decimation factor (9) and is the following:
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ The maximum sample rate is fixed and set to 20 MS/s
<h3>6: Tx analog filter bandwidth</h3>
This is the Tx analog filter bandwidth in kHz in the AD9363 device. It can be varied from 625 kHz to 16 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
This is the Tx analog filter bandwidth in kHz in the AD9363 device. It can be varied from 625 kHz to 16 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>7: Hardware FIR filter toggle</h3>
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ The FIR filter settings are the same on Rx and Tx side therefore any change here
<h3>8: Hardware FIR filter bandwidth</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware FIR filter. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware FIR filter. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The filter limits are calculated as 0.05 and 0.9 times the FIR filter input frequency for the lower and higher limit respectively. The FIR filter input frequency is the baseband sample rate (5) multiplied by the FIR interpolation factor (9)
For bandwidths greater than 0.2 times the FIR filter input frequency the filter is calculated as a windowed FIR filter with a Blackman-Harris window. This has a high out of band rejection value at the expense of a slightly smoother roll off compared to other filters. The bandwidth value sets the -6 dB point approxomately.
For bandwidths greater than 0.2 times the FIR filter input frequency the filter is calculated as a windowed FIR filter with a Blackman-Harris window. This has a high out of band rejection value at the expense of a slightly smoother roll off compared to other filters. The bandwidth value sets the -6 dB point approximately.
For bandwidths between 0.05 and 0.2 times the FIR filter input frequency the window used is a Hamming window giving a sharper transition.
@ -149,4 +149,4 @@ This is the indicative RSSI of the transmitter. It works only when the Rx is in
<h3>13: Board temperature</h3>
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s.
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This output sample sink plugin sends its samples over tbe network to a SDRdaemon transmitter server using UDP connection. SDRdaemon refers to the SDRdaemon utility `sdrdaemontx`found in [this](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) Github repostory.
This output sample sink plugin sends its samples over tbe network to a SDRdaemon transmitter server using UDP connection. SDRdaemon refers to the SDRdaemon utility `sdrdaemontx`found in [this](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) Github repository.
Forward Error Correction with a Cauchy MDS block erasure codec is used to prevent block loss. This can make the UDP transmission more robust particularly over WiFi links.
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ This sets the number of FEC blocks per frame. A frame consists of 128 data block
<h4>6.2: Distant transmitter queue length</h4>
This is the samples queue length reported from the distant transmitter. This is a numnber of vectors of 127 &#x2715; 127 &#x2715; _I_ samples where _I_ is the interpolation factor. This corresponds to a block of 127 &#x2715; 127 samples sent over the network. This numbers serves to thottle the sample generator so that the queue length is close to 8 vectors.
This is the samples queue length reported from the distant transmitter. This is a number of vectors of 127 &#x2715; 127 &#x2715; _I_ samples where _I_ is the interpolation factor. This corresponds to a block of 127 &#x2715; 127 samples sent over the network. This numbers serves to throttle the sample generator so that the queue length is close to 8 vectors.
<h4>6.3: Stream status</h4>
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ This counter counts the unrecoverable error conditions found (i.e. 6.4 between 1
<h4>6.8: events counters timer</h4>
This hh:mm:ss time display shows the time since the reset evetnts counters button (4.6) was pushed.
This hh:mm:ss time display shows the time since the reset events counters button (4.6) was pushed.
<h3>7: Network parameters</h3>

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Use this combo box to select the HF or VHF range. This will set the limits of th
This is the device to host sample rate in kilo samples per second (kS/s).
Although the combo box is there to present a choice of sample rates at present the AirspyHF+ deals only with 768 kS/s. However the support library has provision to get a list of sample rates from the device incase of future developments.
Although the combo box is there to present a choice of sample rates at present the AirspyHF+ deals only with 768 kS/s. However the support library has provision to get a list of sample rates from the device in case of future developments.
<h3>6: Decimation factor</h3>
@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ The I/Q stream from the AirspyHF to host is downsampled by a power of two before
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options:
![SDR Daemon source input stream trasverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
![SDR Daemon source input stream transverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
Note that if you mouse over the button a tooltip appears that displays the translating frequency and if translation is enabled or disabled. When the frequency translation is enabled the button is lit.
<h4>7a.1: Translating frequency</h4>
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The frequency set in the device is the frequency on the main dial (1) minus this frequency. Thus it is positive for down converters and negative for up converters.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ This controls the optional XB-200 add-on when it is fitted to the BladeRF main b
This is the BladeRF device ADC sample rate in S/s.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>5: Decimation factor</h3>
The I/Q stream from the BladeRF ADC is doensampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
The I/Q stream from the BladeRF ADC is downsampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
<h3>6: Baseband center frequency position relative the the BladeRF Rx center frequency</h3>
@ -94,4 +94,4 @@ The VGA1 gain can be adjusted from 5 dB to 30 dB in 1 dB steps. The VGA1 is insi
<h3>10: Variable gain amplifier #2 gain</h3>
The VGA2 gain can be adjusted from 0 dB to 30 dB in 3 dB steps. The VGA2 is inside the LMS6002D chip and is placed between the baseband filter and the ADC.
The VGA2 gain can be adjusted from 0 dB to 30 dB in 3 dB steps. The VGA2 is inside the LMS6002D chip and is placed between the baseband filter and the ADC.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This intput sample source plugin gets its samples from a [HackRF device](https://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/).
This input sample source plugin gets its samples from a [HackRF device](https://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/).
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Red square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Red square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
If you have the Tx open in another tab and it is running then it will be stopped automatically before the Rx starts. In a similar manner the Rx will be stopped before the Tx is started from the Tx tab.
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Use this checkbox to toggle the extra low noise amplifier (LNA). This gives an a
This is the HackRF device ADC sample rate in S/s.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>7: Rx filter bandwidth</h3>
@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ This is the Rx filter bandwidth in kHz. Possible values are: 1750, 2500, 3500, 5
The device stream from the HackRF is decimated to obtain the baseband stream. Possible values are:
- **1**: no decimation
- **2**: divide devcie stream sample rate by 2
- **4**: divide devcie stream sample rate by 4
- **8**: divide devcie stream sample rate by 8
- **16**: divide devcie stream sample rate by 16
- **32**: divide devcie stream sample rate by 32
- **2**: divide device stream sample rate by 2
- **4**: divide device stream sample rate by 4
- **8**: divide device stream sample rate by 8
- **16**: divide device stream sample rate by 16
- **32**: divide device stream sample rate by 32
<h3>10: Internal LNA gain</h3>

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ Use this button to activate/deactivate the TSP NCO. The LMS7002M chip has an ind
<h4>2.2: NCO frequency shift</h4>
This is the frequency shift applied when the NCO is engaged thus the actual LO frequency is the center frequency of reception minus this value. Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
This is the frequency shift applied when the NCO is engaged thus the actual LO frequency is the center frequency of reception minus this value. Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
&#9758; In the LMS7002M TSP block the NCO sits before the decimator (see Fig.14 of the [datasheet](http://www.limemicro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/LMS7002M-Data-Sheet-v2.8.0.pdf) p.7) so it runs at the actual ADC rate. Hence the NCO limits are calculated as +/- half the device to host sample rate multiplied by the hardware decimation factor. For example with a 4 MS/s device to host sample rate (5) and a hadrware decimation of 16 (3) you have +/- 32 MHz span around the LO for the NCO. In this example you can tune all HF frequencies with the center frequency set at its lowest (30 MHz).
&#9758; In the LMS7002M TSP block the NCO sits before the decimator (see Fig.14 of the [datasheet](http://www.limemicro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/LMS7002M-Data-Sheet-v2.8.0.pdf) p.7) so it runs at the actual ADC rate. Hence the NCO limits are calculated as +/- half the device to host sample rate multiplied by the hardware decimation factor. For example with a 4 MS/s device to host sample rate (5) and a hardware decimation of 16 (3) you have +/- 32 MHz span around the LO for the NCO. In this example you can tune all HF frequencies with the center frequency set at its lowest (30 MHz).
<h4>2.3: DC component auto correction</h4>
@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ Enables or disables the auto I/Q balance correction. The DC correction must be e
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options:
![SDR Daemon source input stream trasverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
![SDR Daemon source input stream transverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
Note that if you mouse over the button a tooltip appears that displays the translating frequency and if translation is enabled or disabled. When the frequency translation is enabled the button is lit.
<h5>2.5.1: Translating frequency</h5>
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The frequency set in the device is the frequency on the main dial (1) minus this frequency. Thus it is positive for down converters and negative for up converters.
@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ Use this button to open a dialog that lets you choose the external clock frequen
![LimeSDR input plugin gain GUI](../../../doc/img/LimeSDR_plugin_extclock.png)
<h5>2.6.1: Exrernal clock frequency</h5>
<h5>2.6.1: External clock frequency</h5>
Can be varied from 5 to 300 MHz
Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
<h5>2.6.2: Enable/disable external clock input</h5>
@ -155,19 +155,19 @@ Thus the actual sample rate of the ADC is the stream sample rate (5) multiplied
<h3>4: Software decimation factor</h3>
The I/Q stream from the LimeSDR is doensampled by a power of two by software inside the plugin before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
The I/Q stream from the LimeSDR is downsampled by a power of two by software inside the plugin before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
<h3>5: Device to host stream sample rate</h3>
This is the LMS7002M device to/from host stream sample rate in S/s. It is the same for the Rx and Tx systems.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.
The LMS7002M uses the same clock for both the ADCs and DACs therefore this sample rate affects all of the 2x2 MIMO channels.
<h3>6: Rx hardware filter bandwidth</h3>
This is the Rx hardware filter bandwidth in kHz in the LMS7002M device for the given channel. Boundaries are updated automatically but generally are from 1.4 to 130 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
This is the Rx hardware filter bandwidth in kHz in the LMS7002M device for the given channel. Boundaries are updated automatically but generally are from 1.4 to 130 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>7: TSP FIR filter toggle</h3>
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ The TSP in the LMS7002M chip has a FIR filter chain per channel. Use this button
<h3>8: TSP FIR filter bandwidth</h3>
USe the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware TSP FIR filter. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware TSP FIR filter. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>9: Gain settings</h2>
@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ USe the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware TSP FIR filter. Pressing
<h4>9.1: Gain mode</h2>
Use this combo to select either the automatic gain (Aut) or the manual (Man) gain setting. Autonatic gain sets the global gain using a predefined table for LNA, TIA and PGA gain blocks. This global gain is set with button 9.2. When manual gain is engaged the LNA, TIA and PGA gains can be set independently with the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 buttons respectively.
Use this combo to select either the automatic gain (Aut) or the manual (Man) gain setting. Automatic gain sets the global gain using a predefined table for LNA, TIA and PGA gain blocks. This global gain is set with button 9.2. When manual gain is engaged the LNA, TIA and PGA gains can be set independently with the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 buttons respectively.
Please refer to [LMS7002M documentation](http://www.limemicro.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/LMS7002M-Data-Sheet-v2.8.0.pdf) for a precise description of LNA, TIA and PGA and their location in the Rx chain. To summarize these blocks are placed in this order from antenna to ADC.
<h4>9.2: Global automatic gain</h4>
Use this button to adjust the global gain of the LNA, TIA and PGA. LimeSuite software automatically set optimal values of the amplifiers to achive this global gain. This gain can be set between 0 and 70 dB in 1 dB steps. The value in dB appears at the right of the button.
Use this button to adjust the global gain of the LNA, TIA and PGA. LimeSuite software automatically set optimal values of the amplifiers to achieve this global gain. This gain can be set between 0 and 70 dB in 1 dB steps. The value in dB appears at the right of the button.
<h4>9.3: LNA manual gain</h4>
Use this button to adjust the gain of tha LNA when manual gain mode is set (9.1). Gain can be set between 1 and 30 dB in 1 dB steps. However the hardware has 3 dB steps for the lower gain values so increasing or decerasing by one step does not always produce a change. The value in dB appears at the right of the button.
Use this button to adjust the gain of tha LNA when manual gain mode is set (9.1). Gain can be set between 1 and 30 dB in 1 dB steps. However the hardware has 3 dB steps for the lower gain values so increasing or decreasing by one step does not always produce a change. The value in dB appears at the right of the button.
<h4>9.4: TIA manual gain</h4>
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ Use this combo box to select the antenna input:
- **No**: None
- **Lo**: Selects the low frequency input (700 to 900 MHz nominally)
- **Hi**: Selects the high frequncy input (2 to 2.6 GHz)
- **Hi**: Selects the high frequency input (2 to 2.6 GHz)
- **Wo**: Selects the wideband input
- **T1**: Selects loopback from TX #1 (experimental)
- **T1**: Selects loopback from TX #2 (experimental)
@ -234,4 +234,4 @@ This is the fill percentage of the Rx FIFO in the LimeSuite interface. It should
<h3>16: Board temperature</h3>
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s. Before the first probe the display marks "00C" this is normal.
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s. Before the first probe the display marks "00C" this is normal.

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ This resets the LO ppm correction (zero the value).
<h3>4: Device to hast sample rate</h3>
This is the device to host sample rate in kilo samples per second (kS/s). The sample rate can be as low as 48 kS/s so there is no need for software decimation. Note that at 48 kS/s some slight rate mismatch can appear with the audio that has the same nominal rate. This may cause some occasinal audio samples drops however hardly noticeable.
This is the device to host sample rate in kilo samples per second (kS/s). The sample rate can be as low as 48 kS/s so there is no need for software decimation. Note that at 48 kS/s some slight rate mismatch can appear with the audio that has the same nominal rate. This may cause some occasional audio samples drops however hardly noticeable.
<h3>5: Wideband mode</h5>
@ -67,19 +67,19 @@ Switch on this button to disable the preselection filters. The corresponding LED
<h3>6: Decimation factor</h3>
The I/Q stream from the Perseus to host is downsampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. This is normally not needed for most use cases as the Perseus can go as low as 48 kS/s which is the lower limit for audio channel plugins (AM, FM, SSB, Digital voice). So it can be left to `1` most of the time. A software decimation by 2 or 4 is still provided for easier anaysis of very narrowband or slow varying signals. Note that there is no dynamic gain with this decimation as the precision is already limited to 24 significant bits either for integer or floating point (float) processing.
The I/Q stream from the Perseus to host is downsampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. This is normally not needed for most use cases as the Perseus can go as low as 48 kS/s which is the lower limit for audio channel plugins (AM, FM, SSB, Digital voice). So it can be left to `1` most of the time. A software decimation by 2 or 4 is still provided for easier analysis of very narrowband or slow varying signals. Note that there is no dynamic gain with this decimation as the precision is already limited to 24 significant bits either for integer or floating point (float) processing.
<h3>7: Transverter mode open dialog</h3>
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options:
![SDR Daemon source input stream trasverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
![SDR Daemon source input stream transverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
Note that if you mouse over the button a tooltip appears that displays the translating frequency and if translation is enabled or disabled. When the frequency translation is enabled the button is lit.
<h4>7a.1: Translating frequency</h4>
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The frequency set in the device is the frequency on the main dial (1) minus this frequency. Thus it is positive for down converters and negative for up converters.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Use these buttons to confirm ("OK") or dismiss ("Cancel") your changes.
<h3>8: Attenuators control</h3>
Use this combo box to cotrol the attenuators inside the Perseus:
Use this combo box to control the attenuators inside the Perseus:
- 0 dB: no attenuation
- 10 dB: 10 dB attenuator engaged
@ -117,4 +117,4 @@ Use this button to turn on or off the Perseus ADC dithering
<h3>10: ADC preamplifier</h3>
Use this button to turn on or off the Perseus ADC preamplifier

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This input sample source plugin gets its samples from a [PlutoSDR device](https://wiki.analog.com/university/tools/pluto). This is also known as the ADALM-Pluto. ADALM stands for Analog Devices Active Learning Module and is targetting students in electrical engineering and digital signal processing. Of course it can be used as a radio device like any other SDR.
This input sample source plugin gets its samples from a [PlutoSDR device](https://wiki.analog.com/university/tools/pluto). This is also known as the ADALM-Pluto. ADALM stands for Analog Devices Active Learning Module and is targeting students in electrical engineering and digital signal processing. Of course it can be used as a radio device like any other SDR.
As you can see from the Wiki this is becoming a fairly popular SDR hardware platform. It does have interesting features but the library documentation and examples are poor when not misleading. Therefore while this implementation does work it should still be considered experimental.
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon to stop, plug back in, check the source on the sampling devices control panel and start again.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ These buttons control the software DSP auto correction options:
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options:
![SDR Daemon source input stream trasverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
![SDR Daemon source input stream transverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
Note that if you mouse over the button a tooltip appears that displays the translating frequency and if translation is enabled or disabled. When the frequency translation is enabled the button is lit.
<h4>4a.1: Translating frequency</h4>
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The frequency set in the device is the frequency on the main dial (1) minus this frequency. Thus it is positive for down converters and negative for up converters.
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Use these buttons to confirm ("OK") or dismiss ("Cancel") your changes.
<h3>5: Software decimation factor</h3>
The I/Q stream from the PlutoSDR is doensampled by a power of two by software inside the plugin before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
The I/Q stream from the PlutoSDR is downsampled by a power of two by software inside the plugin before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
<h3>6: Decimated bandpass center frequency placement</h3>
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ The AD9363 has many port options however as only the A balanced input is connect
This is the AD9363 device to/from host stream sample rate in S/s. It is the same for the Rx and Tx systems.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows.
The minimum sample rate depends on the hardware FIR decimation factor (12) and is the following:
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ The maximum sample rate is fixed and set to 20 MS/s
<h3>9: Rx analog filter bandwidth</h3>
This is the Rx analog filter bandwidth in kHz in the AD9363 device. It can be varied from 200 kHz to 14 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
This is the Rx analog filter bandwidth in kHz in the AD9363 device. It can be varied from 200 kHz to 14 MHz in 1 kHz steps. Use the wheels to adjust the value. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>10: Hardware FIR filter toggle</h3>
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ The FIR filter settings are the same on Rx and Tx side therefore any change here
<h3>11: Hardware FIR filter bandwidth</h3>
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware FIR filter. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware FIR filter. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The filter limits are calculated as 0.05 and 0.9 times the FIR filter input frequency for the lower and higher limit respectively. The FIR filter input frequency is the baseband sample rate (5) multiplied by the FIR interpolation factor (9)
For bandwidths greater than 0.2 times the FIR filter input frequency the filter is calculated as a windowed FIR filter with a Blackman-Harris window. This has a high out of band rejection value at the expense of a slightly smoother roll off compared to other filters. The bandwidth value sets the -6 dB point approxomately.
For bandwidths greater than 0.2 times the FIR filter input frequency the filter is calculated as a windowed FIR filter with a Blackman-Harris window. This has a high out of band rejection value at the expense of a slightly smoother roll off compared to other filters. The bandwidth value sets the -6 dB point approximately.
For bandwidths between 0.05 and 0.2 times the FIR filter input frequency the window used is a Hamming window giving a sharper transition.
@ -183,4 +183,4 @@ This is the indicative RSSI of the receiver.
<h3>17: Board temperature</h3>
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s.
This is the board temperature in degrees Celsius updated every ~5s.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ Possible values are:
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options:
![SDR Daemon source input stream trasverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
![SDR Daemon source input stream transverter dialog](../../../doc/img/RTLSDR_plugin_xvrt.png)
Note that if you mouse over the button a tooltip appears that displays the translating frequency and if translation is enabled or disabled. When the frequency translation is enabled the button is lit.
<h4>4a.1: Translating frequency</h4>
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
You can set the translating frequency in Hz with this dial. Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
The frequency set in the device is the frequency on the main dial (1) minus this frequency. Thus it is positive for down converters and negative for up converters.
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ When button is off the sample rate can vary from 950 kS/s to 2400 kS/s
This is the device sample rate in samples per second (S/s).
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>7: Decimation factor</h3>
The I/Q stream from the RTLSDR ADC is doensampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
The I/Q stream from the RTLSDR ADC is downsampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
<h3>8: Direct sampling mode</h3>
@ -114,4 +114,4 @@ This controls the tuner filter bandwidth and can be varied from 350 kHz to 8 MHz
The slider sets RF gain in dB. The values are defined in the RTLSDR device and generally are: 0.0, 0.9, 1.4, 2.7, 3.7, 7.7, 8.7, 12.5, 14.4, 15.7, 16.6, 19.7, 20.7, 22.9, 25.4, 28.0, 29.7, 32.8, 33.8, 36.4, 37.2, 38.6, 40.2, 42.1, 43.4, 43.9, 44.5, 48.0, 49.6
The AGC checkbox can be used to switch on or off the RTL2838 AGC. This is independent of the gain setting as this AGC acts after the gain block.
The AGC checkbox can be used to switch on or off the RTL2838 AGC. This is independent of the gain setting as this AGC acts after the gain block.

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This input sample source plugin gets its samples over tbe network from a SDRdaemon receiver server using UDP connection. SDRdaemon refers to the SDRdaemon utility `sdrdaemonrx`found in [this](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) Github repostory.
This input sample source plugin gets its samples over tbe network from a SDRdaemon receiver server using UDP connection. SDRdaemon refers to the SDRdaemon utility `sdrdaemonrx`found in [this](https://github.com/f4exb/sdrdaemon) Github repository.
Forward Error Correction with a Cauchy MDS block erasure codec is used to prevent block loss. This can make the UDP transmission more robust particularly over WiFi links.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
Record I/Q stresm toggle button
Record I/Q stream toggle button
<h4>1.4: Stream sample rate</h4>
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ There are two gauges separated by a dot in the center. Ideally these gauges shou
- The left gauge is the negative gauge. It is the value in percent of buffer size from the write pointer position to the read pointer position when this difference is less than half of a buffer distance. It means that the writes are leading or reads are lagging.
- The right gauge is the positive gauge. It is the value in percent of buffer size of the difference from the read pointer position to the write pointer position when this difference is less than half of a buffer distance. It menas that the writes are lagging or reads are leading.
The system tries to compensate read / write unbalance however at start or when a large stream distruption has occured a delay of a few tens of seconds is necessary before read / write reaches equilibrium.
The system tries to compensate read / write unbalance however at start or when a large stream disruption has occurred a delay of a few tens of seconds is necessary before read / write reaches equilibrium.
<h3>4: Forward Error Correction setting and status</h3>
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ The color of the icon indicates stream status:
This is the minimum total number of blocks per frame during the last polling period. If all blocks were received for all frames then this number is the nominal number of original blocks plus FEC blocks (Green lock icon). In our example this is 128+8 = 136.
If this number falls below 128 then some blocks are definitely lost and the lock lits in red.
If this number falls below 128 then some blocks are definitely lost and the lock lights in red.
<h4>4.5: Maximum number of FEC blocks used by frame</h4>
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ This counter counts the unrecoverable error conditions found (i.e. 4.4 between 1
<h4>4.9: events counters timer</h4>
This hh:mm:ss time display shows the time since the reset evetnts counters button (4.6) was pushed.
This hh:mm:ss time display shows the time since the reset events counters button (4.6) was pushed.
<h3>5: Network parameters</h3>
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ When the return key is hit within the address (5.1), data port (5.2) or configur
This is the center frequency sent to the distant device. This becomes reflected in the main frequency dial (1.1) only when it gets acknowledged by the distant server and this frequency is sent back in the frames meta data.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. The minimum value is 0 Hz and the maximum value is 9.9 GHz. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. The minimum value is 0 Hz and the maximum value is 9.9 GHz. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>7: Delay between UDP blocks transmission</h3>
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Formula: ((127 &#x2715; 127 &#x2715; _d_) / _SR_) / (128 + _F_)
This is the device sample rate sent to the distant device. It will be divided in the distant server by the decimation factor set with (9) to give the actual sample rate over the network. This becomes effective and displayed in (1.4) only when it gets acknowledged by the distant server and this sample rate is sent back in the frames meta data.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. The minimum value is 32 kS/s and the maximum value is 9.9 MS/s. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arroews. Pressing shift simultanoeusly moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
Use the wheels to adjust the sample rate. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. The minimum value is 32 kS/s and the maximum value is 9.9 MS/s. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>9: Desired distant decimation factor</h3>
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ This is the decimation factor to be set in the distant server downsampler. The h
<h3>10: Center frequency position</h3>
The center frequency in the passband wil be set either:
The center frequency in the passband will be set either:
- below the local oscillator (NCO) or infradyne. Actually -1/4th the bandwidth.
- above the local oscillator (NCO) or supradyne. Actually +1/4th the bandwidth.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This plugin supports input from SDRplay RSP1 devices. SDRplay is based on the MS
<b>No Windows support</b>
Driver is too unstable in Windows randomly stopping the appication and causing BSOD.
Driver is too unstable in Windows randomly stopping the application and causing BSOD.

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Device start / stop button.
- Blue triangle icon: device is ready and can be started
- Green square icon: device is running and can be stopped
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occured. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
- Magenta (or pink) square icon: an error occurred. In the case the device was accidentally disconnected you may click on the icon, plug back in and start again.
<h4>1.3: Record</h4>
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ This combo box control the local DSP auto correction options:
<h4>2.2: Decimation factor</h4>
The I/Q stream from the generator is doensampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. This exercises the decimation chain.
The I/Q stream from the generator is downsampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. This exercises the decimation chain.
This exercises the decimation chain.

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Use this button to keep only the visible devices in the devices registrations. T
<h3>1.14 Unregister device</h3>
Use this button to remove the device from the devices registrations returning it to the unregistered state. Therefore when associated to an output stream or selected it will initially take default values and appear with the `D` induicator in the list.
Use this button to remove the device from the devices registrations returning it to the unregistered state. Therefore when associated to an output stream or selected it will initially take default values and appear with the `D` indicator in the list.
<h3>1.15 OK button</h3>
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ Use this button to keep only the visible devices in the devices registrations. T
<h3>2.9 Unregister device</h3>
Use this button to remove the device from the devices registrations returning it to the unregistered state. Therefore when associated to an output stream or selected it will initially take default values and appear with the `D` induicator in the list.
Use this button to remove the device from the devices registrations returning it to the unregistered state. Therefore when associated to an output stream or selected it will initially take default values and appear with the `D` indicator in the list.
<h3>2.10 OK button</h3>

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Starting with version 2 SDRangel supports running several sampling devices simultaneously. Each concurrent device is associated to a slot with a set of tabbed windows in the UI. These tabs are marked R0, R1, R2...
The slots are arranged in a stacked fashion so that when a new device is added with the Acquisition -> Add device set menu a new slot is allocated in the last position and when a devcie is removed with the Acquisition -> Remove last device set menu the slot in the last position is deleted. Slot 0 (R0) receiver slot is created at initialization and cannot be deleted with the menu. The letter "R" in the tab names indicates that the slot is for a receiver (source) device while "T" designates a tramsmitter (sink) device.
The slots are arranged in a stacked fashion so that when a new device is added with the Acquisition -> Add device set menu a new slot is allocated in the last position and when a device is removed with the Acquisition -> Remove last device set menu the slot in the last position is deleted. Slot 0 (R0) receiver slot is created at initialization and cannot be deleted with the menu. The letter "R" in the tab names indicates that the slot is for a receiver (source) device while "T" designates a transmitter (sink) device.
The tabbed windows are:
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ The tabbed windows are:
The combination of a sampling device and its associated channels is called a "device set".
![Main Window nulti device support](../doc/img/MainWindow_tabs.png)
![Main Window multi device support](../doc/img/MainWindow_tabs.png)
The sampling devices tab (1) acts as a master and when one of its tabs is selected all other tabs are selected accordingly i.e. all R0s, all R1s, etc... in tabs (2), (3), (4) and (5)
In each slave tab group (2), (3), (4) and (5) an individual tab corresponding to one device can be selected without affecting the selection of the other tabs. This way you can sneak peek into another spectrum or channel goup without affecting the display of other tabbed windows.
In each slave tab group (2), (3), (4) and (5) an individual tab corresponding to one device can be selected without affecting the selection of the other tabs. This way you can sneak peek into another spectrum or channel group without affecting the display of other tabbed windows.
<h2>Interface details</h2>
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ This is the sampling rate in kS/s of the I/Q stream extracted from the device af
<h4>2.4. Center frequency</h4>
This is the current center frequency in kHz with dot separated thousands (MHz, GHz). On devices for which frequency can be directly controlled (i.e. all except File Source and SDRdaemon) you can use the thumbwheels to set the frequency. Thumwheels move with the mouse wheel when hovering over a digit.
This is the current center frequency in kHz with dot separated thousands (MHz, GHz). On devices for which frequency can be directly controlled (i.e. all except File Source and SDRdaemon) you can use the thumbwheels to set the frequency. Thumbwheels move with the mouse wheel when hovering over a digit.
When left clicking on a digit a cursor is set on it and you can also use the arrows to move the corresponding thumbwheel.
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Use the `Cancel` button to exit the dialog without any change
<h4>3.3. Reload currently selected device</h4>
This button activates a close/open sequence to recycle the device. It may be useful when the device is not streaming anymore or in an attempt to clear possible errors. Make sure the streaming is stopeed first.
This button activates a close/open sequence to recycle the device. It may be useful when the device is not streaming anymore or in an attempt to clear possible errors. Make sure the streaming is stopped first.
<h4>3.4. Channel selector</h4>
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ These are the controls of the main spectrum display in (7). Please refer to the
<h3>5. Presets and commands</h3>
The presets and commands tree view are by default stacked in tabbs. The following sections describe the presets section 5A) and commands (section 5B) views successively
The presets and commands tree view are by default stacked in tabs. The following sections describe the presets section 5A) and commands (section 5B) views successively
<h3>5A. Presets</h3>
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ This is a tree view of the saved commands. Commands describe the path to an exec
Typically an "executable file" is a script (Python, shell, whatever...) or can be a compiled program (c, c++, java, whatever...) that interacts with SDRangel using its web REST API. When called from within SDRangel they can act as "macros" allowing to perform actions automatically.
Of course any binary that resides in your system can be used that way like `/bin/ls` or `/bin/date` although these two are of anedoctical interest...
Of course any binary that resides in your system can be used that way like `/bin/ls` or `/bin/date` although these two are of anecdotal interest...
![Main Window presets view](../doc/img/MainWindow_commands_view.png)
@ -373,10 +373,10 @@ You can edit the description using this text box. The description will appear in
<h6>5B.6.3.3. Executable file selection </h6>
Clicking on this button wil open a file dialog to select the executable file that will be run with this command. The file selection dialog has predefined file pattern selections:
Clicking on this button will open a file dialog to select the executable file that will be run with this command. The file selection dialog has predefined file pattern selections:
- `*` for All files
- `*.py` for Pyhon files
- `*.py` for Python files
- `*.sh` or `*.bat` for shell or batch files
- `*.bin` or `*.exe` for binary files
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ Use the "Cancel" button to cancel the changes.
<h5>5B.6.4. Run command or groups of commands</h5>
This will run the currently selected command. If the selection is a group it will run all commands of the group starting them in the displayed order. Please note that commands are run in independant processes and therefore all launched commands in the group will run concurrently.
This will run the currently selected command. If the selection is a group it will run all commands of the group starting them in the displayed order. Please note that commands are run in independent processes and therefore all launched commands in the group will run concurrently.
<h5>5B.6.5. View last command run details</h5>
@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ This dialog will show the results of the last run including the output (merged s
<h6>5B.6.5.1. Process status</h6>
When the process is not running the stop icon (&#9632;) is displayed. The backgroumd color indicate different states:
When the process is not running the stop icon (&#9632;) is displayed. The background color indicate different states:
- no color (same as backround): the process has never run during this session
- no color (same as background): the process has never run during this session
- red: the process ended with error
- green: the process ended successfully. This does not mean that there was no programmatic error.
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ This is the process PID. It is 0 if the process has never run during this sessio
<h6>5B.6.5.6. Process kill</h6>
Use this button to kill (send SIGKILL) the running process. It has no effect if the process is not runing.
Use this button to kill (send SIGKILL) the running process. It has no effect if the process is not running.
<h6>5B.6.5.7. Command line</h6>
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ By pushing the "Close" button the process output window is closed.
<h5>5B.6.6. Save commands</h5>
This will save the commands immediately. The commands will be automatically saved when the applicaiton exits normally.
This will save the commands immediately. The commands will be automatically saved when the application exits normally.
<h5>5B.6.7. Delete commands or group of commands</h5>
@ -504,9 +504,9 @@ Use this button to activate the keyboard binding. This requires that the focus i
<h3>6. Channels</h3>
This area shows the control GUIs of the channels curently active for the device. When the preset is saved (as default at exit time or as a saved preset) the GUIs are ordered by increasing frequency. If presets share the same frequenccy they are ordered by their internal ID name. Thus new channel GUIs will appear ordered only when reloaded.
This area shows the control GUIs of the channels currently active for the device. When the preset is saved (as default at exit time or as a saved preset) the GUIs are ordered by increasing frequency. If presets share the same frequency they are ordered by their internal ID name. Thus new channel GUIs will appear ordered only when reloaded.
Details about the GUIs can be found in the channel plugins documentation which consits of a readme.md file in each of the channel plugins folder (done partially).
Details about the GUIs can be found in the channel plugins documentation which consists of a readme.md file in each of the channel plugins folder (done partially).
With these channels: AM demod, BFM demod, DSD demod, NFM demod, UDP source, UDP sink some common basic settings can be set with a popup dialog. This dialog is opened by clicking on the small grey square on the top left of the channel window. The settings are as follows:
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ Do not make any changes and exit dialog
This shows the spectrum in the passband returned from the sampling device possibly after decimation. The actual sample rate is shown in the device control at the left of the frequency display (2.3)
The spectrum display is cotrolled by the display control (4).
The spectrum display is controlled by the display control (4).
<h3>8. Status</h3>

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Examples of client scripts ##
These are all Python scripts using python-requests so you have to install this package as a prerequiste either with your package manager or pip. They are designed for Python 2.7 but may work with Python 3 possibly with minimal changes.
These are all Python scripts using python-requests so you have to install this package as a prerequisite either with your package manager or pip. They are designed for Python 2.7 but may work with Python 3 possibly with minimal changes.