StarTrackerSettings: description: "Star Tracker settings" properties: target: description: "Target object (Sun, Moon or Custom)" type: string ra: description: "Right ascension of custom target" type: string dec: description: "Declination of custom target" type: string azimuth: description: "Azimuth of custom target" type: number format: float elevation: description: "Elevation of custom target" type: number format: float l: description: "Galactic longitude of custom target" type: number format: float b: description: "Galactic latitude of custom target" type: number format: float azimuthOffset: description: "Offset to add to computed azimuth of target" type: number format: float elevationOffset: description: "Offset to add to computed elevation of target" type: number format: float latitude: description: "Latitude in decimal degrees (North positive) of observation/antenna location" type: number format: float longitude: description: "Longitude in decimal degrees (East positive) of observation/antenna location" type: number format: float dateTime: description: "Date and time of observation. ISO 8601 extended format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss with Z suffix for UTC. Empty string for current time." type: string refraction: description: "Atmospheric refraction correction (None or Saemundsson)" type: string pressure: description: "Air pressure in millibars, for refraction" type: number format: float temperature: description: "Air temperature in Celsius, for refraction" type: number format: float humidity: description: "Relative humidity in %, for refraction" type: number format: float heightAboveSeaLevel: description: "Height above sea level in metres of observation/antenna location" type: number format: float temperatureLapseRate: description: "Temperature lapse rate in K/km" type: number format: float frequency: description: "Frequency of radio waves being observed in MHz" type: number format: float stellariumServerEnabled: description: "Enable Stellarium server (1 for yes, 0 for no)" type: integer stellariumPort: description: "IP port number for Stellarium server to listen on (Default is 10001)." type: integer updatePeriod: description: "Time in seconds between each calculation of the target's position" type: number format: float epoch: description: "Epoch for RA and Dec (J2000 or JNOW)" type: string drawSunOnMap: description: "Draw the overhead position of the Sun on the Map (1 for yes, 0 for no)" type: integer drawMoonOnMap: description: "Draw the overhead position of the Moon on the Map (1 for yes, 0 for no)" type: integer drawStarOnMap: description: "Draw the overhead position of the target Star on the Map (1 for yes, 0 for no)" type: integer title: type: string rgbColor: type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex: type: integer reverseAPIFeatureIndex: type: integer rollupState: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/RollupState.yaml#/RollupState" StarTrackerTarget: description: "Star Tracker target. Sent to message queue for other plugins to use." properties: name: description: "The name of the target" type: string azimuth: description: "The azimuth angle in degrees to the target" type: number format: float elevation: description: "The elevation angle in degrees to the target" type: number format: float ra: description: "Right ascension of target" type: number format: float dec: description: "Declination of target" type: number format: float b: description: "Galactic latitude in degrees" type: number format: float l: description: "Galactic longitude in degrees" type: number format: float earthRotationVelocity: description: "Velocity towards target at observation location due to rotation of the Earth" type: number format: float earthOrbitVelocityBCRS: description: "Velocity towards target due to Earth's orbit of Sun relative to barycentric reference frame" type: number format: float sunVelocityLSR: description: "Velocity of Sun towards target relative to local standard of rest" type: number format: float solarFlux: description: "Solar flux" type: number format: float airTemperature: description: "Surface air temperature in degrees celsius at antenna location" type: number format: float skyTemperature: description: "Sky temperature (CMB+Galactic noise) in Kelvin towards the target" type: number format: float hpbw: description: "Half-power beam width in degrees" type: number format: float StarTrackerDisplaySettings: description: "Settings to display in Star Tracker. Can be sent by other plugins to startracker.display message queue." properties: dateTime: description: "Date and time of observation. ISO 8601 extended format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss with Z suffix for UTC. Empty string for current time." type: string azimuth: description: "The azimuth angle in degrees to the target" type: number format: float elevation: description: "The elevation angle in degrees to the target" type: number format: float StarTrackerDisplayLoSSettings: description: "Details of object to display in Star Tracker line-of-sight view. Can be sent by other plugins to startracker.display message queue" properties: name: type: string b: description: "Galactic latitude in degrees" type: number format: float l: description: "Galactic longitude in degrees" type: number format: float d: description: "Distance to object from Sun in kpc" type: number format: float StarTrackerReport: description: RigCtl server report properties: runningState: type: integer description: > Running state * 0 - not started * 1 - idle * 2 - running * 3 - error StarTrackerActions: description: "Star Tracker actions" properties: run: type: integer description: > Set the plugin running state * 0 - idle * 1 - run