/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2023 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB. // // // // This is the code from ft8mon: https://github.com/rtmrtmrtmrtm/ft8mon // // written by Robert Morris, AB1HL // // reformatted and adapted to Qt and SDRangel context // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "unpack.h" #include "unpack0.h" #include "util.h" namespace FT8 { int Packing::ihashcall(std::string rawcall, int m) { std::string call = trim(rawcall); const char *chars = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/"; while (call.size() < 11) { call += " "; } unsigned long long x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { int c = call[i]; const char *p = strchr(chars, c); if (p) { int j = p - chars; x = 38 * x + j; } } x = x * 47055833459LL; x = x >> (64 - m); return x; } // // turn 28 bits of packed call into the call // std::string Packing::unpackcall(int x) { char tmp[64]; const char *c1 = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const char *c2 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; const char *c3 = "0123456789"; const char *c4 = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; if (x == 0) { return "DE"; } if (x == 1) { return "QRZ"; } if (x == 2) { return "CQ"; } if (x <= 1002) { sprintf(tmp, "CQ %d", x - 3); return std::string(tmp); } if (x <= 532443) { x -= 1003; int ci1 = x / (27 * 27 * 27); x %= 27 * 27 * 27; int ci2 = x / (27 * 27); x %= 27 * 27; int ci3 = x / 27; x %= 27; int ci4 = x; sprintf(tmp, "CQ %c%c%c%c", c4[ci1], c4[ci2], c4[ci3], c4[ci4]); return std::string(tmp); } if (x < NTOKENS) { return ""; } x -= NTOKENS; if (x < MAX22) { // 22-bit hash... std::string s; hashes_mu.lock(); if (hashes22.count(x) > 0) { s = hashes22[x]; } else { s = "<...22>"; } hashes_mu.unlock(); return s; } x -= MAX22; char a[7]; a[5] = c4[x % 27]; x = x / 27; a[4] = c4[x % 27]; x = x / 27; a[3] = c4[x % 27]; x = x / 27; a[2] = c3[x % 10]; x = x / 10; a[1] = c2[x % 36]; x = x / 36; a[0] = c1[x]; a[6] = '\0'; return std::string(a); } // unpack a 15-bit grid square &c. // 77-bit version, from inspection of packjt77.f90. // ir is the bit after the two 28+1-bit callee/caller. // i3 is the message type, usually 1. std::string Packing::unpackgrid(int ng, int ir, int i3) { (void) i3; if (ng < NGBASE) { // maidenhead grid system: // latitude from south pole to north pole. // longitude eastward from anti-meridian. // first: 20 degrees longitude. // second: 10 degrees latitude. // third: 2 degrees longitude. // fourth: 1 degree latitude. // so there are 18*18*10*10 possibilities. int x1 = ng / (18 * 10 * 10); ng %= 18 * 10 * 10; int x2 = ng / (10 * 10); ng %= 10 * 10; int x3 = ng / 10; ng %= 10; int x4 = ng; char tmp[5]; tmp[0] = 'A' + x1; tmp[1] = 'A' + x2; tmp[2] = '0' + x3; tmp[3] = '0' + x4; tmp[4] = '\0'; return tmp; } ng -= NGBASE; if (ng == 1) { return " "; // ??? } if (ng == 2) { return "RRR "; } if (ng == 3) { return "RR73"; } if (ng == 4) { return "73 "; } int db = ng - 35; char tmp[16]; if (db >= 0) { sprintf(tmp, "%s+%02d", ir ? "R" : "", db); } else { sprintf(tmp, "%s-%02d", ir ? "R" : "", 0 - db); } return std::string(tmp); } void Packing::remember_call(std::string call) { hashes_mu.lock(); if (call.size() >= 3 && call[0] != '<') { hashes22[ihashcall(call, 22)] = call; hashes12[ihashcall(call, 12)] = call; hashes10[ihashcall(call, 10)] = call; } hashes_mu.unlock(); } // // i3 == 4 // a call that doesn't fit in 28 bits. // 12 bits: hash of a previous call // 58 bits: 11 characters // 1 bit: swap // 2 bits: 1 RRR, 2 RR73, 3 73 // 1 bit: 1 means CQ std::string Packing::unpack_4(int a77[], std::string& call1str, std::string& call2str, std::string& locstr) { (void) locstr; // 38 possible characters: const char *chars = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/"; long long n58 = un64(a77, 12, 58); char call[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { call[10 - i] = chars[n58 % 38]; n58 = n58 / 38; } call[11] = '\0'; std::string callstr(call); remember_call(callstr); if (un64(a77, 73, 1) == 1) { call1str = std::string("CQ ") + callstr; return call1str; } int x12 = un64(a77, 0, 12); // 12-bit hash hashes_mu.lock(); std::string ocall; if (hashes12.count(x12) > 0) { ocall = hashes12[x12]; } else { ocall = "<...12>"; } hashes_mu.unlock(); int swap = un64(a77, 70, 1); std::string msg; if (swap) { msg = std::string(call) + " " + ocall; call1str = call; call2str = ocall; } else { msg = std::string(ocall) + " " + call; call1str = ocall; call2str = call; } int suffix = un64(a77, 71, 2); if (suffix == 1) { locstr = " RRR"; } else if (suffix == 2) { locstr = " RR73"; } else if (suffix == 3) { locstr = " 73"; } msg += locstr; return msg; } // // i3=1 // std::string Packing::unpack_1(int a77[], std::string& call1str, std::string& call2str, std::string& locstr) { // type 1: // 28 call1 // 1 P/R // 28 call2 // 1 P/R // 1 ??? // 15 grid // 3 type int i = 0; int call1 = un64(a77, i, 28); i += 28; int rover1 = a77[i]; i += 1; int call2 = un64(a77, i, 28); i += 28; int rover2 = a77[i]; i += 1; int ir = a77[i]; i += 1; int grid = un64(a77, i, 15); i += 15; int i3 = un64(a77, i, 3); i += 3; if (!((i3 == 1 || i3 == 2) && i == 77)) { return std::string(""); } call1str = trim(unpackcall(call1)); call2str = trim(unpackcall(call2)); locstr = unpackgrid(grid, ir, i3); remember_call(call1str); remember_call(call2str); const std::string pr = (i3 == 1 ? "/R" : "/P"); return call1str + (rover1 ? pr : "") + " " + call2str + (rover2 ? pr : "") + " " + locstr; } // free text // 71 bits, 13 characters, each one of 42 choices. // reversed. // details from wsjt-x's packjt77.f90 std::string Packing::unpack_0_0(int a77[], std::string& call1str, std::string& call2str, std::string& locstr) { // bit fields: f71 (void) call2str; (void) locstr; // the 42 possible characters. const char *cc = " 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+-./?"; boost::multiprecision::int128_t x = un128(a77, 0, 71); std::string msg = "0123456789123"; for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { msg[13 - 1 - i] = cc[(int) (x % 42)]; x = x / 42; } call1str = msg; return msg; } std::string Packing::unpack_0_1(int a77[], std::string& call1str, std::string& call2str, std::string& locstr) { // bit fields: c28 c28 h10 r5 int i = 0; int call1 = un64(a77, i, 28); // c28 i += 28; int call2 = un64(a77, i, 28); // c28 call1str = trim(unpackcall(call1)) + ";" + trim(unpackcall(call2)); i += 28; int x10 = un64(a77, i, 10); // 10-bit hash hashes_mu.lock(); std::string ocall; if (hashes10.count(x10) > 0) { call2str = hashes10[x10]; ocall = "<" + call2str + ">"; } else { call2str = "<...10>"; ocall = call2str; } hashes_mu.unlock(); i += 10; int i5 = un64(a77, i, 5); // decode r5 int r = 2*i5 - 30; char tmp[32]; if (r >= 0) { sprintf(tmp, "+%02d", r); } else { sprintf(tmp, "-%02d", -r); } locstr = std::string(tmp); std::string msg; msg = trim(unpackcall(call1)) + " RR73;" + trim(unpackcall(call2)) + " " + ocall; return msg; } // ARRL RTTY Round-Up states/provinces const char *Packing::ru_states[] = { "AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY", "NB", "NS", "QC", "ON", "MB", "SK", "AB", "BC", "NWT", "NF", "LB", "NU", "YT", "PEI", "DC"}; // i3=3 // 3 TU; W9XYZ K1ABC R 579 MA 1 28 28 1 3 13 74 ARRL RTTY Roundup // 1 TU // 28 call1 // 28 call2 // 1 R // 3 RST 529 to 599 // 13 state/province/serialnumber std::string Packing::unpack_3(int a77[], std::string& call1str, std::string& call2str, std::string& locstr) { (void) locstr; int i = 0; int tu = a77[i]; i += 1; int call1 = un64(a77, i, 28); i += 28; int call2 = un64(a77, i, 28); i += 28; int r = a77[i]; i += 1; int rst = un64(a77, i, 3); i += 3; int serial = un64(a77, i, 13); i += 13; call1str = trim(unpackcall(call1)); call2str = trim(unpackcall(call2)); rst = 529 + 10 * rst; int statei = serial - 8001; std::string serialstr; int nstates = sizeof(ru_states) / sizeof(ru_states[0]); if (serial > 8000 && statei < nstates) { serialstr = ru_states[statei]; } else { char tmp[32]; sprintf(tmp, "%04d", serial); serialstr = std::string(tmp); } std::string msg; if (tu) { msg += "TU; "; } msg += call1str + " " + call2str + " "; if (r) { msg += "R "; } { char tmp[16]; sprintf(tmp, "%d ", rst); msg += std::string(tmp); } msg += serialstr; remember_call(call1str); remember_call(call2str); return msg; } // ARRL Field Day sections const char *Packing::sections[] = { "AB ", "AK ", "AL ", "AR ", "AZ ", "BC ", "CO ", "CT ", "DE ", "EB ", "EMA", "ENY", "EPA", "EWA", "GA ", "GTA", "IA ", "ID ", "IL ", "IN ", "KS ", "KY ", "LA ", "LAX", "MAR", "MB ", "MDC", "ME ", "MI ", "MN ", "MO ", "MS ", "MT ", "NC ", "ND ", "NE ", "NFL", "NH ", "NL ", "NLI", "NM ", "NNJ", "NNY", "NT ", "NTX", "NV ", "OH ", "OK ", "ONE", "ONN", "ONS", "OR ", "ORG", "PAC", "PR ", "QC ", "RI ", "SB ", "SC ", "SCV", "SD ", "SDG", "SF ", "SFL", "SJV", "SK ", "SNJ", "STX", "SV ", "TN ", "UT ", "VA ", "VI ", "VT ", "WCF", "WI ", "WMA", "WNY", "WPA", "WTX", "WV ", "WWA", "WY ", "DX "}; // i3 = 0, n3 = 3 or 4: ARRL Field Day // 0.3 WA9XYZ KA1ABC R 16A EMA 28 28 1 4 3 7 71 ARRL Field Day // 0.4 WA9XYZ KA1ABC R 32A EMA 28 28 1 4 3 7 71 ARRL Field Day std::string Packing::unpack_0_3(int a77[], int n3, std::string& call1str, std::string& call2str, std::string& locstr) { (void) locstr; int i = 0; int call1 = un64(a77, i, 28); i += 28; int call2 = un64(a77, i, 28); i += 28; int R = un64(a77, i, 1); i += 1; int n_transmitters = un64(a77, i, 4); if (n3 == 4) { n_transmitters += 16; } i += 4; int clss = un64(a77, i, 3); // class i += 3; int section = un64(a77, i, 7); // ARRL section i += 7; std::string msg; call1str = trim(unpackcall(call1)); msg += call1str; msg += " "; call2str = trim(unpackcall(call2)); msg += call2str; msg += " "; if (R) { msg += "R "; } { char tmp[16]; sprintf(tmp, "%d%c ", n_transmitters + 1, clss + 'A'); msg += std::string(tmp); } if (section - 1 >= 0 && section - 1 < (int)(sizeof(sections) / sizeof(sections[0]))) { msg += sections[section - 1]; } return msg; } // // unpack an FT8 message. // a77 is 91 bits -- 77 plus the 14-bit CRC. // CRC and LDPC have already been checked. // details from wsjt-x's packjt77.f90 and 77bit.txt. // std::string Packing::unpack(int a77[], std::string& call1, std::string& call2, std::string& loc, std::string& type) { int i3 = un64(a77, 74, 3); int n3 = un64(a77, 71, 3); char tmp[64]; if (i3 == 0) { sprintf(tmp, "%d.%d", i3, n3); } else { sprintf(tmp, "%d", i3); } type = std::string(tmp); if (i3 == 0 && n3 == 0) { // free text return unpack_0_0(a77, call1, call2, loc); } if (i3 == 0 && n3 == 1) { // DXpedition return unpack_0_1(a77, call1, call2, loc); } if (i3 == 0 && (n3 == 3 || n3 == 4)) { // ARRL Field Day return unpack_0_3(a77, n3, call1, call2, loc); } if (i3 == 1 || i3 == 2) { // ordinary message or EU VHF return unpack_1(a77, call1, call2, loc); } if (i3 == 3) { // RTTY Round-Up return unpack_3(a77, call1, call2, loc); } if (i3 == 4) { // call that doesn't fit in 28 bits (non standard call) return unpack_4(a77, call1, call2, loc); } // TODO: i3 == 5 EU VHF missing call1 = "UNK"; sprintf(tmp, "UNK i3=%d n3=%d", i3, n3); return std::string(tmp); } } // namespace FT8