/** @file @author Stefan Frings */ #ifndef HTTPSESSION_H #define HTTPSESSION_H #include #include #include #include "httpglobal.h" namespace stefanfrings { /** This class stores data for a single HTTP session. A session can store any number of key/value pairs. This class uses implicit sharing for read and write access. This class is thread safe. @see HttpSessionStore should be used to create and get instances of this class. */ class DECLSPEC HttpSession { public: /** Constructor. @param canStore The session can store data, if this parameter is true. Otherwise all calls to set() and remove() do not have any effect. */ HttpSession(bool canStore=false); /** Copy constructor. Creates another HttpSession object that shares the data of the other object. */ HttpSession(const HttpSession& other); /** Copy operator. Detaches from the current shared data and attaches to the data of the other object. */ HttpSession& operator= (const HttpSession& other); /** Destructor. Detaches from the shared data. */ virtual ~HttpSession(); /** Get the unique ID of this session. This method is thread safe. */ QByteArray getId() const; /** Null sessions cannot store data. All calls to set() and remove() do not have any effect.This method is thread safe. */ bool isNull() const; /** Set a value. This method is thread safe. */ void set(const QByteArray& key, const QVariant& value); /** Remove a value. This method is thread safe. */ void remove(const QByteArray& key); /** Get a value. This method is thread safe. */ QVariant get(const QByteArray& key) const; /** Check if a key exists. This method is thread safe. */ bool contains(const QByteArray& key) const; /** Get a copy of all data stored in this session. Changes to the session do not affect the copy and vice versa. This method is thread safe. */ QMap getAll() const; /** Get the timestamp of last access. That is the time when the last HttpSessionStore::getSession() has been called. This method is thread safe. */ qint64 getLastAccess() const; /** Set the timestamp of last access, to renew the timeout period. Called by HttpSessionStore::getSession(). This method is thread safe. */ void setLastAccess(); private: struct HttpSessionData { /** Unique ID */ QByteArray id; /** Timestamp of last access, set by the HttpSessionStore */ qint64 lastAccess; /** Reference counter */ int refCount; /** Used to synchronize threads */ QReadWriteLock lock; /** Storage for the key/value pairs; */ QMap values; }; /** Pointer to the shared data. */ HttpSessionData* dataPtr; }; } // end of namespace #endif // HTTPSESSION_H