/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2022 F4EXB // // written by Edouard Griffiths // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/samplingdevicedialog.h" #include "gui/rollupcontents.h" #include "gui/buttonswitch.h" #include "gui/crightclickenabler.h" #include "channel/channelgui.h" #include "feature/featuregui.h" #include "device/devicegui.h" #include "device/deviceset.h" #include "mainspectrum/mainspectrumgui.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "maincore.h" Workspace::Workspace(int index, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QDockWidget(parent, flags), m_index(index), m_menuButton(nullptr), m_featureAddDialog(this), m_stacking(false), m_autoStack(false), m_userChannelMinWidth(0) { m_mdi = new QMdiArea(this); m_mdi->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); m_mdi->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); setWidget(m_mdi); setWindowTitle(tr("W%1").arg(m_index)); setObjectName(tr("W%1").arg(m_index)); m_titleBar = new QWidget(); m_titleBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); m_titleBarLayout->setContentsMargins(QMargins()); m_titleBar->setLayout(m_titleBarLayout); m_titleLabel = new QLabel(); m_titleLabel->setFixedSize(32, 16); m_titleLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: rgb(128, 128, 128); qproperty-alignment: AlignCenter; }"); m_titleLabel->setText(windowTitle()); #ifdef ANDROID m_menuButton = new QToolButton(); QIcon menuIcon(":/listing.png"); m_menuButton->setIcon(menuIcon); m_menuButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_menuButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); #endif m_configurationPresetsButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon configurationPresetsIcon(":/star.png"); m_configurationPresetsButton->setIcon(configurationPresetsIcon); m_configurationPresetsButton->setToolTip("Configuration presets"); m_configurationPresetsButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_startStopButton = new ButtonSwitch(); m_startStopButton->setCheckable(true); updateStartStopButton(false); m_startStopButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_vline1 = new QFrame(); m_vline1->setFrameShape(QFrame::VLine); m_vline1->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); m_addRxDeviceButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon addRxIcon(":/rx.png"); m_addRxDeviceButton->setIcon(addRxIcon); m_addRxDeviceButton->setToolTip("Add Rx device"); m_addRxDeviceButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_addTxDeviceButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon addTxIcon(":/tx.png"); m_addTxDeviceButton->setIcon(addTxIcon); m_addTxDeviceButton->setToolTip("Add Tx device"); m_addTxDeviceButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_addMIMODeviceButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon addMIMOIcon(":/mimo.png"); m_addMIMODeviceButton->setIcon(addMIMOIcon); m_addMIMODeviceButton->setToolTip("Add MIMO device"); m_addMIMODeviceButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_vline2 = new QFrame(); m_vline2->setFrameShape(QFrame::VLine); m_vline2->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); m_addFeatureButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon addFeatureIcon(":/tool_add.png"); m_addFeatureButton->setIcon(addFeatureIcon); m_addFeatureButton->setToolTip("Add features"); m_addFeatureButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_featurePresetsButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon presetsIcon(":/tool_star.png"); m_featurePresetsButton->setIcon(presetsIcon); m_featurePresetsButton->setToolTip("Feature presets"); m_featurePresetsButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_vline3 = new QFrame(); m_vline3->setFrameShape(QFrame::VLine); m_vline3->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); m_cascadeSubWindows = new QPushButton(); QIcon cascadeSubWindowsIcon(":/cascade.png"); m_cascadeSubWindows->setIcon(cascadeSubWindowsIcon); m_cascadeSubWindows->setToolTip("Cascade sub windows"); m_cascadeSubWindows->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_tileSubWindows = new QPushButton(); QIcon tileSubWindowsIcon(":/tiles.png"); m_tileSubWindows->setIcon(tileSubWindowsIcon); m_tileSubWindows->setToolTip("Tile sub windows"); m_tileSubWindows->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_stackVerticalSubWindows = new QPushButton(); QIcon stackVerticalSubWindowsIcon(":/stackvertical.png"); m_stackVerticalSubWindows->setIcon(stackVerticalSubWindowsIcon); m_stackVerticalSubWindows->setToolTip("Stack sub windows vertically"); m_stackVerticalSubWindows->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_stackSubWindows = new QPushButton(); QIcon stackSubWindowsIcon(":/stackcolumns.png"); m_stackSubWindows->setIcon(stackSubWindowsIcon); m_stackSubWindows->setToolTip("Stack sub windows in columns. Right click to stack automatically."); m_stackSubWindows->setFixedSize(20, 20); CRightClickEnabler *stackSubWindowsRightClickEnabler = new CRightClickEnabler(m_stackSubWindows); connect(stackSubWindowsRightClickEnabler, &CRightClickEnabler::rightClick, this, &Workspace::autoStackSubWindows); m_tabSubWindows = new ButtonSwitch(); QIcon tabSubWindowsIcon(":/tab.png"); m_tabSubWindows->setIcon(tabSubWindowsIcon); m_tabSubWindows->setCheckable(true); m_tabSubWindows->setToolTip("Display sub windows in tabs"); m_tabSubWindows->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_normalButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon normalIcon(":/dock.png"); m_normalButton->setIcon(normalIcon); m_normalButton->setToolTip("Dock/undock"); m_normalButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_closeButton = new QPushButton(); QIcon closeIcon(":/hide.png"); m_closeButton->setIcon(closeIcon); m_closeButton->setToolTip("Hide workspace"); m_closeButton->setFixedSize(20, 20); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_titleLabel); if (m_menuButton) { m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_menuButton); } m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_configurationPresetsButton); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_startStopButton); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_vline1); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_addRxDeviceButton); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_addTxDeviceButton); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_addMIMODeviceButton); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_vline2); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_addFeatureButton); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_featurePresetsButton); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_vline3); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_cascadeSubWindows); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_tileSubWindows); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_stackVerticalSubWindows); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_stackSubWindows); m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_tabSubWindows); m_titleBarLayout->addStretch(1); #ifndef ANDROID // Can't undock on Android, as windows don't have title bars to allow them to be moved m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_normalButton); // Don't allow workspaces to be hidden on Android, as if all are hidden, they'll // be no way to redisplay them, as we currently don't have a main menu bar m_titleBarLayout->addWidget(m_closeButton); #else setFeatures(QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures); #endif setTitleBarWidget(m_titleBar); QObject::connect( m_addRxDeviceButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::addRxDeviceClicked ); QObject::connect( m_addTxDeviceButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::addTxDeviceClicked ); QObject::connect( m_addMIMODeviceButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::addMIMODeviceClicked ); QObject::connect( m_addFeatureButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::addFeatureDialog ); QObject::connect( m_featurePresetsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::featurePresetsDialog ); QObject::connect( m_configurationPresetsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::configurationPresetsDialog ); QObject::connect( m_cascadeSubWindows, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::cascadeSubWindows ); QObject::connect( m_tileSubWindows, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::tileSubWindows ); QObject::connect( m_stackVerticalSubWindows, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::stackVerticalSubWindows ); QObject::connect( m_stackSubWindows, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::stackSubWindows ); QObject::connect( m_startStopButton, &ButtonSwitch::clicked, this, &Workspace::startStopClicked ); QObject::connect( m_tabSubWindows, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::tabSubWindows ); QObject::connect( m_normalButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &Workspace::toggleFloating ); connect(m_closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(hide())); QObject::connect( &m_featureAddDialog, &FeatureAddDialog::addFeature, this, &Workspace::addFeatureEmitted ); QObject::connect( MainCore::instance(), &MainCore::deviceStateChanged, this, &Workspace::deviceStateChanged ); QObject::connect( m_mdi, &QMdiArea::subWindowActivated, this, &Workspace::subWindowActivated ); #ifdef ANDROID m_tabSubWindows->setChecked(true); tabSubWindows(); #endif } Workspace::~Workspace() { qDebug("Workspace::~Workspace"); delete m_closeButton; delete m_normalButton; delete m_tabSubWindows; delete m_stackSubWindows; delete m_stackVerticalSubWindows; delete m_tileSubWindows; delete m_cascadeSubWindows; delete m_vline3; delete m_vline2; delete m_vline1; delete m_startStopButton; delete m_configurationPresetsButton; delete m_menuButton; delete m_addRxDeviceButton; delete m_addTxDeviceButton; delete m_addMIMODeviceButton; delete m_addFeatureButton; delete m_featurePresetsButton; delete m_titleLabel; delete m_titleBarLayout; delete m_titleBar; qDebug("Workspace::~Workspace: about to delete MDI"); delete m_mdi; qDebug("Workspace::~Workspace: end"); } void Workspace::setIndex(int index) { m_index = index; setWindowTitle(tr("W%1").arg(m_index)); setObjectName(tr("W%1").arg(m_index)); m_titleLabel->setText(windowTitle()); } QList Workspace::getSubWindowList() const { return m_mdi->subWindowList(); } void Workspace::toggleFloating() { setFloating(!isFloating()); } void Workspace::addRxDeviceClicked() { SamplingDeviceDialog dialog(0, this); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { emit addRxDevice(this, dialog.getSelectedDeviceIndex()); } } void Workspace::addTxDeviceClicked() { SamplingDeviceDialog dialog(1, this); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { emit addTxDevice(this, dialog.getSelectedDeviceIndex()); } } void Workspace::addMIMODeviceClicked() { SamplingDeviceDialog dialog(2, this); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { emit addMIMODevice(this, dialog.getSelectedDeviceIndex()); } } void Workspace::addFeatureDialog() { m_featureAddDialog.exec(); } void Workspace::addFeatureEmitted(int featureIndex) { if (featureIndex >= 0) { emit addFeature(this, featureIndex); } } void Workspace::featurePresetsDialog() { QPoint p = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); emit featurePresetsDialogRequested(p, this); } void Workspace::configurationPresetsDialog() { emit configurationPresetsDialogRequested(); } void Workspace::cascadeSubWindows() { setAutoStackOption(false); m_tabSubWindows->setChecked(false); m_mdi->setViewMode(QMdiArea::SubWindowView); m_mdi->cascadeSubWindows(); } void Workspace::tileSubWindows() { setAutoStackOption(false); m_tabSubWindows->setChecked(false); m_mdi->setViewMode(QMdiArea::SubWindowView); m_mdi->tileSubWindows(); } void Workspace::stackVerticalSubWindows() { setAutoStackOption(false); unmaximizeSubWindows(); m_mdi->setViewMode(QMdiArea::SubWindowView); // Spacing between windows const int spacing = 2; // Categorise windows according to type and calculate min size needed QList windows = m_mdi->subWindowList(QMdiArea::CreationOrder); QList devices; QList spectrums; QList channels; QList features; int minHeight = 0; int minWidth = 0; int nonFixedWindows = 0; for (auto window : windows) { if (window->isVisible() && !window->isMaximized()) { if (window->inherits("DeviceGUI")) { devices.append(qobject_cast(window)); } else if (window->inherits("MainSpectrumGUI")) { spectrums.append(qobject_cast(window)); } else if (window->inherits("ChannelGUI")) { channels.append(qobject_cast(window)); } else if (window->inherits("FeatureGUI")) { features.append(qobject_cast(window)); } minHeight += window->minimumSizeHint().height() + spacing; minWidth = std::max(minWidth, window->minimumSizeHint().width()); if (window->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() != QSizePolicy::Fixed) { nonFixedWindows++; } } } // Order windows by device/feature/channel index orderByIndex(devices); orderByIndex(spectrums); orderByIndex(channels); orderByIndex(features); // Will we need scroll bars? QSize mdiSize = m_mdi->size(); bool requiresHScrollBar = minWidth > mdiSize.width(); bool requiresVScrollBar = minHeight > mdiSize.height(); // Reduce available size if scroll bars needed int sbWidth = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent); if (requiresVScrollBar) { mdiSize.setWidth(mdiSize.width() - sbWidth); } if (requiresHScrollBar) { mdiSize.setHeight(mdiSize.height() - sbWidth); } // Calculate spare vertical space, to be shared between non-fixed windows int spareSpacePerWindow; if (requiresVScrollBar || (nonFixedWindows == 0)) { spareSpacePerWindow = 0; } else { spareSpacePerWindow = (mdiSize.height() - minHeight) / nonFixedWindows; } // Now position the windows int x = 0; int y = 0; for (auto window : devices) { window->move(x, y); y += window->size().height() + spacing; } for (auto window : spectrums) { window->move(x, y); window->resize(mdiSize.width(), window->minimumSizeHint().height() + spareSpacePerWindow); y += window->size().height() + spacing; } for (auto window : channels) { window->move(x, y); int extra = (window->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() == QSizePolicy::Fixed) ? 0 : spareSpacePerWindow; window->resize(mdiSize.width(), window->minimumSizeHint().height() + extra); y += window->size().height() + spacing; } for (auto window : features) { window->move(x, y); int extra = (window->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() == QSizePolicy::Fixed) ? 0 : spareSpacePerWindow; window->resize(mdiSize.width(), window->minimumSizeHint().height() + extra); y += window->size().height() + spacing; } } void Workspace::orderByIndex(QList &list) { std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [](const ChannelGUI *a, const ChannelGUI *b) -> bool { if (a->getDeviceSetIndex() == b->getDeviceSetIndex()) { return a->getIndex() < b->getIndex(); } else { return a->getDeviceSetIndex() < b->getDeviceSetIndex(); } }); } void Workspace::orderByIndex(QList &list) { std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [](const FeatureGUI *a, const FeatureGUI *b) -> bool { return a->getIndex() < b->getIndex(); }); } void Workspace::orderByIndex(QList &list) { std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [](const DeviceGUI *a, const DeviceGUI *b) -> bool { return a->getIndex() < b->getIndex(); }); } void Workspace::orderByIndex(QList &list) { std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [](const MainSpectrumGUI *a, const MainSpectrumGUI *b) -> bool { return a->getIndex() < b->getIndex(); }); } void Workspace::unmaximizeSubWindows() { if (m_tabSubWindows->isChecked()) { m_tabSubWindows->setChecked(false); // Unmaximize any maximized windows QList windows = m_mdi->subWindowList(QMdiArea::CreationOrder); for (auto window : windows) { if (window->isMaximized()) { window->showNormal(); } } } } // Try to arrange windows somewhat like in earlier versions of SDRangel // Devices and fixed size features stacked on left // Spectrum and expandable features stacked in centre // Channels stacked on right void Workspace::stackSubWindows() { unmaximizeSubWindows(); // Set a flag so event handler knows if it's this code or the user that // resizes a window m_stacking = true; m_mdi->setViewMode(QMdiArea::SubWindowView); // Categorise windows according to type QList windows = m_mdi->subWindowList(QMdiArea::CreationOrder); QList devices; QList spectrums; QList channels; QList fixedFeatures; QList features; for (auto window : windows) { if (window->isVisible() && !window->isMaximized()) { if (window->inherits("DeviceGUI")) { devices.append(qobject_cast(window)); } else if (window->inherits("MainSpectrumGUI")) { spectrums.append(qobject_cast(window)); } else if (window->inherits("ChannelGUI")) { channels.append(qobject_cast(window)); } else if (window->inherits("FeatureGUI")) { if (window->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() == QSizePolicy::Fixed) { // Test vertical, as horizontal can be adjusted a little bit fixedFeatures.append(qobject_cast(window)); } else { features.append(qobject_cast(window)); } } } } // Order windows by device/feature/channel index orderByIndex(devices); orderByIndex(spectrums); orderByIndex(channels); orderByIndex(fixedFeatures); orderByIndex(features); // Spacing between windows const int spacing = 2; // Shrink devices to minimum size, in case they have been maximized for (auto window : devices) { QSize size = window->minimumSizeHint(); size = size.expandedTo(window->minimumSize()); window->resize(size); } // Calculate width and height needed for devices int deviceMinWidth = 0; int deviceTotalMinHeight = 0; for (auto window : devices) { int winMinWidth = std::max(window->minimumSizeHint().width(), window->minimumWidth()); deviceMinWidth = std::max(deviceMinWidth, winMinWidth); deviceTotalMinHeight += window->minimumSizeHint().height() + spacing; } // Calculate width & height needed for spectrums int spectrumMinWidth = 0; int spectrumTotalMinHeight = 0; int expandingSpectrums = 0; for (auto window : spectrums) { int winMinWidth = std::max(window->minimumSizeHint().width(), window->minimumWidth()); spectrumMinWidth = std::max(spectrumMinWidth, winMinWidth); int winMinHeight = std::max(window->minimumSizeHint().height(), window->minimumSize().height()); spectrumTotalMinHeight += winMinHeight + spacing; expandingSpectrums++; } // Restrict user defined channel width, to width of largest channel if (channels.size() == 0) { m_userChannelMinWidth = 0; } else { int channelMaxWidth = 0; for (auto window : channels) { channelMaxWidth = std::max(channelMaxWidth, window->maximumWidth()); } m_userChannelMinWidth = std::min(m_userChannelMinWidth, channelMaxWidth); } // Calculate width & height needed for channels int channelMinWidth = m_userChannelMinWidth; // channels.size() > 0 ? m_userChannelMinWidth : 0; int channelTotalMinHeight = 0; int expandingChannels = 0; for (auto window : channels) { int winMinWidth = std::max(window->minimumSizeHint().width(), window->minimumWidth()); channelMinWidth = std::max(channelMinWidth, winMinWidth); channelTotalMinHeight += window->minimumSizeHint().height() + spacing; if (window->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() == QSizePolicy::Expanding) { expandingChannels++; } } // Calculate width & height needed for features // These are spilt in to two groups - fixed size and expandable int fixedFeaturesWidth = 0; int fixedFeaturesTotalMinHeight = 0; int featuresMinWidth = 0; int featuresTotalMinHeight = 0; int expandingFeatures = 0; for (auto window : fixedFeatures) { int winMinWidth = std::max(window->minimumSizeHint().width(), window->minimumWidth()); fixedFeaturesWidth = std::max(fixedFeaturesWidth, winMinWidth); fixedFeaturesTotalMinHeight += window->minimumSizeHint().height() + spacing; } for (auto window : features) { int winMinWidth = std::max(window->minimumSizeHint().width(), window->minimumWidth()); featuresMinWidth = std::max(featuresMinWidth, winMinWidth); featuresTotalMinHeight += window->minimumSizeHint().height() + spacing; expandingFeatures++; } // Calculate width for left hand column int devicesFeaturesWidth = std::max(deviceMinWidth, fixedFeaturesWidth); // Calculate min width for centre column int spectrumFeaturesMinWidth = std::max(spectrumMinWidth, featuresMinWidth); // Calculate spacing between columns int spacing1 = devicesFeaturesWidth > 0 ? spacing : 0; int spacing2 = spectrumFeaturesMinWidth > 0 ? spacing : 0; // Will we need scroll bars? QSize mdiSize = m_mdi->size(); int minWidth = devicesFeaturesWidth + spacing1 + spectrumFeaturesMinWidth + spacing2 + channelMinWidth; int minHeight = std::max(std::max(deviceTotalMinHeight + fixedFeaturesTotalMinHeight, channelTotalMinHeight), spectrumTotalMinHeight + featuresTotalMinHeight); bool requiresHScrollBar = minWidth > mdiSize.width(); bool requiresVScrollBar = minHeight > mdiSize.height(); // Reduce available size if scroll bars needed int sbWidth = qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent); if (requiresVScrollBar) { mdiSize.setWidth(mdiSize.width() - sbWidth); } if (requiresHScrollBar) { mdiSize.setHeight(mdiSize.height() - sbWidth); } // If no spectrum/features, expand channels if ((spectrumFeaturesMinWidth == 0) && expandingChannels > 0) { channelMinWidth = mdiSize.width() - devicesFeaturesWidth - spacing1; } // Now position the windows int x = 0; int y = 0; // Put devices down left hand side for (auto window : devices) { window->move(x, y); y += window->size().height() + spacing; } // Put fixed height features underneath devices // Resize them to be same width for (auto window : fixedFeatures) { window->move(x, y); window->resize(devicesFeaturesWidth, window->size().height()); y += window->size().height() + spacing; } // Calculate width needed for spectrum and features in the centre - use all available space int spectrumFeaturesWidth = std::max(mdiSize.width() - channelMinWidth - devicesFeaturesWidth - spacing1 - spacing2, spectrumFeaturesMinWidth); // Put channels on right hand side // Try to resize them horizontally so they are the same width // Share any available vertical space between expanding channels x = devicesFeaturesWidth + spacing1 + spectrumFeaturesWidth + spacing2; y = 0; int extraSpacePerWindow; int extraSpaceFirstWindow; if ((channelTotalMinHeight < mdiSize.height()) && (expandingChannels > 0)) { extraSpacePerWindow = (mdiSize.height() - channelTotalMinHeight) / expandingChannels; extraSpaceFirstWindow = (mdiSize.height() - channelTotalMinHeight) % expandingChannels; } else { extraSpacePerWindow = 0; extraSpaceFirstWindow = 0; } for (auto window : channels) { window->move(x, y); int channelHeight = window->minimumSizeHint().height(); if (window->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy() == QSizePolicy::Expanding) { channelHeight += extraSpacePerWindow + extraSpaceFirstWindow; extraSpaceFirstWindow = 0; } window->resize(channelMinWidth, channelHeight); y += window->size().height() + spacing; } // Split remaining space in the middle between spectrums and expandable features, with spectrums stacked on top x = devicesFeaturesWidth + spacing1; y = 0; if ((spectrumTotalMinHeight + featuresTotalMinHeight < mdiSize.height()) && (expandingSpectrums + expandingFeatures > 0)) { int h = mdiSize.height() - spectrumTotalMinHeight - featuresTotalMinHeight; int f = expandingSpectrums + expandingFeatures; extraSpacePerWindow = h / f; extraSpaceFirstWindow = h % f; } else { extraSpacePerWindow = 0; extraSpaceFirstWindow = 0; } for (auto window : spectrums) { window->move(x, y); int w = spectrumFeaturesWidth; int minHeight = std::max(window->minimumSizeHint().height(), window->minimumSize().height()); int h = minHeight + extraSpacePerWindow + extraSpaceFirstWindow; window->resize(w, h); extraSpaceFirstWindow = 0; y += window->size().height() + spacing; } for (auto window : features) { window->move(x, y); int w = spectrumFeaturesWidth; int h = window->minimumSizeHint().height() + extraSpacePerWindow + extraSpaceFirstWindow; window->resize(w, h); extraSpaceFirstWindow = 0; y += window->size().height() + spacing; } m_stacking = false; } void Workspace::autoStackSubWindows() { setAutoStackOption(!m_autoStack); } void Workspace::tabSubWindows() { if (m_tabSubWindows->isChecked()) { // Disable autostack setAutoStackOption(false); // Move sub windows out of view, so they can't be seen next to a non-expandible window // Perhaps there's a better way to do this - showMinimized didn't work QList windows = m_mdi->subWindowList(QMdiArea::CreationOrder); for (auto window : windows) { if ((window != m_mdi->activeSubWindow()) && ((window->x() != 5000) || (window->y() != 0))) { window->move(5000, 0); } } m_mdi->setViewMode(QMdiArea::TabbedView); } else { m_mdi->setViewMode(QMdiArea::SubWindowView); } } void Workspace::subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow *activatedWindow) { if (activatedWindow && m_tabSubWindows->isChecked()) { // Move other windows out of the way QList windows = m_mdi->subWindowList(QMdiArea::CreationOrder); for (auto window : windows) { if ((window != activatedWindow) && ((window->x() != 5000) || (window->y() != 0))) { window->move(5000, 0); } else if ((window == activatedWindow) && ((window->x() != 0) || (window->y() != 0))) { window->move(0, 0); } } } } void Workspace::layoutSubWindows() { if (m_autoStack) { stackSubWindows(); } } // Start/stop all devices in workspace void Workspace::startStopClicked(bool checked) { if (!checked) { emit stopAllDevices(this); } else { emit startAllDevices(this); } updateStartStopButton(checked); } void Workspace::updateStartStopButton(bool checked) { if (!checked) { QIcon startIcon(":/play.png"); m_startStopButton->setIcon(startIcon); m_startStopButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { background-color : blue; }"); m_startStopButton->setToolTip("Start all devices in workspace"); } else { QIcon stopIcon(":/stop.png"); m_startStopButton->setIcon(stopIcon); m_startStopButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { background-color : green; }"); m_startStopButton->setToolTip("Stop all devices in workspace"); } } void Workspace::deviceStateChanged(int index, DeviceAPI *deviceAPI) { if (deviceAPI->getWorkspaceIndex() == m_index) { // Check state of all devices in workspace, to see if any are running or have errors bool running = false; bool error = false; std::vector deviceSets = MainCore::instance()->getDeviceSets(); for (auto deviceSet : deviceSets) { DeviceAPI::EngineState state = deviceSet->m_deviceAPI->state(); if (state == DeviceAPI::StRunning) { running = true; } else if (state == DeviceAPI::StError) { error = true; } } // Update start/stop button to reflect current state of devices updateStartStopButton(running); m_startStopButton->setChecked(running); if (error) { m_startStopButton->setStyleSheet("QToolButton { background-color : red; }"); } } } void Workspace::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { QDockWidget::resizeEvent(event); layoutSubWindows(); } void Workspace::addToMdiArea(QMdiSubWindow *sub) { // Add event handler to auto-stack when sub window shown or hidden sub->installEventFilter(this); // Can't use Close event, as it's before window is closed, so // catch sub-window destroyed signal instead connect(sub, &QObject::destroyed, this, &Workspace::layoutSubWindows); m_mdi->addSubWindow(sub); sub->show(); // Auto-stack when sub-window's widgets are rolled up ChannelGUI *channel = qobject_cast(sub); if (channel) { connect(channel->getRollupContents(), &RollupContents::widgetRolled, this, &Workspace::layoutSubWindows); } FeatureGUI *feature = qobject_cast(sub); if (feature) { connect(feature->getRollupContents(), &RollupContents::widgetRolled, this, &Workspace::layoutSubWindows); } if (m_tabSubWindows->isChecked()) { sub->showMaximized(); } } void Workspace::removeFromMdiArea(QMdiSubWindow *sub) { m_mdi->removeSubWindow(sub); sub->removeEventFilter(this); disconnect(sub, &QObject::destroyed, this, &Workspace::layoutSubWindows); ChannelGUI *channel = qobject_cast(sub); if (channel) { disconnect(channel->getRollupContents(), &RollupContents::widgetRolled, this, &Workspace::layoutSubWindows); } FeatureGUI *feature = qobject_cast(sub); if (feature) { disconnect(feature->getRollupContents(), &RollupContents::widgetRolled, this, &Workspace::layoutSubWindows); } } bool Workspace::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Show) { QWidget *widget = qobject_cast(obj); if (!widget->isMaximized()) { layoutSubWindows(); } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Hide) { QWidget *widget = qobject_cast(obj); if (!widget->isMaximized()) { layoutSubWindows(); } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Resize) { if (!m_stacking && m_autoStack) { QWidget *widget = qobject_cast(obj); QResizeEvent *resizeEvent = static_cast(event); ChannelGUI *channel = qobject_cast(obj); if (channel && !widget->isMaximized()) { // When maximizing, we can get resize event where isMaximized is false, even though it should be true, // but we can tell as window size matches mdi size if (m_mdi->size() != resizeEvent->size()) { // Allow width of channels column to be set by user when they // resize a channel window m_userChannelMinWidth = resizeEvent->size().width(); stackSubWindows(); } } } } return QDockWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); } int Workspace::getNumberOfSubWindows() const { return m_mdi->subWindowList().size(); } QByteArray Workspace::saveMdiGeometry() { return qCompress(m_mdi->saveGeometry()); } void Workspace::restoreMdiGeometry(const QByteArray& blob) { m_mdi->restoreGeometry(qUncompress(blob)); m_mdi->restoreGeometry(qUncompress(blob)); } bool Workspace::getAutoStackOption() const { return m_autoStack; } void Workspace::setAutoStackOption(bool autoStack) { m_autoStack = autoStack; if (!m_autoStack) { m_stackSubWindows->setStyleSheet(QString("QPushButton{ background-color: %1; }") .arg(palette().button().color().name())); } else { m_stackSubWindows->setStyleSheet(QString("QPushButton{ background-color: %1; }") .arg(palette().highlight().color().darker(150).name())); stackSubWindows(); } } bool Workspace::getTabSubWindowsOption() const { return m_tabSubWindows->isChecked(); } void Workspace::setTabSubWindowsOption(bool tab) { m_tabSubWindows->doToggle(tab); if (tab) { tabSubWindows(); } else { m_mdi->setViewMode(QMdiArea::SubWindowView); } } void Workspace::adjustSubWindowsAfterRestore() { QList subWindowList = m_mdi->subWindowList(); for (auto& subWindow : subWindowList) { if ((subWindow->y() >= 20) && (subWindow->y() < 40)) { subWindow->move(subWindow->x(), subWindow->y() - 20); } if (qobject_cast(subWindow)) { subWindow->resize(subWindow->width(), subWindow->height() - 22); } if (qobject_cast(subWindow)) { subWindow->resize(subWindow->width(), subWindow->height() - 8); } } }