SIDGUI 0 0 1044 580 0 0 320 100 9 SID Qt::LeftToRight 10 10 964 80 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 Start/stop measurements :/play.png :/stop.png:/play.png Load data from a .csv file :/load.png:/load.png Save data to a .csv file :/save.png:/save.png Save chart to an image file :/picture.png:/picture.png Delete all data :/bin.png:/bin.png Qt::Vertical Avg Number of samples in average 1 1000 Qt::Vertical 0 0 Display primary long wavelength X-Ray data on chart :/sid/icons/xlp.svg:/sid/icons/xlp.svg 0 0 Display secondary long wavelength X-Ray data on chart :/sid/icons/xls.svg:/sid/icons/xls.svg Display primary short wavelength X-Ray data on chart :/sid/icons/xsp.svg:/sid/icons/xsp.svg Display secondary short wavelength X-Ray data on chart :/sid/icons/xss.svg:/sid/icons/xss.svg 0 0 Display proton flux data on chart :/sid/icons/proton.svg:/sid/icons/proton.svg Display GRBs on chart :/sid/icons/gamma.svg:/sid/icons/gamma.svg Display solar flares from STIX on chart :/sid/icons/solar-orbiter.svg:/sid/icons/solar-orbiter.svg Qt::Vertical Display as a single chart or multiple charts :/sid/icons/chartcombined.png :/sid/icons/chartseparate.png:/sid/icons/chartcombined.png Display legend :/sid/icons/legend.png:/sid/icons/legend.png Qt::Vertical Open settings dialog :/listing.png:/listing.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 SDO/SOHO Display SDO/SOHO imagery :/sid/icons/sun.png:/sid/icons/sun.png Select image or video :/picture.png :/film.png:/picture.png Image/wavelength selection Show GOES 16, 18 and SDO in Satellite Tracker :/gps.png:/gps.png Autoscale X-axis. Right click to continually autoscale X Autoscale Y-axis. Right click to continually autoscale Y Set X-axis range to today. Right click to set to today's daylight hours. T Set X-axis range to -1 day -1 Set X-axis range to +1 day +1 Qt::Vertical Start X axis start time End X axis end time Qt::Vertical Min 1 -150.000000000000000 -100.000000000000000 dB Max 1 -150.000000000000000 dB Qt::Horizontal 40 20 When checked SDO data is the latest available. When unchecked, date and time may be set manually Now Date and time for SDO data Map 3D Map feature to send date and time to None Show propagation paths on map :/world.png:/world.png 10 100 661 384 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 0 0 Qt::Vertical 100 100 Power vs Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 ButtonSwitch QToolButton
RollupContents QWidget
QChartView QGraphicsView
WrappingDateTimeEdit QDateTimeEdit
ScaledImage QLabel
QVideoWidget QWidget