/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "channel/channelwebapiutils.h" #include "maincore.h" #include "mapmodel.h" #include "mapgui.h" #include "map.h" #include "SWGTargetAzimuthElevation.h" MapItem::MapItem(const PipeEndPoint *sourcePipe, const QString &group, MapSettings::MapItemSettings *itemSettings, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) : m_altitude(0.0) { m_sourcePipe = sourcePipe; m_group = group; m_itemSettings = itemSettings; m_name = *mapItem->getName(); update(mapItem); } void MapItem::update(SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) { if (mapItem->getLabel()) { m_label = *mapItem->getLabel(); } else { m_label = ""; } m_latitude = mapItem->getLatitude(); m_longitude = mapItem->getLongitude(); m_altitude = mapItem->getAltitude(); if (mapItem->getPositionDateTime()) { m_positionDateTime = QDateTime::fromString(*mapItem->getPositionDateTime(), Qt::ISODateWithMs); } else { m_positionDateTime = QDateTime(); } m_useHeadingPitchRoll = mapItem->getOrientation() == 1; m_heading = mapItem->getHeading(); m_pitch = mapItem->getPitch(); m_roll = mapItem->getRoll(); if (mapItem->getOrientationDateTime()) { m_orientationDateTime = QDateTime::fromString(*mapItem->getOrientationDateTime(), Qt::ISODateWithMs); } else { m_orientationDateTime = QDateTime(); } m_image = *mapItem->getImage(); m_imageRotation = mapItem->getImageRotation(); QString *text = mapItem->getText(); if (text != nullptr) { m_text = text->replace("\n", "
"); // Convert to HTML } else { m_text = ""; } if (mapItem->getModel()) { m_model = *mapItem->getModel(); } else { m_model = ""; } m_labelAltitudeOffset = mapItem->getLabelAltitudeOffset(); m_modelAltitudeOffset = mapItem->getModelAltitudeOffset(); m_altitudeReference = mapItem->getAltitudeReference(); m_fixedPosition = mapItem->getFixedPosition(); QList *animations = mapItem->getAnimations(); if (animations) { for (auto animation : *animations) { m_animations.append(new CesiumInterface::Animation(animation)); } } findFrequency(); updateTrack(mapItem->getTrack()); updatePredictedTrack(mapItem->getPredictedTrack()); } QGeoCoordinate MapItem::getCoordinates() { QGeoCoordinate coords; coords.setLatitude(m_latitude); coords.setLongitude(m_longitude); return coords; } void MapItem::findFrequency() { // Look for a frequency in the text for this object QRegExp re("(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?) *([kMG])?Hz)"); if (re.indexIn(m_text) != -1) { QStringList capture = re.capturedTexts(); m_frequency = capture[2].toDouble(); if (capture.length() == 5) { QChar unit = capture[4][0]; if (unit == 'k') m_frequency *= 1000.0; else if (unit == 'M') m_frequency *= 1000000.0; else if (unit == 'G') m_frequency *= 1000000000.0; } m_frequencyString = capture[0]; } else { m_frequency = 0.0; } } void MapItem::updateTrack(QList *track) { if (track != nullptr) { qDeleteAll(m_takenTrackCoords); m_takenTrackCoords.clear(); qDeleteAll(m_takenTrackDateTimes); m_takenTrackDateTimes.clear(); m_takenTrack.clear(); m_takenTrack1.clear(); m_takenTrack2.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < track->size(); i++) { SWGSDRangel::SWGMapCoordinate* p = track->at(i); QGeoCoordinate *c = new QGeoCoordinate(p->getLatitude(), p->getLongitude(), p->getAltitude()); QDateTime *d = new QDateTime(QDateTime::fromString(*p->getDateTime(), Qt::ISODate)); m_takenTrackCoords.push_back(c); m_takenTrackDateTimes.push_back(d); m_takenTrack.push_back(QVariant::fromValue(*c)); } } else { // Automatically create a track if (m_takenTrackCoords.size() == 0) { QGeoCoordinate *c = new QGeoCoordinate(m_latitude, m_longitude, m_altitude); m_takenTrackCoords.push_back(c); if (m_positionDateTime.isValid()) { m_takenTrackDateTimes.push_back(new QDateTime(m_positionDateTime)); } else { m_takenTrackDateTimes.push_back(new QDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime())); } m_takenTrack.push_back(QVariant::fromValue(*c)); } else { QGeoCoordinate *prev = m_takenTrackCoords.last(); QDateTime *prevDateTime = m_takenTrackDateTimes.last(); if ((prev->latitude() != m_latitude) || (prev->longitude() != m_longitude) || (prev->altitude() != m_altitude) || (*prevDateTime != m_positionDateTime)) { QGeoCoordinate *c = new QGeoCoordinate(m_latitude, m_longitude, m_altitude); m_takenTrackCoords.push_back(c); if (m_positionDateTime.isValid()) { m_takenTrackDateTimes.push_back(new QDateTime(m_positionDateTime)); } else { m_takenTrackDateTimes.push_back(new QDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime())); } m_takenTrack.push_back(QVariant::fromValue(*c)); } } } } void MapItem::updatePredictedTrack(QList *track) { if (track != nullptr) { qDeleteAll(m_predictedTrackCoords); m_predictedTrackCoords.clear(); qDeleteAll(m_predictedTrackDateTimes); m_predictedTrackDateTimes.clear(); m_predictedTrack.clear(); m_predictedTrack1.clear(); m_predictedTrack2.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < track->size(); i++) { SWGSDRangel::SWGMapCoordinate* p = track->at(i); QGeoCoordinate *c = new QGeoCoordinate(p->getLatitude(), p->getLongitude(), p->getAltitude()); QDateTime *d = new QDateTime(QDateTime::fromString(*p->getDateTime(), Qt::ISODate)); m_predictedTrackCoords.push_back(c); m_predictedTrackDateTimes.push_back(d); m_predictedTrack.push_back(QVariant::fromValue(*c)); } } } MapModel::MapModel(MapGUI *gui) : m_gui(gui), m_target(-1) { connect(this, &MapModel::dataChanged, this, &MapModel::update3DMap); } Q_INVOKABLE void MapModel::add(MapItem *item) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount()); m_items.append(item); m_selected.append(false); endInsertRows(); } void MapModel::update(const PipeEndPoint *sourcePipe, SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *swgMapItem, const QString &group) { QString name = *swgMapItem->getName(); // Add, update or delete and item MapItem *item = findMapItem(sourcePipe, name); if (item != nullptr) { QString image = *swgMapItem->getImage(); if (image.isEmpty()) { // Delete the item remove(item); // Need to call update, for it to be removed in 3D map // Item is set to not be available from this point in time // It will still be available if time is set in the past item->update(swgMapItem); } else { // Update the item item->update(swgMapItem); splitTracks(item); update(item); } } else { // Make sure not a duplicate request to delete QString image = *swgMapItem->getImage(); if (!image.isEmpty()) { // Add new item item = new MapItem(sourcePipe, group, m_gui->getItemSettings(group), swgMapItem); add(item); // Add to 3D Map (we don't appear to get a dataChanged signal when adding) CesiumInterface *cesium = m_gui->cesium(); if (cesium) { cesium->update(item, isTarget(item), isSelected3D(item)); } playAnimations(item); } } } // Slot called on dataChanged signal, to update 3D map void MapModel::update3DMap(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector &roles) { (void) roles; CesiumInterface *cesium = m_gui->cesium(); if (cesium) { for (int row = topLeft.row(); row <= bottomRight.row(); row++) { cesium->update(m_items[row], isTarget(m_items[row]), isSelected3D(m_items[row])); playAnimations(m_items[row]); } } } void MapModel::playAnimations(MapItem *item) { CesiumInterface *cesium = m_gui->cesium(); if (cesium) { for (auto animation : item->m_animations) { m_gui->cesium()->playAnimation(item->m_name, animation); } } qDeleteAll(item->m_animations); item->m_animations.clear(); } void MapModel::update(MapItem *item) { int row = m_items.indexOf(item); if (row >= 0) { QModelIndex idx = index(row); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); if (row == m_target) { updateTarget(); } } } void MapModel::remove(MapItem *item) { int row = m_items.indexOf(item); if (row >= 0) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); m_items.removeAt(row); m_selected.removeAt(row); if (row == m_target) { m_target = -1; } else if (row < m_target) { m_target--; } endRemoveRows(); } } void MapModel::allUpdated() { for (int i = 0; i < m_items.count(); i++) { // Updates both 2D and 3D Map QModelIndex idx = index(i); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); } } void MapModel::removeAll() { if (m_items.count() > 0) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, m_items.count()); m_items.clear(); m_selected.clear(); endRemoveRows(); } } // After new settings are deserialised, we need to update // pointers to item settings for all existing items void MapModel::updateItemSettings(QHash m_itemSettings) { for (auto item : m_items) { item->m_itemSettings = m_itemSettings[item->m_group]; } } void MapModel::updateTarget() { // Calculate range, azimuth and elevation to object from station AzEl *azEl = m_gui->getAzEl(); azEl->setTarget(m_items[m_target]->m_latitude, m_items[m_target]->m_longitude, m_items[m_target]->m_altitude); azEl->calculate(); // Send to Rotator Controllers QList rotatorPipes; MainCore::instance()->getMessagePipes().getMessagePipes(this, "target", rotatorPipes); for (const auto& pipe : rotatorPipes) { MessageQueue *messageQueue = qobject_cast(pipe->m_element); SWGSDRangel::SWGTargetAzimuthElevation *swgTarget = new SWGSDRangel::SWGTargetAzimuthElevation(); swgTarget->setName(new QString(m_items[m_target]->m_name)); swgTarget->setAzimuth(azEl->getAzimuth()); swgTarget->setElevation(azEl->getElevation()); messageQueue->push(MainCore::MsgTargetAzimuthElevation::create(m_gui->getMap(), swgTarget)); } } void MapModel::setTarget(const QString& name) { if (name.isEmpty()) { QModelIndex idx = index(-1); setData(idx, QVariant(-1), MapModel::targetRole); } else { QModelIndex idx = findMapItemIndex(name); setData(idx, QVariant(idx.row()), MapModel::targetRole); } } bool MapModel::isTarget(const MapItem *mapItem) const { if (m_target < 0) { return false; } else { return m_items[m_target] == mapItem; } } // FIXME: This should use Z order - rather than adding/removing // but I couldn't quite get it to work Q_INVOKABLE void MapModel::moveToFront(int oldRow) { // Last item in list is drawn on top, so remove than add to end of list if (oldRow < m_items.size() - 1) { bool wasTarget = m_target == oldRow; MapItem *item = m_items[oldRow]; bool wasSelected = m_selected[oldRow]; remove(item); add(item); int newRow = m_items.size() - 1; if (wasTarget) { m_target = newRow; } m_selected[newRow] = wasSelected; QModelIndex idx = index(newRow); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); } } Q_INVOKABLE void MapModel::moveToBack(int oldRow) { // First item in list is drawn first, so remove item then add to front of list if ((oldRow < m_items.size()) && (oldRow > 0)) { bool wasTarget = m_target == oldRow; int newRow = 0; // See: https://forum.qt.io/topic/122991/changing-the-order-mapquickitems-are-drawn-on-a-map //QModelIndex parent; //beginMoveRows(parent, oldRow, oldRow, parent, newRow); beginResetModel(); m_items.move(oldRow, newRow); m_selected.move(oldRow, newRow); if (wasTarget) { m_target = newRow; } else if (m_target >= 0) { m_target++; } //endMoveRows(); endResetModel(); //emit dataChanged(index(oldRow), index(newRow)); } } MapItem *MapModel::findMapItem(const PipeEndPoint *source, const QString& name) { // FIXME: Should consider adding a QHash for this QListIterator i(m_items); while (i.hasNext()) { MapItem *item = i.next(); if ((item->m_name == name) && (item->m_sourcePipe == source)) return item; } return nullptr; } MapItem *MapModel::findMapItem(const QString& name) { QListIterator i(m_items); while (i.hasNext()) { MapItem *item = i.next(); if (item->m_name == name) return item; } return nullptr; } QModelIndex MapModel::findMapItemIndex(const QString& name) { int idx = 0; QListIterator i(m_items); while (i.hasNext()) { MapItem *item = i.next(); if (item->m_name == name) { return index(idx); } idx++; } return index(-1); } int MapModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return m_items.count(); } QVariant MapModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { int row = index.row(); if ((row < 0) || (row >= m_items.count())) { return QVariant(); } if (role == MapModel::positionRole) { // Coordinates to display the item at QGeoCoordinate coords; coords.setLatitude(m_items[row]->m_latitude); coords.setLongitude(m_items[row]->m_longitude); return QVariant::fromValue(coords); } else if (role == MapModel::mapTextRole) { // Create the text to go in the bubble next to the image QString name = m_items[row]->m_label.isEmpty() ? m_items[row]->m_name : m_items[row]->m_label; if (row == m_target) { AzEl *azEl = m_gui->getAzEl(); QString text = QString("%1
Az: %2%5 El: %3%5 Dist: %4 km") .arg(m_selected[row] ? m_items[row]->m_text : name) .arg(std::round(azEl->getAzimuth())) .arg(std::round(azEl->getElevation())) .arg(std::round(azEl->getDistance() / 1000.0)) .arg(QChar(0xb0)); return QVariant::fromValue(text); } else if (m_selected[row]) { return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_text); } else { return QVariant::fromValue(name); } } else if (role == MapModel::mapTextVisibleRole) { return QVariant::fromValue((m_selected[row] || m_displayNames) && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_display2DLabel); } else if (role == MapModel::mapImageVisibleRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_display2DIcon); } else if (role == MapModel::mapImageRole) { // Set an image to use return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_image); } else if (role == MapModel::mapImageRotationRole) { // Angle to rotate image by return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_imageRotation); } else if (role == MapModel::mapImageMinZoomRole) { // Minimum zoom level //return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_imageMinZoom); return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_2DMinZoom); } else if (role == MapModel::bubbleColourRole) { // Select a background colour for the text bubble next to the item if (m_selected[row]) { return QVariant::fromValue(QColor("lightgreen")); } else { return QVariant::fromValue(QColor("lightblue")); } } else if (role == MapModel::selectedRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(m_selected[row]); } else if (role == MapModel::targetRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(m_target == row); } else if (role == MapModel::frequencyRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_frequency); } else if (role == MapModel::frequencyStringRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(m_items[row]->m_frequencyString); } else if (role == MapModel::predictedGroundTrack1Role) { if ( (m_displayAllGroundTracks || (m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && m_selected[row])) && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_display2DTrack) { return m_items[row]->m_predictedTrack1; } else { return QVariantList(); } } else if (role == MapModel::predictedGroundTrack2Role) { if ( (m_displayAllGroundTracks || (m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && m_selected[row])) && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_display2DTrack) { return m_items[row]->m_predictedTrack2; } else { return QVariantList(); } } else if (role == MapModel::groundTrack1Role) { if ( (m_displayAllGroundTracks || (m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && m_selected[row])) && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_display2DTrack) { return m_items[row]->m_takenTrack1; } else { return QVariantList(); } } else if (role == MapModel::groundTrack2Role) { if ( (m_displayAllGroundTracks || (m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && m_selected[row])) && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_enabled && m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_display2DTrack) { return m_items[row]->m_takenTrack2; } else { return QVariantList(); } } else if (role == groundTrackColorRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(QColor::fromRgb(m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_2DTrackColor)); } else if (role == predictedGroundTrackColorRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(QColor::fromRgb(m_items[row]->m_itemSettings->m_2DTrackColor).lighter()); } return QVariant(); } bool MapModel::setData(const QModelIndex &idx, const QVariant& value, int role) { int row = idx.row(); if ((row < 0) || (row >= m_items.count())) return false; if (role == MapModel::selectedRole) { m_selected[row] = value.toBool(); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); return true; } else if (role == MapModel::targetRole) { if (m_target >= 0) { // Update text bubble for old target QModelIndex oldIdx = index(m_target); m_target = -1; emit dataChanged(oldIdx, oldIdx); } m_target = row; updateTarget(); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); return true; } return true; } Qt::ItemFlags MapModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { (void) index; return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } void MapModel::setDisplayNames(bool displayNames) { m_displayNames = displayNames; allUpdated(); } void MapModel::setDisplaySelectedGroundTracks(bool displayGroundTracks) { m_displaySelectedGroundTracks = displayGroundTracks; allUpdated(); } void MapModel::setDisplayAllGroundTracks(bool displayGroundTracks) { m_displayAllGroundTracks = displayGroundTracks; allUpdated(); } void MapModel::setFrequency(double frequency) { // Set as centre frequency ChannelWebAPIUtils::setCenterFrequency(0, frequency); } void MapModel::track3D(int index) { if (index < m_items.count()) { MapItem *item = m_items[index]; m_gui->track3D(item->m_name); } } void MapModel::splitTracks(MapItem *item) { if (item->m_takenTrackCoords.size() > 1) splitTrack(item->m_takenTrackCoords, item->m_takenTrack, item->m_takenTrack1, item->m_takenTrack2, item->m_takenStart1, item->m_takenStart2, item->m_takenEnd1, item->m_takenEnd2); if (item->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 1) splitTrack(item->m_predictedTrackCoords, item->m_predictedTrack, item->m_predictedTrack1, item->m_predictedTrack2, item->m_predictedStart1, item->m_predictedStart2, item->m_predictedEnd1, item->m_predictedEnd2); } void MapModel::interpolateEast(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, double x, QGeoCoordinate *ci, bool offScreen) { double x1 = c1->longitude(); double y1 = c1->latitude(); double x2 = c2->longitude(); double y2 = c2->latitude(); double y; if (x2 < x1) x2 += 360.0; if (x < x1) x += 360.0; y = interpolate(x1, y1, x2, y2, x); if (x > 180) x -= 360.0; if (offScreen) x -= 0.000000001; else x += 0.000000001; ci->setLongitude(x); ci->setLatitude(y); ci->setAltitude(c1->altitude()); } void MapModel::interpolateWest(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, double x, QGeoCoordinate *ci, bool offScreen) { double x1 = c1->longitude(); double y1 = c1->latitude(); double x2 = c2->longitude(); double y2 = c2->latitude(); double y; if (x2 > x1) x2 -= 360.0; if (x > x1) x -= 360.0; y = interpolate(x1, y1, x2, y2, x); if (x < -180) x += 360.0; if (offScreen) x += 0.000000001; else x -= 0.000000001; ci->setLongitude(x); ci->setLatitude(y); ci->setAltitude(c1->altitude()); } static bool isOnScreen(double lon, double bottomLeftLongitude, double bottomRightLongitude, double width, bool antimed) { bool onScreen = false; if (width == 360) onScreen = true; else if (!antimed) onScreen = (lon > bottomLeftLongitude) && (lon <= bottomRightLongitude); else onScreen = (lon > bottomLeftLongitude) || (lon <= bottomRightLongitude); return onScreen; } static bool crossesAntimeridian(double prevLon, double lon) { bool crosses = false; if ((prevLon > 90) && (lon < -90)) crosses = true; // West to East else if ((prevLon < -90) && (lon > 90)) crosses = true; // East to West return crosses; } static bool crossesAntimeridianEast(double prevLon, double lon) { bool crosses = false; if ((prevLon > 90) && (lon < -90)) crosses = true; // West to East return crosses; } static bool crossesAntimeridianWest(double prevLon, double lon) { bool crosses = false; if ((prevLon < -90) && (lon > 90)) crosses = true; // East to West return crosses; } static bool crossesEdge(double lon, double prevLon, double bottomLeftLongitude, double bottomRightLongitude) { // Determine if antimerdian is between the two points if (!crossesAntimeridian(prevLon, lon)) { bool crosses = false; if ((prevLon <= bottomRightLongitude) && (lon > bottomRightLongitude)) crosses = true; // Crosses right edge East else if ((prevLon >= bottomRightLongitude) && (lon < bottomRightLongitude)) crosses = true; // Crosses right edge West else if ((prevLon >= bottomLeftLongitude) && (lon < bottomLeftLongitude)) crosses = true; // Crosses left edge West else if ((prevLon <= bottomLeftLongitude) && (lon > bottomLeftLongitude)) crosses = true; // Crosses left edge East return crosses; } else { // Determine which point and the edge the antimerdian is between bool prevLonToRightCrossesAnti = crossesAntimeridianEast(prevLon, bottomRightLongitude); bool rightToLonCrossesAnti = crossesAntimeridianEast(bottomRightLongitude, lon); bool prevLonToLeftCrossesAnti = crossesAntimeridianWest(prevLon, bottomLeftLongitude); bool leftToLonCrossesAnti = crossesAntimeridianWest(bottomLeftLongitude, lon); bool crosses = false; if ( ((prevLon > bottomRightLongitude) && prevLonToRightCrossesAnti && (lon > bottomRightLongitude)) || ((prevLon <= bottomRightLongitude) && (lon <= bottomRightLongitude) && rightToLonCrossesAnti) ) crosses = true; // Crosses right edge East else if ( ((prevLon < bottomRightLongitude) && prevLonToRightCrossesAnti && (lon < bottomRightLongitude)) || ((prevLon >= bottomRightLongitude) && (lon >= bottomRightLongitude) && rightToLonCrossesAnti) ) crosses = true; // Crosses right edge West else if ( ((prevLon < bottomLeftLongitude) && prevLonToLeftCrossesAnti && (lon < bottomLeftLongitude)) || ((prevLon >= bottomLeftLongitude) && (lon >= bottomLeftLongitude) && leftToLonCrossesAnti) ) crosses = true; // Crosses left edge West else if ( ((prevLon > bottomLeftLongitude) && prevLonToLeftCrossesAnti && (lon > bottomLeftLongitude)) || ((prevLon <= bottomLeftLongitude) && (lon <= bottomLeftLongitude) && leftToLonCrossesAnti) ) crosses = true; // Crosses left edge East return crosses; } } void MapModel::interpolate(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, double bottomLeftLongitude, double bottomRightLongitude, QGeoCoordinate* ci, bool offScreen) { double x1 = c1->longitude(); double x2 = c2->longitude(); double crossesAnti = crossesAntimeridian(x1, x2); double x; // Need to work out which edge we're interpolating too // and whether antimeridian is in the way, as that flips x1x2 if (((x1 < x2) && !crossesAnti) || ((x1 > x2) && crossesAnti)) { x = offScreen ? bottomRightLongitude : bottomLeftLongitude; interpolateEast(c1, c2, x, ci, offScreen); } else { x = offScreen ? bottomLeftLongitude : bottomRightLongitude; interpolateWest(c1, c2, x, ci, offScreen); } } void MapModel::splitTrack(const QList& coords, const QVariantList& track, QVariantList& track1, QVariantList& track2, QGeoCoordinate& start1, QGeoCoordinate& start2, QGeoCoordinate& end1, QGeoCoordinate& end2) { /* QStringList l; for (int i = 0; i < track.size(); i++) { QGeoCoordinate c = track[i].value(); l.append(QString("%1").arg((int)c.longitude())); } qDebug() << "Init T: " << l; */ QQuickItem* map = m_gui->getMapItem(); QVariant rectVariant; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(map, "mapRect", Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, rectVariant)); QGeoRectangle rect = qvariant_cast(rectVariant); double bottomLeftLongitude = rect.bottomLeft().longitude(); double bottomRightLongitude = rect.bottomRight().longitude(); int width = round(rect.width()); bool antimed = (width == 360) || (bottomLeftLongitude > bottomRightLongitude); /* qDebug() << "Anitmed visible: " << antimed; qDebug() << "bottomLeftLongitude: " << bottomLeftLongitude; qDebug() << "bottomRightLongitude: " << bottomRightLongitude; */ track1.clear(); track2.clear(); double lon, prevLon; bool onScreen, prevOnScreen; QList tracks({&track1, &track2}); QList ends({&end1, &end2}); QList starts({&start1, &start2}); int trackIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) { lon = coords[i]->longitude(); if (i == 0) { prevLon = lon; prevOnScreen = true; // To avoid interpolation for first point } // Can be onscreen after having crossed edge from other side // Or can be onscreen after previously having been off screen onScreen = isOnScreen(lon, bottomLeftLongitude, bottomRightLongitude, width, antimed); bool crossedEdge = crossesEdge(lon, prevLon, bottomLeftLongitude, bottomRightLongitude); if ((onScreen && !crossedEdge) || (onScreen && !prevOnScreen)) { if ((i > 0) && (tracks[trackIdx]->size() == 0)) // Could also use (onScreen && !prevOnScreen)? { if (trackIdx >= starts.size()) break; // Interpolate from edge of screen interpolate(coords[i-1], coords[i], bottomLeftLongitude, bottomRightLongitude, starts[trackIdx], false); tracks[trackIdx]->append(QVariant::fromValue(*starts[trackIdx])); } tracks[trackIdx]->append(track[i]); } else if (tracks[trackIdx]->size() > 0) { // Either we've crossed to the other side, or have gone off screen if (trackIdx >= ends.size()) break; // Interpolate to edge of screen interpolate(coords[i-1], coords[i], bottomLeftLongitude, bottomRightLongitude, ends[trackIdx], true); tracks[trackIdx]->append(QVariant::fromValue(*ends[trackIdx])); // Start new track trackIdx++; if (trackIdx >= tracks.size()) { // This can happen with highly retrograde orbits, where trace 90% of period // will cover more than 360 degrees - delete last point as Map // will not be able to display it properly tracks[trackIdx-1]->removeLast(); break; } if (onScreen) { // Interpolate from edge of screen interpolate(coords[i-1], coords[i], bottomLeftLongitude, bottomRightLongitude, starts[trackIdx], false); tracks[trackIdx]->append(QVariant::fromValue(*starts[trackIdx])); tracks[trackIdx]->append(track[i]); } } prevLon = lon; prevOnScreen = onScreen; } /* l.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < track1.size(); i++) { QGeoCoordinate c = track1[i].value(); if (!c.isValid()) l.append("Invalid!"); else l.append(QString("%1").arg(c.longitude(), 0, 'f', 1)); } qDebug() << "T1: " << l; l.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < track2.size(); i++) { QGeoCoordinate c = track2[i].value(); if (!c.isValid()) l.append("Invalid!"); else l.append(QString("%1").arg(c.longitude(), 0, 'f', 1)); } qDebug() << "T2: " << l; */ } void MapModel::viewChanged(double bottomLeftLongitude, double bottomRightLongitude) { (void) bottomRightLongitude; if (!std::isnan(bottomLeftLongitude)) { for (int row = 0; row < m_items.size(); row++) { MapItem *item = m_items[row]; if (item->m_takenTrackCoords.size() > 1) { splitTrack(item->m_takenTrackCoords, item->m_takenTrack, item->m_takenTrack1, item->m_takenTrack2, item->m_takenStart1, item->m_takenStart2, item->m_takenEnd1, item->m_takenEnd2); QModelIndex idx = index(row); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); } if (item->m_predictedTrackCoords.size() > 1) { splitTrack(item->m_predictedTrackCoords, item->m_predictedTrack, item->m_predictedTrack1, item->m_predictedTrack2, item->m_predictedStart1, item->m_predictedStart2, item->m_predictedEnd1, item->m_predictedEnd2); QModelIndex idx = index(row); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); } } } }