diff --git a/plugins/channelrx/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/channelrx/CMakeLists.txt index 86d6bc75e..6f1dd1ec6 100644 --- a/plugins/channelrx/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/plugins/channelrx/CMakeLists.txt @@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ add_subdirectory(demodwfm) add_subdirectory(chanalyzer) add_subdirectory(chanalyzerng) add_subdirectory(demodatv) -add_subdirectory(demoddatv) if(LIBDSDCC_FOUND AND LIBMBE_FOUND) add_subdirectory(demoddsd) endif(LIBDSDCC_FOUND AND LIBMBE_FOUND) +if (NOT RX_SAMPLE_24BIT) + add_subdirectory(demoddatv) +endif() + if (BUILD_DEBIAN) add_subdirectory(demoddsd) endif (BUILD_DEBIAN) diff --git a/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/.qmake.stash b/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/.qmake.stash deleted file mode 100644 index c6486d18c..000000000 --- a/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/.qmake.stash +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -QMAKE_DEFAULT_INCDIRS = \ - /usr/include/c++/6 \ - /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/6 \ - /usr/include/c++/6/backward \ - /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include \ - /usr/local/include \ - /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include-fixed \ - /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu \ - /usr/include -QMAKE_DEFAULT_LIBDIRS = \ - /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6 \ - /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \ - /usr/lib \ - /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \ - /lib diff --git a/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/Makefile b/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 0ba71e74a..000000000 --- a/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,454 +0,0 @@ -# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! -# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 3.7 - -# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. -default_target: all - -.PHONY : default_target - -# Allow only one "make -f Makefile2" at a time, but pass parallelism. -.NOTPARALLEL: - - -#============================================================================= -# Special targets provided by cmake. - -# Disable implicit rules so canonical targets will work. -.SUFFIXES: - - -# Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove. -SUFFIXES = - -.SUFFIXES: .hpux_make_needs_suffix_list - - -# Suppress display of executed commands. -$(VERBOSE).SILENT: - - -# A target that is always out of date. -cmake_force: - -.PHONY : cmake_force - -#============================================================================= -# Set environment variables for the build. - -# The shell in which to execute make rules. -SHELL = /bin/sh - -# The CMake executable. -CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/bin/cmake - -# The command to remove a file. -RM = /usr/bin/cmake -E remove -f - -# Escaping for special characters. -EQUALS = = - -# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run. -CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master - -# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run. -CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master - -#============================================================================= -# Targets provided globally by CMake. - -# Special rule for the target install/strip -install/strip: preinstall - @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing the project stripped..." - /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP=1 -P cmake_install.cmake -.PHONY : install/strip - -# Special rule for the target install/strip -install/strip/fast: install/strip - -.PHONY : install/strip/fast - -# Special rule for the target install/local -install/local: preinstall - @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Installing only the local directory..." - /usr/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCAL_ONLY=1 -P cmake_install.cmake -.PHONY : install/local - -# Special rule for the target install/local -install/local/fast: install/local - -.PHONY : install/local/fast - -# Special rule for the target edit_cache -edit_cache: - @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "No interactive CMake dialog available..." - /usr/bin/cmake -E echo No\ interactive\ CMake\ dialog\ available. -.PHONY : edit_cache - -# Special rule for the target edit_cache -edit_cache/fast: edit_cache - -.PHONY : edit_cache/fast - -# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache -rebuild_cache: - @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running CMake to regenerate build system..." - /usr/bin/cmake -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) -.PHONY : rebuild_cache - -# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache -rebuild_cache/fast: rebuild_cache - -.PHONY : rebuild_cache/fast - -# Special rule for the target install -install: preinstall - @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..." - /usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake -.PHONY : install - -# Special rule for the target install -install/fast: preinstall/fast - @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Install the project..." - /usr/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake -.PHONY : install/fast - -# Special rule for the target list_install_components -list_install_components: - @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Available install components are: \"Unspecified\"" -.PHONY : list_install_components - -# Special rule for the target list_install_components -list_install_components/fast: list_install_components - -.PHONY : list_install_components/fast - -# The main all target -all: cmake_check_build_system - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master/CMakeFiles /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/progress.marks - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/all - $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master/CMakeFiles 0 -.PHONY : all - -# The main clean target -clean: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/clean -.PHONY : clean - -# The main clean target -clean/fast: clean - -.PHONY : clean/fast - -# Prepare targets for installation. -preinstall: all - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/preinstall -.PHONY : preinstall - -# Prepare targets for installation. -preinstall/fast: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/preinstall -.PHONY : preinstall/fast - -# clear depends -depend: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 1 -.PHONY : depend - -# Convenience name for target. -plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/rule: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/rule -.PHONY : plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/rule - -# Convenience name for target. -demoddatv: plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/rule - -.PHONY : demoddatv - -# fast build rule for target. -demoddatv/fast: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build -.PHONY : demoddatv/fast - -# Convenience name for target. -plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv_automoc.dir/rule: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv_automoc.dir/rule -.PHONY : plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv_automoc.dir/rule - -# Convenience name for target. -demoddatv_automoc: plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv_automoc.dir/rule - -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc - -# fast build rule for target. -demoddatv_automoc/fast: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv_automoc.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv_automoc.dir/build -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc/fast - -datvdemod.o: datvdemod.cpp.o - -.PHONY : datvdemod.o - -# target to build an object file -datvdemod.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemod.cpp.o -.PHONY : datvdemod.cpp.o - -datvdemod.i: datvdemod.cpp.i - -.PHONY : datvdemod.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -datvdemod.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemod.cpp.i -.PHONY : datvdemod.cpp.i - -datvdemod.s: datvdemod.cpp.s - -.PHONY : datvdemod.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -datvdemod.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemod.cpp.s -.PHONY : datvdemod.cpp.s - -datvdemodgui.o: datvdemodgui.cpp.o - -.PHONY : datvdemodgui.o - -# target to build an object file -datvdemodgui.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemodgui.cpp.o -.PHONY : datvdemodgui.cpp.o - -datvdemodgui.i: datvdemodgui.cpp.i - -.PHONY : datvdemodgui.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -datvdemodgui.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemodgui.cpp.i -.PHONY : datvdemodgui.cpp.i - -datvdemodgui.s: datvdemodgui.cpp.s - -.PHONY : datvdemodgui.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -datvdemodgui.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemodgui.cpp.s -.PHONY : datvdemodgui.cpp.s - -datvdemodplugin.o: datvdemodplugin.cpp.o - -.PHONY : datvdemodplugin.o - -# target to build an object file -datvdemodplugin.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemodplugin.cpp.o -.PHONY : datvdemodplugin.cpp.o - -datvdemodplugin.i: datvdemodplugin.cpp.i - -.PHONY : datvdemodplugin.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -datvdemodplugin.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemodplugin.cpp.i -.PHONY : datvdemodplugin.cpp.i - -datvdemodplugin.s: datvdemodplugin.cpp.s - -.PHONY : datvdemodplugin.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -datvdemodplugin.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvdemodplugin.cpp.s -.PHONY : datvdemodplugin.cpp.s - -datvideorender.o: datvideorender.cpp.o - -.PHONY : datvideorender.o - -# target to build an object file -datvideorender.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvideorender.cpp.o -.PHONY : datvideorender.cpp.o - -datvideorender.i: datvideorender.cpp.i - -.PHONY : datvideorender.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -datvideorender.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvideorender.cpp.i -.PHONY : datvideorender.cpp.i - -datvideorender.s: datvideorender.cpp.s - -.PHONY : datvideorender.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -datvideorender.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvideorender.cpp.s -.PHONY : datvideorender.cpp.s - -datvideostream.o: datvideostream.cpp.o - -.PHONY : datvideostream.o - -# target to build an object file -datvideostream.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvideostream.cpp.o -.PHONY : datvideostream.cpp.o - -datvideostream.i: datvideostream.cpp.i - -.PHONY : datvideostream.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -datvideostream.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvideostream.cpp.i -.PHONY : datvideostream.cpp.i - -datvideostream.s: datvideostream.cpp.s - -.PHONY : datvideostream.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -datvideostream.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvideostream.cpp.s -.PHONY : datvideostream.cpp.s - -datvscreen.o: datvscreen.cpp.o - -.PHONY : datvscreen.o - -# target to build an object file -datvscreen.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvscreen.cpp.o -.PHONY : datvscreen.cpp.o - -datvscreen.i: datvscreen.cpp.i - -.PHONY : datvscreen.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -datvscreen.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvscreen.cpp.i -.PHONY : datvscreen.cpp.i - -datvscreen.s: datvscreen.cpp.s - -.PHONY : datvscreen.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -datvscreen.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/datvscreen.cpp.s -.PHONY : datvscreen.cpp.s - -demoddatv_automoc.o: demoddatv_automoc.cpp.o - -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc.o - -# target to build an object file -demoddatv_automoc.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/demoddatv_automoc.cpp.o -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc.cpp.o - -demoddatv_automoc.i: demoddatv_automoc.cpp.i - -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -demoddatv_automoc.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/demoddatv_automoc.cpp.i -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc.cpp.i - -demoddatv_automoc.s: demoddatv_automoc.cpp.s - -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -demoddatv_automoc.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/demoddatv_automoc.cpp.s -.PHONY : demoddatv_automoc.cpp.s - -glshaderarray.o: glshaderarray.cpp.o - -.PHONY : glshaderarray.o - -# target to build an object file -glshaderarray.cpp.o: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/glshaderarray.cpp.o -.PHONY : glshaderarray.cpp.o - -glshaderarray.i: glshaderarray.cpp.i - -.PHONY : glshaderarray.i - -# target to preprocess a source file -glshaderarray.cpp.i: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/glshaderarray.cpp.i -.PHONY : glshaderarray.cpp.i - -glshaderarray.s: glshaderarray.cpp.s - -.PHONY : glshaderarray.s - -# target to generate assembly for a file -glshaderarray.cpp.s: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(MAKE) -f plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/build.make plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/CMakeFiles/demoddatv.dir/glshaderarray.cpp.s -.PHONY : glshaderarray.cpp.s - -# Help Target -help: - @echo "The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:" - @echo "... all (the default if no target is provided)" - @echo "... clean" - @echo "... depend" - @echo "... install/strip" - @echo "... install/local" - @echo "... demoddatv" - @echo "... edit_cache" - @echo "... rebuild_cache" - @echo "... install" - @echo "... list_install_components" - @echo "... demoddatv_automoc" - @echo "... datvdemod.o" - @echo "... datvdemod.i" - @echo "... datvdemod.s" - @echo "... datvdemodgui.o" - @echo "... datvdemodgui.i" - @echo "... datvdemodgui.s" - @echo "... datvdemodplugin.o" - @echo "... datvdemodplugin.i" - @echo "... datvdemodplugin.s" - @echo "... datvideorender.o" - @echo "... datvideorender.i" - @echo "... datvideorender.s" - @echo "... datvideostream.o" - @echo "... datvideostream.i" - @echo "... datvideostream.s" - @echo "... datvscreen.o" - @echo "... datvscreen.i" - @echo "... datvscreen.s" - @echo "... demoddatv_automoc.o" - @echo "... demoddatv_automoc.i" - @echo "... demoddatv_automoc.s" - @echo "... glshaderarray.o" - @echo "... glshaderarray.i" - @echo "... glshaderarray.s" -.PHONY : help - - - -#============================================================================= -# Special targets to cleanup operation of make. - -# Special rule to run CMake to check the build system integrity. -# No rule that depends on this can have commands that come from listfiles -# because they might be regenerated. -cmake_check_build_system: - cd /home/guest/HAM/sdrangel-master && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0 -.PHONY : cmake_check_build_system - diff --git a/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/datvdemod.cpp b/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/datvdemod.cpp index 3837d0638..df1022e53 100644 --- a/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/datvdemod.cpp +++ b/plugins/channelrx/demoddatv/datvdemod.cpp @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ DATVDemod::~DATVDemod() bool DATVDemod::SetDATVScreen(DATVScreen *objScreen) { - m_objRegisteredDATVScreen = objScreen; + m_objRegisteredDATVScreen = objScreen; } DATVideostream * DATVDemod::SetVideoRender(DATVideoRender *objScreen) @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void DATVDemod::configure(MessageQueue* objMessageQueue, int intCenterFrequency, dvb_version enmStandard, DATVModulation enmModulation, - code_rate enmFEC, + code_rate enmFEC, int intSymbolRate, int intNotchFilters, bool blnAllowDrift, @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ void DATVDemod::InitDATVFramework() p_cnr = new pipebuf(m_objScheduler, "cnr", BUF_SLOW); if ( m_objCfg.cnr ) - { + { r_cnr = new cnr_fft(m_objScheduler, *p_preprocessed, *p_cnr, m_objCfg.Fm/m_objCfg.Fs); r_cnr->decimation = decimation(m_objCfg.Fs, 1); // 1 Hz } @@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ void DATVDemod::InitDATVFramework() m_objDemodulator->cstln = make_dvbs2_constellation(m_objCfg.constellation, m_objCfg.fec); if ( m_objCfg.hard_metric ) - { + { m_objDemodulator->cstln->harden(); } @@ -688,12 +688,12 @@ void DATVDemod::InitDATVFramework() } if ( m_objCfg.allow_drift ) - { + { m_objDemodulator->set_allow_drift(true); } if ( m_objCfg.viterbi ) - { + { m_objDemodulator->pll_adjustment /= 6; } @@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ void DATVDemod::InitDATVFramework() if ( m_objCfg.viterbi ) { if ( m_objCfg.fec==FEC23 && (m_objDemodulator->cstln->nsymbols==4 || m_objDemodulator->cstln->nsymbols==64) ) - { + { m_objCfg.fec = FEC46; } @@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ void DATVDemod::InitDATVFramework() r_derand = new derandomizer(m_objScheduler, *p_rtspackets, *p_tspackets); - // OUTPUT + // OUTPUT r_videoplayer = new datvvideoplayer(m_objScheduler, *p_tspackets,m_objVideoStream); m_blnDVBInitialized=true; @@ -821,7 +821,6 @@ void DATVDemod::InitDATVFramework() void DATVDemod::feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end, bool firstOfBurst) { - qint16 * ptrBufferToRelease=NULL; float fltI; float fltQ; cf32 objIQ; @@ -832,6 +831,7 @@ void DATVDemod::feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVect #ifdef EXTENDED_DIRECT_SAMPLE + qint16 * ptrBufferToRelease=NULL; qint16 * ptrBuffer; qint32 intLen; @@ -850,7 +850,6 @@ void DATVDemod::feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVect ptrBuffer ++; fltQ= ((qint32) (*ptrBuffer)) << 4; ptrBuffer ++; - #else for (SampleVector::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it /* ++it **/) @@ -915,10 +914,12 @@ void DATVDemod::feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVect } +#ifdef EXTENDED_DIRECT_SAMPLE if(ptrBufferToRelease!=NULL) { delete ptrBufferToRelease; } +#endif //m_objSettingsMutex.unlock();