/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2016 F4EXB // // written by Edouard Griffiths // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "dspdevicesinkengine.h" #include "dsp/basebandsamplesource.h" #include "dsp/basebandsamplesink.h" #include "dsp/devicesamplesink.h" #include "dsp/dspcommands.h" DSPDeviceSinkEngine::DSPDeviceSinkEngine(uint32_t uid, QObject* parent) : QThread(parent), m_uid(uid), m_state(StNotStarted), m_deviceSampleSink(nullptr), m_sampleSinkSequence(0), m_basebandSampleSources(), m_spectrumSink(nullptr), m_sampleRate(0), m_centerFrequency(0) { connect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages()), Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&m_syncMessenger, SIGNAL(messageSent()), this, SLOT(handleSynchronousMessages()), Qt::QueuedConnection); moveToThread(this); } DSPDeviceSinkEngine::~DSPDeviceSinkEngine() { stop(); wait(); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::run() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::run"; m_state = StIdle; exec(); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::start() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::start"; QThread::start(); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::stop() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::stop"; gotoIdle(); m_state = StNotStarted; QThread::exit(); // DSPExit cmd; // m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); } bool DSPDeviceSinkEngine::initGeneration() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::initGeneration"; DSPGenerationInit cmd; return m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd) == StReady; } bool DSPDeviceSinkEngine::startGeneration() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::startGeneration"; DSPGenerationStart cmd; return m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd) == StRunning; } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::stopGeneration() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::stopGeneration"; DSPGenerationStop cmd; m_syncMessenger.storeMessage(cmd); handleSynchronousMessages(); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::setSink(DeviceSampleSink* sink) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::setSink"; DSPSetSink cmd(sink); m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::setSinkSequence(int sequence) { qDebug("DSPDeviceSinkEngine::setSinkSequence: seq: %d", sequence); m_sampleSinkSequence = sequence; } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::addChannelSource(BasebandSampleSource* source) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::addChannelSource: " << source->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); DSPAddBasebandSampleSource cmd(source); m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::removeChannelSource(BasebandSampleSource* source) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::removeChannelSource: " << source->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); DSPRemoveBasebandSampleSource cmd(source); m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::addSpectrumSink(BasebandSampleSink* spectrumSink) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::addSpectrumSink: " << spectrumSink->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); DSPAddSpectrumSink cmd(spectrumSink); m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::removeSpectrumSink(BasebandSampleSink* spectrumSink) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::removeSpectrumSink: " << spectrumSink->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); DSPRemoveSpectrumSink cmd(spectrumSink); m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); } QString DSPDeviceSinkEngine::errorMessage() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::errorMessage"; DSPGetErrorMessage cmd; m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); return cmd.getErrorMessage(); } QString DSPDeviceSinkEngine::sinkDeviceDescription() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::sinkDeviceDescription"; DSPGetSinkDeviceDescription cmd; m_syncMessenger.sendWait(cmd); return cmd.getDeviceDescription(); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::workSampleFifo() { SampleSourceFifo *sourceFifo = m_deviceSampleSink->getSampleFifo(); if (!sourceFifo) { return; } SampleVector& data = sourceFifo->getData(); unsigned int iPart1Begin, iPart1End, iPart2Begin, iPart2End; unsigned int remainder = sourceFifo->remainder(); while ((remainder > 0) && (m_inputMessageQueue.size() == 0)) { sourceFifo->write(remainder, iPart1Begin, iPart1End, iPart2Begin, iPart2End); if (iPart1Begin != iPart1End) { workSamples(data, iPart1Begin, iPart1End); } if (iPart2Begin != iPart2End) { workSamples(data, iPart2Begin, iPart2End); } remainder = sourceFifo->remainder(); } } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::workSamples(SampleVector& data, unsigned int iBegin, unsigned int iEnd) { unsigned int nbSamples = iEnd - iBegin; SampleVector::iterator begin = data.begin() + iBegin; if (m_basebandSampleSources.size() == 0) { m_sourceZeroBuffer.allocate(nbSamples, Sample{0,0}); std::copy( m_sourceZeroBuffer.m_vector.begin(), m_sourceZeroBuffer.m_vector.begin() + nbSamples, data.begin() + iBegin ); } else if (m_basebandSampleSources.size() == 1) { BasebandSampleSource *source = m_basebandSampleSources.front(); source->pull(begin, nbSamples); } else { m_sourceSampleBuffer.allocate(nbSamples); SampleVector::iterator sBegin = m_sourceSampleBuffer.m_vector.begin(); BasebandSampleSources::const_iterator srcIt = m_basebandSampleSources.begin(); BasebandSampleSource *source = *srcIt; source->pull(begin, nbSamples); srcIt++; m_sumIndex = 1; for (; srcIt != m_basebandSampleSources.end(); ++srcIt, m_sumIndex++) { source = *srcIt; source->pull(sBegin, nbSamples); std::transform( sBegin, sBegin + nbSamples, data.begin() + iBegin, data.begin() + iBegin, [this](Sample& a, const Sample& b) -> Sample { FixReal den = m_sumIndex + 1; // at each stage scale sum by n/n+1 and input by 1/n+1 FixReal nom = m_sumIndex; // so that final sum is scaled by N (number of channels) FixReal x = a.real()/den + nom*(b.real()/den); FixReal y = a.imag()/den + nom*(b.imag()/den); return Sample{x, y}; } ); } } // possibly feed data to spectrum sink if (m_spectrumSink) { m_spectrumSink->feed(data.begin() + iBegin, data.begin() + iEnd, false); } } // notStarted -> idle -> init -> running -+ // ^ | // +-----------------------+ DSPDeviceSinkEngine::State DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoIdle() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoIdle"; switch(m_state) { case StNotStarted: return StNotStarted; case StIdle: case StError: return StIdle; case StReady: case StRunning: break; } if(m_deviceSampleSink == 0) { return StIdle; } // stop everything m_deviceSampleSink->stop(); for(BasebandSampleSources::const_iterator it = m_basebandSampleSources.begin(); it != m_basebandSampleSources.end(); it++) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoIdle: stopping " << (*it)->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); (*it)->stop(); } m_deviceDescription.clear(); m_sampleRate = 0; return StIdle; } DSPDeviceSinkEngine::State DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoInit() { switch(m_state) { case StNotStarted: return StNotStarted; case StRunning: // FIXME: assumes it goes first through idle state. Could we get back to init from running directly? return StRunning; case StReady: return StReady; case StIdle: case StError: break; } if (m_deviceSampleSink == 0) { return gotoError("DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoInit: No sample source configured"); } // init: pass sample rate and center frequency to all sample rate and/or center frequency dependent sinks and wait for completion m_deviceDescription = m_deviceSampleSink->getDeviceDescription(); m_centerFrequency = m_deviceSampleSink->getCenterFrequency(); m_sampleRate = m_deviceSampleSink->getSampleRate(); qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoInit: " << " m_deviceDescription: " << m_deviceDescription.toStdString().c_str() << " sampleRate: " << m_sampleRate << " centerFrequency: " << m_centerFrequency; DSPSignalNotification notif(m_sampleRate, m_centerFrequency); for (BasebandSampleSources::const_iterator it = m_basebandSampleSources.begin(); it != m_basebandSampleSources.end(); ++it) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoInit: initializing " << (*it)->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); (*it)->handleMessage(notif); } if (m_spectrumSink) { m_spectrumSink->handleMessage(notif); } // pass data to listeners if (m_deviceSampleSink->getMessageQueueToGUI()) { DSPSignalNotification* rep = new DSPSignalNotification(notif); // make a copy for the output queue m_deviceSampleSink->getMessageQueueToGUI()->push(rep); } return StReady; } DSPDeviceSinkEngine::State DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoRunning() { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoRunning"; switch(m_state) { case StNotStarted: return StNotStarted; case StIdle: return StIdle; case StRunning: return StRunning; case StReady: case StError: break; } if(m_deviceSampleSink == 0) { return gotoError("DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoRunning: No sample source configured"); } qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoRunning: " << m_deviceDescription.toStdString().c_str() << " started"; // Start everything if(!m_deviceSampleSink->start()) { return gotoError("DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoRunning: Could not start sample sink"); } for(BasebandSampleSources::const_iterator it = m_basebandSampleSources.begin(); it != m_basebandSampleSources.end(); it++) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoRunning: starting " << (*it)->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); (*it)->start(); } if (m_spectrumSink) { m_spectrumSink->start(); } qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoRunning: input message queue pending: " << m_inputMessageQueue.size(); return StRunning; } DSPDeviceSinkEngine::State DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoError(const QString& errorMessage) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::gotoError"; m_errorMessage = errorMessage; m_deviceDescription.clear(); m_state = StError; return StError; } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleSetSink(DeviceSampleSink* sink) { m_deviceSampleSink = sink; if (!m_deviceSampleSink) { // Early leave return; } qDebug("DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleSetSink: set %s", qPrintable(sink->getDeviceDescription())); QObject::connect( m_deviceSampleSink->getSampleFifo(), &SampleSourceFifo::dataRead, this, &DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleData, Qt::QueuedConnection ); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleData() { if (m_state == StRunning) { workSampleFifo(); } } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleSynchronousMessages() { Message *message = m_syncMessenger.getMessage(); qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleSynchronousMessages: " << message->getIdentifier(); if (DSPGenerationInit::match(*message)) { m_state = gotoIdle(); if(m_state == StIdle) { m_state = gotoInit(); // State goes ready if init is performed } } else if (DSPGenerationStart::match(*message)) { if(m_state == StReady) { m_state = gotoRunning(); } } else if (DSPGenerationStop::match(*message)) { m_state = gotoIdle(); } else if (DSPGetSinkDeviceDescription::match(*message)) { ((DSPGetSinkDeviceDescription*) message)->setDeviceDescription(m_deviceDescription); } else if (DSPGetErrorMessage::match(*message)) { ((DSPGetErrorMessage*) message)->setErrorMessage(m_errorMessage); } else if (DSPSetSink::match(*message)) { handleSetSink(((DSPSetSink*) message)->getSampleSink()); } else if (DSPAddSpectrumSink::match(*message)) { m_spectrumSink = ((DSPAddSpectrumSink*) message)->getSampleSink(); } else if (DSPRemoveSpectrumSink::match(*message)) { BasebandSampleSink* spectrumSink = ((DSPRemoveSpectrumSink*) message)->getSampleSink(); if(m_state == StRunning) { spectrumSink->stop(); } m_spectrumSink = nullptr; } else if (DSPAddBasebandSampleSource::match(*message)) { BasebandSampleSource* source = ((DSPAddBasebandSampleSource*) message)->getSampleSource(); m_basebandSampleSources.push_back(source); DSPSignalNotification notif(m_sampleRate, m_centerFrequency); source->handleMessage(notif); if (m_state == StRunning) { source->start(); } } else if (DSPRemoveBasebandSampleSource::match(*message)) { BasebandSampleSource* source = ((DSPRemoveBasebandSampleSource*) message)->getSampleSource(); if(m_state == StRunning) { source->stop(); } m_basebandSampleSources.remove(source); } m_syncMessenger.done(m_state); } void DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleInputMessages() { Message* message; while ((message = m_inputMessageQueue.pop()) != 0) { qDebug("DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleInputMessages: message: %s", message->getIdentifier()); if (DSPSignalNotification::match(*message)) { DSPSignalNotification *notif = (DSPSignalNotification *) message; // update DSP values m_sampleRate = notif->getSampleRate(); m_centerFrequency = notif->getCenterFrequency(); qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleInputMessages: DSPSignalNotification:" << " m_sampleRate: " << m_sampleRate << " m_centerFrequency: " << m_centerFrequency; // forward source changes to sources with immediate execution for(BasebandSampleSources::const_iterator it = m_basebandSampleSources.begin(); it != m_basebandSampleSources.end(); it++) { qDebug() << "DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleInputMessages: forward message to " << (*it)->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); (*it)->handleMessage(*message); } // forward changes to listeners on DSP output queue MessageQueue *guiMessageQueue = m_deviceSampleSink->getMessageQueueToGUI(); qDebug("DSPDeviceSinkEngine::handleInputMessages: DSPSignalNotification: guiMessageQueue: %p", guiMessageQueue); if (guiMessageQueue) { DSPSignalNotification* rep = new DSPSignalNotification(*notif); // make a copy for the output queue guiMessageQueue->push(rep); } delete message; } } }