APTDemodSettingsDialog 0 0 600 576 9 APT Demodulator Settings 0 0 Enable Satellite Tracker control Check to enable control by Satellite Tracker feature Satellite Select which satellite this channel will be used for true All NOAA 15 NOAA 18 NOAA 19 Auto save images Check to automatically save images when acquisition is stopped or LOS Save combined image Save a combined image of both channel A and B Save separate images Save images from channels A and B to separate files Save projected images Saves the equidistant cylindrical projected image Path to save images Path to save images to :/load.png:/load.png Minimum scanlines for auto save Enter the minimum number of scanlines in an image (after cropping) for it to be automatically saved 1 30000 100 200 Scanlines per image update How often the image processing functions are applied to the image and how often it is sent to the map 1 9999 Colour palettes QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection Add Remove Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Number of pixels per degree longitude in projected image 10 15 20 Number of pixels per degree latitude in projected image 20 30 40 45 50 55 60 Horizontal pixels per degree Vertical pixels per degree Satellite position time offset (s) Time offset in seconds to add when calculating satellites position. This may be used to help align images on the map. 1 -100.000000000000000 Satellite yaw correction (°) Add yaw offset to help with aligning images on the map. 2 -10.000000000000000 10.000000000000000 0.250000000000000 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok satelliteTrackerControl satellite autoSave saveCombined saveSeparate saveProjection autoSavePath autoSavePathBrowse minScanlines scanlinesPerImageUpdate palettes addPalette removePalette buttonBox accepted() APTDemodSettingsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() APTDemodSettingsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274