GamepadConfigurationDialog 0 0 383 568 Liberation Sans 9 Gamepad Configuration Configuration Reset configuration Reset 0 Elevation Offset Axis 0 Configure Target Elevation/Y Axis 0 80 To configure a controller axis: - press the Configure button, - move the controller axis you want for that function. Configure Target Aziumth/X Axis Qt::Vertical 20 40 Configure 60 0 0 Configure 0 Azimuth Offset Axis Deadzones Target Azimuth/X Axis 100 1 Qt::Horizontal 35 0 0% Target Elevation/Y Axis 100 1 Qt::Horizontal 0% Azimuth Offset Axis 100 1 Qt::Horizontal 0% Elevation Offset Axis 100 1 Qt::Horizontal 0% Sensitivity 100% 65 0 0 0 Low 65 0 100% High Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close LogLabelSlider QSlider
config0 config1 config2 config3 buttonBox accepted() GamepadConfigurationDialog accept() 257 519 157 274 buttonBox rejected() GamepadConfigurationDialog reject() 325 519 286 274