/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // Copyright (C) 2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "util/simpleserializer.h" #include "util/httpdownloadmanager.h" #include "settings/serializable.h" #include "mapsettings.h" const QStringList MapSettings::m_pipeTypes = { QStringLiteral("ADSBDemod"), QStringLiteral("AIS"), QStringLiteral("APRS"), QStringLiteral("APTDemod"), QStringLiteral("RadioSonde"), QStringLiteral("StarTracker"), QStringLiteral("SatelliteTracker") }; const QStringList MapSettings::m_pipeURIs = { QStringLiteral("sdrangel.channel.adsbdemod"), QStringLiteral("sdrangel.feature.ais"), QStringLiteral("sdrangel.feature.aprs"), QStringLiteral("sdrangel.channel.aptdemod"), QStringLiteral("sdrangel.feature.radiosonde"), QStringLiteral("sdrangel.feature.startracker"), QStringLiteral("sdrangel.feature.satellitetracker") }; // GUI combo box should match ordering in this list const QStringList MapSettings::m_mapProviders = { QStringLiteral("osm"), QStringLiteral("esri"), QStringLiteral("mapbox"), QStringLiteral("mapboxgl"), QStringLiteral("maplibre") }; MapSettings::MapSettings() : m_rollupState(nullptr) { // Source names should match m_pipeTypes // Colors currently match color of rollup widget for that plugin int modelMinPixelSize = 50; m_itemSettings.insert("ADSBDemod", new MapItemSettings("ADSBDemod", QColor(244, 151, 57), false, 11, modelMinPixelSize)); m_itemSettings.insert("AIS", new MapItemSettings("AIS", QColor(102, 0, 0), false, 11, modelMinPixelSize)); m_itemSettings.insert("APRS", new MapItemSettings("APRS", QColor(255, 255, 0), false, 11)); m_itemSettings.insert("StarTracker", new MapItemSettings("StarTracker", QColor(230, 230, 230), true, 3)); m_itemSettings.insert("SatelliteTracker", new MapItemSettings("SatelliteTracker", QColor(0, 0, 255), false, 0, modelMinPixelSize)); m_itemSettings.insert("Beacons", new MapItemSettings("Beacons", QColor(255, 0, 0), true, 8)); m_itemSettings.insert("RadioSonde", new MapItemSettings("RadioSonde", QColor(102, 0, 102), false, 11, modelMinPixelSize)); m_itemSettings.insert("Radio Time Transmitters", new MapItemSettings("Radio Time Transmitters", QColor(255, 0, 0), true, 8)); m_itemSettings.insert("Radar", new MapItemSettings("Radar", QColor(255, 0, 0), true, 8)); m_itemSettings.insert("Station", new MapItemSettings("Station", QColor(255, 0, 0), true, 11)); resetToDefaults(); } MapSettings::~MapSettings() { //qDeleteAll(m_itemSettings); } void MapSettings::resetToDefaults() { m_displayNames = true; m_mapProvider = "osm"; m_thunderforestAPIKey = ""; m_maptilerAPIKey = ""; m_mapBoxAPIKey = ""; m_osmURL = ""; m_mapBoxStyles = ""; m_displaySelectedGroundTracks = true; m_displayAllGroundTracks = true; m_title = "Map"; m_rgbColor = QColor(225, 25, 99).rgb(); m_useReverseAPI = false; m_reverseAPIAddress = ""; m_reverseAPIPort = 8888; m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex = 0; m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex = 0; m_map2DEnabled = true; m_map3DEnabled = true; m_terrain = "Cesium World Terrain"; m_buildings = "None"; m_sunLightEnabled = true; m_eciCamera = false; m_modelDir = HttpDownloadManager::downloadDir() + "/3d"; m_antiAliasing = "None"; } QByteArray MapSettings::serialize() const { SimpleSerializer s(1); s.writeBool(1, m_displayNames); s.writeString(2, m_mapProvider); s.writeString(3, m_mapBoxAPIKey); s.writeString(4, m_mapBoxStyles); s.writeString(8, m_title); s.writeU32(9, m_rgbColor); s.writeBool(10, m_useReverseAPI); s.writeString(11, m_reverseAPIAddress); s.writeU32(12, m_reverseAPIPort); s.writeU32(13, m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex); s.writeU32(14, m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex); s.writeBool(15, m_displaySelectedGroundTracks); s.writeBool(16, m_displayAllGroundTracks); s.writeString(17, m_thunderforestAPIKey); s.writeString(18, m_maptilerAPIKey); if (m_rollupState) { s.writeBlob(19, m_rollupState->serialize()); } s.writeString(20, m_osmURL); s.writeString(21, m_mapType); s.writeBool(22, m_map2DEnabled); s.writeBool(23, m_map3DEnabled); s.writeString(24, m_terrain); s.writeString(25, m_buildings); s.writeBlob(27, serializeItemSettings(m_itemSettings)); s.writeString(28, m_modelDir); s.writeBool(29, m_sunLightEnabled); s.writeBool(30, m_eciCamera); s.writeString(31, m_cesiumIonAPIKey); s.writeString(32, m_antiAliasing); return s.final(); } bool MapSettings::deserialize(const QByteArray& data) { SimpleDeserializer d(data); if (!d.isValid()) { resetToDefaults(); return false; } if (d.getVersion() == 1) { QByteArray bytetmp; uint32_t utmp; QString strtmp; QByteArray blob; d.readBool(1, &m_displayNames, true); d.readString(2, &m_mapProvider, "osm"); d.readString(3, &m_mapBoxAPIKey, ""); d.readString(4, &m_mapBoxStyles, ""); d.readString(8, &m_title, "Map"); d.readU32(9, &m_rgbColor, QColor(225, 25, 99).rgb()); d.readBool(10, &m_useReverseAPI, false); d.readString(11, &m_reverseAPIAddress, ""); d.readU32(12, &utmp, 0); if ((utmp > 1023) && (utmp < 65535)) { m_reverseAPIPort = utmp; } else { m_reverseAPIPort = 8888; } d.readU32(13, &utmp, 0); m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp; d.readU32(14, &utmp, 0); m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp; d.readBool(15, &m_displaySelectedGroundTracks, true); d.readBool(16, &m_displayAllGroundTracks, true); d.readString(17, &m_thunderforestAPIKey, ""); d.readString(18, &m_maptilerAPIKey, ""); if (m_rollupState) { d.readBlob(19, &bytetmp); m_rollupState->deserialize(bytetmp); } d.readString(20, &m_osmURL, ""); d.readString(21, &m_mapType, ""); d.readBool(22, &m_map2DEnabled, true); d.readBool(23, &m_map3DEnabled, true); d.readString(24, &m_terrain, "Cesium World Terrain"); d.readString(25, &m_buildings, "None"); d.readBlob(27, &blob); deserializeItemSettings(blob, m_itemSettings); d.readString(28, &m_modelDir, HttpDownloadManager::downloadDir() + "/3d"); d.readBool(29, &m_sunLightEnabled, true); d.readBool(30, &m_eciCamera, false); d.readString(31, &m_cesiumIonAPIKey, ""); d.readString(32, &m_antiAliasing, "None"); return true; } else { resetToDefaults(); return false; } } MapSettings::MapItemSettings::MapItemSettings(const QString& group, const QColor color, bool display3DPoint, int minZoom, int modelMinPixelSize) { m_group = group; resetToDefaults(); m_3DPointColor = color.rgb(); m_2DTrackColor = color.darker().rgb(); m_3DTrackColor = color.darker().rgb(); m_display3DPoint = display3DPoint; m_2DMinZoom = minZoom; m_3DModelMinPixelSize = modelMinPixelSize; } MapSettings::MapItemSettings::MapItemSettings(const QByteArray& data) { deserialize(data); } void MapSettings::MapItemSettings::resetToDefaults() { m_enabled = true; m_display2DIcon = true; m_display2DLabel = true; m_display2DTrack = true; m_2DTrackColor = QColor(150, 0, 20).rgb(); m_2DMinZoom = 1; m_display3DModel = true; m_display3DPoint = false; m_3DPointColor = QColor(225, 0, 0).rgb(); m_display3DLabel = true; m_display3DTrack = true; m_3DTrackColor = QColor(150, 0, 20).rgb(); m_3DModelMinPixelSize = 0; m_3DLabelScale = 0.5f; } QByteArray MapSettings::MapItemSettings::serialize() const { SimpleSerializer s(1); s.writeString(1, m_group); s.writeBool(2, m_enabled); s.writeBool(3, m_display2DIcon); s.writeBool(4, m_display2DLabel); s.writeBool(5, m_display2DTrack); s.writeU32(6, m_2DTrackColor); s.writeS32(7, m_2DMinZoom); s.writeBool(8, m_display3DModel); s.writeBool(9, m_display3DLabel); s.writeBool(10, m_display3DPoint); s.writeU32(11, m_3DPointColor); s.writeBool(12, m_display3DTrack); s.writeU32(13, m_3DTrackColor); s.writeS32(14, m_3DModelMinPixelSize); s.writeFloat(15, m_3DLabelScale); return s.final(); } bool MapSettings::MapItemSettings::deserialize(const QByteArray& data) { SimpleDeserializer d(data); if (!d.isValid()) { resetToDefaults(); return false; } if (d.getVersion() == 1) { d.readString(1, &m_group, ""); d.readBool(2, &m_enabled, true); d.readBool(3, &m_display2DIcon, true); d.readBool(4, &m_display2DLabel, true); d.readBool(5, &m_display2DTrack, true); d.readU32(6, &m_2DTrackColor, QColor(150, 0, 0).rgb()); d.readS32(7, &m_2DMinZoom, 1); d.readBool(8, &m_display3DModel, true); d.readBool(9, &m_display3DLabel, true); d.readBool(10, &m_display3DPoint, true); d.readU32(11, &m_3DPointColor, QColor(255, 0, 0).rgb()); d.readBool(12, &m_display3DTrack, true); d.readU32(13, &m_3DTrackColor, QColor(150, 0, 20).rgb()); d.readS32(14, &m_3DModelMinPixelSize, 0); d.readFloat(15, &m_3DLabelScale, 0.5f); return true; } else { resetToDefaults(); return false; } } QByteArray MapSettings::serializeItemSettings(QHash itemSettings) const { SimpleSerializer s(1); int idx = 1; QHashIterator i(itemSettings); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); s.writeString(idx+1, i.key()); s.writeBlob(idx+2, i.value()->serialize()); idx += 2; } return s.final(); } void MapSettings::deserializeItemSettings(const QByteArray& data, QHash& itemSettings) { SimpleDeserializer d(data); if (!d.isValid()) { return; } int idx = 1; bool done = false; do { QString key; QByteArray blob; if (!d.readString(idx+1, &key)) { done = true; } else { d.readBlob(idx+2, &blob); MapItemSettings *settings = new MapItemSettings(blob); itemSettings.insert(key, settings); } idx += 2; } while(!done); }