MapSettingsDialog 0 0 1267 648 9 Map Display Settings 0 0 Maps 2D Map Settings 140 0 Enabled Map provider Select map provider OpenStreetMap ESRI Mapbox MapboxGL MapLibreGL OSM Custom URL URL of custom map for use with OpenStreetMap provider MapboxGL Styles Comma separated list of MapBox styles 3D Map Settings 140 0 Enabled Terrain Cesium World Terrain Ellipsoid Maptiler ArcGIS Buildings None Cesium OSM Buildings Lighting Whether lighting is from the Sun or Camera Camera Sun Camera reference frame Selects camera reference frame. For ECEF the camera rotates with the Earth. For ECI, the camera position is fixed relative to the stars and the Earth's rotation will be visible. ECEF ECI Anti-aliasing Set anti-aliasing to use. This can remove jagged pixels on the edge of 3D models. None FXAA Qt::Vertical 20 40 Download 3D models. It is recommended to restart SDRangel after download. Download 3D Models (1.6GB) Download the latest OurAirports airport databases (10MB) :/map/icons/controltower.png:/map/icons/controltower.png Download airspaces and NAVAIDs from OpenAIP (40MB) :/map/icons/vor.png:/map/icons/vor.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Map Items QAbstractItemView::NoSelection Enabled Whether items of this type will be displayed on the maps 2D Icon Whether to display icon on 2D map 2D Label Whether to display label on 2D map 2D Min Zoom 2D Colour Track colour or 2D map 3D Model Whether to display model on 3D map 3D Min Pixels 3D Label Whether to display label on 3D map 3D Point Whether to display a point on 3D map 3D Colour 3D Label Scale Scale factor for label on 3D map Filter Name Regular expression to filter by name (Only items with names matching the pattern will be displayed) Filter Distance (km) Filter objects further than this distance in km away from My Position API Keys API Keys 140 0 Thunderforest API Key Enter a Thunderforest API key in order to use non-watermarked Thunderforest maps: 140 0 Maptiler API Key Enter a Maptiler API key in order to use Maptiler maps: 140 0 Mapbox API Key Enter a Mapbox API key in order to use Mapbox maps: 140 0 Cesium Ion API Key Enter a Cesium Ion Access Token CheckWX API key API key for accessing airport weather (METARs) Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok map2DEnabled mapProvider osmURL mapBoxStyles map3DEnabled terrain buildings sunLightEnabled eciCamera antiAliasing downloadModels thunderforestAPIKey maptilerAPIKey mapBoxAPIKey cesiumIonAPIKey buttonBox accepted() MapSettingsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() MapSettingsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274