XtrxInputSettings: description: XTRX properties: centerFrequency: type: integer format: int64 devSampleRate: type: integer log2HardDecim: type: integer dcBlock: description: Software DC blocking (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer iqCorrection: description: Software IQ imbalance correction (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer log2SoftDecim: type: integer lpfBW: description: LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer gain: description: Optimally distributed gain (dB) type: integer ncoEnable: description: Enable TSP NCO and mixing (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer ncoFrequency: description: Frequency shift from LO type: integer antennaPath: description: Antenna selected (enum value from xtrx_antenna_t) type: integer gainMode: description: Gain mode auto or manual (enum value from GainMode) type: integer lnaGain: description: Manual LNA gain type: integer tiaGain: description: Manual TIA gain type: integer pgaGain: description: Manual PGA gain type: integer extClock: description: Use external clock source (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer extClockFreq: description: Frequency (Hz) of external clock source type: integer pwrmode: description: LMS power mode (0 save max to 7 perf max) type: integer iqOrder: type: integer description: > IQ samples order * 0 - Q then I (swapped) * 1 - I then Q (straight) useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer XtrxInputReport: description: XTRX properties: success: description: 1 if info was successfully retrieved else 0 type: integer fifoSize: type: integer fifoFill: type: integer temperature: type: number format: float gpsLock: description: 1 if GPSDO is locked else 0 type: integer XtrxOutputSettings: description: XTRX properties: centerFrequency: type: integer format: int64 devSampleRate: type: integer log2HardInterp: type: integer log2SoftInterp: type: integer lpfBW: description: LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: integer gain: description: Optimally distributed gain (dB) type: integer ncoEnable: description: Enable TSP NCO and mixing (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer ncoFrequency: description: Frequency shift from LO type: integer antennaPath: description: Antenna selected (enum value from xtrx_antenna_t) type: integer extClock: description: Use external clock source (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer extClockFreq: description: Frequency (Hz) of external clock source type: integer pwrmode: description: LMS power mode (0 save max to 7 perf max) type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer XtrxOutputReport: description: XTRX properties: success: description: 1 if info was successfully retrieved else 0 type: integer fifoSize: type: integer fifoFill: type: integer temperature: type: number format: float gpsLock: description: 1 if GPSDO is locked else 0 type: integer XtrxMIMOSettings: description: XTRX properties: extClock: description: Boolean 1 if external clock source else 0 type: integer extClockFreq: description: Frequency (Hz) of external clock source type: integer gpioDir: description: 8 bit GPIO pin direction LSB first 0 input, 1 output type: integer gpioPins: description: 8 bit GPIO pins to write LSB first type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Boolean 1 use 0 do not use reverse API type: integer reverseAPIAddress: description: IPv4 address type: string reverseAPIPort: description: Network port from 1024 to 65535 type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer rxDevSampleRate: type: integer log2HardDecim: description: 0 is automatic then 1 to 6 is log2 of hardware decimation type: integer log2SoftDecim: description: log2 of software decimation factor from 0 to 6 type: integer rxCenterFrequency: type: integer format: int64 dcBlock: description: Software DC blocking (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer iqCorrection: description: Software IQ imbalance correction (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer ncoEnableRx: description: Enable TSP NCO Rx on both channels and mixing (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer ncoFrequencyRx: description: Rx frequency shift from LO for both channels type: integer antennaPathRx: type: integer description: > Antenna selected (enum value from XTRXMIMOSettings::RxAntenna): * 0 - RXANT_LO low range * 1 - RXANT_WI wide range * 2 - RXANT_HI high range iqOrder: type: integer description: > IQ samples order * 0 - Q then I (swapped) * 1 - I then Q (straight) lpfBWRx0: description: LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) for Rx channel 0 type: integer gainRx0: description: Optimally distributed gain (dB) for Rx channel 0 type: integer gainModeRx0: type: integer description: > Gain mode (XTRXMIMOSettings::GainMode) for Rx channel 0: * 0 - GAIN_AUTO automatic * 1 - GAIN_MANUAL manual lnaGainRx0: description: Manual LNA gain (dB) for Rx channel 0 type: integer tiaGainRx0: description: Manual TIA gain (dB) for Rx channel 0 type: integer pgaGainRx0: description: Manual PGA gain (dB) for Rx channel 0 type: integer pwrmodeRx0: type: integer lpfBWRx1: description: LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) for Rx channel 1 type: integer gainRx1: description: Optimally distributed gain (dB) for Rx channel 1 type: integer gainModeRx1: type: integer description: > Gain mode (XTRXMIMOSettings::GainMode) for Rx channel 1: * 0 - GAIN_AUTO automatic * 1 - GAIN_MANUAL manual lnaGainRx1: description: Manual LNA gain (dB) for Rx channel 1 type: integer tiaGainRx1: description: Manual TIA gain (dB) for Rx channel 1 type: integer pgaGainRx1: description: Manual PGA gain (dB) for Rx channel 1 type: integer pwrmodeRx1: type: integer txDevSampleRate: type: integer log2HardInterp: description: 0 is automatic then 1 to 6 is log2 of hardware interpolation type: integer log2SoftInterp: description: log2 of software interpolation factor from 0 to 6 type: integer txCenterFrequency: type: integer format: int64 ncoEnableTx: description: Enable TSP NCO Tx on both channels and mixing (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer ncoFrequencyTx: description: Tx frequency shift from LO for both channels type: integer antennaPathTx: type: integer description: > Antenna selected (enum value from XTRXMIMOSettings::TxAntenna): * 0 - TXANT_HI high range * 1 - TXANT_WI wide range lpfBWTx0: description: LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) for Tx channel 0 type: integer gainTx0: description: Optimally distributed gain (dB) for Tx channel 0 type: integer pwrmodeTx0: type: integer lpfBWTx1: description: LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) for Tx channel 1 type: integer gainTx1: description: Optimally distributed gain (dB) for Tx channel 1 type: integer pwrmodeTx1: type: integer XtrxMIMOReport: description: XTRX properties: success: description: 1 if info was successfully retrieved else 0 type: integer fifoSize: type: integer fifoFillRx: type: integer fifoFillTx: type: integer temperature: type: number format: float gpsLock: description: 1 if GPSDO is locked else 0 type: integer actualInputRate: type: integer actualOutputRate: type: integer clockGenRate: type: integer