/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2023 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This is the code from ft8mon: https://github.com/rtmrtmrtmrtm/ft8mon // // reformatted and adapted to Qt and SDRangel context // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) decoder for new FT8. // // given a 174-bit codeword as an array of log-likelihood of zero, // return a 174-bit corrected codeword, or zero-length array. // first 91 bits are the (systematic) plain-text. // codeword[i] = log ( P(x=0) / P(x=1) ) // // this is an implementation of the sum-product algorithm // from Sarah Johnson's Iterative Error Correction book, and // Bernhard Leiner's http://www.bernh.net/media/download/papers/ldpc.pdf // // cc -O3 libldpc.c -shared -fPIC -o libldpc.so // #include #include #include #include "arrays.h" #include "libldpc.h" // float, long float, __float128 #define REAL float namespace FT8 { // // does a 174-bit codeword pass the FT8's LDPC parity checks? // returns the number of parity checks that passed. // 83 means total success. // int LDPC::ldpc_check(int codeword[]) { int score = 0; // Nm[83][7] for (int j = 0; j < 83; j++) { int x = 0; for (int ii1 = 0; ii1 < 7; ii1++) { int i1 = Arrays::Nm[j][ii1] - 1; if (i1 >= 0) { x ^= codeword[i1]; } } if (x == 0) score++; } return score; } // llcodeword is 174 log-likelihoods. // plain is a return value, 174 ints, to be 0 or 1. // iters is how hard to try. // ok is the number of parity checks that worked out, // ok == 83 means success. void LDPC::ldpc_decode(float llcodeword[], int iters, int plain[], int *ok) { REAL m[83][174]; REAL e[83][174]; REAL codeword[174]; int best_score = -1; int best_cw[174]; // to translate from log-likelihood x to probability p, // p = e**x / (1 + e**x) // it's P(zero), not P(one). for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) { REAL ex = expl(llcodeword[i]); REAL p = ex / (1.0 + ex); codeword[i] = p; } // m[j][i] tells the j'th check bit the P(zero) of // each of its codeword inputs, based on check // bits other than j. for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 83; j++) m[j][i] = codeword[i]; // e[j][i]: each check j tells each codeword bit i the // probability of the bit being zero based // on the *other* bits contributing to that check. for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 83; j++) e[j][i] = 0.0; for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++) { for (int j = 0; j < 83; j++) { for (int ii1 = 0; ii1 < 7; ii1++) { int i1 = Arrays::Nm[j][ii1] - 1; if (i1 < 0) continue; REAL a = 1.0; for (int ii2 = 0; ii2 < 7; ii2++) { int i2 = Arrays::Nm[j][ii2] - 1; if (i2 >= 0 && i2 != i1) { // tmp ranges from 1.0 to -1.0, for // definitely zero to definitely one. float tmp = 1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - m[j][i2]); a *= tmp; } } // a ranges from 1.0 to -1.0, meaning // bit i1 should be zero .. one. // so e[j][i1] will be 0.0 .. 1.0 meaning // bit i1 is one .. zero. REAL tmp = 0.5 + 0.5 * a; e[j][i1] = tmp; } } int cw[174]; for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) { REAL q0 = codeword[i]; REAL q1 = 1.0 - q0; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int j2 = Arrays::Mn[i][j] - 1; q0 *= e[j2][i]; q1 *= 1.0 - e[j2][i]; } // REAL p = q0 / (q0 + q1); REAL p; if (q0 == 0.0) { p = 1.0; } else { p = 1.0 / (1.0 + (q1 / q0)); } cw[i] = (p <= 0.5); } int score = ldpc_check(cw); if (score == 83) { for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) plain[i] = cw[i]; *ok = 83; return; } if (score > best_score) { for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) best_cw[i] = cw[i]; best_score = score; } for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) { for (int ji1 = 0; ji1 < 3; ji1++) { int j1 = Arrays::Mn[i][ji1] - 1; REAL q0 = codeword[i]; REAL q1 = 1.0 - q0; for (int ji2 = 0; ji2 < 3; ji2++) { int j2 = Arrays::Mn[i][ji2] - 1; if (j1 != j2) { q0 *= e[j2][i]; q1 *= 1.0 - e[j2][i]; } } // REAL p = q0 / (q0 + q1); REAL p; if (q0 == 0.0) { p = 1.0; } else { p = 1.0 / (1.0 + (q1 / q0)); } m[j1][i] = p; } } } // decode didn't work, return best guess. for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) plain[i] = best_cw[i]; *ok = best_score; } // thank you Douglas Bagnall // https://math.stackexchange.com/a/446411 float LDPC::fast_tanh(float x) { if (x < -7.6) { return -0.999; } if (x > 7.6) { return 0.999; } float x2 = x * x; float a = x * (135135.0f + x2 * (17325.0f + x2 * (378.0f + x2))); float b = 135135.0f + x2 * (62370.0f + x2 * (3150.0f + x2 * 28.0f)); return a / b; } #if 0 #define TANGRAN 0.01 static float tanhtable[]; float table_tanh(float x) { int ind = (x - (-5.0)) / TANGRAN; if(ind < 0){ return -1.0; } if(ind >= 1000){ return 1.0; } return tanhtable[ind]; } #endif // codeword is 174 log-likelihoods. // plain is a return value, 174 ints, to be 0 or 1. // iters is how hard to try. // ok is the number of parity checks that worked out, // ok == 83 means success. void LDPC::ldpc_decode_log(float codeword[], int iters, int plain[], int *ok) { REAL m[83][174]; REAL e[83][174]; int best_score = -1; int best_cw[174]; for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 83; j++) m[j][i] = codeword[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 83; j++) e[j][i] = 0.0; for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++) { for (int j = 0; j < 83; j++) { for (int ii1 = 0; ii1 < 7; ii1++) { int i1 = Arrays::Nm[j][ii1] - 1; if (i1 < 0) continue; REAL a = 1.0; for (int ii2 = 0; ii2 < 7; ii2++) { int i2 = Arrays::Nm[j][ii2] - 1; if (i2 >= 0 && i2 != i1) { // a *= table_tanh(m[j][i2] / 2.0); a *= fast_tanh(m[j][i2] / 2.0); } } REAL tmp; if (a >= 0.999) { tmp = 7.6; } else if (a <= -0.999) { tmp = -7.6; } else { tmp = log((1 + a) / (1 - a)); } e[j][i1] = tmp; } } int cw[174]; for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) { REAL l = codeword[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) l += e[Arrays::Mn[i][j] - 1][i]; cw[i] = (l <= 0.0); } int score = ldpc_check(cw); if (score == 83) { for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) plain[i] = cw[i]; *ok = 83; return; } if (score > best_score) { for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) best_cw[i] = cw[i]; best_score = score; } for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) { for (int ji1 = 0; ji1 < 3; ji1++) { int j1 = Arrays::Mn[i][ji1] - 1; REAL l = codeword[i]; for (int ji2 = 0; ji2 < 3; ji2++) { int j2 = Arrays::Mn[i][ji2] - 1; if (j1 != j2) { l += e[j2][i]; } } m[j1][i] = l; } } } // decode didn't work, return best guess. for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++) plain[i] = best_cw[i]; *ok = best_score; } // // check the FT8 CRC-14 // void LDPC::ft8_crc(int msg1[], int msglen, int out[14]) { // the old FT8 polynomial for 12-bit CRC, 0xc06. // int div[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }; // the new FT8 polynomial for 14-bit CRC, 0x2757, // with leading 1 bit. int div[] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1}; // append 14 zeros. int *msg = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (msglen + 14)); for (int i = 0; i < msglen + 14; i++) { if (i < msglen) { msg[i] = msg1[i]; } else { msg[i] = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < msglen; i++) { if (msg[i]) { for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { msg[i + j] = (msg[i + j] + div[j]) % 2; } } } for (int i = 0; i < msglen + 14; i++) { out[i] = msg[msglen + i]; } free(msg); } // rows is 91, cols is 174. // m[174][2*91]. // m's right half should start out as zeros. // m's upper-right quarter will be the desired inverse. void LDPC::gauss_jordan(int rows, int cols, int m[174][2 * 91], int which[91], int *ok) // gauss_jordan(int rows, int cols, int m[cols][2*rows], int which[rows], int *ok) { *ok = 0; if ((rows != 91) || (cols != 174)) { return; } for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { if (m[row][row] != 1) { for (int row1 = row + 1; row1 < cols; row1++) { if (m[row1][row] == 1) { // swap m[row] and m[row1] for (int col = 0; col < 2 * rows; col++) { int tmp = m[row][col]; m[row][col] = m[row1][col]; m[row1][col] = tmp; } int tmp = which[row]; which[row] = which[row1]; which[row1] = tmp; break; } } } if (m[row][row] != 1) { // could not invert *ok = 0; return; } // lazy creation of identity matrix in the upper-right quarter m[row][rows + row] = (m[row][rows + row] + 1) % 2; // now eliminate for (int row1 = 0; row1 < cols; row1++) { if (row1 == row) continue; if (m[row1][row] != 0) { for (int col = 0; col < 2 * rows; col++) { m[row1][col] = (m[row1][col] + m[row][col]) % 2; } } } } *ok = 1; } // # given a 174-bit codeword as an array of log-likelihood of zero, // # return a 87-bit plain text, or zero-length array. // # this is an implementation of the sum-product algorithm // # from Sarah Johnson's Iterative Error Correction book. // # codeword[i] = log ( P(x=0) / P(x=1) ) // def ldpc_decode(self, codeword): // # 174 codeword bits // # 87 parity checks // // # Mji // # each codeword bit i tells each parity check j // # what the bit's log-likelihood of being 0 is // # based on information *other* than from that // # parity check. // m = numpy.zeros((87, 174)) // // # Eji // # each check j tells each codeword bit i the // # log likelihood of the bit being zero based // # on the *other* bits in that check. // e = numpy.zeros((87, 174)) // // for i in range(0, 174): // for j in range(0, 87): // m[j][i] = codeword[i] // // for iter in range(0, 50): // # messages from checks to bits. // # for each parity check // for j in range(0, 87): // # for each bit mentioned in this parity check // for i in Nm[j]: // if i <= 0: // continue // a = 1 // # for each other bit mentioned in this parity check // for ii in Nm[j]: // if ii != i: // a *= math.tanh(m[j][ii-1] / 2.0) // e[j][i-1] = math.log((1 + a) / (1 - a)) // // # decide if we are done -- compute the corrected codeword, // # see if the parity check succeeds. // cw = numpy.zeros(174, dtype=numpy.int32) // for i in range(0, 174): // # sum the log likelihoods for codeword bit i being 0. // l = codeword[i] // for j in Mn[i]: // l += e[j-1][i] // if l > 0: // cw[i] = 0 // else: // cw[i] = 1 // if self.ldpc_check(cw): // # success! // # it's a systematic code, though the plain-text bits are scattered. // # collect them. // decoded = cw[colorder] // decoded = decoded[-87:] // return decoded // // # messages from bits to checks. // for i in range(0, 174): // for j in Mn[i]: // l = codeword[i] // for jj in Mn[i]: // if jj != j: // l += e[jj-1][i] // m[j-1][i] = l // // # could not decode. // return numpy.array([]) #if 0 static float tanhtable[] = { -0.99990920, -0.99990737, -0.99990550, -0.99990359, -0.99990164, -0.99989966, -0.99989763, -0.99989556, -0.99989345, -0.99989130, -0.99988910, -0.99988686, -0.99988458, -0.99988225, -0.99987987, -0.99987744, -0.99987496, -0.99987244, -0.99986986, -0.99986723, -0.99986455, -0.99986182, -0.99985902, -0.99985618, -0.99985327, -0.99985031, -0.99984728, -0.99984420, -0.99984105, -0.99983784, -0.99983457, -0.99983122, -0.99982781, -0.99982434, -0.99982079, -0.99981717, -0.99981348, -0.99980971, -0.99980586, -0.99980194, -0.99979794, -0.99979386, -0.99978970, -0.99978545, -0.99978111, -0.99977669, -0.99977218, -0.99976758, -0.99976289, -0.99975810, -0.99975321, -0.99974823, -0.99974314, -0.99973795, -0.99973266, -0.99972726, -0.99972175, -0.99971613, -0.99971040, -0.99970455, -0.99969858, -0.99969249, -0.99968628, -0.99967994, -0.99967348, -0.99966688, -0.99966016, -0.99965329, -0.99964629, -0.99963914, -0.99963186, -0.99962442, -0.99961683, -0.99960910, -0.99960120, -0.99959315, -0.99958493, -0.99957655, -0.99956799, -0.99955927, -0.99955037, -0.99954129, -0.99953202, -0.99952257, -0.99951293, -0.99950309, -0.99949305, -0.99948282, -0.99947237, -0.99946171, -0.99945084, -0.99943975, -0.99942844, -0.99941690, -0.99940512, -0.99939311, -0.99938085, -0.99936835, -0.99935559, -0.99934258, -0.99932930, -0.99931576, -0.99930194, -0.99928784, -0.99927346, -0.99925879, -0.99924382, -0.99922855, -0.99921297, -0.99919708, -0.99918087, -0.99916432, -0.99914745, -0.99913024, -0.99911267, -0.99909476, -0.99907648, -0.99905783, -0.99903881, -0.99901940, -0.99899960, -0.99897940, -0.99895879, -0.99893777, -0.99891632, -0.99889444, -0.99887212, -0.99884935, -0.99882612, -0.99880242, -0.99877824, -0.99875358, -0.99872841, -0.99870274, -0.99867655, -0.99864983, -0.99862258, -0.99859477, -0.99856640, -0.99853747, -0.99850794, -0.99847782, -0.99844710, -0.99841575, -0.99838377, -0.99835115, -0.99831787, -0.99828392, -0.99824928, -0.99821395, -0.99817790, -0.99814112, -0.99810361, -0.99806533, -0.99802629, -0.99798646, -0.99794582, -0.99790437, -0.99786208, -0.99781894, -0.99777493, -0.99773003, -0.99768423, -0.99763750, -0.99758983, -0.99754120, -0.99749159, -0.99744099, -0.99738936, -0.99733669, -0.99728296, -0.99722815, -0.99717223, -0.99711519, -0.99705700, -0.99699764, -0.99693708, -0.99687530, -0.99681228, -0.99674798, -0.99668240, -0.99661549, -0.99654724, -0.99647761, -0.99640658, -0.99633412, -0.99626020, -0.99618480, -0.99610788, -0.99602941, -0.99594936, -0.99586770, -0.99578440, -0.99569942, -0.99561273, -0.99552430, -0.99543409, -0.99534207, -0.99524820, -0.99515244, -0.99505475, -0.99495511, -0.99485345, -0.99474976, -0.99464398, -0.99453608, -0.99442601, -0.99431373, -0.99419919, -0.99408235, -0.99396317, -0.99384159, -0.99371757, -0.99359107, -0.99346202, -0.99333039, -0.99319611, -0.99305914, -0.99291942, -0.99277690, -0.99263152, -0.99248323, -0.99233196, -0.99217766, -0.99202027, -0.99185972, -0.99169596, -0.99152892, -0.99135853, -0.99118473, -0.99100745, -0.99082663, -0.99064218, -0.99045404, -0.99026214, -0.99006640, -0.98986674, -0.98966309, -0.98945538, -0.98924351, -0.98902740, -0.98880698, -0.98858216, -0.98835285, -0.98811896, -0.98788040, -0.98763708, -0.98738891, -0.98713578, -0.98687761, -0.98661430, -0.98634574, -0.98607182, -0.98579245, -0.98550752, -0.98521692, -0.98492053, -0.98461825, -0.98430995, -0.98399553, -0.98367486, -0.98334781, -0.98301427, -0.98267411, -0.98232720, -0.98197340, -0.98161259, -0.98124462, -0.98086936, -0.98048667, -0.98009640, -0.97969840, -0.97929252, -0.97887862, -0.97845654, -0.97802611, -0.97758719, -0.97713959, -0.97668317, -0.97621774, -0.97574313, -0.97525917, -0.97476568, -0.97426247, -0.97374936, -0.97322616, -0.97269268, -0.97214872, -0.97159408, -0.97102855, -0.97045194, -0.96986402, -0.96926459, -0.96865342, -0.96803030, -0.96739500, -0.96674729, -0.96608693, -0.96541369, -0.96472732, -0.96402758, -0.96331422, -0.96258698, -0.96184561, -0.96108983, -0.96031939, -0.95953401, -0.95873341, -0.95791731, -0.95708542, -0.95623746, -0.95537312, -0.95449211, -0.95359412, -0.95267884, -0.95174596, -0.95079514, -0.94982608, -0.94883842, -0.94783185, -0.94680601, -0.94576057, -0.94469516, -0.94360942, -0.94250301, -0.94137554, -0.94022664, -0.93905593, -0.93786303, -0.93664754, -0.93540907, -0.93414721, -0.93286155, -0.93155168, -0.93021718, -0.92885762, -0.92747257, -0.92606158, -0.92462422, -0.92316003, -0.92166855, -0.92014933, -0.91860189, -0.91702576, -0.91542046, -0.91378549, -0.91212037, -0.91042459, -0.90869766, -0.90693905, -0.90514825, -0.90332474, -0.90146799, -0.89957745, -0.89765260, -0.89569287, -0.89369773, -0.89166660, -0.88959892, -0.88749413, -0.88535165, -0.88317089, -0.88095127, -0.87869219, -0.87639307, -0.87405329, -0.87167225, -0.86924933, -0.86678393, -0.86427541, -0.86172316, -0.85912654, -0.85648492, -0.85379765, -0.85106411, -0.84828364, -0.84545560, -0.84257933, -0.83965418, -0.83667949, -0.83365461, -0.83057887, -0.82745161, -0.82427217, -0.82103988, -0.81775408, -0.81441409, -0.81101926, -0.80756892, -0.80406239, -0.80049902, -0.79687814, -0.79319910, -0.78946122, -0.78566386, -0.78180636, -0.77788807, -0.77390834, -0.76986654, -0.76576202, -0.76159416, -0.75736232, -0.75306590, -0.74870429, -0.74427687, -0.73978305, -0.73522225, -0.73059390, -0.72589741, -0.72113225, -0.71629787, -0.71139373, -0.70641932, -0.70137413, -0.69625767, -0.69106947, -0.68580906, -0.68047601, -0.67506987, -0.66959026, -0.66403677, -0.65840904, -0.65270671, -0.64692945, -0.64107696, -0.63514895, -0.62914516, -0.62306535, -0.61690930, -0.61067683, -0.60436778, -0.59798200, -0.59151940, -0.58497988, -0.57836341, -0.57166997, -0.56489955, -0.55805222, -0.55112803, -0.54412710, -0.53704957, -0.52989561, -0.52266543, -0.51535928, -0.50797743, -0.50052021, -0.49298797, -0.48538109, -0.47770001, -0.46994520, -0.46211716, -0.45421643, -0.44624361, -0.43819931, -0.43008421, -0.42189901, -0.41364444, -0.40532131, -0.39693043, -0.38847268, -0.37994896, -0.37136023, -0.36270747, -0.35399171, -0.34521403, -0.33637554, -0.32747739, -0.31852078, -0.30950692, -0.30043710, -0.29131261, -0.28213481, -0.27290508, -0.26362484, -0.25429553, -0.24491866, -0.23549575, -0.22602835, -0.21651806, -0.20696650, -0.19737532, -0.18774621, -0.17808087, -0.16838105, -0.15864850, -0.14888503, -0.13909245, -0.12927258, -0.11942730, -0.10955847, -0.09966799, -0.08975778, -0.07982977, -0.06988589, -0.05992810, -0.04995837, -0.03997868, -0.02999100, -0.01999733, -0.00999967, -0.00000000, 0.00999967, 0.01999733, 0.02999100, 0.03997868, 0.04995837, 0.05992810, 0.06988589, 0.07982977, 0.08975778, 0.09966799, 0.10955847, 0.11942730, 0.12927258, 0.13909245, 0.14888503, 0.15864850, 0.16838105, 0.17808087, 0.18774621, 0.19737532, 0.20696650, 0.21651806, 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