/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2015 F4EXB // // written by Edouard Griffiths // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "dsp/dspengine.h" #include "dsp/channelizer.h" #include "dsp/samplefifo.h" #include "dsp/samplesink.h" #include "dsp/dspcommands.h" #include "dsp/samplesource/samplesource.h" DSPEngine::DSPEngine(QObject* parent) : QThread(parent), m_state(StNotStarted), m_sampleSource(NULL), m_sampleSinks(), m_sampleRate(0), m_centerFrequency(0), m_dcOffsetCorrection(false), m_iqImbalanceCorrection(false), m_iOffset(0), m_qOffset(0), m_iRange(1 << 16), m_qRange(1 << 16), m_imbalance(65536) { moveToThread(this); } DSPEngine::~DSPEngine() { wait(); } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(DSPEngine, dspEngine) DSPEngine *DSPEngine::instance() { return dspEngine; } void DSPEngine::run() { qDebug() << "DSPEngine::run"; connect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages()), Qt::QueuedConnection); m_state = StIdle; handleInputMessages(); exec(); } void DSPEngine::start() { qDebug() << "DSPEngine::start"; DSPPing cmd; QThread::start(); cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); } void DSPEngine::stop() { qDebug() << "DSPEngine::stop"; DSPExit cmd; cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); } bool DSPEngine::initAcquisition() { DSPAcquisitionInit cmd; return cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue) == StReady; } bool DSPEngine::startAcquisition() { DSPAcquisitionStart cmd; return cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue) == StRunning; } void DSPEngine::stopAcquistion() { DSPAcquisitionStop cmd; cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); if(m_dcOffsetCorrection) { qDebug("DC offset:%f,%f", m_iOffset, m_qOffset); } } void DSPEngine::setSource(SampleSource* source) { DSPSetSource cmd(source); cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); } void DSPEngine::addSink(SampleSink* sink) { qDebug() << "DSPEngine::addSink: " << sink->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); DSPAddSink cmd(sink); cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); } void DSPEngine::removeSink(SampleSink* sink) { DSPRemoveSink cmd(sink); cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); } void DSPEngine::addAudioSink(AudioFifo* audioFifo) { DSPAddAudioSink cmd(audioFifo); cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); } void DSPEngine::removeAudioSink(AudioFifo* audioFifo) { DSPRemoveAudioSink cmd(audioFifo); cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); } void DSPEngine::configureCorrections(bool dcOffsetCorrection, bool iqImbalanceCorrection) { Message* cmd = DSPConfigureCorrection::create(dcOffsetCorrection, iqImbalanceCorrection); cmd->submit(&m_inputMessageQueue); } QString DSPEngine::errorMessage() { DSPGetErrorMessage cmd; cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); return cmd.getErrorMessage(); } QString DSPEngine::sourceDeviceDescription() { DSPGetSourceDeviceDescription cmd; cmd.execute(&m_inputMessageQueue); return cmd.getDeviceDescription(); } void DSPEngine::dcOffset(SampleVector::iterator begin, SampleVector::iterator end) { double count; int io = 0; int qo = 0; Sample corr((qint16)m_iOffset, (qint16)m_qOffset); // sum and correct in one pass for(SampleVector::iterator it = begin; it < end; it++) { io += it->real(); qo += it->imag(); *it -= corr; } // moving average count = end - begin; m_iOffset = (15.0 * m_iOffset + (double)io / count) / 16.0; m_qOffset = (15.0 * m_qOffset + (double)qo / count) / 16.0; } void DSPEngine::imbalance(SampleVector::iterator begin, SampleVector::iterator end) { int iMin = 0; int iMax = 0; int qMin = 0; int qMax = 0; // find value ranges for both I and Q // both intervals should be same same size (for a perfect circle) for (SampleVector::iterator it = begin; it < end; it++) { if (it != begin) { if (it->real() < iMin) { iMin = it->real(); } else if (it->real() > iMax) { iMax = it->real(); } if (it->imag() < qMin) { qMin = it->imag(); } else if (it->imag() > qMax) { qMax = it->imag(); } } else { iMin = it->real(); iMax = it->real(); qMin = it->imag(); qMax = it->imag(); } } // sliding average (el cheapo again) m_iRange = (m_iRange * 15 + (iMax - iMin)) >> 4; m_qRange = (m_qRange * 15 + (qMax - qMin)) >> 4; // calculate imbalance as Q15.16 if(m_qRange != 0) { m_imbalance = ((uint)m_iRange << 16) / (uint)m_qRange; } // correct imbalance and convert back to signed int 16 for(SampleVector::iterator it = begin; it < end; it++) { it->m_imag = (it->m_imag * m_imbalance) >> 16; } } void DSPEngine::work() { SampleFifo* sampleFifo = m_sampleSource->getSampleFifo(); size_t samplesDone = 0; bool positiveOnly = false; while ((sampleFifo->fill() > 0) && (m_inputMessageQueue.countPending() == 0) && (samplesDone < m_sampleRate)) { SampleVector::iterator part1begin; SampleVector::iterator part1end; SampleVector::iterator part2begin; SampleVector::iterator part2end; size_t count = sampleFifo->readBegin(sampleFifo->fill(), &part1begin, &part1end, &part2begin, &part2end); // first part of FIFO data if (part1begin != part1end) { // correct stuff if (m_dcOffsetCorrection) { dcOffset(part1begin, part1end); } if (m_iqImbalanceCorrection) { imbalance(part1begin, part1end); } // feed data to handlers for(SampleSinks::const_iterator it = m_sampleSinks.begin(); it != m_sampleSinks.end(); it++) { (*it)->feed(part1begin, part1end, positiveOnly); } } // second part of FIFO data (used when block wraps around) if(part2begin != part2end) { // correct stuff if(m_dcOffsetCorrection) { dcOffset(part2begin, part2end); } if(m_iqImbalanceCorrection) { imbalance(part2begin, part2end); } // feed data to handlers for(SampleSinks::const_iterator it = m_sampleSinks.begin(); it != m_sampleSinks.end(); it++) { (*it)->feed(part2begin, part2end, positiveOnly); } } // adjust FIFO pointers sampleFifo->readCommit(count); samplesDone += count; } } // notStarted -> idle -> init -> running -+ // ^ | // +-----------------------+ DSPEngine::State DSPEngine::gotoIdle() { switch(m_state) { case StNotStarted: return StNotStarted; case StIdle: case StError: return StIdle; case StReady: case StRunning: break; } if(m_sampleSource == 0) { return StIdle; } // stop everything for(SampleSinks::const_iterator it = m_sampleSinks.begin(); it != m_sampleSinks.end(); it++) { (*it)->stop(); } m_sampleSource->stopInput(); m_deviceDescription.clear(); m_audioSink.stop(); m_sampleRate = 0; return StIdle; } DSPEngine::State DSPEngine::gotoInit() { switch(m_state) { case StNotStarted: return StNotStarted; case StRunning: // FIXME: assumes it goes first through idle state. Could we get back to init from running directly? return StRunning; case StReady: return StReady; case StIdle: case StError: break; } if (m_sampleSource == 0) { return gotoError("No sample source configured"); } // init: pass sample rate and center frequency to all sample rate and/or center frequency dependent sinks and wait for completion m_iOffset = 0; m_qOffset = 0; m_iRange = 1 << 16; m_qRange = 1 << 16; m_deviceDescription = m_sampleSource->getDeviceDescription(); m_centerFrequency = m_sampleSource->getCenterFrequency(); m_sampleRate = m_sampleSource->getSampleRate(); qDebug() << "DSPEngine::gotoInit: " << m_deviceDescription.toStdString().c_str() << ": " << " sampleRate: " << m_sampleRate << " centerFrequency: " << m_centerFrequency; for(SampleSinks::const_iterator it = m_sampleSinks.begin(); it != m_sampleSinks.end(); it++) { qDebug() << " - initializing " << (*it)->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); DSPSignalNotification* notif = DSPSignalNotification::create(m_sampleRate, m_centerFrequency); (*it)->executeMessage(notif); // this one does not use queuing and thus waits for completion } // pass sample rate to main window Message* rep = DSPEngineReport::create(m_sampleRate, m_centerFrequency); rep->submit(&m_outputMessageQueue); return StReady; } DSPEngine::State DSPEngine::gotoRunning() { qDebug() << "DSPEngine::gotoRunning"; switch(m_state) { case StNotStarted: return StNotStarted; case StIdle: return StIdle; case StRunning: return StRunning; case StReady: case StError: break; } if(m_sampleSource == NULL) { return gotoError("No sample source configured"); } qDebug() << " - " << m_deviceDescription.toStdString().c_str() << " started"; // Start everything if(!m_sampleSource->startInput(0)) { return gotoError("Could not start sample source"); } m_audioSink.start(0, 48000); for(SampleSinks::const_iterator it = m_sampleSinks.begin(); it != m_sampleSinks.end(); it++) { qDebug() << " - starting " << (*it)->objectName().toStdString().c_str(); (*it)->start(); } qDebug() << " - input message queue pending: " << m_inputMessageQueue.countPending(); return StRunning; } DSPEngine::State DSPEngine::gotoError(const QString& errorMessage) { m_errorMessage = errorMessage; m_deviceDescription.clear(); m_state = StError; return StError; } void DSPEngine::handleSetSource(SampleSource* source) { qDebug() << "DSPEngine::handleSetSource: " << source->getDeviceDescription().toStdString().c_str(); gotoIdle(); if(m_sampleSource != 0) { disconnect(m_sampleSource->getSampleFifo(), SIGNAL(dataReady()), this, SLOT(handleData())); } m_sampleSource = source; if(m_sampleSource != 0) { qDebug() << " - connect"; connect(m_sampleSource->getSampleFifo(), SIGNAL(dataReady()), this, SLOT(handleData()), Qt::QueuedConnection); } } bool DSPEngine::distributeMessage(Message* message) { if (m_sampleSource != 0) { if ((message->getDestination() == 0) || (message->getDestination() == m_sampleSource)) { if (m_sampleSource->handleMessage(message)) { return true; } } } for (SampleSinks::const_iterator it = m_sampleSinks.begin(); it != m_sampleSinks.end(); it++) { if ((message->getDestination() == NULL) || (message->getDestination() == *it)) { if ((*it)->handleMessage(message)) { return true; } } } return false; } void DSPEngine::handleData() { if(m_state == StRunning) { work(); } } void DSPEngine::handleInputMessages() { Message* message; while ((message = m_inputMessageQueue.accept()) != NULL) { qDebug("DSPEngine::handleInputMessages: Message: %s", message->getIdentifier()); if (DSPPing::match(message)) { message->completed(m_state); } else if (DSPExit::match(message)) { gotoIdle(); m_state = StNotStarted; exit(); message->completed(m_state); } else if (DSPAcquisitionInit::match(message)) { m_state = gotoIdle(); if(m_state == StIdle) { m_state = gotoInit(); // State goes ready if init is performed } message->completed(m_state); } else if (DSPAcquisitionStart::match(message)) { if(m_state == StReady) { m_state = gotoRunning(); } message->completed(m_state); } else if (DSPAcquisitionStop::match(message)) { m_state = gotoIdle(); message->completed(m_state); } else if (DSPGetSourceDeviceDescription::match(message)) { ((DSPGetSourceDeviceDescription*)message)->setDeviceDescription(m_deviceDescription); message->completed(); } else if (DSPGetErrorMessage::match(message)) { ((DSPGetErrorMessage*)message)->setErrorMessage(m_errorMessage); message->completed(); } else if (DSPSetSource::match(message)) { handleSetSource(((DSPSetSource*)message)->getSampleSource()); message->completed(); } else if (DSPAddSink::match(message)) { SampleSink* sink = ((DSPAddSink*)message)->getSampleSink(); /* if(m_state == StRunning) // FIXME: fix this mess once init phase is coded { DSPSignalNotification* signal = DSPSignalNotification::create(m_sampleRate, 0); signal->submit(&m_outputMessageQueue, sink); sink->start(); }*/ m_sampleSinks.push_back(sink); message->completed(); } else if (DSPRemoveSink::match(message)) { SampleSink* sink = ((DSPAddSink*)message)->getSampleSink(); if(m_state == StRunning) { sink->stop(); } m_sampleSinks.remove(sink); message->completed(); } else if (DSPAddAudioSink::match(message)) { m_audioSink.addFifo(((DSPAddAudioSink*)message)->getAudioFifo()); message->completed(); } else if (DSPRemoveAudioSink::match(message)) { m_audioSink.removeFifo(((DSPAddAudioSink*)message)->getAudioFifo()); message->completed(); } else if (DSPConfigureCorrection::match(message)) { DSPConfigureCorrection* conf = (DSPConfigureCorrection*)message; m_iqImbalanceCorrection = conf->getIQImbalanceCorrection(); if(m_dcOffsetCorrection != conf->getDCOffsetCorrection()) { m_dcOffsetCorrection = conf->getDCOffsetCorrection(); m_iOffset = 0; m_qOffset = 0; } if(m_iqImbalanceCorrection != conf->getIQImbalanceCorrection()) { m_iqImbalanceCorrection = conf->getIQImbalanceCorrection(); m_iRange = 1 << 16; m_qRange = 1 << 16; m_imbalance = 65536; } message->completed(); } else { if (DSPSignalNotification::match(message)) { DSPSignalNotification *conf = (DSPSignalNotification*)message; qDebug() << " (" << conf->getSampleRate() << "," << conf->getFrequencyOffset() << ")"; } if (!distributeMessage(message)) { message->completed(); } } } }