SSB/DSB demodulator plugin
This plugin can be used to listen to a single sideband or double sidebands modulated signals.
![SSB Demodulator plugin GUI](../../../doc/img/SSBDemod_plugin.png)
1: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception direction
The "+/-" button on the left side toggles between positive and negative shift.
2: Frequency shift from center frequency of reception value
Use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors at the digit position.
3: Channel power
Average total power in dB relative to a +/- 1.0 amplitude signal received in the pass band.
4: Monaural/binaural toggle
- Monaural: the scalar signal is routed to both left and riht audio channels
- Binaural: the complex signal is fed with the real part on the left channel and the imaginary part to the rigth channel
5: Invert left and right channels
Inverts left and right audio channels. Useful in binaural mode only.
6: SSB/DSB demodulation
Toggles between SSB (icon with one sideband signal) and DSB (incon with double sidebands signal)
7: Level meter in dB
- top bar (green): average value
- bottom bar (blue green): instantaneous peak value
- tip vertical bar (bright green): peak hold value
8: Span
Signal span (i.e. sample rate) befor demodulation
9: Bandwidth
This is the upper limit in kHz of the signal filtered after demodulation.
10: Bandwidth
SSB only: this is the lower limit in kHz of the signal filtered after demodulation.
11: Volume
This is the volume of the audio signal from 0.0 (mute) to 10.0 (maximum). It can be varied continuously in 0.1 steps using the dial button.
12: Audio mute
Use this button to toggle audio mute for this channel. The button will light up in green if the squelch is open. This helps identifying which channels are active in a multi-channel configuration.
13: Spectrum display
This is the spectrum display of the demodulated signal (SSB) or translated signal (DSB)