/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2020 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // Copyright (C) 2020 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gs232controller.h" #include "gs232controllerworker.h" #include "gs232controllerreport.h" MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(GS232ControllerWorker::MsgConfigureGS232ControllerWorker, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(GS232ControllerReport::MsgReportAzAl, Message) GS232ControllerWorker::GS232ControllerWorker() : m_msgQueueToFeature(nullptr), m_running(false), m_mutex(QMutex::Recursive), m_lastAzimuth(-1.0f), m_lastElevation(-1.0f), m_spidSetOutstanding(false), m_spidSetSent(false), m_spidStatusSent(false) { connect(&m_pollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update())); m_pollTimer.start(1000); } GS232ControllerWorker::~GS232ControllerWorker() { m_inputMessageQueue.clear(); } void GS232ControllerWorker::reset() { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex); m_inputMessageQueue.clear(); m_lastAzimuth = -1.0f; m_lastElevation = -1.0f; m_spidSetOutstanding = false; m_spidSetSent = false; m_spidStatusSent = false; } bool GS232ControllerWorker::startWork() { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex); connect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages())); connect(&m_serialPort, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData); if (!m_settings.m_serialPort.isEmpty()) { openSerialPort(m_settings); } m_running = true; return m_running; } void GS232ControllerWorker::stopWork() { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex); // Close serial port as USB/controller activity can create RFI if (m_serialPort.isOpen()) m_serialPort.close(); disconnect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleInputMessages())); disconnect(&m_serialPort, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData); m_running = false; } void GS232ControllerWorker::handleInputMessages() { Message* message; while ((message = m_inputMessageQueue.pop()) != nullptr) { if (handleMessage(*message)) { delete message; } } } bool GS232ControllerWorker::handleMessage(const Message& cmd) { if (MsgConfigureGS232ControllerWorker::match(cmd)) { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex); MsgConfigureGS232ControllerWorker& cfg = (MsgConfigureGS232ControllerWorker&) cmd; applySettings(cfg.getSettings(), cfg.getForce()); return true; } else { return false; } } void GS232ControllerWorker::applySettings(const GS232ControllerSettings& settings, bool force) { qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::applySettings:" << " m_azimuth: " << settings.m_azimuth << " m_elevation: " << settings.m_elevation << " m_azimuthOffset: " << settings.m_azimuthOffset << " m_elevationOffset: " << settings.m_elevationOffset << " m_azimuthMin: " << settings.m_azimuthMin << " m_azimuthMax: " << settings.m_azimuthMax << " m_elevationMin: " << settings.m_elevationMin << " m_elevationMax: " << settings.m_elevationMax << " m_tolerance: " << settings.m_tolerance << " m_protocol: " << settings.m_protocol << " m_serialPort: " << settings.m_serialPort << " m_baudRate: " << settings.m_baudRate << " force: " << force; if ((settings.m_serialPort != m_settings.m_serialPort) || force) { openSerialPort(settings); } else if ((settings.m_baudRate != m_settings.m_baudRate) || force) { m_serialPort.setBaudRate(settings.m_baudRate); } // Apply offset then clamp float azimuth, elevation; settings.calcTargetAzEl(azimuth, elevation); // Don't set if within tolerance of last setting float azDiff = std::abs(azimuth - m_lastAzimuth); float elDiff = std::abs(elevation - m_lastElevation); if (((elDiff > settings.m_tolerance) || (m_lastElevation == -1) || force) && (settings.m_elevationMax != 0)) { setAzimuthElevation(azimuth, elevation); } else if ((azDiff > settings.m_tolerance) || (m_lastAzimuth == -1) || force) { setAzimuth(azimuth); } m_settings = settings; } void GS232ControllerWorker::openSerialPort(const GS232ControllerSettings& settings) { if (m_serialPort.isOpen()) { m_serialPort.close(); } m_serialPort.setPortName(settings.m_serialPort); m_serialPort.setBaudRate(settings.m_baudRate); if (!m_serialPort.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { qCritical() << "GS232ControllerWorker::openSerialPort: Failed to open serial port " << settings.m_serialPort << ". Error: " << m_serialPort.error(); if (m_msgQueueToFeature) { m_msgQueueToFeature->push(GS232Controller::MsgReportWorker::create(QString("Failed to open serial port %1: %2").arg(settings.m_serialPort).arg(m_serialPort.error()))); } } m_lastAzimuth = -1; m_lastElevation = -1; } void GS232ControllerWorker::setAzimuth(float azimuth) { if (m_settings.m_protocol == GS232ControllerSettings::GS232) { QString cmd = QString("M%1\r\n").arg((int)std::round(azimuth), 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); QByteArray data = cmd.toLatin1(); m_serialPort.write(data); } else { setAzimuthElevation(azimuth, m_lastElevation); } m_lastAzimuth = azimuth; } void GS232ControllerWorker::setAzimuthElevation(float azimuth, float elevation) { if (m_settings.m_protocol == GS232ControllerSettings::GS232) { QString cmd = QString("W%1 %2\r\n").arg((int)std::round(azimuth), 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')).arg((int)std::round(elevation), 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); QByteArray data = cmd.toLatin1(); m_serialPort.write(data); } else { qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::setAzimuthElevation " << " AZ " << azimuth << " EL " << elevation; if (!m_spidSetSent && !m_spidStatusSent) { QByteArray cmd(13, (char)0); cmd[0] = 0x57; // Start int h = std::round((azimuth + 360.0f) * 2.0f); cmd[1] = 0x30 | (h / 1000); cmd[2] = 0x30 | ((h % 1000) / 100); cmd[3] = 0x30 | ((h % 100) / 10); cmd[4] = 0x30 | (h % 10); cmd[5] = 2; // 2 degree per impulse int v = std::round((elevation + 360.0f) * 2.0f); cmd[6] = 0x30 | (v / 1000); cmd[7] = 0x30 | ((v % 1000) / 100); cmd[8] = 0x30 | ((v % 100) / 10); cmd[9] = 0x30 | (v % 10); cmd[10] = 2; // 2 degree per impulse cmd[11] = 0x2f; // Set cmd cmd[12] = 0x20; // End m_serialPort.write(cmd); m_spidSetSent = true; } else { qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::setAzimuthElevation: Not sent, waiting for status reply"; m_spidSetOutstanding = true; } } m_lastAzimuth = azimuth; m_lastElevation = elevation; } void GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData() { char buf[1024]; qint64 len; if (m_settings.m_protocol == GS232ControllerSettings::GS232) { while (m_serialPort.canReadLine()) { len = m_serialPort.readLine(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len != -1) { QString response = QString::fromUtf8(buf, len); // MD-02 can return AZ=-00 EL=-00 and other negative angles QRegularExpression re("AZ=([-\\d]\\d\\d) *EL=([-\\d]\\d\\d)"); QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(response); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString az = match.captured(1); QString el = match.captured(2); //qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData read Az " << az << " El " << el; m_msgQueueToFeature->push(GS232ControllerReport::MsgReportAzAl::create(az.toFloat(), el.toFloat())); } else if (response == "\r\n") { // Ignore } else { qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData - unexpected GS-232 response \"" << response << "\""; m_msgQueueToFeature->push(GS232Controller::MsgReportWorker::create(QString("Unexpected GS-232 response: %1").arg(response))); } } } } else { while (m_serialPort.bytesAvailable() >= 12) { len = m_serialPort.read(buf, 12); if ((len == 12) && (buf[0] == 0x57)) { double az; double el; az = buf[1] * 100.0 + buf[2] * 10.0 + buf[3] + buf[4] / 10.0 - 360.0; el = buf[6] * 100.0 + buf[7] * 10.0 + buf[8] + buf[9] / 10.0 - 360.0; //qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData read Az " << az << " El " << el; m_msgQueueToFeature->push(GS232ControllerReport::MsgReportAzAl::create(az, el)); if (m_spidStatusSent && m_spidSetSent) { qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData - m_spidStatusSent and m_spidSetSent set simultaneously"; } if (m_spidStatusSent) { m_spidStatusSent = false; } if (m_spidSetSent) { m_spidSetSent = false; } if (m_spidSetOutstanding) { m_spidSetOutstanding = false; setAzimuthElevation(m_lastAzimuth, m_lastElevation); } } else { QByteArray bytes(buf, (int)len); qDebug() << "GS232ControllerWorker::readSerialData - unexpected SPID rot2prog response \"" << bytes.toHex() << "\""; if (m_msgQueueToFeature) { m_msgQueueToFeature->push(GS232Controller::MsgReportWorker::create(QString("Unexpected SPID rot2prog response: %1").arg(bytes.toHex().data()))); } } } } } void GS232ControllerWorker::update() { // Request current Az/El from GS-232 controller if (m_serialPort.isOpen()) { if (m_settings.m_protocol == GS232ControllerSettings::GS232) { QByteArray cmd("C2\r\n"); m_serialPort.write(cmd); } else { // Don't send a new status command, if waiting for a previous reply if (!m_spidSetSent && !m_spidStatusSent) { // Status QByteArray cmd; cmd.append((char)0x57); // Start for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cmd.append((char)0x0); } cmd.append((char)0x1f); // Status cmd.append((char)0x20); // End m_serialPort.write(cmd); m_spidStatusSent = true; } } } }