Update MacOS bundling to use macdeployqt rather than fixup_bundle, so all Qt dependencies are included.
Update building of some libraries on MacOS, so that library paths in dylibs are build paths, rather than install paths, so macdeployqt can find them.
Add GS232 Rotator Controller feature plugin.
Add altitude and station name to My Positon.
Use QtDeploy to ensure all required Qt libraries are included (Should
fix OpenGL issues)
We use CPACK (cmake helper) to package the software
- macOS: we build the .APP and .dmg with all dependencies, like qt,
soapysdr and all others sdr drivers. ENABLE_MIRSDRAPI control if we
remove the mirsdrapi dylib because it is not public distribuitable;
so should be used only on "private" environment.
- code/dmg signature
- Debian: make deb with dependencies for Debian 10/9 and Ubuntu
- probably to send the package to upstream we need to use
debhelper and debian/
- Fedora/rpm: just basic declaration
- write correctly dependencies