FreqScannerGUI 0 0 419 431 0 0 400 0 Liberation Sans 9 Qt::StrongFocus Frequency Scanner 0 0 411 411 0 0 350 0 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 2 Channel 0 0 Channel to tune Qt::Vertical 16 0 Df 0 0 32 16 Liberation Mono 12 PointingHandCursor Qt::StrongFocus Minimum demod shift frequency from center in Hz Hz Qt::Vertical Qt::Horizontal 40 20 30 0 Active frequency power Qt::RightToLeft - dB Qt::Horizontal TH 24 24 Power threshold in dB -1200 0 1 55 0 -100.0 dB Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical t<sub>Δf</sub> 24 24 Time in milliseconds to wait before starting measurement after changing frequency 0 1000 1 54 0 1000 ms Qt::Vertical t<sub>S</sub> 24 24 Scan power measurement time in seconds 1 100 1 35 0 10.0 s Qt::Vertical t<sub>RTX</sub> 24 24 Time in seconds to wait for frequency to become active again, before restarting scan 0 100 1 35 0 10.0 s Qt::Horizontal Ch BW 0 0 32 16 Liberation Mono 12 PointingHandCursor Qt::StrongFocus Channel bandwidth Hz Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Pri 85 0 Prioritisation. Select frequency with highest power or first in table. Max Power Table Order Meas Whether the power measurement is the peak power within the channel or total channel power Peak Total Qt::Horizontal 90 0 Run mode 1 Single Continuous Scan-only Start/stop frequency scanning :/play.png :/stop.png:/play.png 0 0 Qt::Horizontal Freq (Hz) Center frequency in Hertz of the channel Annotation Enable Whether the channel is enabled Power (dB) Channel power in decibels during the previous scan Active Count Count of the number of times the channel is active when scanned Notes User notes about this frequency Channel Frequency specific channel to tune Leave blank for common setting Ch BW (Hz) Frequency specific channel BW Leave blank to use common setting TH (dB) Frequency specific threshold in dB Leave blank to use common setting Sq (dB) Frequency specific squelch in dB Leave blank for no adjustment Add a single frequency Add Add a range of frequencies Add Range Remove selected items Remove Remove rows with Active Count of 0 Remove Inactive Move selected rows up Up :/arrow_up.png:/arrow_up.png Move selected rows down :/arrow_down.png:/arrow_down.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Clear Active Count in all rows :/bin.png:/bin.png ButtonSwitch QToolButton
ValueDialZ QWidget
RollupContents QWidget