RTTYModSettings: description: RTTYMod properties: inputFrequencyOffset: type: integer format: int64 baud: type: number format: float description: Baud rate rfBandwidth: type: integer frequencyShift: type: integer gain: type: number format: float channelMute: type: integer repeat: type: integer repeatCount: type: integer lpfTaps: type: integer rfNoise: type: integer description: > Boolean * 0 - off * 1 - on text: type: string description: Text to transmit pulseShaping: type: integer description: > Boolean * 0 - off * 1 - on beta: type: number format: float symbolSpan: type: integer characterSet: type: integer unshiftOnSpace: type: integer msbFirst: type: integer spaceHigh: type: integer prefixCRLF: type: integer postfixCRLF: type: integer udpEnabled: description: "Whether to receive text to transmit on specified UDP port" type: integer udpAddress: description: "UDP address to receive text to transmit via" type: string udpPort: description: "UDP port to receive text to transmit via" type: integer rgbColor: type: integer title: type: string streamIndex: description: MIMO channel. Not relevant when connected to SI (single Rx). type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer reverseAPIChannelIndex: type: integer channelMarker: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/ChannelMarker.yaml#/ChannelMarker" rollupState: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RollupState.yaml#/RollupState" RTTYModReport: description: RTTYMod properties: channelPowerDB: description: power transmitted in channel (dB) type: number format: float channelSampleRate: type: integer RTTYModActions: description: RTTYMod properties: tx: type: integer description: > Transmit current text * 0 - Do nothing * 1 - Transmit payload: type: object properties: text: description: RTTY content to transmit type: string