mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 05:08:37 -04:00
WDSP: shift and resampler: replaced static methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ void WDSPRxSink::applySettings(const WDSPRxSettings& settings, bool force)
if ((m_settings.m_rit != settings.m_rit) || (m_settings.m_ritFrequency != settings.m_ritFrequency) || force)
WDSP::SHIFT::SetShiftFreq(*m_rxa, settings.m_ritFrequency);
WDSP::SHIFT::SetShiftRun(*m_rxa, settings.m_rit ? 1 : 0);
m_rxa->shift->SetRun(settings.m_rit ? 1 : 0);
// Filter and mode
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ RXA* RXA::create_rxa (
// Ftequency shifter - shift to select a slice of spectrum
rxa->shift = SHIFT::create_shift (
rxa->shift = new SHIFT(
0, // run
rxa->dsp_insize, // input buffer size
rxa->inbuff, // pointer to input buffer
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ RXA* RXA::create_rxa (
0.0); // amount to shift (Hz)
// Input resampler - resample to dsp rate for main processing
rxa->rsmpin = RESAMPLE::create_resample (
rxa->rsmpin = new RESAMPLE(
0, // run - will be turned ON below if needed
rxa->dsp_insize, // input buffer size
rxa->inbuff, // pointer to input buffer
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ RXA* RXA::create_rxa (
// AM squelch apply - absent but in the block diagram
// Output resampler
rxa->rsmpout = RESAMPLE::create_resample (
rxa->rsmpout = new RESAMPLE(
0, // run - will be turned ON below if needed
rxa->dsp_size, // input buffer size
rxa->midbuff, // pointer to input buffer
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ RXA* RXA::create_rxa (
void RXA::destroy_rxa (RXA *rxa)
RESAMPLE::destroy_resample (rxa->rsmpout);
delete (rxa->rsmpout);
PANEL::destroy_panel (rxa->panel);
SSQL::destroy_ssql (rxa->ssql);
MPEAK::destroy_mpeak (rxa->mpeak);
@ -599,8 +599,8 @@ void RXA::destroy_rxa (RXA *rxa)
NOTCHDB::destroy_notchdb (rxa->ndb);
METER::destroy_meter (rxa->adcmeter);
GEN::destroy_gen (rxa->gen0);
RESAMPLE::destroy_resample (rxa->rsmpin);
SHIFT::destroy_shift (rxa->shift);
delete (rxa->rsmpin);
delete (rxa->shift);
delete (rxa->nob);
delete (rxa->anb);
delete[] (rxa->midbuff);
@ -616,8 +616,8 @@ void RXA::flush_rxa (RXA *rxa)
std::fill(rxa->midbuff, rxa->midbuff + 2 * rxa->dsp_size * 2, 0);
SHIFT::flush_shift (rxa->shift);
RESAMPLE::flush_resample (rxa->rsmpin);
GEN::flush_gen (rxa->gen0);
METER::flush_meter (rxa->adcmeter);
NBP::flush_nbp (rxa->nbp0);
@ -642,15 +642,15 @@ void RXA::flush_rxa (RXA *rxa)
MPEAK::flush_mpeak (rxa->mpeak);
SSQL::flush_ssql (rxa->ssql);
PANEL::flush_panel (rxa->panel);
RESAMPLE::flush_resample (rxa->rsmpout);
void RXA::xrxa (RXA *rxa)
SHIFT::xshift (rxa->shift);
RESAMPLE::xresample (rxa->rsmpin);
GEN::xgen (rxa->gen0);
METER::xmeter (rxa->adcmeter);
BPSNBA::xbpsnbain (rxa->bpsnba, 0);
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ void RXA::xrxa (RXA *rxa)
SSQL::xssql (rxa->ssql);
PANEL::xpanel (rxa->panel);
AMSQ::xamsq (rxa->amsq);
RESAMPLE::xresample (rxa->rsmpout);
void RXA::setInputSamplerate (RXA *rxa, int in_rate)
@ -706,13 +706,13 @@ void RXA::setInputSamplerate (RXA *rxa, int in_rate)
// shift
SHIFT::setBuffers_shift (rxa->shift, rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
SHIFT::setSize_shift (rxa->shift, rxa->dsp_insize);
SHIFT::setSamplerate_shift (rxa->shift, rxa->in_rate);
rxa->shift->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
// input resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->inbuff, rxa->midbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->dsp_insize);
RESAMPLE::setInRate_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->in_rate);
rxa->rsmpin->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->midbuff);
ResCheck (*rxa);
@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ void RXA::setOutputSamplerate (RXA *rxa, int out_rate)
delete[] (rxa->outbuff);
rxa->outbuff = new float[1 * rxa->dsp_outsize * 2]; // (float *)malloc0(1 * ch.dsp_outsize * sizeof(complex));
// output resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (rxa->rsmpout, rxa->midbuff, rxa->outbuff);
RESAMPLE::setOutRate_resample (rxa->rsmpout, rxa->out_rate);
rxa->rsmpout->setBuffers(rxa->midbuff, rxa->outbuff);
ResCheck (*rxa);
@ -758,12 +758,12 @@ void RXA::setDSPSamplerate (RXA *rxa, int dsp_rate)
rxa->nob->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
// shift
SHIFT::setBuffers_shift (rxa->shift, rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
SHIFT::setSize_shift (rxa->shift, rxa->dsp_insize);
rxa->shift->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
// input resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->inbuff, rxa->midbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->dsp_insize);
RESAMPLE::setOutRate_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->dsp_rate);
rxa->rsmpin->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->midbuff);
// dsp_rate blocks
GEN::setSamplerate_gen (rxa->gen0, rxa->dsp_rate);
METER::setSamplerate_meter (rxa->adcmeter, rxa->dsp_rate);
@ -791,8 +791,8 @@ void RXA::setDSPSamplerate (RXA *rxa, int dsp_rate)
SSQL::setSamplerate_ssql (rxa->ssql, rxa->dsp_rate);
PANEL::setSamplerate_panel (rxa->panel, rxa->dsp_rate);
// output resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (rxa->rsmpout, rxa->midbuff, rxa->outbuff);
RESAMPLE::setInRate_resample (rxa->rsmpout, rxa->dsp_rate);
rxa->rsmpout->setBuffers(rxa->midbuff, rxa->outbuff);
ResCheck (*rxa);
@ -823,11 +823,11 @@ void RXA::setDSPBuffsize (RXA *rxa, int dsp_size)
rxa->nob->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
// shift
SHIFT::setBuffers_shift (rxa->shift, rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
SHIFT::setSize_shift (rxa->shift, rxa->dsp_insize);
rxa->shift->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->inbuff);
// input resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->inbuff, rxa->midbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (rxa->rsmpin, rxa->dsp_insize);
rxa->rsmpin->setBuffers(rxa->inbuff, rxa->midbuff);
// dsp_size blocks
GEN::setBuffers_gen (rxa->gen0, rxa->midbuff, rxa->midbuff);
GEN::setSize_gen (rxa->gen0, rxa->dsp_size);
@ -878,8 +878,8 @@ void RXA::setDSPBuffsize (RXA *rxa, int dsp_size)
PANEL::setBuffers_panel (rxa->panel, rxa->midbuff, rxa->midbuff);
PANEL::setSize_panel (rxa->panel, rxa->dsp_size);
// output resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (rxa->rsmpout, rxa->midbuff, rxa->outbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (rxa->rsmpout, rxa->dsp_size);
rxa->rsmpout->setBuffers(rxa->midbuff, rxa->outbuff);
void RXA::setSpectrumProbe(BufferProbe *spectrumProbe)
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ TXA* TXA::create_txa (
txa->outbuff = new float[1 * txa->dsp_outsize * 2]; // (float *) malloc0 (1 * txa->dsp_outsize * sizeof (complex));
txa->midbuff = new float[3 * txa->dsp_size * 2]; //(float *) malloc0 (2 * txa->dsp_size * sizeof (complex));
txa->rsmpin.p = RESAMPLE::create_resample (
txa->rsmpin.p = new RESAMPLE(
0, // run - will be turned on below if needed
txa->dsp_insize, // input buffer size
txa->inbuff, // pointer to input buffer
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ TXA* TXA::create_txa (
0.0, // raised-cosine transition width
0); // window type
txa->rsmpout.p = RESAMPLE::create_resample (
txa->rsmpout.p = new RESAMPLE(
0, // run - will be turned ON below if needed
txa->dsp_size, // input size
txa->midbuff, // pointer to input buffer
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ void TXA::destroy_txa (TXA *txa)
// in reverse order, free each item we created
METER::destroy_meter (txa->outmeter.p);
RESAMPLE::destroy_resample (txa->rsmpout.p);
delete (txa->rsmpout.p);
// destroy_calcc (txa->calcc.p);
IQC::destroy_iqc (txa->iqc.p0);
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ void TXA::destroy_txa (TXA *txa)
PHROT::destroy_phrot (txa->phrot.p);
PANEL::destroy_panel (txa->panel.p);
GEN::destroy_gen (txa->gen0.p);
RESAMPLE::destroy_resample (txa->rsmpin.p);
delete (txa->rsmpin.p);
delete[] (txa->midbuff);
delete[] (txa->outbuff);
delete[] (txa->inbuff);
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ void TXA::flush_txa (TXA* txa)
std::fill(txa->inbuff, txa->inbuff + 1 * txa->dsp_insize * 2, 0);
std::fill(txa->outbuff, txa->outbuff + 1 * txa->dsp_outsize * 2, 0);
std::fill(txa->midbuff, txa->midbuff + 2 * txa->dsp_size * 2, 0);
RESAMPLE::flush_resample (txa->rsmpin.p);
GEN::flush_gen (txa->gen0.p);
PANEL::flush_panel (txa->panel.p);
PHROT::flush_phrot (txa->phrot.p);
@ -589,13 +589,13 @@ void TXA::flush_txa (TXA* txa)
SIPHON::flush_siphon (txa->sip1.p);
IQC::flush_iqc (txa->iqc.p0);
RESAMPLE::flush_resample (txa->rsmpout.p);
METER::flush_meter (txa->outmeter.p);
void xtxa (TXA* txa)
RESAMPLE::xresample (txa->rsmpin.p); // input resampler
txa->rsmpin.p->execute(); // input resampler
GEN::xgen (txa->gen0.p); // input signal generator
PANEL::xpanel (txa->panel.p); // includes MIC gain
PHROT::xphrot (txa->phrot.p); // phase rotator
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ void xtxa (TXA* txa)
SIPHON::xsiphon (txa->sip1.p, 0); // siphon data for display
IQC::xiqc (txa->iqc.p0); // PureSignal correction
CFIR::xcfir(txa->cfir.p); // compensating FIR filter (used Protocol_2 only)
RESAMPLE::xresample (txa->rsmpout.p); // output resampler
txa->rsmpout.p->execute(); // output resampler
METER::xmeter (txa->outmeter.p); // output meter
// print_peak_env ("env_exception.txt", txa->dsp_outsize, txa->outbuff, 0.7);
@ -642,9 +642,9 @@ void TXA::setInputSamplerate (TXA *txa, int in_rate)
delete[] (txa->inbuff);
txa->inbuff = new float[1 * txa->dsp_insize * 2]; //(float *)malloc0(1 * txa->dsp_insize * sizeof(complex));
// input resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->inbuff, txa->midbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->dsp_insize);
RESAMPLE::setInRate_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->in_rate);
txa->rsmpin.p->setBuffers(txa->inbuff, txa->midbuff);
ResCheck (*txa);
@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ void TXA::setOutputSamplerate (TXA* txa, int out_rate)
// cfir - needs to know input rate of firmware CIC
CFIR::setOutRate_cfir (txa->cfir.p, txa->out_rate);
// output resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (txa->rsmpout.p, txa->midbuff, txa->outbuff);
RESAMPLE::setOutRate_resample (txa->rsmpout.p, txa->out_rate);
txa->rsmpout.p->setBuffers(txa->midbuff, txa->outbuff);
ResCheck (*txa);
// output meter
METER::setBuffers_meter (txa->outmeter.p, txa->outbuff);
@ -690,9 +690,9 @@ void TXA::setDSPSamplerate (TXA *txa, int dsp_rate)
delete[] (txa->outbuff);
txa->outbuff = new float[1 * txa->dsp_outsize * 2]; // (float *)malloc0(1 * txa->dsp_outsize * sizeof(complex));
// input resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->inbuff, txa->midbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->dsp_insize);
RESAMPLE::setOutRate_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->dsp_rate);
txa->rsmpin.p->setBuffers(txa->inbuff, txa->midbuff);
// dsp_rate blocks
GEN::setSamplerate_gen (txa->gen0.p, txa->dsp_rate);
PANEL::setSamplerate_panel (txa->panel.p, txa->dsp_rate);
@ -722,8 +722,8 @@ void TXA::setDSPSamplerate (TXA *txa, int dsp_rate)
IQC::setSamplerate_iqc (txa->iqc.p0, txa->dsp_rate);
CFIR::setSamplerate_cfir (txa->cfir.p, txa->dsp_rate);
// output resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (txa->rsmpout.p, txa->midbuff, txa->outbuff);
RESAMPLE::setInRate_resample (txa->rsmpout.p, txa->dsp_rate);
txa->rsmpout.p->setBuffers(txa->midbuff, txa->outbuff);
ResCheck (*txa);
// output meter
METER::setBuffers_meter (txa->outmeter.p, txa->outbuff);
@ -751,8 +751,8 @@ void TXA::setDSPBuffsize (TXA *txa, int dsp_size)
delete[] (txa->outbuff);
txa->outbuff = new float[1 * txa->dsp_outsize * 2]; // (float *)malloc0(1 * txa->dsp_outsize * sizeof(complex));
// input resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->inbuff, txa->midbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (txa->rsmpin.p, txa->dsp_insize);
txa->rsmpin.p->setBuffers(txa->inbuff, txa->midbuff);
// dsp_size blocks
GEN::setBuffers_gen (txa->gen0.p, txa->midbuff, txa->midbuff);
GEN::setSize_gen (txa->gen0.p, txa->dsp_size);
@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ void TXA::setDSPBuffsize (TXA *txa, int dsp_size)
CFIR::setBuffers_cfir (txa->cfir.p, txa->midbuff, txa->midbuff);
CFIR::setSize_cfir (txa->cfir.p, txa->dsp_size);
// output resampler
RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample (txa->rsmpout.p, txa->midbuff, txa->outbuff);
RESAMPLE::setSize_resample (txa->rsmpout.p, txa->dsp_size);
txa->rsmpout.p->setBuffers(txa->midbuff, txa->outbuff);
// output meter
METER::setBuffers_meter (txa->outmeter.p, txa->outbuff);
METER::setSize_meter (txa->outmeter.p, txa->dsp_outsize);
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace WDSP {
* *
void RESAMPLE::calc_resample (RESAMPLE *a)
void RESAMPLE::calc_resample()
int x, y, z;
int i, j, k;
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ void RESAMPLE::calc_resample (RESAMPLE *a)
double full_rate;
double fc_norm_high, fc_norm_low;
float* impulse;
a->fc = a->fcin;
a->ncoef = a->ncoefin;
x = a->in_rate;
y = a->out_rate;
fc = fcin;
ncoef = ncoefin;
x = in_rate;
y = out_rate;
while (y != 0)
@ -57,220 +57,214 @@ void RESAMPLE::calc_resample (RESAMPLE *a)
x = z;
a->L = a->out_rate / x;
a->M = a->in_rate / x;
L = out_rate / x;
M = in_rate / x;
a->L = a->L <= 0 ? 1 : a->L;
a->M = a->M <= 0 ? 1 : a->M;
L = L <= 0 ? 1 : L;
M = M <= 0 ? 1 : M;
if (a->in_rate < a->out_rate)
min_rate = a->in_rate;
if (in_rate < out_rate)
min_rate = in_rate;
min_rate = a->out_rate;
min_rate = out_rate;
if (a->fc == 0.0)
a->fc = 0.45 * (float)min_rate;
if (fc == 0.0)
fc = 0.45 * (float)min_rate;
full_rate = (double) (a->in_rate * a->L);
fc_norm_high = a->fc / full_rate;
full_rate = (double) (in_rate * L);
fc_norm_high = fc / full_rate;
if (a->fc_low < 0.0)
if (fc_low < 0.0)
fc_norm_low = - fc_norm_high;
fc_norm_low = a->fc_low / full_rate;
fc_norm_low = fc_low / full_rate;
if (a->ncoef == 0)
a->ncoef = (int)(140.0 * full_rate / min_rate);
if (ncoef == 0)
ncoef = (int)(140.0 * full_rate / min_rate);
a->ncoef = (a->ncoef / a->L + 1) * a->L;
a->cpp = a->ncoef / a->L;
a->h = new double[a->ncoef]; // (float *)malloc0(a->ncoef * sizeof(float));
impulse = FIR::fir_bandpass(a->ncoef, fc_norm_low, fc_norm_high, 1.0, 1, 0, a->gain * (double)a->L);
ncoef = (ncoef / L + 1) * L;
cpp = ncoef / L;
h = new double[ncoef]; // (float *)malloc0(ncoef * sizeof(float));
impulse = FIR::fir_bandpass(ncoef, fc_norm_low, fc_norm_high, 1.0, 1, 0, gain * (double)L);
i = 0;
for (j = 0; j < a->L; j++)
for (j = 0; j < L; j++)
for (k = 0; k < a->ncoef; k += a->L)
a->h[i++] = impulse[j + k];
for (k = 0; k < ncoef; k += L)
h[i++] = impulse[j + k];
a->ringsize = a->cpp;
a->ring = new double[a->ringsize]; // (float *)malloc0(a->ringsize * sizeof(complex));
a->idx_in = a->ringsize - 1;
a->phnum = 0;
ringsize = cpp;
ring = new double[ringsize]; // (float *)malloc0(ringsize * sizeof(complex));
idx_in = ringsize - 1;
phnum = 0;
delete[] (impulse);
void RESAMPLE::decalc_resample (RESAMPLE *a)
void RESAMPLE::decalc_resample()
delete[] (a->ring);
delete[] (a->h);
delete[] ring;
delete[] h;
RESAMPLE* RESAMPLE::create_resample (
int run,
int size,
float* in,
float* out,
int in_rate,
int out_rate,
double fc,
int ncoef,
double gain
int _run,
int _size,
float* _in,
float* _out,
int _in_rate,
int _out_rate,
double _fc,
int _ncoef,
double _gain
a->run = run;
a->size = size;
a->in = in;
a->out = out;
a->in_rate = in_rate;
a->out_rate = out_rate;
a->fcin = fc;
a->fc_low = -1.0; // could add to create_resample() parameters
a->ncoefin = ncoef;
a->gain = gain;
calc_resample (a);
return a;
run = _run;
size = _size;
in = _in;
out = _out;
in_rate = _in_rate;
out_rate = _out_rate;
fcin = _fc;
fc_low = -1.0; // could add to create_resample() parameters
ncoefin = _ncoef;
gain = _gain;
void RESAMPLE::destroy_resample (RESAMPLE *a)
decalc_resample (a);
delete (a);
void RESAMPLE::flush_resample (RESAMPLE *a)
void RESAMPLE::flush()
std::fill(a->ring, a->ring + 2 * a->ringsize, 0);
a->idx_in = a->ringsize - 1;
a->phnum = 0;
std::fill(ring, ring + 2 * ringsize, 0);
idx_in = ringsize - 1;
phnum = 0;
int RESAMPLE::xresample (RESAMPLE *a)
int RESAMPLE::execute()
int outsamps = 0;
if (a->run)
if (run)
int i, j, n;
int idx_out;
double I, Q;
for (i = 0; i < a->size; i++)
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
a->ring[2 * a->idx_in + 0] = a->in[2 * i + 0];
a->ring[2 * a->idx_in + 1] = a->in[2 * i + 1];
ring[2 * idx_in + 0] = in[2 * i + 0];
ring[2 * idx_in + 1] = in[2 * i + 1];
while (a->phnum < a->L)
while (phnum < L)
I = 0.0;
Q = 0.0;
n = a->cpp * a->phnum;
n = cpp * phnum;
for (j = 0; j < a->cpp; j++)
for (j = 0; j < cpp; j++)
if ((idx_out = a->idx_in + j) >= a->ringsize)
idx_out -= a->ringsize;
if ((idx_out = idx_in + j) >= ringsize)
idx_out -= ringsize;
I += a->h[n + j] * a->ring[2 * idx_out + 0];
Q += a->h[n + j] * a->ring[2 * idx_out + 1];
I += h[n + j] * ring[2 * idx_out + 0];
Q += h[n + j] * ring[2 * idx_out + 1];
a->out[2 * outsamps + 0] = I;
a->out[2 * outsamps + 1] = Q;
out[2 * outsamps + 0] = I;
out[2 * outsamps + 1] = Q;
a->phnum += a->M;
phnum += M;
a->phnum -= a->L;
phnum -= L;
if (--a->idx_in < 0)
a->idx_in = a->ringsize - 1;
if (--idx_in < 0)
idx_in = ringsize - 1;
else if (a->in != a->out)
else if (in != out)
std::copy( a->in, a->in + a->size * 2, a->out);
std::copy( in, in + size * 2, out);
return outsamps;
void RESAMPLE::setBuffers_resample(RESAMPLE *a, float* in, float* out)
void RESAMPLE::setBuffers(float* _in, float* _out)
a->in = in;
a->out = out;
in = _in;
out = _out;
void RESAMPLE::setSize_resample(RESAMPLE *a, int size)
void RESAMPLE::setSize(int _size)
a->size = size;
flush_resample (a);
size = _size;
void RESAMPLE::setInRate_resample(RESAMPLE *a, int rate)
void RESAMPLE::setInRate(int _rate)
decalc_resample (a);
a->in_rate = rate;
calc_resample (a);
in_rate = _rate;
void RESAMPLE::setOutRate_resample(RESAMPLE *a, int rate)
void RESAMPLE::setOutRate(int _rate)
decalc_resample (a);
a->out_rate = rate;
calc_resample (a);
out_rate = _rate;
void RESAMPLE::setFCLow_resample (RESAMPLE *a, double fc_low)
void RESAMPLE::setFCLow(double _fc_low)
if (fc_low != a->fc_low)
if (fc_low != _fc_low)
decalc_resample (a);
a->fc_low = fc_low;
calc_resample (a);
fc_low = _fc_low;
void RESAMPLE::setBandwidth_resample (RESAMPLE *a, double fc_low, double fc_high)
void RESAMPLE::setBandwidth(double _fc_low, double _fc_high)
if (fc_low != a->fc_low || fc_high != a->fcin)
if (fc_low != _fc_low || _fc_high != fcin)
decalc_resample (a);
a->fc_low = fc_low;
a->fcin = fc_high;
calc_resample (a);
fc_low = _fc_low;
fcin = _fc_high;
// exported calls
void* RESAMPLE::create_resampleV (int in_rate, int out_rate)
void* RESAMPLE::createV (int in_rate, int out_rate)
return (void *)create_resample (1, 0, 0, 0, in_rate, out_rate, 0.0, 0, 1.0);
return (void *) new RESAMPLE(1, 0, 0, 0, in_rate, out_rate, 0.0, 0, 1.0);
void RESAMPLE::xresampleV (float* input, float* output, int numsamps, int* outsamps, void* ptr)
void RESAMPLE::executeV (float* input, float* output, int numsamps, int* outsamps, void* ptr)
a->in = input;
a->out = output;
a->size = numsamps;
*outsamps = xresample(a);
*outsamps = a->execute();
void RESAMPLE::destroy_resampleV (void* ptr)
void RESAMPLE::destroyV (void* ptr)
destroy_resample ( (RESAMPLE*) ptr );
delete ( (RESAMPLE*) ptr );
} // namespace WDSP
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public:
int cpp; // coefficients of the phase
int phnum; // phase number
static RESAMPLE* create_resample (
int run,
int size,
float* in,
@ -73,23 +73,24 @@ public:
int ncoef,
double gain
static void destroy_resample (RESAMPLE *a);
static void flush_resample (RESAMPLE *a);
static int xresample (RESAMPLE *a);
static void setBuffers_resample (RESAMPLE *a, float* in, float* out);
static void setSize_resample(RESAMPLE *a, int size);
static void setInRate_resample(RESAMPLE *a, int rate);
static void setOutRate_resample(RESAMPLE *a, int rate);
static void setFCLow_resample (RESAMPLE *a, double fc_low);
static void setBandwidth_resample (RESAMPLE *a, double fc_low, double fc_high);
void flush();
int execute();
void setBuffers(float* in, float* out);
void setSize(int size);
void setInRate(int rate);
void setOutRate(int rate);
void setFCLow(double fc_low);
void setBandwidth(double fc_low, double fc_high);
// Exported calls
static void* create_resampleV (int in_rate, int out_rate);
static void xresampleV (float* input, float* output, int numsamps, int* outsamps, void* ptr);
static void destroy_resampleV (void* ptr);
static void* createV (int in_rate, int out_rate);
static void executeV (float* input, float* output, int numsamps, int* outsamps, void* ptr);
static void destroyV (void* ptr);
static void calc_resample (RESAMPLE *a);
static void decalc_resample (RESAMPLE *a);
void calc_resample();
void decalc_resample();
} // namespace WDSP
@ -31,105 +31,98 @@ warren@wpratt.com
namespace WDSP {
void SHIFT::calc_shift (SHIFT *a)
void SHIFT::calc_shift()
a->delta = TWOPI * a->shift / a->rate;
a->cos_delta = cos (a->delta);
a->sin_delta = sin (a->delta);
delta = TWOPI * shift / rate;
cos_delta = cos (delta);
sin_delta = sin (delta);
SHIFT* SHIFT::create_shift (int run, int size, float* in, float* out, int rate, double fshift)
SHIFT::SHIFT (int _run, int _size, float* _in, float* _out, int _rate, double _fshift)
SHIFT *a = new SHIFT;
a->run = run;
a->size = size;
a->in = in;
a->out = out;
a->rate = (double) rate;
a->shift = fshift;
a->phase = 0.0;
calc_shift (a);
return a;
run = _run;
size = _size;
in = _in;
out = _out;
rate = (double) _rate;
shift = _fshift;
phase = 0.0;
void SHIFT::destroy_shift (SHIFT *a)
void SHIFT::flush()
delete (a);
phase = 0.0;
void SHIFT::flush_shift (SHIFT *a)
void SHIFT::execute()
a->phase = 0.0;
void SHIFT::xshift (SHIFT *a)
if (a->run)
if (run)
int i;
double I1, Q1, t1, t2;
double cos_phase = cos (a->phase);
double sin_phase = sin (a->phase);
double cos_phase = cos (phase);
double sin_phase = sin (phase);
for (i = 0; i < a->size; i++)
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
I1 = a->in[2 * i + 0];
Q1 = a->in[2 * i + 1];
a->out[2 * i + 0] = I1 * cos_phase - Q1 * sin_phase;
a->out[2 * i + 1] = I1 * sin_phase + Q1 * cos_phase;
I1 = in[2 * i + 0];
Q1 = in[2 * i + 1];
out[2 * i + 0] = I1 * cos_phase - Q1 * sin_phase;
out[2 * i + 1] = I1 * sin_phase + Q1 * cos_phase;
t1 = cos_phase;
t2 = sin_phase;
cos_phase = t1 * a->cos_delta - t2 * a->sin_delta;
sin_phase = t1 * a->sin_delta + t2 * a->cos_delta;
a->phase += a->delta;
cos_phase = t1 * cos_delta - t2 * sin_delta;
sin_phase = t1 * sin_delta + t2 * cos_delta;
phase += delta;
if (a->phase >= TWOPI)
a->phase -= TWOPI;
if (phase >= TWOPI)
phase -= TWOPI;
if (a->phase < 0.0 )
a->phase += TWOPI;
if (phase < 0.0 )
phase += TWOPI;
else if (a->in != a->out)
else if (in != out)
std::copy( a->in, a->in + a->size * 2, a->out);
std::copy( in, in + size * 2, out);
void SHIFT::setBuffers_shift(SHIFT *a, float* in, float* out)
void SHIFT::setBuffers(float* _in, float* _out)
a->in = in;
a->out = out;
in = _in;
out = _out;
void SHIFT::setSamplerate_shift (SHIFT *a, int rate)
void SHIFT::setSamplerate(int _rate)
a->rate = rate;
a->phase = 0.0;
rate = _rate;
phase = 0.0;
void SHIFT::setSize_shift (SHIFT *a, int size)
void SHIFT::setSize(int _size)
a->size = size;
flush_shift (a);
size = _size;
* *
* RXA Properties *
* Non static *
* *
void SHIFT::SetShiftRun (RXA& rxa, int run)
void SHIFT::SetRun (int _run)
rxa.shift->run = run;
run = _run;
void SHIFT::SetShiftFreq (RXA& rxa, double fshift)
void SHIFT::SetFreq(double fshift)
rxa.shift->shift = fshift;
calc_shift (rxa.shift);
shift = fshift;
} // namespace WDSP
@ -48,19 +48,20 @@ public:
double cos_delta;
double sin_delta;
static SHIFT* create_shift (int run, int size, float* in, float* out, int rate, double fshift);
static void destroy_shift (SHIFT *a);
static void flush_shift (SHIFT *a);
static void xshift (SHIFT *a);
static void setBuffers_shift (SHIFT *a, float* in, float* out);
static void setSamplerate_shift (SHIFT *a, int rate);
static void setSize_shift (SHIFT *a, int size);
// RXA Properties
static void SetShiftRun (RXA& rxa, int run);
static void SetShiftFreq (RXA& rxa, double fshift);
SHIFT(int run, int size, float* in, float* out, int rate, double fshift);
~SHIFT() = default;
void flush();
void execute();
void setBuffers(float* in, float* out);
void setSamplerate(int rate);
void setSize(int size);
// Noin static
void SetRun (int run);
void SetFreq (double fshift);
static void calc_shift (SHIFT *a);
void calc_shift ();
} // namespace WDSP
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void SNBA::calc_snba (SNBA *d)
d->resamprun = 0;
d->inresamp = RESAMPLE::create_resample (
d->inresamp = new RESAMPLE(
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ void SNBA::calc_snba (SNBA *d)
RESAMPLE::setFCLow_resample (d->inresamp, 250.0);
d->outresamp = RESAMPLE::create_resample (
d->outresamp = new RESAMPLE(
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void SNBA::calc_snba (SNBA *d)
RESAMPLE::setFCLow_resample (d->outresamp, 200.0);
d->incr = d->xsize / d->ovrlp;
if (d->incr > d->isize)
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ SNBA* SNBA::create_snba (
void SNBA::decalc_snba (SNBA *d)
RESAMPLE::destroy_resample (d->outresamp);
RESAMPLE::destroy_resample (d->inresamp);
delete (d->outresamp);
delete (d->inresamp);
delete[] (d->outbuff);
delete[] (d->inbuff);
delete[] (d->outaccum);
@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ void SNBA::flush_snba (SNBA *d)
std::fill(d->inbuff, d->inbuff + d->isize * 2, 0);
std::fill(d->outbuff, d->outbuff + d->isize * 2, 0);
RESAMPLE::flush_resample (d->inresamp);
RESAMPLE::flush_resample (d->outresamp);
void SNBA::setBuffers_snba (SNBA *a, float* in, float* out)
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ void SNBA::xsnba (SNBA *d)
if (d->run)
int i;
RESAMPLE::xresample (d->inresamp);
for (i = 0; i < 2 * d->isize; i += 2)
@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ void SNBA::xsnba (SNBA *d)
d->oaoutidx = (d->oaoutidx + 1) % d->oasize;
RESAMPLE::xresample (d->outresamp);
else if (d->out != d->in)
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ void SNBA::SetSNBAOutputBandwidth (RXA& rxa, double flow, double fhigh)
f_high = std::min (a->out_high_cut, absmax);
RESAMPLE::setBandwidth_resample (d, f_low, f_high);
d->setBandwidth(f_low, f_high);
} // namespace
Reference in New Issue
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