/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // Copyright (C) 2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "util/simpleserializer.h" #include "settings/serializable.h" #include "satellitetrackersettings.h" #define DEAFULT_TARGET "ISS" #define DEFAULT_TLES {"https://db.satnogs.org/api/tle/", "https://www.amsat.org/tle/current/nasabare.txt", "https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/goes.txt"} #define DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT "yyyy/MM/dd" #define DEFAULT_AOS_SPEECH "${name} is visible for ${duration} minutes. Max elevation, ${elevation} degrees." #define DEFAULT_LOS_SPEECH "${name} is no longer visible." SatelliteTrackerSettings::SatelliteTrackerSettings() : m_rollupState(nullptr) { resetToDefaults(); } void SatelliteTrackerSettings::resetToDefaults() { m_latitude = 0.0; m_longitude = 0.0; m_heightAboveSeaLevel = 0.0; m_target = DEAFULT_TARGET; m_satellites = {QString(DEAFULT_TARGET)}; m_tles = DEFAULT_TLES; m_dateTime = ""; m_minAOSElevation = 5; m_minPassElevation = 15; m_rotatorMaxAzimuth = 450; m_rotatorMaxElevation = 180; m_azElUnits = DM; m_groundTrackPoints = 100; m_dateFormat = DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT; m_utc = false; m_updatePeriod = 1.0f; m_dopplerPeriod = 10.0f; m_defaultFrequency = 100000000.0f; m_drawOnMap = true; m_autoTarget = true; m_aosSpeech = DEFAULT_AOS_SPEECH; m_losSpeech = DEFAULT_LOS_SPEECH; m_aosCommand = ""; m_losCommand = ""; m_predictionPeriod = 5; m_passStartTime = QTime(0,0); m_passFinishTime = QTime(23,59,59); m_title = "Satellite Tracker"; m_rgbColor = QColor(225, 25, 99).rgb(); m_useReverseAPI = false; m_reverseAPIAddress = ""; m_reverseAPIPort = 8888; m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex = 0; m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex = 0; m_chartsDarkTheme = true; m_replayEnabled = false; m_sendTimeToMap = true; m_dateTimeSelect = NOW; m_mapFeature = ""; m_fileInputDevice = ""; for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++) { m_columnIndexes[i] = i; m_columnSizes[i] = -1; // Autosize } } QByteArray SatelliteTrackerSettings::serialize() const { SimpleSerializer s(1); s.writeDouble(1, m_latitude); s.writeDouble(2, m_longitude); s.writeDouble(3, m_heightAboveSeaLevel); s.writeString(4, m_target); s.writeBlob(5, serializeStringList(m_satellites)); s.writeBlob(6, serializeStringList(m_tles)); s.writeString(7, m_dateTime); s.writeS32(8, m_minAOSElevation); s.writeS32(9, m_minPassElevation); s.writeS32(10, m_rotatorMaxAzimuth); s.writeS32(11, m_rotatorMaxElevation); s.writeS32(12, m_azElUnits); s.writeS32(13, m_groundTrackPoints); s.writeString(14, m_dateFormat); s.writeBool(15, m_utc); s.writeFloat(16, m_updatePeriod); s.writeFloat(17, m_dopplerPeriod); s.writeS32(18, m_predictionPeriod); s.writeString(19, m_passStartTime.toString()); s.writeString(20, m_passFinishTime.toString()); s.writeFloat(21, m_defaultFrequency); s.writeBool(22, m_drawOnMap); s.writeBool(23, m_autoTarget); s.writeString(24, m_aosSpeech); s.writeString(25, m_losSpeech); s.writeString(26, m_aosCommand); s.writeString(27, m_losCommand); s.writeBlob(28, serializeDeviceSettings(m_deviceSettings)); s.writeString(29, m_title); s.writeU32(30, m_rgbColor); s.writeBool(31, m_useReverseAPI); s.writeString(32, m_reverseAPIAddress); s.writeU32(33, m_reverseAPIPort); s.writeU32(34, m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex); s.writeU32(35, m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex); s.writeBool(36, m_chartsDarkTheme); if (m_rollupState) { s.writeBlob(37, m_rollupState->serialize()); } s.writeBool(38, m_replayEnabled); s.writeString(39, m_replayStartDateTime.toString(Qt::ISODate)); s.writeBool(41, m_sendTimeToMap); s.writeS32(42, (int)m_dateTimeSelect); s.writeString(43, m_mapFeature); s.writeString(44, m_fileInputDevice); for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++) { s.writeS32(100 + i, m_columnIndexes[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++) { s.writeS32(200 + i, m_columnSizes[i]); } return s.final(); } bool SatelliteTrackerSettings::deserialize(const QByteArray& data) { SimpleDeserializer d(data); if (!d.isValid()) { resetToDefaults(); return false; } if (d.getVersion() == 1) { QByteArray bytetmp; uint32_t utmp; QString strtmp; QByteArray blob; d.readDouble(1, &m_latitude, 0.0); d.readDouble(2, &m_longitude, 0.0); d.readDouble(3, &m_heightAboveSeaLevel, 0.0); d.readString(4, &m_target, DEAFULT_TARGET); d.readBlob(5, &blob); deserializeStringList(blob, m_satellites); d.readBlob(6, &blob); deserializeStringList(blob, m_tles); d.readString(7, &m_dateTime, ""); d.readS32(8, &m_minAOSElevation, 5); d.readS32(9, &m_minPassElevation, 15); d.readS32(10, &m_rotatorMaxAzimuth, 450); d.readS32(11, &m_rotatorMaxElevation, 180); d.readS32(12, (qint32 *)&m_azElUnits, DM); d.readS32(13, &m_groundTrackPoints, 100); d.readString(14, &m_dateFormat, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT); d.readBool(15, &m_utc, false); d.readFloat(16, &m_updatePeriod, 1.0f); d.readFloat(17, &m_dopplerPeriod, 10.0f); d.readS32(18, &m_predictionPeriod, 5); d.readString(19, &strtmp, "00:00:00"); m_passStartTime = QTime::fromString(strtmp); d.readString(20, &strtmp, "23:59:59"); m_passFinishTime = QTime::fromString(strtmp); d.readFloat(21, &m_defaultFrequency, 100000000.0f); d.readBool(22, &m_drawOnMap, true); d.readBool(23, &m_autoTarget, true); d.readString(24, &m_aosSpeech, DEFAULT_AOS_SPEECH); d.readString(25, &m_aosCommand, DEFAULT_LOS_SPEECH); d.readString(26, &m_aosCommand, ""); d.readString(27, &m_losCommand, ""); d.readBlob(28, &blob); deserializeDeviceSettings(blob, m_deviceSettings); d.readString(29, &m_title, "Satellite Tracker"); d.readU32(30, &m_rgbColor, QColor(225, 25, 99).rgb()); d.readBool(31, &m_useReverseAPI, false); d.readString(32, &m_reverseAPIAddress, ""); d.readU32(33, &utmp, 0); if ((utmp > 1023) && (utmp < 65535)) { m_reverseAPIPort = utmp; } else { m_reverseAPIPort = 8888; } d.readU32(34, &utmp, 0); m_reverseAPIFeatureSetIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp; d.readU32(35, &utmp, 0); m_reverseAPIFeatureIndex = utmp > 99 ? 99 : utmp; d.readBool(36, &m_chartsDarkTheme, true); if (m_rollupState) { d.readBlob(37, &bytetmp); m_rollupState->deserialize(bytetmp); } d.readBool(38, &m_replayEnabled, false); d.readString(39, &strtmp); m_replayStartDateTime = QDateTime::fromString(strtmp, Qt::ISODate); d.readBool(41, &m_sendTimeToMap, true); d.readS32(42, (int *)&m_dateTimeSelect, (int)NOW); d.readString(43, &m_mapFeature, ""); d.readString(44, &m_fileInputDevice, ""); for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++) { d.readS32(100 + i, &m_columnIndexes[i], i); } for (int i = 0; i < SAT_COL_COLUMNS; i++) { d.readS32(200 + i, &m_columnSizes[i], -1); } return true; } else { resetToDefaults(); return false; } } QByteArray SatelliteTrackerSettings::serializeStringList(const QList& strings) const { QByteArray data; QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); (*stream) << strings; delete stream; return data; } void SatelliteTrackerSettings::deserializeStringList(const QByteArray& data, QList& strings) { QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(data); (*stream) >> strings; delete stream; } QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const QList *list) { out << *list; return out; } QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, QList*& list) { list = new QList(); in >> *list; return in; } QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& out, const SatelliteTrackerSettings::SatelliteDeviceSettings* settings) { out << settings->m_deviceSetIndex; out << settings->m_presetGroup; out << settings->m_presetFrequency; out << settings->m_presetDescription; out << settings->m_doppler; out << settings->m_startOnAOS; out << settings->m_stopOnLOS; out << settings->m_startStopFileSink; out << settings->m_frequency; out << settings->m_aosCommand; out << settings->m_losCommand; return out; } QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& in, SatelliteTrackerSettings::SatelliteDeviceSettings*& settings) { settings = new SatelliteTrackerSettings::SatelliteDeviceSettings(); in >> settings->m_deviceSetIndex; in >> settings->m_presetGroup; in >> settings->m_presetFrequency; in >> settings->m_presetDescription; in >> settings->m_doppler; in >> settings->m_startOnAOS; in >> settings->m_stopOnLOS; in >> settings->m_startStopFileSink; in >> settings->m_frequency; in >> settings->m_aosCommand; in >> settings->m_losCommand; return in; } QByteArray SatelliteTrackerSettings::serializeDeviceSettings(QHash *> deviceSettings) const { QByteArray data; QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); (*stream) << deviceSettings; delete stream; return data; } void SatelliteTrackerSettings::deserializeDeviceSettings(const QByteArray& data, QHash *>& deviceSettings) { QDataStream *stream = new QDataStream(data); (*stream) >> deviceSettings; delete stream; } SatelliteTrackerSettings::SatelliteDeviceSettings::SatelliteDeviceSettings() { m_deviceSetIndex = 0; m_presetFrequency = 0; m_startOnAOS = true; m_stopOnLOS = true; m_startStopFileSink = true; m_frequency = 0; m_aosCommand = ""; m_losCommand = ""; }