RttyModTXSettingsDialog 0 0 351 546 Liberation Sans 9 Packet TX Extra Settings Text Prefix text with carriage returns, line feed and switch to letters Prefix CR+CR+LF+LTRS Predefined text 22 22 Add item to list + 22 22 Remove selected items from list - Move selected item up Up :/arrow_up.png:/arrow_up.png Move selected item down :/arrow_down.png:/arrow_down.png Postfix text with carriage returns and line feeds Postfix CR+CR+LF Predefined text messages Substitutions: ${callsign} ${location} QAbstractItemView::InternalMove Qt::MoveAction Modulation RF BW limit LPF taps Number of taps in LPF for RF BW filter. 10000 Enable raised cosine pulse shaping filter Raised cosine pulse shaping Filter rolloff (beta) Roll-off of the filter 1.000000000000000 0.250000000000000 Filter symbol span Number of symbols over which filter is applied 1 20 Debug Generate white noise as baseband signal. Generate BB noise Generate white noise as RF signal. Generate RF noise Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() RttyModTXSettingsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() RttyModTXSettingsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274