/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2017 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include "dsp/dspcommands.h" #include "device/deviceapi.h" #include "util/db.h" #include "util/messagequeue.h" #include "atvmodreport.h" #include "atvmodsource.h" const float ATVModSource::m_blackLevel = 0.3f; const float ATVModSource::m_spanLevel = 0.7f; const int ATVModSource::m_levelNbSamples = 10000; // every 10ms const int ATVModSource::m_nbBars = 6; const int ATVModSource::m_cameraFPSTestNbFrames = 100; const int ATVModSource::m_ssbFftLen = 1024; ATVModSource::ATVModSource() : m_outputSampleRate(1000000), m_inputFrequencyOffset(0), m_modPhasor(0.0f), m_tvSampleRate(1000000), m_evenImage(true), m_settingsMutex(QMutex::Recursive), m_horizontalCount(0), m_lineCount(0), m_imageOK(false), m_videoFPSq(1.0f), m_videoFPSCount(0.0f), m_videoPrevFPSCount(0), m_videoEOF(false), m_videoOK(false), m_cameraIndex(-1), //m_showOverlayText(false), m_SSBFilter(nullptr), m_SSBFilterBuffer(nullptr), m_SSBFilterBufferIndex(0), m_DSBFilter(nullptr), m_DSBFilterBuffer(nullptr), m_DSBFilterBufferIndex(0), m_messageQueueToGUI(nullptr) { scanCameras(); m_SSBFilter = new fftfilt(0, m_settings.m_rfBandwidth / m_outputSampleRate, m_ssbFftLen); m_SSBFilterBuffer = new Complex[m_ssbFftLen>>1]; // filter returns data exactly half of its size memset(m_SSBFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(Complex)*(m_ssbFftLen>>1)); m_DSBFilter = new fftfilt((2.0f * m_settings.m_rfBandwidth) / m_outputSampleRate, 2 * m_ssbFftLen); m_DSBFilterBuffer = new Complex[m_ssbFftLen]; memset(m_DSBFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(Complex)*(m_ssbFftLen)); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = 0.0f; m_interpolatorDistance = 1.0f; applyChannelSettings(m_outputSampleRate, m_inputFrequencyOffset, true); applySettings(m_settings, true); // does applyStandard() too; } ATVModSource::~ATVModSource() { if (m_video.isOpened()) { m_video.release(); } releaseCameras(); delete m_SSBFilter; delete m_DSBFilter; delete[] m_SSBFilterBuffer; delete[] m_DSBFilterBuffer; } void ATVModSource::pull(SampleVector::iterator begin, unsigned int nbSamples) { std::for_each( begin, begin + nbSamples, [this](Sample& s) { pullOne(s); } ); } void ATVModSource::prefetch(unsigned int nbSamples) { (void) nbSamples; } void ATVModSource::pullOne(Sample& sample) { if (m_settings.m_channelMute) { sample.m_real = 0.0f; sample.m_imag = 0.0f; return; } Complex ci; m_settingsMutex.lock(); if ((m_tvSampleRate == m_outputSampleRate) && (!m_settings.m_forceDecimator)) // no interpolation nor decimation { modulateSample(); pullFinalize(m_modSample, sample); } else { if (m_interpolatorDistance > 1.0f) // decimate { modulateSample(); while (!m_interpolator.decimate(&m_interpolatorDistanceRemain, m_modSample, &ci)) { modulateSample(); } } else { if (m_interpolator.interpolate(&m_interpolatorDistanceRemain, m_modSample, &ci)) { modulateSample(); } } m_interpolatorDistanceRemain += m_interpolatorDistance; pullFinalize(ci, sample); } } void ATVModSource::pullFinalize(Complex& ci, Sample& sample) { ci *= m_carrierNco.nextIQ(); // shift to carrier frequency m_settingsMutex.unlock(); double magsq = ci.real() * ci.real() + ci.imag() * ci.imag(); magsq /= (SDR_TX_SCALED*SDR_TX_SCALED); m_movingAverage(magsq); sample.m_real = (FixReal) ci.real(); sample.m_imag = (FixReal) ci.imag(); } void ATVModSource::modulateSample() { Real t; pullVideo(t); calculateLevel(t); t = m_settings.m_invertedVideo ? 1.0f - t : t; switch (m_settings.m_atvModulation) { case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationFM: // FM half bandwidth deviation m_modPhasor += (t - 0.5f) * m_settings.m_fmExcursion * 2.0f * M_PI; if (m_modPhasor > 2.0f * M_PI) m_modPhasor -= 2.0f * M_PI; // limit growth if (m_modPhasor < 2.0f * M_PI) m_modPhasor += 2.0f * M_PI; // limit growth m_modSample.real(cos(m_modPhasor) * m_settings.m_rfScalingFactor); // -1 dB m_modSample.imag(sin(m_modPhasor) * m_settings.m_rfScalingFactor); break; case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationLSB: case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationUSB: m_modSample = modulateSSB(t); m_modSample *= m_settings.m_rfScalingFactor; break; case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationVestigialLSB: case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationVestigialUSB: m_modSample = modulateVestigialSSB(t); m_modSample *= m_settings.m_rfScalingFactor; break; case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationAM: // AM 90% default: m_modSample.real((t*1.8f + 0.1f) * (m_settings.m_rfScalingFactor/2.0f)); // modulate and scale zero frequency carrier m_modSample.imag(0.0f); } } Complex& ATVModSource::modulateSSB(Real& sample) { int n_out; Complex ci(sample, 0.0f); fftfilt::cmplx *filtered; n_out = m_SSBFilter->runSSB(ci, &filtered, m_settings.m_atvModulation == ATVModSettings::ATVModulationUSB); if (n_out > 0) { memcpy((void *) m_SSBFilterBuffer, (const void *) filtered, n_out*sizeof(Complex)); m_SSBFilterBufferIndex = 0; } m_SSBFilterBufferIndex++; return m_SSBFilterBuffer[m_SSBFilterBufferIndex-1]; } Complex& ATVModSource::modulateVestigialSSB(Real& sample) { int n_out; Complex ci(sample, 0.0f); fftfilt::cmplx *filtered; n_out = m_DSBFilter->runAsym(ci, &filtered, m_settings.m_atvModulation == ATVModSettings::ATVModulationVestigialUSB); if (n_out > 0) { memcpy((void *) m_DSBFilterBuffer, (const void *) filtered, n_out*sizeof(Complex)); m_DSBFilterBufferIndex = 0; } m_DSBFilterBufferIndex++; return m_DSBFilterBuffer[m_DSBFilterBufferIndex-1]; } void ATVModSource::pullVideo(Real& sample) { if ((m_settings.m_atvStd == ATVModSettings::ATVStdHSkip) && (m_lineCount == m_nbLines2)) // last line in skip mode { pullImageLine(sample, true); // pull image line without sync } else if (m_lineCount < m_nbLines2 + 1) // even image or non interlaced { int iLine = m_lineCount; if (iLine < m_nbSyncLinesHeadE + m_nbBlankLines) { pullVSyncLine(sample); } else if (iLine > m_nbLines2 - m_nbSyncLinesBottom) { pullVSyncLine(sample); } else { pullImageLine(sample); } } else // odd image { int iLine = m_lineCount - m_nbLines2 - 1; if (iLine < m_nbSyncLinesHeadO + m_nbBlankLines) { pullVSyncLine(sample); } else if (iLine > m_nbLines2 - 1 - m_nbSyncLinesBottom) { pullVSyncLine(sample); } else { pullImageLine(sample); } } if (m_horizontalCount < m_nbHorizPoints - 1) { m_horizontalCount++; } else { if (m_lineCount < m_nbLines - 1) { m_lineCount++; if (m_lineCount > (m_nbLines/2)) m_evenImage = !m_evenImage; } else // new image { m_lineCount = 0; m_evenImage = !m_evenImage; if ((m_settings.m_atvModInput == ATVModSettings::ATVModInputVideo) && m_videoOK && (m_settings.m_videoPlay) && !m_videoEOF) { int grabOK = 0; int fpsIncrement = (int) m_videoFPSCount - m_videoPrevFPSCount; // move a number of frames according to increment // use grab to test for EOF then retrieve to preserve last valid frame as the current original frame // TODO: handle pause (no move) for (int i = 0; i < fpsIncrement; i++) { grabOK = m_video.grab(); if (!grabOK) break; } if (grabOK) { cv::Mat colorFrame; m_video.retrieve(colorFrame); if (!colorFrame.empty()) // some frames may not come out properly { if (m_settings.m_showOverlayText) { mixImageAndText(colorFrame); } cv::cvtColor(colorFrame, m_videoframeOriginal, CV_BGR2GRAY); resizeVideo(); } } else { if (m_settings.m_videoPlayLoop) { // play loop seekVideoFileStream(0); } else { // stops m_videoEOF = true; } } if (m_videoFPSCount < m_videoFPS) { m_videoPrevFPSCount = (int) m_videoFPSCount; m_videoFPSCount += m_videoFPSq; } else { m_videoPrevFPSCount = 0; m_videoFPSCount = m_videoFPSq; } } else if ((m_settings.m_atvModInput == ATVModSettings::ATVModInputCamera) && (m_settings.m_cameraPlay)) { ATVCamera& camera = m_cameras[m_cameraIndex]; if (camera.m_videoFPS < 0.0f) // default frame rate when it could not be obtained via get { time_t start, end; cv::Mat frame; if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData::create( camera.m_cameraNumber, 0.0f, camera.m_videoFPSManual, camera.m_videoFPSManualEnable, camera.m_videoWidth, camera.m_videoHeight, 1); // open splash screen on GUI side getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } int nbFrames = 0; time(&start); for (int i = 0; i < m_cameraFPSTestNbFrames; i++) { camera.m_camera >> frame; if (!frame.empty()) nbFrames++; } time(&end); double seconds = difftime (end, start); // take a 10% guard and divide bandwidth between all cameras as a hideous hack camera.m_videoFPS = ((nbFrames / seconds) * 0.9) / m_cameras.size(); camera.m_videoFPSq = camera.m_videoFPS / m_fps; camera.m_videoFPSCount = camera.m_videoFPSq; camera.m_videoPrevFPSCount = 0; if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData::create( camera.m_cameraNumber, camera.m_videoFPS, camera.m_videoFPSManual, camera.m_videoFPSManualEnable, camera.m_videoWidth, camera.m_videoHeight, 2); // close splash screen on GUI side getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } else if (camera.m_videoFPS == 0.0f) // Hideous hack for windows { camera.m_videoFPS = 5.0f; camera.m_videoFPSq = camera.m_videoFPS / m_fps; camera.m_videoFPSCount = camera.m_videoFPSq; camera.m_videoPrevFPSCount = 0; if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData::create( camera.m_cameraNumber, camera.m_videoFPS, camera.m_videoFPSManual, camera.m_videoFPSManualEnable, camera.m_videoWidth, camera.m_videoHeight, 0); getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } int fpsIncrement = (int) camera.m_videoFPSCount - camera.m_videoPrevFPSCount; // move a number of frames according to increment // use grab to test for EOF then retrieve to preserve last valid frame as the current original frame cv::Mat colorFrame; int grabOK = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fpsIncrement; i++) { grabOK = camera.m_camera.grab(); if (!grabOK) break; // camera.m_camera >> colorFrame; // if (colorFrame.empty()) break; } if (grabOK) { camera.m_camera.retrieve(colorFrame); } if (!colorFrame.empty()) // some frames may not come out properly { if (m_settings.m_showOverlayText) { mixImageAndText(colorFrame); } cv::cvtColor(colorFrame, camera.m_videoframeOriginal, CV_BGR2GRAY); resizeCamera(); } if (camera.m_videoFPSCount < (camera.m_videoFPSManualEnable ? camera.m_videoFPSManual : camera.m_videoFPS)) { camera.m_videoPrevFPSCount = (int) camera.m_videoFPSCount; camera.m_videoFPSCount += (camera.m_videoFPSManualEnable ? camera.m_videoFPSqManual : camera.m_videoFPSq); } else { camera.m_videoPrevFPSCount = 0; camera.m_videoFPSCount = (camera.m_videoFPSManualEnable ? camera.m_videoFPSqManual : camera.m_videoFPSq); } } } m_horizontalCount = 0; } } void ATVModSource::calculateLevel(Real& sample) { if (m_levelCalcCount < m_levelNbSamples) { m_peakLevel = std::max(std::fabs(m_peakLevel), sample); m_levelSum += sample * sample; m_levelCalcCount++; } else { m_rmsLevel = std::sqrt(m_levelSum / m_levelNbSamples); m_peakLevelOut = m_peakLevel; m_peakLevel = 0.0f; m_levelSum = 0.0f; m_levelCalcCount = 0; } } void ATVModSource::getBaseValues(int outputSampleRate, int linesPerSecond, int& sampleRateUnits, uint32_t& nbPointsPerRateUnit) { int maxPoints = outputSampleRate / linesPerSecond; int i = maxPoints; for (; i > 0; i--) { if ((i * linesPerSecond) % 10 == 0) break; } nbPointsPerRateUnit = i == 0 ? maxPoints : i; sampleRateUnits = nbPointsPerRateUnit * linesPerSecond; } float ATVModSource::getRFBandwidthDivisor(ATVModSettings::ATVModulation modulation) { switch(modulation) { case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationLSB: case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationUSB: case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationVestigialLSB: case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationVestigialUSB: return 1.05f; break; case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationAM: case ATVModSettings::ATVModulationFM: default: return 2.2f; } } void ATVModSource::applyStandard() { m_pointsPerSync = (uint32_t) ((4.7f / 64.0f) * m_pointsPerLine); m_pointsPerBP = (uint32_t) ((4.7f / 64.0f) * m_pointsPerLine); m_pointsPerFP = (uint32_t) ((2.6f / 64.0f) * m_pointsPerLine); m_pointsPerFSync = (uint32_t) ((2.3f / 64.0f) * m_pointsPerLine); m_pointsPerImgLine = m_pointsPerLine - m_pointsPerSync - m_pointsPerBP - m_pointsPerFP; m_nbHorizPoints = m_pointsPerLine; m_pointsPerHBar = m_pointsPerImgLine / m_nbBars; m_hBarIncrement = m_spanLevel / (float) m_nbBars; m_vBarIncrement = m_spanLevel / (float) m_nbBars; m_nbLines = m_settings.m_nbLines; m_nbLines2 = m_nbLines / 2; m_fps = m_settings.m_fps * 1.0f; // qDebug() << "ATVMod::applyStandard: " // << " m_nbLines: " << m_config.m_nbLines // << " m_fps: " << m_config.m_fps // << " rateUnits: " << rateUnits // << " nbPointsPerRateUnit: " << nbPointsPerRateUnit // << " m_tvSampleRate: " << m_tvSampleRate // << " m_pointsPerTU: " << m_pointsPerTU; switch(m_settings.m_atvStd) { case ATVModSettings::ATVStdHSkip: m_nbImageLines = m_nbLines; // lines less the total number of sync lines m_nbImageLines2 = m_nbImageLines; // force non interleaved for vbars m_interleaved = false; m_nbSyncLinesHeadE = 0; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame even m_nbSyncLinesHeadO = 0; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame odd m_nbSyncLinesBottom = -1; // force no vsync in even block m_nbLongSyncLines = 0; m_nbHalfLongSync = 0; m_nbWholeEqLines = 0; m_singleLongSync = true; m_nbBlankLines = 0; m_blankLineLvel = 0.7f; m_nbLines2 = m_nbLines - 1; break; case ATVModSettings::ATVStdShort: m_nbImageLines = m_nbLines - 2; // lines less the total number of sync lines m_nbImageLines2 = m_nbImageLines; // force non interleaved for vbars m_interleaved = false; m_nbSyncLinesHeadE = 1; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame even m_nbSyncLinesHeadO = 1; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame odd m_nbSyncLinesBottom = 0; m_nbLongSyncLines = 1; m_nbHalfLongSync = 0; m_nbWholeEqLines = 0; m_singleLongSync = true; m_nbBlankLines = 1; m_blankLineLvel = 0.7f; m_nbLines2 = m_nbLines; // force non interleaved => treated as even for all lines break; case ATVModSettings::ATVStdShortInterleaved: m_nbImageLines = m_nbLines - 2; // lines less the total number of sync lines m_nbImageLines2 = m_nbImageLines / 2; m_interleaved = true; m_nbSyncLinesHeadE = 1; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame even m_nbSyncLinesHeadO = 1; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame odd m_nbSyncLinesBottom = 0; m_nbLongSyncLines = 1; m_nbHalfLongSync = 0; m_nbWholeEqLines = 0; m_singleLongSync = true; m_nbBlankLines = 1; m_blankLineLvel = 0.7f; break; case ATVModSettings::ATVStd405: // Follows loosely the 405 lines standard m_nbImageLines = m_nbLines - 15; // lines less the total number of sync lines m_nbImageLines2 = m_nbImageLines / 2; m_interleaved = true; m_nbSyncLinesHeadE = 5; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame even m_nbSyncLinesHeadO = 4; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame odd m_nbSyncLinesBottom = 3; m_nbLongSyncLines = 2; m_nbHalfLongSync = 1; m_nbWholeEqLines = 2; m_singleLongSync = false; m_nbBlankLines = 7; // yields 376 lines (195 - 7) * 2 m_blankLineLvel = m_blackLevel; break; case ATVModSettings::ATVStdPAL525: // Follows PAL-M standard m_nbImageLines = m_nbLines - 15; m_nbImageLines2 = m_nbImageLines / 2; m_interleaved = true; m_nbSyncLinesHeadE = 5; m_nbSyncLinesHeadO = 4; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame odd m_nbSyncLinesBottom = 3; m_nbLongSyncLines = 2; m_nbHalfLongSync = 1; m_nbWholeEqLines = 2; m_singleLongSync = false; m_nbBlankLines = 15; // yields 480 lines (255 - 15) * 2 m_blankLineLvel = m_blackLevel; break; case ATVModSettings::ATVStdPAL625: // Follows PAL-B/G/H standard default: m_nbImageLines = m_nbLines - 15; m_nbImageLines2 = m_nbImageLines / 2; m_interleaved = true; m_nbSyncLinesHeadE = 5; m_nbSyncLinesHeadO = 4; // number of sync lines on the top of a frame odd m_nbSyncLinesBottom = 3; m_nbLongSyncLines = 2; m_nbHalfLongSync = 1; m_nbWholeEqLines = 2; m_singleLongSync = false; m_nbBlankLines = 17; // yields 576 lines (305 - 17) * 2 m_blankLineLvel = m_blackLevel; } m_linesPerVBar = m_nbImageLines2 / m_nbBars; if (m_imageOK) { resizeImage(); } if (m_videoOK) { calculateVideoSizes(); resizeVideo(); } calculateCamerasSizes(); } void ATVModSource::openImage(const QString& fileName) { m_imageFromFile = cv::imread(qPrintable(fileName), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); m_imageOK = m_imageFromFile.data != 0; if (m_imageOK) { m_settings.m_imageFileName = fileName; m_imageFromFile.copyTo(m_imageOriginal); if (m_settings.m_showOverlayText) { mixImageAndText(m_imageOriginal); } resizeImage(); } else { m_settings.m_imageFileName.clear(); qDebug("ATVModSource::openImage: cannot open image file %s", qPrintable(fileName)); } } void ATVModSource::openVideo(const QString& fileName) { //if (m_videoOK && m_video.isOpened()) m_video.release(); should be done by OpenCV in open method m_videoOK = m_video.open(qPrintable(fileName)); if (m_videoOK) { m_settings.m_videoFileName = fileName; m_videoFPS = m_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); m_videoWidth = (int) m_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); m_videoHeight = (int) m_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); m_videoLength = (int) m_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); int ex = static_cast(m_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC)); char ext[] = {(char)(ex & 0XFF),(char)((ex & 0XFF00) >> 8),(char)((ex & 0XFF0000) >> 16),(char)((ex & 0XFF000000) >> 24),0}; qDebug("ATVModSource::openVideo: %s FPS: %f size: %d x %d #frames: %d codec: %s", m_video.isOpened() ? "OK" : "KO", m_videoFPS, m_videoWidth, m_videoHeight, m_videoLength, ext); calculateVideoSizes(); m_videoEOF = false; if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportVideoFileSourceStreamData *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportVideoFileSourceStreamData::create(m_videoFPS, m_videoLength); getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } else { m_settings.m_videoFileName.clear(); qDebug("ATVModSource::openVideo: cannot open video file %s", qPrintable(fileName)); } } void ATVModSource::resizeImage() { float fy = (m_nbImageLines - 2*m_nbBlankLines) / (float) m_imageOriginal.rows; float fx = m_pointsPerImgLine / (float) m_imageOriginal.cols; cv::resize(m_imageOriginal, m_image, cv::Size(), fx, fy); qDebug("ATVModSource::resizeImage: %d x %d -> %d x %d", m_imageOriginal.cols, m_imageOriginal.rows, m_image.cols, m_image.rows); } void ATVModSource::calculateVideoSizes() { m_videoFy = (m_nbImageLines - 2*m_nbBlankLines) / (float) m_videoHeight; m_videoFx = m_pointsPerImgLine / (float) m_videoWidth; m_videoFPSq = m_videoFPS / m_fps; m_videoFPSCount = m_videoFPSq; m_videoPrevFPSCount = 0; qDebug("ATVModSource::calculateVideoSizes: factors: %f x %f FPSq: %f", m_videoFx, m_videoFy, m_videoFPSq); } void ATVModSource::resizeVideo() { if (!m_videoframeOriginal.empty()) { cv::resize(m_videoframeOriginal, m_videoFrame, cv::Size(), m_videoFx, m_videoFy); // resize current frame } } void ATVModSource::calculateCamerasSizes() { for (std::vector::iterator it = m_cameras.begin(); it != m_cameras.end(); ++it) { it->m_videoFy = (m_nbImageLines - 2*m_nbBlankLines) / (float) it->m_videoHeight; it->m_videoFx = m_pointsPerImgLine / (float) it->m_videoWidth; it->m_videoFPSq = it->m_videoFPS / m_fps; it->m_videoFPSqManual = it->m_videoFPSManual / m_fps; it->m_videoFPSCount = 0; //it->m_videoFPSq; it->m_videoPrevFPSCount = 0; qDebug("ATVModSource::calculateCamerasSizes: [%d] factors: %f x %f FPSq: %f", (int) (it - m_cameras.begin()), it->m_videoFx, it->m_videoFy, it->m_videoFPSq); } } void ATVModSource::resizeCameras() { for (std::vector::iterator it = m_cameras.begin(); it != m_cameras.end(); ++it) { if (!it->m_videoframeOriginal.empty()) { cv::resize(it->m_videoframeOriginal, it->m_videoFrame, cv::Size(), it->m_videoFx, it->m_videoFy); // resize current frame } } } void ATVModSource::resizeCamera() { if (!m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoframeOriginal.empty()) { cv::resize(m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoframeOriginal, m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoFrame, cv::Size(), m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoFx, m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoFy); // resize current frame } } void ATVModSource::seekVideoFileStream(int seekPercentage) { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_settingsMutex); if ((m_videoOK) && m_video.isOpened()) { int seekPoint = ((m_videoLength * seekPercentage) / 100); m_video.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, seekPoint); m_videoFPSCount = m_videoFPSq; m_videoPrevFPSCount = 0; m_videoEOF = false; } } void ATVModSource::scanCameras() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ATVCamera newCamera; m_cameras.push_back(newCamera); m_cameras.back().m_cameraNumber = i; m_cameras.back().m_camera.open(i); if (m_cameras.back().m_camera.isOpened()) { m_cameras.back().m_videoFPS = m_cameras.back().m_camera.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); m_cameras.back().m_videoWidth = (int) m_cameras.back().m_camera.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); m_cameras.back().m_videoHeight = (int) m_cameras.back().m_camera.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); //m_cameras.back().m_videoFPS = m_cameras.back().m_videoFPS < 0 ? 16.3f : m_cameras.back().m_videoFPS; qDebug("ATVModSource::scanCameras: [%d] FPS: %f %dx%d", i, m_cameras.back().m_videoFPS, m_cameras.back().m_videoWidth , m_cameras.back().m_videoHeight); } else { m_cameras.pop_back(); } } if (m_cameras.size() > 0) { calculateCamerasSizes(); m_cameraIndex = 0; } } void ATVModSource::releaseCameras() { for (std::vector::iterator it = m_cameras.begin(); it != m_cameras.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_camera.isOpened()) it->m_camera.release(); } } void ATVModSource::getCameraNumbers(std::vector& numbers) { for (std::vector::iterator it = m_cameras.begin(); it != m_cameras.end(); ++it) { numbers.push_back(it->m_cameraNumber); } if (m_cameras.size() > 0) { m_cameraIndex = 0; if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData::create( m_cameras[0].m_cameraNumber, m_cameras[0].m_videoFPS, m_cameras[0].m_videoFPSManual, m_cameras[0].m_videoFPSManualEnable, m_cameras[0].m_videoWidth, m_cameras[0].m_videoHeight, 0); getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } } void ATVModSource::mixImageAndText(cv::Mat& image) { int fontFace = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN; double fontScale = image.rows / 100.0; int thickness = image.cols / 160; int baseline=0; fontScale = fontScale < 4.0f ? 4.0f : fontScale; // minimum size cv::Size textSize = cv::getTextSize(m_settings.m_overlayText.toStdString(), fontFace, fontScale, thickness, &baseline); baseline += thickness; // position the text in the top left corner cv::Point textOrg(6, textSize.height+10); // then put the text itself cv::putText(image, m_settings.m_overlayText.toStdString(), textOrg, fontFace, fontScale, cv::Scalar::all(255*m_settings.m_uniformLevel), thickness, CV_AA); } void ATVModSource::applyChannelSettings(int outputSampleRate, int inputFrequencyOffset, bool force) { qDebug() << "ATVModSource::applyChannelSettings:" << " outputSampleRate: " << outputSampleRate << " inputFrequencyOffset: " << inputFrequencyOffset; if ((inputFrequencyOffset != m_inputFrequencyOffset) || (outputSampleRate != m_outputSampleRate) || force) { m_settingsMutex.lock(); m_carrierNco.setFreq(inputFrequencyOffset, outputSampleRate); m_settingsMutex.unlock(); } if ((outputSampleRate != m_outputSampleRate) || force) { getBaseValues(outputSampleRate, m_settings.m_nbLines * m_settings.m_fps, m_tvSampleRate, m_pointsPerLine); m_settingsMutex.lock(); if (m_tvSampleRate > 0) { m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = 0; m_interpolatorDistance = (Real) m_tvSampleRate / (Real) outputSampleRate; m_interpolator.create(32, m_tvSampleRate, m_settings.m_rfBandwidth / getRFBandwidthDivisor(m_settings.m_atvModulation), 3.0); } else { m_tvSampleRate = outputSampleRate; } m_SSBFilter->create_filter(0, m_settings.m_rfBandwidth / m_tvSampleRate); memset(m_SSBFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(Complex)*(m_ssbFftLen>>1)); m_SSBFilterBufferIndex = 0; applyStandard(); // set all timings m_settingsMutex.unlock(); if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportEffectiveSampleRate *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportEffectiveSampleRate::create(m_tvSampleRate, m_pointsPerLine); getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } m_outputSampleRate = outputSampleRate; m_inputFrequencyOffset = inputFrequencyOffset; } void ATVModSource::applySettings(const ATVModSettings& settings, bool force) { qDebug() << "ATVModSource::applySettings:" << " m_inputFrequencyOffset: " << settings.m_inputFrequencyOffset << " m_rfBandwidth: " << settings.m_rfBandwidth << " m_rfOppBandwidth: " << settings.m_rfOppBandwidth << " m_atvStd: " << (int) settings.m_atvStd << " m_nbLines: " << settings.m_nbLines << " m_fps: " << settings.m_fps << " m_atvModInput: " << (int) settings.m_atvModInput << " m_uniformLevel: " << settings.m_uniformLevel << " m_atvModulation: " << (int) settings.m_atvModulation << " m_videoPlayLoop: " << settings.m_videoPlayLoop << " m_videoPlay: " << settings.m_videoPlay << " m_cameraPlay: " << settings.m_cameraPlay << " m_channelMute: " << settings.m_channelMute << " m_invertedVideo: " << settings.m_invertedVideo << " m_rfScalingFactor: " << settings.m_rfScalingFactor << " m_fmExcursion: " << settings.m_fmExcursion << " m_forceDecimator: " << settings.m_forceDecimator << " m_showOverlayText: " << settings.m_showOverlayText << " m_overlayText: " << settings.m_overlayText << " force: " << force; if ((settings.m_atvStd != m_settings.m_atvStd) || (settings.m_nbLines != m_settings.m_nbLines) || (settings.m_fps != m_settings.m_fps) || (settings.m_rfBandwidth != m_settings.m_rfBandwidth) || (settings.m_atvModulation != m_settings.m_atvModulation) || force) { getBaseValues(m_outputSampleRate, settings.m_nbLines * settings.m_fps, m_tvSampleRate, m_pointsPerLine); m_settingsMutex.lock(); if (m_tvSampleRate > 0) { m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = 0; m_interpolatorDistance = (Real) m_tvSampleRate / (Real) m_outputSampleRate; m_interpolator.create(32, m_tvSampleRate, settings.m_rfBandwidth / getRFBandwidthDivisor(settings.m_atvModulation), 3.0); } m_SSBFilter->create_filter(0, settings.m_rfBandwidth / m_tvSampleRate); memset(m_SSBFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(Complex)*(m_ssbFftLen>>1)); m_SSBFilterBufferIndex = 0; applyStandard(); // set all timings m_settingsMutex.unlock(); if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportEffectiveSampleRate *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportEffectiveSampleRate::create(m_tvSampleRate, m_pointsPerLine); getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } if ((settings.m_rfOppBandwidth != m_settings.m_rfOppBandwidth) || (settings.m_rfBandwidth != m_settings.m_rfBandwidth) || (settings.m_nbLines != m_settings.m_nbLines) // difference in line period may have changed TV sample rate || (settings.m_fps != m_settings.m_fps) // || force) { m_settingsMutex.lock(); m_DSBFilter->create_asym_filter(settings.m_rfOppBandwidth / m_tvSampleRate, settings.m_rfBandwidth / m_tvSampleRate); memset(m_DSBFilterBuffer, 0, sizeof(Complex)*(m_ssbFftLen)); m_DSBFilterBufferIndex = 0; m_settingsMutex.unlock(); } if ((settings.m_showOverlayText != m_settings.m_showOverlayText) || force) { if (!m_imageFromFile.empty()) { m_imageFromFile.copyTo(m_imageOriginal); if (settings.m_showOverlayText) { qDebug("ATVModSource::applySettings: set overlay text"); mixImageAndText(m_imageOriginal); } else{ qDebug("ATVModSource::applySettings: clear overlay text"); } resizeImage(); } } m_settings = settings; } void ATVModSource::reportVideoFileSourceStreamTiming() { int framesCount; if (m_videoOK && m_video.isOpened()) { framesCount = m_video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);; } else { framesCount = 0; } if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportVideoFileSourceStreamTiming *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportVideoFileSourceStreamTiming::create(framesCount); getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } void ATVModSource::configureCameraIndex(int index) { if (index < m_cameras.size()) { m_cameraIndex = index; if (getMessageQueueToGUI()) { ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData *report; report = ATVModReport::MsgReportCameraData::create( m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_cameraNumber, m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoFPS, m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoFPSManual, m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoFPSManualEnable, m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoWidth, m_cameras[m_cameraIndex].m_videoHeight, 0); getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(report); } } } void ATVModSource::configureCameraData(uint32_t index, float mnaualFPS, bool manualFPSEnable) { if (index < m_cameras.size()) { m_cameras[index].m_videoFPSManual = mnaualFPS; m_cameras[index].m_videoFPSManualEnable = manualFPSEnable; } }