SimplePTTGUI 0 0 320 305 0 0 320 155 560 305 Liberation Sans 9 Simple PTT 2 2 300 291 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 start/stop acquisition :/play.png :/stop.png:/play.png 200 50 Liberation Sans 20 true Push To Talk PTT 0 0 24 24 Idle QLabel { background-color: gray; border-radius: 12px; } 24 24 24 24 Toggle vox system - right click to select audio device :/audio_mic.png:/audio_mic.png Enable vox to control PTT 24 24 Vox threshold (dB) -99 0 1 1 -20 30 0 -20 Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 50 0 Audio signal peak in dB (with Vox on) 14 -100 dB Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Vox hold (ms) 500 5000 100 ms Qt::Horizontal 40 20 24 16777215 Refresh indexes of available device sets :/recycle.png:/recycle.png Rx dev 55 0 50 16777215 Receiver deviceset index Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Tx dev 55 0 50 16777215 Transmitter deviceset index 24 16777215 Show last command status and log :/listing.png:/listing.png Rx-Tx Rx to Tx transition delay (ms) 100 5000 100 ms Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Tx-Rx Tx to Rx transition delay (ms) 100 5000 100 ms Enable/Disable Rx to Tx command Rx-Tx Cmd 24 24 24 24 Choose Rx to Tx command :/load.png:/load.png Rx to Tx command ... Enable/Disable Tx to Rx command Tx-Rx Cmd 24 24 24 24 Choose Tx to Rx command :/load.png:/load.png Tx to Rx command ... Enable/Disable Rx to Tx GPIO Rx-Tx GPIO Rx to Tx GPIO mask (1 byte hex) Mask 35 16777215 Rx to Tx GPIO mask (1 byte hex) HH Rx to Tx GPIO value (1 byte hex) Val 35 16777215 Rx to Tx GPIO value (1 byte hex) HH Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Rx has GPIO controls Rx Enable/Disable Tx to Rx GPIO Tx-Rx GPIO Tx to Rx GPIO mask (1 byte hex) Mask 35 16777215 Tx to Rx GPIO mask (1 byte hex) HH Tx to Rx GPIO value (1 byte hex) Val 35 16777215 Tx to Rx GPIO value (1 byte hex) HH Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Tx has GPIO controls Tx ButtonSwitch QToolButton
RollupContents QWidget