/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2022 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // Copyright (C) 2023 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "M17Modulator.h" #include "maincore.h" #include "m17modax25.h" #include "m17modprocessor.h" MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgSendSMS, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgSendAPRS, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgSendAudioFrame, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgStartAudio, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgStopAudio, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgStartBERT, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgSendBERTFrame, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgStopBERT, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgSetGNSS, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(M17ModProcessor::MsgStopGNSS, Message) M17ModProcessor::M17ModProcessor() : m_m17Modulator("MYCALL", ""), m_lichSegmentIndex(0), m_audioFrameIndex(0), m_audioFrameNumber(0) { m_basebandFifo.setSize(96000); m_basebandFifoLow = 4096; m_basebandFifoHigh = 96000 - m_basebandFifoLow; m_decimator.initialize(8000.0, 3000.0, 6); m_codec2 = ::codec2_create(CODEC2_MODE_3200); connect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages())); } M17ModProcessor::~M17ModProcessor() { codec2_destroy(m_codec2); } bool M17ModProcessor::handleMessage(const Message& cmd) { if (MsgSendSMS::match(cmd)) { const MsgSendSMS& notif = (const MsgSendSMS&) cmd; QByteArray packetBytes = notif.getSMSText().toUtf8(); packetBytes.prepend(0x05); // SMS standard type packetBytes.append('\0'); // SMS should be null terminated packetBytes.truncate(798); // Maximum packet size is 798 payload + 2 bytes CRC = 800 bytes (32*25) processPacket(notif.getSourceCall(), notif.getDestCall(), notif.getCAN(), packetBytes); // test(notif.getSourceCall(), notif.getDestCall()); return true; } else if (MsgSendAPRS::match(cmd)) { const MsgSendAPRS& notif = (const MsgSendAPRS&) cmd; M17ModAX25 modAX25; QString strData; if (notif.getInsertPosition()) { if (m_insertPositionToggle) { strData = "!" + formatAPRSPosition(); } else { strData = notif.getData(); } m_insertPositionToggle = !m_insertPositionToggle; } else { strData = notif.getData(); } QByteArray packetBytes = modAX25.makePacket(notif.getCall(), notif.getTo(), notif.getVia(), strData); packetBytes.prepend(0x02); // APRS standard type packetBytes.truncate(798); // Maximum packet size is 798 payload + 2 bytes CRC = 800 bytes (32*25) processPacket(notif.getSourceCall(), notif.getDestCall(), notif.getCAN(), packetBytes); return true; } else if (MsgSendAudioFrame::match(cmd)) { MsgSendAudioFrame& notif = (MsgSendAudioFrame&) cmd; m_audioFrame = notif.getAudioFrame(); processAudioFrame(); return true; } else if (MsgStartAudio::match(cmd)) { MsgStartAudio& notif = (MsgStartAudio&) cmd; qDebug("M17ModProcessor::handleMessage: MsgStartAudio: %s to %s", qPrintable(notif.getSourceCall()), qPrintable(notif.getDestCall())); audioStart(notif.getSourceCall(), notif.getDestCall(), notif.getCAN()); return true; } else if (MsgStopAudio::match(cmd)) { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::handleMessage: MsgStopAudio"); audioStop(); return true; } else if (MsgStartBERT::match(cmd)) { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::handleMessage: MsgStartBERT"); m_prbs.reset(); send_preamble(); // preamble return true; } else if (MsgSendBERTFrame::match(cmd)) { processBERTFrame(); return true; } else if (MsgStopBERT::match(cmd)) { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::handleMessage: MsgStopBERT"); send_eot(); // EOT return true; } else if (MsgSetGNSS::match(cmd)) { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::handleMessage: MsgSetGNSS"); MsgSetGNSS& notif = (MsgSetGNSS&) cmd; m_m17Modulator.set_gnss(notif.getLat(), notif.getLon(), notif.getAlt()); return true; } else if (MsgStopGNSS::match(cmd)) { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::handleMessage: MsgStopGNSS"); m_m17Modulator.reset_gnss(); return true; } return false; } void M17ModProcessor::handleInputMessages() { Message* message; while ((message = m_inputMessageQueue.pop()) != nullptr) { if (handleMessage(*message)) { delete message; } } } void M17ModProcessor::test(const QString& sourceCall, const QString& destCall) { m_m17Modulator.source(sourceCall.toStdString()); m_m17Modulator.dest(destCall.toStdString()); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { send_preamble(); } } void M17ModProcessor::processPacket(const QString& sourceCall, const QString& destCall, uint8_t can, const QByteArray& packetBytes) { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::processPacket: %s to %s: %s", qPrintable(sourceCall), qPrintable(destCall), qPrintable(packetBytes)); m_m17Modulator.source(sourceCall.toStdString()); m_m17Modulator.dest(destCall.toStdString()); m_m17Modulator.can(can); send_preamble(); // preamble // LSF std::array lsf; std::array lsf_frame = m_m17Modulator.make_lsf(lsf); output_baseband(modemm17::M17Modulator::LSF_SYNC_WORD, lsf_frame); // Packets int remainderCount = packetBytes.size(); int packetCount = 0; std::array packet_frame; // std::copy(modemm17::M17Modulator::DATA_SYNC_WORD.begin(), modemm17::M17Modulator::DATA_SYNC_WORD.end(), fullframe_symbols.begin()); modemm17::M17Modulator::packet_t packet; while (remainderCount > 25) { std::copy(packetBytes.begin() + (packetCount*25), packetBytes.begin() + ((packetCount+1)*25), packet.begin()); packet_frame = m_m17Modulator.make_packet_frame(packetCount, 25, false, packet); output_baseband(modemm17::M17Modulator::PACKET_SYNC_WORD, packet_frame); remainderCount -= 25; packetCount++; } std::copy(packetBytes.begin() + (packetCount*25), packetBytes.begin() + (packetCount*25) + remainderCount, packet.begin()); packet_frame = m_m17Modulator.make_packet_frame(packetCount, remainderCount, true, packet); output_baseband(modemm17::M17Modulator::PACKET_SYNC_WORD, packet_frame); qDebug("M17ModProcessor::processPacket: last: packetCount: %d remainderCount: %d", packetCount, remainderCount); send_eot(); // EOT } void M17ModProcessor::audioStart(const QString& sourceCall, const QString& destCall, uint8_t can) { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::audioStart"); m_m17Modulator.source(sourceCall.toStdString()); m_m17Modulator.dest(destCall.toStdString()); m_m17Modulator.can(can); m_audioFrameNumber = 0; send_preamble(); // preamble // LSF std::array lsf; std::array lsf_frame = m_m17Modulator.make_lsf(lsf, true); output_baseband(modemm17::M17Modulator::LSF_SYNC_WORD, lsf_frame); // Prepare LICH for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lich.size(); ++i) { std::array segment; std::copy(lsf.begin() + i*5, lsf.begin() + (i + 1)*5, segment.begin()); modemm17::M17Modulator::lich_segment_t lich_segment = modemm17::M17Modulator::make_lich_segment(segment, i); std::copy(lich_segment.begin(), lich_segment.end(), m_lich[i].begin()); } } void M17ModProcessor::audioStop() { qDebug("M17ModProcessor::audioStop"); if (m_audioFrameIndex > 0) // send remainder audio + null samples { std::fill(m_audioFrame.begin() + m_audioFrameIndex, m_audioFrame.end(), 0); processAudioFrame(); m_audioFrameIndex = 0; } send_eot(); // EOT } void M17ModProcessor::send_preamble() { // Preamble is simple... bytes -> symbols -> baseband. std::array preamble_bytes; preamble_bytes.fill(0x77); std::array preamble_symbols = modemm17::M17Modulator::bytes_to_symbols(preamble_bytes); std::array preamble_baseband = m_m17Modulator.symbols_to_baseband(preamble_symbols); m_basebandFifo.write(preamble_baseband.data(), 1920); } void M17ModProcessor::processAudioFrame() { std::array audioPayload = encodeAudio(m_audioFrame); std::array audioDataBits = modemm17::M17Modulator::make_stream_data_frame(m_audioFrameNumber++, audioPayload); if (m_audioFrameNumber == 0x8000) { m_audioFrameNumber = 0; } std::array& lich = m_lich[m_lichSegmentIndex++]; if (m_lichSegmentIndex == 6) { m_lichSegmentIndex = 0; } std::array temp; auto it = std::copy(lich.begin(), lich.end(), temp.begin()); std::copy(audioDataBits.begin(), audioDataBits.end(), it); modemm17::M17Modulator::interleave_and_randomize(temp); output_baseband(modemm17::M17Modulator::STREAM_SYNC_WORD, temp); } void M17ModProcessor::processBERTFrame() { std::array temp = modemm17::M17Modulator::make_bert_frame(m_prbs); modemm17::M17Modulator::interleave_and_randomize(temp); output_baseband(modemm17::M17Modulator::BERT_SYNC_WORD, temp); } std::array M17ModProcessor::encodeAudio(std::array& audioFrame) { std::array audioFrame8k; m_decimator.decimate(audioFrame.data(), audioFrame8k.data(), 320); std::array result; codec2_encode(m_codec2, &result[0], const_cast(&audioFrame8k[0])); codec2_encode(m_codec2, &result[8], const_cast(&audioFrame8k[160])); return result; } void M17ModProcessor::send_eot() { std::array EOT_SYNC = { 0x55, 0x5D }; std::array eot_bytes; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eot_bytes.size(); i += 2) { std::copy(EOT_SYNC.begin(), EOT_SYNC.end(), eot_bytes.begin() + i); } std::array eot_symbols = modemm17::M17Modulator::bytes_to_symbols(eot_bytes); std::array eot_baseband = m_m17Modulator.symbols_to_baseband(eot_symbols); m_basebandFifo.write(eot_baseband.data(), 1920); } void M17ModProcessor::output_baseband(std::array sync_word, const std::array& frame) { std::array symbols = modemm17::M17Modulator::bits_to_symbols(frame); // 368 bits -> 184 dibit symbols std::array sw = modemm17::M17Modulator::bytes_to_symbols(sync_word); // 16 bits -> 8 dibit symbols std::array temp; // 384 = 368 + 16 bits -> 192 dibit symbols auto fit = std::copy(sw.begin(), sw.end(), temp.begin()); // start with sync word dibits std::copy(symbols.begin(), symbols.end(), fit); // then the frame dibits std::array baseband = m_m17Modulator.symbols_to_baseband(temp); // 1920 48 kS/s int16_t samples m_basebandFifo.write(baseband.data(), 1920); } QString M17ModProcessor::formatAPRSPosition() { float latitude = MainCore::instance()->getSettings().getLatitude(); float longitude = MainCore::instance()->getSettings().getLongitude(); int latDeg, latMin, latFrac, latNorth; int longDeg, longMin, longFrac, longEast; // Convert decimal latitude to degrees, min and hundredths of a minute latNorth = latitude >= 0.0f; latitude = abs(latitude); latDeg = (int) latitude; latitude -= (float) latDeg; latitude *= 60.0f; latMin = (int) latitude; latitude -= (float) latMin; latitude *= 100.0f; latFrac = round(latitude); // Convert decimal longitude longEast = longitude >= 0.0f; longitude = abs(longitude); longDeg = (int) longitude; longitude -= (float) longDeg; longitude *= 60.0f; longMin = (int) longitude; longitude -= (float) longMin; longitude *= 100.0f; longFrac = round(longitude); // Insert position with house symbol (-) in to data field QString latStr = QString("%1%2.%3%4") .arg(latDeg, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(latMin, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(latFrac, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(latNorth ? 'N' : 'S'); QString longStr = QString("%1%2.%3%4") .arg(longDeg, 3, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(longMin, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(longFrac, 2, 10, QChar('0')) .arg(longEast ? 'E' : 'W'); return QString("%1/%2-").arg(latStr).arg(longStr); }