/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2017 F4EXB // // written by Edouard Griffiths // // // // Same as ValueDial but handles optionally positive and negative numbers with // // sign display. // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include "gui/valuedialz.h" ValueDialZ::ValueDialZ(bool positiveOnly, QWidget* parent, ColorMapper colorMapper) : QWidget(parent), m_positiveOnly(positiveOnly), m_animationState(0), m_colorMapper(colorMapper) { setAutoFillBackground(false); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); setMouseTracking(true); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); m_background.setStart(0, 0); m_background.setFinalStop(0, 1); m_background.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); ColorMapper::colormap::const_iterator cmit = m_colorMapper.getDialBackgroundColorMap().begin(); ColorMapper::colormap::const_iterator cmitEnd = m_colorMapper.getDialBackgroundColorMap().end(); for (; cmit != cmitEnd; ++ cmit) { m_background.setColorAt(cmit->first, cmit->second); } m_value = 0; m_valueMin = m_positiveOnly ? 0 : -2200000; m_valueMax = 2200000; m_numDigits = 7; m_numDecimalPoints = m_numDigits / 3; m_cursor = -1; m_hightlightedDigit = -1; m_text = formatText(m_value); m_cursorState = false; connect(&m_animationTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(animate())); connect(&m_blinkTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(blink())); } void ValueDialZ::setFont(const QFont& font) { QWidget::setFont(font); QFontMetrics fm(font); m_digitWidth = fm.width('0'); m_digitHeight = fm.ascent(); if(m_digitWidth < m_digitHeight) m_digitWidth = m_digitHeight; setFixedWidth((m_numDigits + m_numDecimalPoints + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1)) * m_digitWidth + 2); setFixedHeight(m_digitHeight * 2 + 2); } void ValueDialZ::setBold(bool bold) { QFont f = font(); f.setBold(bold); setFont(f); } void ValueDialZ::setColorMapper(ColorMapper colorMapper) { m_colorMapper = colorMapper; ColorMapper::colormap::const_iterator cmit = m_colorMapper.getDialBackgroundColorMap().begin(); ColorMapper::colormap::const_iterator cmitEnd = m_colorMapper.getDialBackgroundColorMap().end(); for (; cmit != cmitEnd; ++ cmit) { m_background.setColorAt(cmit->first, cmit->second); } } void ValueDialZ::setValue(qint64 value) { m_valueNew = value; if(m_valueNew < m_valueMin) { m_valueNew = m_valueMin; } else if(m_valueNew > m_valueMax) { m_valueNew = m_valueMax; } if(m_valueNew < m_value) { m_animationState = 1; } else if(m_valueNew > m_value) { m_animationState = -1; } else { return; } m_animationTimer.start(20); m_textNew = formatText(m_valueNew); } void ValueDialZ::setValueRange(bool positiveOnly, uint numDigits, qint64 min, qint64 max) { m_positiveOnly = positiveOnly; m_numDigits = numDigits; m_numDecimalPoints = m_numDigits < 3 ? 0 : (m_numDigits%3) == 0 ? (m_numDigits/3)-1 : m_numDigits/3; setFixedWidth((m_numDigits + m_numDecimalPoints + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1)) * m_digitWidth + 2); m_valueMin = positiveOnly ? (min < 0 ? 0 : min) : min; m_valueMax = positiveOnly ? (max < 0 ? 0 : max) : max; if(m_value < m_valueMin) { setValue(m_valueMin); } else if(m_value > m_valueMax) { setValue(m_valueMax); } else { m_text = formatText(0); m_textNew = m_text; m_value = 0; m_valueNew = m_value; update(); } } quint64 ValueDialZ::findExponent(int digit) { quint64 e = 1; int d = (m_numDigits + m_numDecimalPoints + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1)) - digit; d = d - (d / 4) - 1; for(int i = 0; i < d; i++) e *= 10; return e; } QChar ValueDialZ::digitNeigh(QChar c, bool dir) { if (c == QChar('+')) { return QChar('-'); } else if (c == QChar('-')) { return QChar('+'); } if(dir) { if(c == QChar('0')) { return QChar('9'); } else { return QChar::fromLatin1(c.toLatin1() - 1); } } else { if(c == QChar('9')) { return QChar('0'); } else { return QChar::fromLatin1(c.toLatin1() + 1); } } } QString ValueDialZ::formatText(qint64 value) { QString str = QString("%1%2").arg(m_positiveOnly ? "" : value < 0 ? "-" : "+").arg(abs(value), m_numDigits, 10, QChar('0')); for(int i = 0; i < m_numDecimalPoints; i++) { int ipoint = m_numDigits + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1) - 3 - 3 * i; if (ipoint != 0) { // do not insert leading point str.insert(ipoint, "."); } } return str; } void ValueDialZ::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setPen(Qt::black); painter.setBrush(m_background); painter.drawRect(0, 0, width() - 1, height() - 1); painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getBoundaryColor()); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); for (int i = 1; i < m_numDigits + m_numDecimalPoints; i++) { painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getBoundaryColor()); painter.drawLine(1 + i * m_digitWidth, 1, 1 + i * m_digitWidth, height() - 1); painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getBoundaryAlphaColor()); painter.drawLine(0 + i * m_digitWidth, 1, 0 + i * m_digitWidth, height() - 1); painter.drawLine(2 + i * m_digitWidth, 1, 2 + i * m_digitWidth, height() - 1); } painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getBoundaryAlphaColor()); painter.drawLine(1, 1, 1, height() - 1); painter.drawLine(width() - 2, 1, width() - 2, height() - 1); // dial borders painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getDarkBorderColor()); painter.drawLine(0, 0, width() - 2, 0); painter.drawLine(0, height() - 1, 0, 0); painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getLightBorderColor()); painter.drawLine(1, height() - 1, width() - 1, height() - 1); painter.drawLine(width() - 1, height() - 1, width() - 1, 0); if (m_hightlightedDigit >= 0) { painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(m_colorMapper.getHighlightColor()); painter.drawRect(2 + m_hightlightedDigit * m_digitWidth, 1, m_digitWidth - 1, height() - 1); } if (m_animationState == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_text.length(); i++) { painter.setClipRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, 1, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * 2); painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getSecondaryForegroundColor()); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * 0.6, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, m_text.mid(i, 1)); if(m_text[i] != QChar('.')) { painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getForegroundColor()); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * -0.7, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, digitNeigh(m_text[i], true)); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * 1.9, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, digitNeigh(m_text[i], false)); } } painter.setClipping(false); if ((m_cursor >= 0) && (m_cursorState)) { painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setBrush(m_colorMapper.getSecondaryForegroundColor()); painter.drawRect(4 + m_cursor * m_digitWidth, 1 + m_digitHeight * 1.5, m_digitWidth - 5, m_digitHeight / 6); } } else { if(m_animationState != 0) { for(int i = 0; i < m_text.length(); i++) { if(m_text[i] == m_textNew[i]) { painter.setClipRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, 1, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * 2); painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getSecondaryForegroundColor()); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * 0.6, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, m_text.mid(i, 1)); if(m_text[i] != QChar('.')) { painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getForegroundColor()); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * -0.7, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, digitNeigh(m_text[i], true)); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * 1.9, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, digitNeigh(m_text[i], false)); } } else { int h = m_digitHeight * 0.6 + m_digitHeight * m_animationState / 2.0; painter.setClipRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, 1, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight * 2); painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getSecondaryForegroundColor()); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, h, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, m_text.mid(i, 1)); if(m_text[i] != QChar('.')) { painter.setPen(m_colorMapper.getForegroundColor()); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, h + m_digitHeight * -0.7, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, digitNeigh(m_text[i], true)); painter.drawText(QRect(1 + i * m_digitWidth, h + m_digitHeight * 1.9, m_digitWidth, m_digitHeight), Qt::AlignCenter, digitNeigh(m_text[i], false)); } } } } } } void ValueDialZ::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { int i; i = (event->x() - 1) / m_digitWidth; if (m_positiveOnly) if ((m_text[i] == QChar('.')) || (m_text[i] == QChar('+')) || (m_text[i] == QChar('-'))) { i++; if (i > m_numDigits + m_numDecimalPoints + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1)) { return; } } Qt::MouseButton mouseButton = event->button(); if (mouseButton == Qt::RightButton) // ceil value at current digit { if(m_cursor >= 0) { m_cursor = -1; m_blinkTimer.stop(); update(); } qint64 e = findExponent(i); m_valueNew = (m_value / e) * e; setValue(m_valueNew); emit changed(m_valueNew); //qDebug("ValueDial::mousePressEvent: Qt::RightButton: i: %d e: %ll new: %ll", i, e, valueNew); } else if (mouseButton == Qt::LeftButton) // set cursor at current digit { m_cursor = i; m_cursorState = true; m_blinkTimer.start(400); update(); } } void ValueDialZ::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { int i; i = (event->x() - 1) / m_digitWidth; if(m_text[i] == QChar('.')) { i = -1; } if(i != m_hightlightedDigit) { m_hightlightedDigit = i; update(); } } void ValueDialZ::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { int i; i = (event->x() - 1) / m_digitWidth; if (m_text[i] != QChar('.')) { m_hightlightedDigit = i; } else { return; } if (m_cursor >= 0) { m_cursor = -1; m_blinkTimer.stop(); update(); } if(m_animationState == 0) { if (!m_positiveOnly && (m_hightlightedDigit == 0)) { m_valueNew = (-m_value < m_valueMin) ? m_valueMin : (-m_value > m_valueMax) ? m_valueMax : -m_value; } else { qint64 e = findExponent(m_hightlightedDigit); if(event->delta() < 0) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { e *= 5; } else if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { e *= 2; } m_valueNew = (m_value - e < m_valueMin) ? m_valueMin : m_value - e; } else { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { e *= 5; } else if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { e *= 2; } m_valueNew = (m_value + e > m_valueMax) ? m_valueMax : m_value + e; } } setValue(m_valueNew); emit changed(m_valueNew); } } void ValueDialZ::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { if(m_hightlightedDigit != -1) { m_hightlightedDigit = -1; update(); } } void ValueDialZ::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* value) { if(m_cursor >= 0) { if((value->key() == Qt::Key_Return) || (value->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) || (value->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)) { m_cursor = -1; m_cursorState = false; m_blinkTimer.stop(); update(); return; } } if((m_cursor < 0) && (m_hightlightedDigit >= 0)) { m_cursor = m_hightlightedDigit; if (m_text[m_cursor] == QChar('.')) { m_cursor++; } if(m_cursor >= m_numDigits + m_numDecimalPoints + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1)) { return; } m_cursorState = true; m_blinkTimer.start(400); update(); } if(m_cursor < 0) { return; } if ((value->key() == Qt::Key_Left) || (value->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace)) { if(m_cursor > 0) { m_cursor--; if (m_text[m_cursor] == QChar('.')) { m_cursor--; } if (m_cursor < 0) { m_cursor++; } m_cursorState = true; update(); return; } } else if(value->key() == Qt::Key_Right) { if(m_cursor < m_numDecimalPoints + m_numDigits) { m_cursor++; if (m_text[m_cursor] == QChar('.')) { m_cursor++; } if(m_cursor >= m_numDecimalPoints + m_numDigits + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1)) { m_cursor--; } m_cursorState = true; update(); return; } } else if(value->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { if (!m_positiveOnly && (m_cursor == 0)) { if(m_animationState != 0) { m_value = m_valueNew; } m_valueNew = (-m_value < m_valueMin) ? m_valueMin : (-m_value > m_valueMax) ? m_valueMax : -m_value; } else { qint64 e = findExponent(m_cursor); if (value->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { e *= 5; } else if (value->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { e *= 2; } if(m_animationState != 0) { m_value = m_valueNew; } m_valueNew = m_value + e > m_valueMax ? m_valueMax : m_value + e; } setValue(m_valueNew); emit changed(m_valueNew); } else if(value->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { if (!m_positiveOnly && (m_cursor == 0)) { if(m_animationState != 0) { m_value = m_valueNew; } m_valueNew = (-m_value < m_valueMin) ? m_valueMin : (-m_value > m_valueMax) ? m_valueMax : -m_value; } else { qint64 e = findExponent(m_cursor); if (value->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { e *= 5; } else if (value->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { e *= 2; } if(m_animationState != 0) { m_value = m_valueNew; } m_valueNew = m_value - e < m_valueMin ? m_valueMin : m_value - e; } setValue(m_valueNew); emit changed(m_valueNew); } if(value->text().length() != 1) { return; } QChar c = value->text()[0]; if(c >= QChar('0') && (c <= QChar('9'))) { int d = c.toLatin1() - '0'; quint64 e = findExponent(m_cursor); quint64 v = (m_value / e) % 10; if(m_animationState != 0) m_value = m_valueNew; v = m_value - v * e; v += d * e; setValue(v); emit changed(m_valueNew); m_cursor++; if ((m_text[m_cursor] == QChar('.')) || (m_text[m_cursor] == QChar('+')) || (m_text[m_cursor] == QChar('-'))) { m_cursor++; } if(m_cursor >= m_numDigits + m_numDecimalPoints + (m_positiveOnly ? 0 : 1)) { m_cursor = -1; m_blinkTimer.stop(); } else { m_cursorState = true; } update(); } } void ValueDialZ::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*) { if(m_cursor == -1) { m_cursor = 0; m_cursorState = true; m_blinkTimer.start(400); update(); } } void ValueDialZ::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*) { m_cursor = -1; m_blinkTimer.stop(); update(); } void ValueDialZ::animate() { update(); if(m_animationState > 0) m_animationState++; else if(m_animationState < 0) m_animationState--; else { m_animationTimer.stop(); m_animationState = 0; return; } if(abs(m_animationState) >= 4) { m_animationState = 0; m_animationTimer.stop(); m_value = m_valueNew; m_text = m_textNew; } } void ValueDialZ::blink() { if(m_cursor >= 0) { m_cursorState = !m_cursorState; update(); } }