/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // Copyright (C) 2019 Martin Hauke // // // // This file is part of LeanSDR Copyright (C) 2016-2018 . // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef LEANSDR_DISCRMATH_H #define LEANSDR_DISCRMATH_H #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshift-negative-value" #include namespace leansdr { // Polynomials with N binary coefficients. // This is designed to compile into trivial inline code. // Bits are packed into words of type T. // Unused most-significant bits of the last word are 0. // T must be an unsigned type. template struct bitvect { static const size_t WSIZE = sizeof(T) * 8; static const size_t NW = (N + WSIZE - 1) / WSIZE; T v[NW]; bitvect() {} bitvect(T val) { v[0] = val; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < NW; ++i) v[i] = 0; } // Assign from another bitvect, with truncation or padding template bitvect ©(const bitvect &a) { int nw = (a.NW < NW) ? a.NW : NW; for (int i = 0; i < nw; ++i) v[i] = a.v[i]; if (M < N) for (int i = a.NW; i < NW; ++i) v[i] = 0; if (M > N) truncate_to_N(); return *this; } bool operator[](unsigned int i) const { return v[i / WSIZE] & ((T)1 << (i & (WSIZE - 1))); } // Add (in GF(2)) template bitvect &operator+=(const bitvect &a) { int nw = (a.NW < NW) ? a.NW : NW; for (int i = 0; i < nw; ++i) v[i] ^= a.v[i]; if (M > N) truncate_to_N(); return *this; } // Multiply by X^n bitvect &operator<<=(unsigned int n) { if (n >= WSIZE) fail("shift exceeds word width"); T mask = ~(((T)-1) << n); for (int i = NW - 1; i > 0; --i) v[i] = (v[i] << n) | ((v[i - 1] >> (WSIZE - n)) & mask); v[0] <<= n; if (N != NW * WSIZE) truncate_to_N(); return *this; } private: // Call this whenever bits N .. NW*WSIZE-1 may have been set. inline void truncate_to_N() { v[NW - 1] &= ((T)-1) >> (NW * WSIZE - N); } }; // bitvect // Return m modulo (X^N+p). // p is typically a generator polynomial of degree N // with the highest-coefficient monomial omitted. // m is packed into nm words of type Tm. // The MSB of m[0] is the highest-order coefficient of m. template bitvect divmod(const Tm *m, size_t nm, const bitvect &p) { bitvect res = 0; const Tm bitmask = (Tm)1 << (sizeof(Tm) * 8 - 1); for (; nm--; ++m) { Tm mi = *m; for (int bit = sizeof(Tm) * 8; bit--; mi <<= 1) { // Multiply by X, save outgoing coeff of degree N bool resN = res[N - 1]; res <<= 1; // Add m[i] if (mi & bitmask) res.v[0] ^= 1; // Modulo X^N+p if (resN) res += p; } } return res; } // Return (m*X^N) modulo (X^N+p). // Same as divmod(), slightly faster than appending N zeroes. template bitvect shiftdivmod(const Tm *m, size_t nm, const bitvect &p, T init = 0) { bitvect res; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < res.NW; ++i) res.v[i] = init; const Tm bitmask = (Tm)1 << (sizeof(Tm) * 8 - 1); for (; nm--; ++m) { Tm mi = *m; for (int bit = sizeof(Tm) * 8; bit--; mi <<= 1) { // Multiply by X, save outgoing coeff of degree N bool resN = res[N - 1]; res <<= 1; // Add m[i]*X^N resN ^= (bool)(mi & bitmask); // Modulo X^N+p if (resN) res += p; } } return res; } template bool operator==(const bitvect &a, const bitvect &b) { for (int i = 0; i < a.NW; ++i) if (a.v[i] != b.v[i]) return false; return true; } // Add (in GF(2)) template bitvect operator+(const bitvect &a, const bitvect &b) { bitvect res; for (int i = 0; i < a.NW; ++i) res.v[i] = a.v[i] ^ b.v[i]; return res; } // Polynomial multiplication. template bitvect operator*(bitvect a, const bitvect &b) { bitvect res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NB; ++i, a <<= 1) if (b[i]) res += a; // TBD If truncation is needed, do it only once at the end. return res; } // Finite group GF(2^N), for small N. // GF(2) is the ring ({0,1},+,*). // GF(2)[X] is the ring of polynomials with coefficients in GF(2). // P(X) is an irreducible polynomial of GF(2)[X]. // N is the degree of P(x). // GF(2)[X]/(P) is GF(2)[X] modulo P(X). // (GF(2)[X]/(P), +) is a group with 2^N elements. // (GF(2)[X]/(P)*, *) is a group with 2^N-1 elements. // (GF(2)[X]/(P), +, *) is a field with 2^N elements, noted GF(2^N). // Te is a C++ integer type for encoding elements of GF(2^N). // Binary coefficients are packed, with degree 0 at LSB. // (Te)0 is 0 // (Te)1 is 1 // (Te)2 is X // (Te)3 is X+1 // (Te)4 is X^2 // TRUNCP is the encoding of the generator, with highest monomial omitted. // ALPHA is a primitive element of GF(2^N). Usually "2"=[X] is chosen. template struct gf2n { typedef Te element; static const Te alpha = ALPHA; gf2n() { if (ALPHA != 2) fail("alpha!=2 not implemented"); // Precompute log and exp tables. Te alpha_i = 1; // ALPHA^0 for (int i = 0; i < (1 << N); ++i) { lut_exp[i] = alpha_i; // ALPHA^i lut_exp[((1 << N) - 1) + i] = alpha_i; // Wrap to avoid modulo 2^N-1 lut_log[alpha_i] = i; bool overflow = alpha_i & (1 << (N - 1)); alpha_i *= 2; // Multiply by alpha=[X] i.e. increase degrees alpha_i &= ~((~(Te)0) << N); // In case Te is wider than N bits if (overflow) alpha_i ^= TRUNCP; // Modulo P iteratively } } inline Te add(Te x, Te y) { return x ^ y; } // Addition modulo 2 inline Te sub(Te x, Te y) { return x ^ y; } // Subtraction modulo 2 inline Te mul(Te x, Te y) { if (!x || !y) return 0; return lut_exp[lut_log[x] + lut_log[y]]; } inline Te div(Te x, Te y) { if (!x) return 0; return lut_exp[lut_log[x] + ((1 << N) - 1) - lut_log[y]]; } inline Te inv(Te x) { return lut_exp[((1 << N) - 1) - lut_log[x]]; } inline Te exp(Te x) { return lut_exp[x]; } inline Te log(Te x) { return lut_log[x]; } private: Te lut_exp[(1 << N) * 2]; // Extra room for wrapping modulo 2^N-1 Te lut_log[1 << N]; }; // gf2n } // namespace leansdr #endif // LEANSDR_DISCRMATH_H