#ifndef HTTPCONNECTIONHANDLERPOOL_H #define HTTPCONNECTIONHANDLERPOOL_H #include #include #include #include #include "httpglobal.h" #include "httpconnectionhandler.h" #include "httplistenersettings.h" namespace qtwebapp { /** Pool of http connection handlers. The size of the pool grows and shrinks on demand.

Example for the required configuration settings:

After server start, the size of the thread pool is always 0. Threads are started on demand when requests come in. The cleanup timer reduces the number of idle threads slowly by closing one thread in each interval. But the configured minimum number of threads are kept running.

For SSL support, you need an OpenSSL certificate file and a key file. Both can be created with the command

      openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout my.key -out my.cert

Visit http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html to download the Light version of OpenSSL for Windows.

Please note that a listener with SSL settings can only handle HTTPS protocol. To support both HTTP and HTTPS simultaneously, you need to start two listeners on different ports - one with SLL and one without SSL. @see HttpConnectionHandler for description of the readTimeout @see HttpRequest for description of config settings maxRequestSize and maxMultiPartSize */ class DECLSPEC HttpConnectionHandlerPool : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_DISABLE_COPY(HttpConnectionHandlerPool) public: /** Constructor. @param settings Configuration settings for the HTTP server. Must not be 0. @param requestHandler The handler that will process each received HTTP request. @warning The requestMapper gets deleted by the destructor of this pool */ HttpConnectionHandlerPool(QSettings* settings, HttpRequestHandler* requestHandler); /** Constructor. @param settings Configuration settings for the HTTP server as structure @param requestHandler The handler that will process each received HTTP request. @warning The requestMapper gets deleted by the destructor of this pool */ HttpConnectionHandlerPool(const HttpListenerSettings& settings, HttpRequestHandler* requestHandler); /** Destructor */ virtual ~HttpConnectionHandlerPool(); /** Get a free connection handler, or 0 if not available. */ HttpConnectionHandler* getConnectionHandler(); /** * Get a listener settings copy * @return The current listener settings */ HttpListenerSettings getListenerSettings() const { return listenerSettings; } /** * Set new listener settings data * @param Listener settings to replace current data */ void setListenerSettings(const HttpListenerSettings& settings) { listenerSettings = settings; } private: /** Settings for this pool as Qt settings*/ QSettings* settings; /** Settings for this pool as structure*/ HttpListenerSettings listenerSettings; /** Will be assigned to each Connectionhandler during their creation */ HttpRequestHandler* requestHandler; /** Pool of connection handlers */ QList pool; /** Timer to clean-up unused connection handler */ QTimer cleanupTimer; /** Used to synchronize threads */ QMutex mutex; /** The SSL configuration (certificate, key and other settings) */ QSslConfiguration* sslConfiguration; /** Load SSL configuration */ void loadSslConfig(); /** Settings flag */ bool useQtSettings; private slots: /** Received from the clean-up timer. */ void cleanup(); }; } // end of namespace #endif // HTTPCONNECTIONHANDLERPOOL_H