/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // Inspired by: https://github.com/myriadrf/LoRa-SDR // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "chirpchatdemoddecoderlora.h" void ChirpChatDemodDecoderLoRa::decodeHeader( const std::vector& inSymbols, unsigned int nbSymbolBits, bool& hasCRC, unsigned int& nbParityBits, unsigned int& packetLength, int& headerParityStatus, bool& headerCRCStatus ) { // with header (H: header 8-bit codeword P: payload-8 bit codeword): // nbSymbolBits = 5 |H|H|H|H|H| codewords => 8 symbols (always) : static headerSymbols = 8 // nbSymbolBits = 7 |H|H|H|H|H|P|P| // without header (P: payload 8-bit codeword): // nbSymbolBits = 5 |P|P|P|P|P| codewords => 8 symbols (always) // nbSymbolBits = 7 |P|P|P|P|P|P|P| // Actual header is always represented with 5 8-bit codewords : static headerCodewords = 5 // These 8-bit codewords are encoded with Hamming(4,8) FEC : static headerParityBits = 4 const unsigned int numSymbols = roundUp(inSymbols.size(), 4 + nbParityBits); const unsigned int numCodewords = (numSymbols / (4 + nbParityBits))*nbSymbolBits; std::vector symbols(headerSymbols); std::copy(inSymbols.begin(), inSymbols.begin() + headerSymbols, symbols.begin()); //gray encode for (auto &sym : symbols) { sym = binaryToGray16(sym); } std::vector codewords(nbSymbolBits); // Header symbols de-interleave thus headerSymbols (8) symbols into nbSymbolBits (5..12) codewords using header FEC (4/8) diagonalDeinterleaveSx(symbols.data(), headerSymbols, codewords.data(), nbSymbolBits, headerParityBits); // whitening does not apply to the header codewords Sx1272ComputeWhiteningLfsr(codewords.data() + headerCodewords, nbSymbolBits - headerCodewords, 0, headerParityBits); bool error = false; bool bad = false; uint8_t bytes[3]; // decode actual header inside 8-bit codewords header with 4/8 FEC (5 first codewords) bytes[0] = decodeHamming84sx(codewords[1], error, bad) & 0xf; bytes[0] |= decodeHamming84sx(codewords[0], error, bad) << 4; // length bytes[1] = decodeHamming84sx(codewords[2], error, bad) & 0xf; // coding rate and crc enable bytes[2] = decodeHamming84sx(codewords[4], error, bad) & 0xf; bytes[2] |= decodeHamming84sx(codewords[3], error, bad) << 4; // checksum bytes[2] ^= headerChecksum(bytes); if (bad) { headerParityStatus = (int) ParityError; } else { if (error) { headerParityStatus = (int) ParityCorrected; } else { headerParityStatus = (int) ParityOK; } if (bytes[2] != 0) { headerCRCStatus = false; } else { headerCRCStatus = true; } } hasCRC = (bytes[1] & 1) != 0; nbParityBits = (bytes[1] >> 1) & 0x7; packetLength = bytes[0]; } void ChirpChatDemodDecoderLoRa::decodeBytes( QByteArray& inBytes, const std::vector& inSymbols, unsigned int nbSymbolBits, bool hasHeader, bool& hasCRC, unsigned int& nbParityBits, unsigned int& packetLength, bool& earlyEOM, int& headerParityStatus, bool& headerCRCStatus, int& payloadParityStatus, bool& payloadCRCStatus ) { // need at least a header (8 symbols of 8 bit codewords) whether an actual header is sent or not if (inSymbols.size() < headerSymbols) { qDebug("ChirpChatDemodDecoderLoRa::decodeBytes: need at least %u symbols for header", headerSymbols); earlyEOM = true; return; } else { earlyEOM = false; } if (hasHeader) { decodeHeader( inSymbols, nbSymbolBits, hasCRC, nbParityBits, packetLength, headerParityStatus, headerCRCStatus ); } qDebug("ChirpChatDemodDecoderLoRa::decodeBytes: crc: %s nbParityBits: %u packetLength: %u", hasCRC ? "on": "off", nbParityBits, packetLength); if (nbParityBits > 4) { qDebug("ChirpChatDemodDecoderLoRa::decodeBytes: invalid parity bits in header: %u", nbParityBits); return; } const unsigned int numSymbols = roundUp(inSymbols.size(), 4 + nbParityBits); const unsigned int numCodewords = (numSymbols / (4 + nbParityBits))*nbSymbolBits; std::vector symbols(numSymbols); std::copy(inSymbols.begin(), inSymbols.end(), symbols.begin()); //gray encode, when SF > PPM, depad the LSBs with rounding for (auto &sym : symbols) { sym = binaryToGray16(sym); } std::vector codewords(numCodewords); // deinterleave / dewhiten the symbols into codewords unsigned int sOfs = 0; unsigned int cOfs = 0; // the first headerSymbols (8 symbols) are coded with 4/8 FEC (thus 8 bit codewords) whether an actual header is present or not // this corresponds to nbSymbolBits codewords (therefore LoRa imposes nbSymbolBits >= headerCodewords (5 codewords) this is controlled externally) if (nbParityBits != 4) // different FEC between header symbols and the rest of the packet { // Header symbols de-interleave thus headerSymbols (8) symbols into nbSymbolBits (5..12) codewords using header FEC (4/8) diagonalDeinterleaveSx(symbols.data(), headerSymbols, codewords.data(), nbSymbolBits, headerParityBits); if (hasHeader) { // whitening does not apply to the header codewords Sx1272ComputeWhiteningLfsr(codewords.data() + headerCodewords, nbSymbolBits - headerCodewords, 0, headerParityBits); } else { Sx1272ComputeWhiteningLfsr(codewords.data(), nbSymbolBits, 0, headerParityBits); } cOfs += nbSymbolBits; // nbSymbolBits codewords in header sOfs += headerSymbols; // headerSymbols symbols in header if (numSymbols - sOfs > 0) // remaining payload symbols after header symbols using their own FEC (4/5..4/7) { diagonalDeinterleaveSx(symbols.data() + sOfs, numSymbols - sOfs, codewords.data() + cOfs, nbSymbolBits, nbParityBits); if (hasHeader) { Sx1272ComputeWhiteningLfsr(codewords.data() + cOfs, numCodewords - cOfs, nbSymbolBits - headerCodewords, nbParityBits); } else { Sx1272ComputeWhiteningLfsr(codewords.data() + cOfs, numCodewords - cOfs, nbSymbolBits, nbParityBits); } } } else // uniform 4/8 FEC for all the packet { // De-interleave the whole packet thus numSymbols into nbSymbolBits (5..12) codewords using packet FEC (4/8) diagonalDeinterleaveSx(symbols.data(), numSymbols, codewords.data(), nbSymbolBits, nbParityBits); if (hasHeader) { // whitening does not apply to the header codewords Sx1272ComputeWhiteningLfsr(codewords.data() + headerCodewords, numCodewords - headerCodewords, 0, nbParityBits); } else { Sx1272ComputeWhiteningLfsr(codewords.data(), numCodewords, 0, nbParityBits); } } // Now we have nbSymbolBits 8-bit codewords (4/8 FEC) possibly containing the actual header followed by the rest of payload codewords with their own FEC (4/5..4/8) std::vector bytes((codewords.size()+1) / 2); unsigned int dOfs = 0; cOfs = 0; unsigned int dataLength = packetLength + 3 + (hasCRC ? 2 : 0); // include header and CRC if (hasHeader) { cOfs = headerCodewords; dOfs = 6; } else { cOfs = 0; dOfs = 0; } if (dataLength > bytes.size()) { qDebug("ChirpChatDemodDecoderLoRa::decodeBytes: not enough data %lu vs %u", bytes.size(), dataLength); earlyEOM = true; return; } // decode the rest of the payload inside 8-bit codewords header with 4/8 FEC bool error = false; bool bad = false; for (; cOfs < nbSymbolBits; cOfs++, dOfs++) { if (dOfs % 2 == 1) { bytes[dOfs/2] |= decodeHamming84sx(codewords[cOfs], error, bad) << 4; } else { bytes[dOfs/2] = decodeHamming84sx(codewords[cOfs], error, bad) & 0xf; } } if (dOfs % 2 == 1) // decode the start of the payload codewords with their own FEC when not on an even boundary { if (nbParityBits == 1) { bytes[dOfs/2] |= checkParity54(codewords[cOfs++], error) << 4; } else if (nbParityBits == 2) { bytes[dOfs/2] |= checkParity64(codewords[cOfs++], error) << 4; } else if (nbParityBits == 3){ bytes[dOfs/2] |= decodeHamming74sx(codewords[cOfs++], error) << 4; } else if (nbParityBits == 4){ bytes[dOfs/2] |= decodeHamming84sx(codewords[cOfs++], error, bad) << 4; } else { bytes[dOfs/2] |= codewords[cOfs++] << 4; } dOfs++; } dOfs /= 2; // decode the rest of the payload codewords with their own FEC if (nbParityBits == 1) { for (unsigned int i = dOfs; i < dataLength; i++) { bytes[i] = checkParity54(codewords[cOfs++],error); bytes[i] |= checkParity54(codewords[cOfs++], error) << 4; } } else if (nbParityBits == 2) { for (unsigned int i = dOfs; i < dataLength; i++) { bytes[i] = checkParity64(codewords[cOfs++], error); bytes[i] |= checkParity64(codewords[cOfs++],error) << 4; } } else if (nbParityBits == 3) { for (unsigned int i = dOfs; i < dataLength; i++) { bytes[i] = decodeHamming74sx(codewords[cOfs++], error) & 0xf; bytes[i] |= decodeHamming74sx(codewords[cOfs++], error) << 4; } } else if (nbParityBits == 4) { for (unsigned int i = dOfs; i < dataLength; i++) { bytes[i] = decodeHamming84sx(codewords[cOfs++], error, bad) & 0xf; bytes[i] |= decodeHamming84sx(codewords[cOfs++], error, bad) << 4; } } else { for (unsigned int i = dOfs; i < dataLength; i++) { bytes[i] = codewords[cOfs++] & 0xf; bytes[i] |= codewords[cOfs++] << 4; } } if (bad) { payloadParityStatus = (int) ParityError; } else if (error) { payloadParityStatus = (int) ParityCorrected; } else { payloadParityStatus = (int) ParityOK; } // finalization: // adjust offsets dpending on header and CRC presence // compute and verify payload CRC if present if (hasHeader) { dOfs = 3; // skip header dataLength -= 3; // remove header if (hasCRC) // always compute crc if present skipping the header { uint16_t crc = sx1272DataChecksum(bytes.data() + dOfs, packetLength); uint16_t packetCRC = bytes[dOfs + packetLength] | (bytes[dOfs + packetLength + 1] << 8); if (crc != packetCRC) { payloadCRCStatus = false; } else { payloadCRCStatus = true; } } } else { dOfs = 0; // no header to skip if (hasCRC) { uint16_t crc = sx1272DataChecksum(bytes.data(), packetLength); uint16_t packetCRC = bytes[packetLength] | (bytes[packetLength + 1] << 8); if (crc != packetCRC) { payloadCRCStatus = false; } else { payloadCRCStatus = true; } } } inBytes.resize(dataLength); std::copy(bytes.data() + dOfs, bytes.data() + dOfs + dataLength, inBytes.data()); } void ChirpChatDemodDecoderLoRa::getCodingMetrics( unsigned int nbSymbolBits, unsigned int nbParityBits, unsigned int packetLength, bool hasHeader, bool hasCRC, unsigned int& numSymbols, unsigned int& numCodewords ) { numCodewords = roundUp((packetLength + (hasCRC ? 2 : 0))*2 + (hasHeader ? headerCodewords : 0), nbSymbolBits); // uses payload + CRC for encoding size numSymbols = headerSymbols + (numCodewords / nbSymbolBits - 1) * (4 + nbParityBits); // header is always coded with 8 bits and yields exactly 8 symbols (headerSymbols) }