StarTrackerSettingsDialog 0 0 569 556 Liberation Sans 9 Star Tracker Settings Enable Stellarium server which allows RA and Dec to be sent to and from Stellarium Stellarium server Qt::Vertical 20 40 Draw Sun on map Units used for displaying azimuth and elevation. Either degrees, minutes and seconds or decimal degrees. false ° ' " ° ' ° Decimal Air temperature (C) Relative humidity in % 100 80 Atmospheric refraction correction 0 None Saemundsson Positional Astronomy Library Temperature lapse rate (K/m) Temperature lapse rate (K/km) Humidity (%) Epoch for RA & Dec Weather update period (min) Air pressure (mb) Draw target star on map OpenWeatherMap API Key Solar flux density units Air pressure in millibars, for use in atmospheric refraction correction 2000.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 1010.000000000000000 Height above sea level (m) Select frequency at which to display Solar flux density data for DRAO (2800MHz) Learmonth (245MHz) Learmonth (410MHz) Learmonth (610MHz) Learmonth (1415MHz) Learmonth (2695MHz) Learmonth (4995MHz) Learmonth (8800MHz) Learmonth (15400MHz) Observation frequency 3 100.000000000000000 6.490000000000000 API key from to download real-time weather Air temperature in degrees Celsius, for use in atmospheric refraction correction -100 100 10 Draw Moon on map Update period (s) Epoch for custom right ascension and declination J2000 JNOW Refraction correction Solar flux density data Units to use for the display of the Solar flux density Solar flux units (sfu) Jansky (Jy) Watts per square metre per hertz (W m^-2 Hz-1) Height of observation/antenna location above sea level in metres -1000 20000 Enter the time in seconds between each calculation of the target's position 1.000000000000000 Stellarium telescope server IP port number 1024 65535 10001 Stellarium server port Enter the time in minutes between each weather update 100000 Azimuth and elevation units Rotators in polar chart Select which rotators are displayed on the polar chart All None Matching target Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok epoch azElUnits refraction owmAPIKey weatherUpdatePeriod pressure temperature humidity height temperatureLapseRate solarFluxData solarFluxUnits updatePeriod serverPort enableServer drawSunOnMap drawMoonOnMap drawStarOnMap buttonBox accepted() StarTrackerSettingsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() StarTrackerSettingsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274