#include "settings/preferences.h" #include "util/simpleserializer.h" Preferences::Preferences() { resetToDefaults(); } void Preferences::resetToDefaults() { m_sourceDevice.clear(); m_audioType.clear(); m_audioDevice.clear(); m_sourceIndex = 0; m_sourceItemIndex = 0; m_stationName = "Home"; m_latitude = 49.012423; // Set an interesting location so map doesn't open up in the middle of the ocean m_longitude = 8.418125; m_altitude = 0.0f; m_useLogFile = false; m_logFileName = "sdrangel.log"; m_consoleMinLogLevel = QtDebugMsg; m_fileMinLogLevel = QtDebugMsg; } QByteArray Preferences::serialize() const { SimpleSerializer s(1); s.writeString((int) SourceDevice, m_sourceDevice); s.writeString((int) AudioType, m_audioType); s.writeString((int) AudioDevice, m_audioDevice); s.writeS32((int) SourceIndex, m_sourceIndex); s.writeFloat((int) Latitude, m_latitude); s.writeFloat((int) Longitude, m_longitude); s.writeS32((int) ConsoleMinLogLevel, (int) m_consoleMinLogLevel); s.writeBool((int) UseLogFile, m_useLogFile); s.writeString((int) LogFileName, m_logFileName); s.writeS32((int) FileMinLogLevel, (int) m_fileMinLogLevel); s.writeString((int) StationName, m_stationName); s.writeFloat((int) Altitude, m_altitude); s.writeS32((int) SourceItemIndex, m_sourceItemIndex); return s.final(); } bool Preferences::deserialize(const QByteArray& data) { int tmpInt; SimpleDeserializer d(data); if(!d.isValid()) { resetToDefaults(); return false; } if(d.getVersion() == 1) { d.readString((int) SourceDevice, &m_sourceDevice); d.readString((int) AudioType, &m_audioType); d.readString((int) AudioDevice, &m_audioDevice); d.readS32((int) SourceIndex, &m_sourceIndex, 0); d.readFloat((int) Latitude, &m_latitude, 0.0f); d.readFloat((int) Longitude, &m_longitude, 0.0f); d.readS32((int) ConsoleMinLogLevel, &tmpInt, (int) QtDebugMsg); if ((tmpInt == (int) QtDebugMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtInfoMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtWarningMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtCriticalMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtFatalMsg)) { m_consoleMinLogLevel = (QtMsgType) tmpInt; } else { m_consoleMinLogLevel = QtDebugMsg; } d.readBool((int) UseLogFile, &m_useLogFile, false); d.readString((int) LogFileName, &m_logFileName, "sdrangel.log"); d.readS32((int) FileMinLogLevel, &tmpInt, (int) QtDebugMsg); d.readString((int) StationName, &m_stationName, "Home"); d.readFloat((int) Altitude, &m_altitude, 0.0f); d.readS32((int) SourceItemIndex, &m_sourceItemIndex, 0); if ((tmpInt == (int) QtDebugMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtInfoMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtWarningMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtCriticalMsg) || (tmpInt == (int) QtFatalMsg)) { m_fileMinLogLevel = (QtMsgType) tmpInt; } else { m_fileMinLogLevel = QtDebugMsg; } return true; } else { resetToDefaults(); return false; } }