/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "dsp/agc.h" #include "util/stepfunctions.h" AGC::AGC(int historySize, double R) : m_u0(1.0), m_R(R), m_moving_average(historySize, m_R), m_historySize(historySize), m_count(0) {} AGC::~AGC() {} void AGC::resize(int historySize, double R) { m_R = R; m_moving_average.resize(historySize, R); m_historySize = historySize; m_count = 0; } Real AGC::getValue() { return m_u0; } Real AGC::getAverage() { return m_moving_average.average(); } MagAGC::MagAGC(int historySize, double R, double threshold) : AGC(historySize, R), m_squared(false), m_magsq(0.0), m_threshold(threshold), m_thresholdEnable(true), m_gate(0), m_stepLength(std::min(2400, historySize/2)), // max 50 ms (at 48 kHz) m_stepDelta(1.0/m_stepLength), m_stepUpCounter(0), m_stepDownCounter(0), m_gateCounter(0), m_stepDownDelay(historySize), m_R2(R*R), m_hardLimiting(false) {} MagAGC::~MagAGC() {} void MagAGC::resize(int historySize, int stepLength, Real R) { m_R2 = R*R; m_stepLength = stepLength; m_stepDelta = 1.0 / m_stepLength; m_stepUpCounter = 0; m_stepDownCounter = 0; AGC::resize(historySize, R); m_moving_average.fill(0); } void MagAGC::setOrder(double R) { m_R2 = R*R; AGC::setOrder(R); m_moving_average.fill(0); } void MagAGC::setThresholdEnable(bool enable) { if (m_thresholdEnable != enable) { m_stepUpCounter = 0; m_stepDownCounter = 0; } m_thresholdEnable = enable; } void MagAGC::feed(Complex& ci) { ci *= feedAndGetValue(ci); } double MagAGC::hardLimiter(double multiplier, double magsq) { if ((m_hardLimiting) && (multiplier*multiplier*magsq > 1.0)) { return 1.0 / (multiplier*sqrt(magsq)); } else { return multiplier; } } double MagAGC::feedAndGetValue(const Complex& ci) { m_magsq = ci.real()*ci.real() + ci.imag()*ci.imag(); m_moving_average.feed(m_magsq); m_u0 = m_R / (m_squared ? m_moving_average.average() : sqrt(m_moving_average.average())); if (m_thresholdEnable) { bool open = false; if (m_magsq > m_threshold) { if (m_gateCounter < m_gate) { m_gateCounter++; } else { open = true; } } else { m_gateCounter = 0; } if (open) { m_count = m_stepDownDelay; // delay before step down (grace delay) } else { m_count--; m_gateCounter = m_gate; // keep gate open during grace } if (m_count > 0) // up phase { m_stepDownCounter = m_stepUpCounter; // prepare for step down if (m_stepUpCounter < m_stepLength) // step up { m_stepUpCounter++; return hardLimiter(m_u0 * StepFunctions::smootherstep(m_stepUpCounter * m_stepDelta), m_magsq); } else // steady open { return hardLimiter(m_u0, m_magsq); } } else // down phase { m_stepUpCounter = m_stepDownCounter; // prepare for step up if (m_stepDownCounter > 0) // step down { m_stepDownCounter--; return hardLimiter(m_u0 * StepFunctions::smootherstep(m_stepDownCounter * m_stepDelta), m_magsq); } else // steady closed { return 0.0; } } } else { return hardLimiter(m_u0, m_magsq); } } float MagAGC::getStepValue() const { if (m_count > 0) // up phase { return StepFunctions::smootherstep(m_stepUpCounter * m_stepDelta); // step up } else // down phase { return StepFunctions::smootherstep(m_stepDownCounter * m_stepDelta); // step down } }