/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2023 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "ft8demodsettings.h" #include "ft8demodfilterproxy.h" FT8DemodFilterProxy::FT8DemodFilterProxy(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent), m_filterActive(FILTER_NONE) { } void FT8DemodFilterProxy::resetFilter() { m_filterActive = FILTER_NONE; invalidateFilter(); } void FT8DemodFilterProxy::setFilterUTC(const QString& utcString) { m_filterActive = FILTER_UTC; m_utc = utcString; invalidateFilter(); } void FT8DemodFilterProxy::setFilterDf(int df) { m_filterActive = FILTER_DF; m_df = df; invalidateFilter(); } void FT8DemodFilterProxy::setFilterCall(const QString& callString) { m_filterActive = FILTER_CALL; m_call = callString; invalidateFilter(); } void FT8DemodFilterProxy::setFilterLoc(const QString& locString) { m_filterActive = FILTER_LOC; m_loc = locString; invalidateFilter(); } void FT8DemodFilterProxy::setFilterCountry(const QString& countryString) { m_filterActive = FILTER_COUNTRY; m_country = countryString; invalidateFilter(); } void FT8DemodFilterProxy::setFilterInfo(const QString& infoString) { m_filterActive = FILTER_INFO; m_info= infoString; invalidateFilter(); } bool FT8DemodFilterProxy::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const { if (m_filterActive == FILTER_NONE) { return true; } if (m_filterActive == FILTER_UTC) { QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, FT8DemodSettings::MESSAGE_COL_UTC, sourceParent); return sourceModel()->data(index).toString() == m_utc; } if (m_filterActive == FILTER_DF) { QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, FT8DemodSettings::MESSAGE_COL_DF, sourceParent); int df = sourceModel()->data(index).toInt(); return (df >= m_df - 4) && (df <= m_df + 4); // +/- 4 Hz tolerance which is about one symbol width } if (m_filterActive == FILTER_CALL) { QModelIndex indexCall1 = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, FT8DemodSettings::MESSAGE_COL_CALL1, sourceParent); QModelIndex indexCall2 = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, FT8DemodSettings::MESSAGE_COL_CALL2, sourceParent); return (sourceModel()->data(indexCall1).toString() == m_call) || (sourceModel()->data(indexCall2).toString() == m_call); } if (m_filterActive == FILTER_LOC) { QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, FT8DemodSettings::MESSAGE_COL_LOC, sourceParent); return sourceModel()->data(index).toString() == m_loc; } if (m_filterActive == FILTER_COUNTRY) { QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, FT8DemodSettings::MESSAGE_COL_COUNTRY, sourceParent); return sourceModel()->data(index).toString() == m_country; } if (m_filterActive == FILTER_INFO) { QModelIndex index = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, FT8DemodSettings::MESSAGE_COL_INFO, sourceParent); const QString& content = sourceModel()->data(index).toString(); if (m_info.startsWith("OSD")) { return content.startsWith("OSD"); } else { return !content.startsWith("OSD"); } } return true; }