/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2020 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #if (QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 6, 0)) #include #else #include #endif #include "util/osndb.h" QHash AircraftInformation::m_airlineIcons; QHash AircraftInformation::m_airlineMissingIcons; QHash AircraftInformation::m_flagIcons; QHash *AircraftInformation::m_prefixMap; QHash *AircraftInformation::m_militaryMap; QMutex AircraftInformation::m_mutex; QSharedPointer> OsnDB::m_aircraftInformation; QSharedPointer> OsnDB::m_aircraftInformationByReg; QDateTime OsnDB::m_modifiedDateTime; OsnDB::OsnDB(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { connect(&m_dlm, &HttpDownloadManager::downloadComplete, this, &OsnDB::downloadFinished); } OsnDB::~OsnDB() { disconnect(&m_dlm, &HttpDownloadManager::downloadComplete, this, &OsnDB::downloadFinished); } void OsnDB::downloadAircraftInformation() { QString filename = OsnDB::getOSNDBZipFilename(); QString urlString = OSNDB_URL; QUrl dbURL(urlString); qDebug() << "OsnDB::downloadAircraftInformation: Downloading " << urlString; emit downloadingURL(urlString); QNetworkReply *reply = m_dlm.download(dbURL, filename); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, [this](qint64 bytesRead, qint64 totalBytes) { emit downloadProgress(bytesRead, totalBytes); }); } void OsnDB::downloadFinished(const QString& filename, bool success) { if (!success) { qWarning() << "OsnDB::downloadFinished: Failed to download: " << filename; emit downloadError(QString("Failed to download: %1").arg(filename)); } else if (filename == OsnDB::getOSNDBZipFilename()) { // Extract .csv file from .zip file QZipReader reader(filename); QByteArray database = reader.fileData("media/data/samples/metadata/aircraftDatabase.csv"); if (database.size() > 0) { QFile file(OsnDB::getOSNDBFilename()); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { file.write(database); file.close(); emit downloadAircraftInformationFinished(); } else { qWarning() << "OsnDB::downloadFinished - Failed to open " << file.fileName() << " for writing"; emit downloadError(QString("Failed to open %1 for writing").arg(file.fileName())); } } else { qWarning() << "OsnDB::downloadFinished - aircraftDatabase.csv not in expected dir. Extracting all."; if (reader.extractAll(getDataDir())) { emit downloadAircraftInformationFinished(); } else { qWarning() << "OsnDB::downloadFinished - Failed to extract files from " << filename; emit downloadError(QString("Failed to extract files from ").arg(filename)); } } } else { qDebug() << "OsnDB::downloadFinished: Unexpected filename: " << filename; emit downloadError(QString("Unexpected filename: %1").arg(filename)); } } QSharedPointer> OsnDB::getAircraftInformation() { QFileInfo fastFileInfo(getFastDBFilename()); QFileInfo fullFileInfo(getOSNDBFilename()); QDateTime fastModifiedDateTime = fastFileInfo.lastModified(); QDateTime fullModifiedDateTime = fullFileInfo.lastModified(); // Update fast database, if full database is newer if (fullModifiedDateTime > fastModifiedDateTime) { qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::getAircraftInformation: Creating fast database"; m_aircraftInformation = QSharedPointer>(OsnDB::readOSNDB(getOSNDBFilename())); if (m_aircraftInformation) { OsnDB::writeFastDB(OsnDB::getFastDBFilename(), m_aircraftInformation.get()); fastModifiedDateTime = fastFileInfo.lastModified(); m_modifiedDateTime = fastModifiedDateTime; m_aircraftInformationByReg = QSharedPointer> (OsnDB::registrationHash(m_aircraftInformation.get())); } } if (!m_aircraftInformation || (fastModifiedDateTime > m_modifiedDateTime)) { m_aircraftInformation = QSharedPointer>(OsnDB::readFastDB(getFastDBFilename())); if (m_aircraftInformation) { m_modifiedDateTime = fastModifiedDateTime; m_aircraftInformationByReg = QSharedPointer> (OsnDB::registrationHash(m_aircraftInformation.get())); } } return m_aircraftInformation; } QSharedPointer> OsnDB::getAircraftInformationByReg() { getAircraftInformation(); return m_aircraftInformationByReg; } QHash *OsnDB::readOSNDB(const QString &filename) { int cnt = 0; QHash *aircraftInfo = nullptr; // Column numbers used for the data as of 2020/10/28 int icaoCol = 0; int registrationCol = 1; int manufacturerNameCol = 3; int modelCol = 4; int ownerCol = 13; int operatorCol = 9; int operatorICAOCol = 11; int registeredCol = 15; qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readOSNDB: " << filename; FILE *file; QByteArray utfFilename = filename.toUtf8(); if ((file = fopen(utfFilename.constData(), "r")) != NULL) { char row[2048]; if (fgets(row, sizeof(row), file)) { aircraftInfo = new QHash(); aircraftInfo->reserve(500000); // Read header int idx = 0; char *p = strtok(row, ","); while (p != NULL) { if (!strcmp(p, "icao24")) icaoCol = idx; else if (!strcmp(p, "registration")) registrationCol = idx; else if (!strcmp(p, "manufacturername")) manufacturerNameCol = idx; else if (!strcmp(p, "model")) modelCol = idx; else if (!strcmp(p, "owner")) ownerCol = idx; else if (!strcmp(p, "operator")) operatorCol = idx; else if (!strcmp(p, "operatoricao")) operatorICAOCol = idx; else if (!strcmp(p, "registered")) registeredCol = idx; p = strtok(NULL, ","); idx++; } // Read data while (fgets(row, sizeof(row), file)) { int icao = 0; char *icaoString = NULL; char *registration = NULL; size_t registrationLen = 0; char *manufacturerName = NULL; size_t manufacturerNameLen = 0; char *model = NULL; size_t modelLen = 0; char *owner = NULL; size_t ownerLen = 0; char *operatorName = NULL; size_t operatorNameLen = 0; char *operatorICAO = NULL; size_t operatorICAOLen = 0; char *registered = NULL; size_t registeredLen = 0; p = strtok(row, ","); idx = 0; while (p != NULL) { // Read strings, stripping quotes if (idx == icaoCol) { icaoString = p+1; icaoString[strlen(icaoString)-1] = '\0'; icao = strtol(icaoString, NULL, 16); // Ignore entries with uppercase - might be better to try and merge? // See: https://opensky-network.org/forum/bug-reports/652-are-the-aircraft-database-dumps-working for (int i = 0; icaoString[i] != '\0'; i++) { char c = icaoString[i]; if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) { icao = 0; break; } } } else if (idx == registrationCol) { registration = p+1; registrationLen = strlen(registration)-1; registration[registrationLen] = '\0'; } else if (idx == manufacturerNameCol) { manufacturerName = p+1; manufacturerNameLen = strlen(manufacturerName)-1; manufacturerName[manufacturerNameLen] = '\0'; } else if (idx == modelCol) { model = p+1; modelLen = strlen(model)-1; model[modelLen] = '\0'; } else if (idx == ownerCol) { owner = p+1; ownerLen = strlen(owner)-1; owner[ownerLen] = '\0'; } else if (idx == operatorCol) { operatorName = p+1; operatorNameLen = strlen(operatorName)-1; operatorName[operatorNameLen] = '\0'; } else if (idx == operatorICAOCol) { operatorICAO = p+1; operatorICAOLen = strlen(operatorICAO)-1; operatorICAO[operatorICAOLen] = '\0'; } else if (idx == registeredCol) { registered = p+1; registeredLen = strlen(registered)-1; registered[registeredLen] = '\0'; } p = strtok(NULL, ","); idx++; } // Only create the entry if we have some interesting data if ((icao != 0) && (registrationLen > 0 || modelLen > 0 || ownerLen > 0 || operatorNameLen > 0 || operatorICAOLen > 0)) { QString modelQ = QString(model); // Tidy up the model names if (modelQ.endsWith(" (Boeing)")) modelQ = modelQ.left(modelQ.size() - 9); else if (modelQ.startsWith("BOEING ")) modelQ = modelQ.right(modelQ.size() - 7); else if (modelQ.startsWith("Boeing ")) modelQ = modelQ.right(modelQ.size() - 7); else if (modelQ.startsWith("AIRBUS ")) modelQ = modelQ.right(modelQ.size() - 7); else if (modelQ.startsWith("Airbus ")) modelQ = modelQ.right(modelQ.size() - 7); else if (modelQ.endsWith(" (Cessna)")) modelQ = modelQ.left(modelQ.size() - 9); AircraftInformation *aircraft = new AircraftInformation(); aircraft->m_icao = icao; aircraft->m_registration = QString(registration); aircraft->m_manufacturerName = QString(manufacturerName); aircraft->m_model = modelQ; aircraft->m_owner = QString(owner); aircraft->m_operator = QString(operatorName); aircraft->m_operatorICAO = QString(operatorICAO); aircraft->m_registered = QString(registered); aircraftInfo->insert(icao, aircraft); cnt++; } } } fclose(file); } else qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readOSNDB: Failed to open " << filename; qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readOSNDB: Read " << cnt << " aircraft"; return aircraftInfo; } QHash *OsnDB::registrationHash(const QHash *in) { QHash *out = new QHash(); QHashIterator i(*in); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); AircraftInformation *info = i.value(); out->insert(info->m_registration, info); } return out; } bool OsnDB::writeFastDB(const QString &filename, const QHash *aircraftInfo) { QFile file(filename); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { file.write("icao24,registration,manufacturername,model,owner,operator,operatoricao,registered\n"); QHash::const_iterator i = aircraftInfo->begin(); while (i != aircraftInfo->end()) { AircraftInformation *info = i.value(); file.write(QString("%1").arg(info->m_icao, 1, 16).toUtf8()); file.write(","); file.write(info->m_registration.toUtf8()); file.write(","); file.write(info->m_manufacturerName.toUtf8()); file.write(","); file.write(info->m_model.toUtf8()); file.write(","); file.write(info->m_owner.toUtf8()); file.write(","); file.write(info->m_operator.toUtf8()); file.write(","); file.write(info->m_operatorICAO.toUtf8()); file.write(","); file.write(info->m_registered.toUtf8()); file.write("\n"); ++i; } file.close(); return true; } else { qCritical() << "AircraftInformation::writeFastDB failed to open " << filename << " for writing: " << file.errorString(); return false; } } QHash *OsnDB::readFastDB(const QString &filename) { int cnt = 0; QHash *aircraftInfo = nullptr; qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readFastDB: " << filename; FILE *file; QByteArray utfFilename = filename.toUtf8(); if ((file = fopen(utfFilename.constData(), "r")) != NULL) { char row[2048]; if (fgets(row, sizeof(row), file)) { // Check header if (!strcmp(row, "icao24,registration,manufacturername,model,owner,operator,operatoricao,registered\n")) { aircraftInfo = new QHash(); aircraftInfo->reserve(500000); // Read data while (fgets(row, sizeof(row), file)) { char *p = row; AircraftInformation *aircraft = new AircraftInformation(); char *icaoString = csvNext(&p); int icao = strtol(icaoString, NULL, 16); aircraft->m_icao = icao; aircraft->m_registration = QString(csvNext(&p)); aircraft->m_manufacturerName = QString(csvNext(&p)); aircraft->m_model = QString(csvNext(&p)); aircraft->m_owner = QString(csvNext(&p)); aircraft->m_operator = QString(csvNext(&p)); aircraft->m_operatorICAO = QString(csvNext(&p)); aircraft->m_registered = QString(csvNext(&p)); aircraftInfo->insert(icao, aircraft); cnt++; } } else qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readFastDB: Unexpected header"; } else qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readFastDB: Empty file"; fclose(file); } else qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readFastDB: Failed to open " << filename; qDebug() << "AircraftInformation::readFastDB - read " << cnt << " aircraft"; return aircraftInfo; } QString AircraftInformation::getFlag() const { QString flag; if (m_prefixMap) { int idx = m_registration.indexOf('-'); if (idx >= 0) { QString prefix; // Some countries use AA-A - try these first as first letters are common prefix = m_registration.left(idx + 2); if (m_prefixMap->contains(prefix)) { flag = m_prefixMap->value(prefix); } else { // Try letters before '-' prefix = m_registration.left(idx); // Both China and Taiwan use B prefix. China regs are <= 4 digits, with Taiwan 5 if (prefix == "B") { if (m_registration.size() >= 7) { flag = "taiwan"; } else { flag = "china"; } } else { if (m_prefixMap->contains(prefix)) { flag = m_prefixMap->value(prefix); } } } } else { // No '-' Could be one of a few countries or military. // See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aircraft_registration_prefixes if (m_registration.startsWith("N")) { flag = m_prefixMap->value("N"); // US } else if (m_registration.startsWith("JA")) { flag = m_prefixMap->value("JA"); // Japan } else if (m_registration.startsWith("HL")) { flag = m_prefixMap->value("HL"); // Korea } else if (m_registration.startsWith("YV")) { flag = m_prefixMap->value("YV"); // Venezuela } else if ((m_militaryMap != nullptr) && (m_militaryMap->contains(m_operator))) { flag = m_militaryMap->value(m_operator); } } } return flag; } QString AircraftInformation::getAirlineIconPath(const QString &operatorICAO) { QString endPath = QString("/airlinelogos/%1.bmp").arg(operatorICAO); // Try in user directory first, so they can customise QString userIconPath = OsnDB::getDataDir() + endPath; QFile file(userIconPath); if (file.exists()) { return userIconPath; } else { // Try in resources QString resourceIconPath = ":" + endPath; QResource resource(resourceIconPath); if (resource.isValid()) { return resourceIconPath; } } return QString(); } QIcon *AircraftInformation::getAirlineIcon(const QString &operatorICAO) { if (m_airlineIcons.contains(operatorICAO)) { return m_airlineIcons.value(operatorICAO); } else { QIcon *icon = nullptr; QString path = getAirlineIconPath(operatorICAO); if (!path.isEmpty()) { icon = new QIcon(path); m_airlineIcons.insert(operatorICAO, icon); } else { if (!m_airlineMissingIcons.contains(operatorICAO)) { qDebug() << "ADSBDemodGUI: No airline logo for " << operatorICAO; m_airlineMissingIcons.insert(operatorICAO, true); } } return icon; } } QString AircraftInformation::getFlagIconPath(const QString &country) { QString endPath = QString("/flags/%1.bmp").arg(country); // Try in user directory first, so they can customise QString userIconPath = OsnDB::getDataDir() + endPath; QFile file(userIconPath); if (file.exists()) { return userIconPath; } else { // Try in resources QString resourceIconPath = ":" + endPath; QResource resource(resourceIconPath); if (resource.isValid()) { return resourceIconPath; } } return QString(); } QString AircraftInformation::getFlagIconURL(const QString &country) { QString path = getFlagIconPath(country); if (path.startsWith(':')) { path = "qrc://" + path.mid(1); } return path; } QIcon *AircraftInformation::getFlagIcon(const QString &country) { if (m_flagIcons.contains(country)) { return m_flagIcons.value(country); } else { QIcon *icon = nullptr; QString path = getFlagIconPath(country); if (!path.isEmpty()) { icon = new QIcon(path); m_flagIcons.insert(country, icon); } return icon; } }