/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2019 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // Copyright (C) 2023 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "dsp/dspengine.h" #include "dsp/datafifo.h" #include "dsp/scopevis.h" #include "util/db.h" #include "util/stepfunctions.h" #include "maincore.h" #include "heatmap.h" #include "heatmapsink.h" HeatMapSink::HeatMapSink(HeatMap *heatMap) : m_scopeSink(nullptr), m_heatMap(heatMap), m_channelSampleRate(10000), m_channelFrequencyOffset(0), m_magsq(0.0), m_magsqSum(0.0), m_magsqPeak(0.0), m_magsqCount(0), m_messageQueueToChannel(nullptr), m_sampleBufferSize(1000), m_sampleBufferIndex(0) { resetMagLevels(); m_sampleBuffer.resize(m_sampleBufferSize); applySettings(m_settings, true); applyChannelSettings(m_channelSampleRate, m_channelFrequencyOffset, true); } HeatMapSink::~HeatMapSink() { } void HeatMapSink::sampleToScope(Complex sample) { if (m_scopeSink) { Real r = std::real(sample) * SDR_RX_SCALEF; Real i = std::imag(sample) * SDR_RX_SCALEF; m_sampleBuffer[m_sampleBufferIndex++] = Sample(r, i); if (m_sampleBufferIndex >= m_sampleBufferSize) { std::vector vbegin; vbegin.push_back(m_sampleBuffer.begin()); m_scopeSink->feed(vbegin, m_sampleBufferSize); m_sampleBufferIndex = 0; } } } void HeatMapSink::feed(const SampleVector::const_iterator& begin, const SampleVector::const_iterator& end) { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&m_mutex); // Is this too coarse, depending on size of sample vector? Complex ci; for (SampleVector::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { Complex c(it->real(), it->imag()); c *= m_nco.nextIQ(); if (m_interpolatorDistance < 1.0f) // interpolate { while (!m_interpolator.interpolate(&m_interpolatorDistanceRemain, c, &ci)) { processOneSample(ci); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain += m_interpolatorDistance; } } else // decimate { if (m_interpolator.decimate(&m_interpolatorDistanceRemain, c, &ci)) { processOneSample(ci); m_interpolatorDistanceRemain += m_interpolatorDistance; } } } } void HeatMapSink::processOneSample(Complex &ci) { Real re = ci.real() / SDR_RX_SCALEF; Real im = ci.imag() / SDR_RX_SCALEF; Real magsq = re*re + im*im; m_movingAverage(magsq); m_magsq = m_movingAverage.asDouble(); m_magsqSum += magsq; if (magsq > m_magsqPeak) { m_magsqPeak = magsq; } m_magsqCount++; // Although computationally more expensive to take the square root here, // it possibly reduces problems of accumulating numbers // that may differ significantly in magnitude, for long averages double mag = sqrt((double)magsq); m_magSum += mag; if (mag > m_pulseThresholdLinear) { m_magPulseSum += mag; m_magPulseCount++; if (m_magPulseCount >= m_averageCnt) { m_magPulseAvg = m_magPulseSum / m_magPulseCount; m_magPulseSum = 0.0; m_magPulseCount = 0; } } if (mag > m_magMaxPeak) { m_magMaxPeak = mag; } if (mag < m_magMinPeak) { m_magMinPeak = mag; } m_magCount++; if (m_magCount >= m_averageCnt) { m_magAvg = m_magSum / m_magCount; m_magSum = 0.0; m_magCount = 0; } // Sample to feed to scope (so we can see power at channel sample rate) Complex scopeSample; scopeSample.real(ci.real() / SDR_RX_SCALEF); scopeSample.imag(ci.imag() / SDR_RX_SCALEF); sampleToScope(scopeSample); } void HeatMapSink::applyChannelSettings(int channelSampleRate, int channelFrequencyOffset, bool force) { qDebug() << "HeatMapSink::applyChannelSettings:" << " channelSampleRate: " << channelSampleRate << " channelFrequencyOffset: " << channelFrequencyOffset; if ((m_channelFrequencyOffset != channelFrequencyOffset) || (m_channelSampleRate != channelSampleRate) || force) { m_nco.setFreq(-channelFrequencyOffset, channelSampleRate); } if ((m_channelSampleRate != channelSampleRate) || force) { m_interpolator.create(16, channelSampleRate, m_settings.m_rfBandwidth / 2.2); m_interpolatorDistance = (Real) channelSampleRate / (Real) m_settings.m_sampleRate; m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = m_interpolatorDistance; } m_channelSampleRate = channelSampleRate; m_channelFrequencyOffset = channelFrequencyOffset; } void HeatMapSink::applySettings(const HeatMapSettings& settings, bool force) { qDebug() << "HeatMapSink::applySettings:" << " sampleRate: " << settings.m_sampleRate << " averagePeriodUS: " << settings.m_averagePeriodUS << " pulseThreshold: " << settings.m_pulseThreshold << " force: " << force; if ((settings.m_rfBandwidth != m_settings.m_rfBandwidth) || (settings.m_averagePeriodUS != m_settings.m_averagePeriodUS) || (settings.m_sampleRate != m_settings.m_sampleRate) || force) { m_interpolator.create(16, m_channelSampleRate, settings.m_rfBandwidth / 2.2); m_interpolatorDistance = (Real) m_channelSampleRate / (Real) settings.m_sampleRate; m_interpolatorDistanceRemain = m_interpolatorDistance; } if ((settings.m_averagePeriodUS != m_settings.m_averagePeriodUS) || (settings.m_sampleRate != m_settings.m_sampleRate) || force) { m_averageCnt = (int)((settings.m_averagePeriodUS * settings.m_sampleRate / 1e6)); // For low sample rates, we want a small buffer, so scope update isn't too slow if (settings.m_sampleRate < 100) { m_sampleBufferSize = 1; } else if (settings.m_sampleRate <= 100) { m_sampleBufferSize = 10; } else if (settings.m_sampleRate <= 10000) { m_sampleBufferSize = 100; } else { m_sampleBufferSize = 1000; } qDebug() << "m_averageCnt" << m_averageCnt; qDebug() << "m_sampleBufferSize" << m_sampleBufferSize; m_sampleBuffer.resize(m_sampleBufferSize); if (m_sampleBufferIndex >= m_sampleBufferSize) { m_sampleBufferIndex = 0; } } if ((settings.m_pulseThreshold != m_settings.m_pulseThreshold) || force) { m_pulseThresholdLinear = std::pow(10.0, settings.m_pulseThreshold / 20.0); qDebug() << "m_pulseThresholdLinear" << m_pulseThresholdLinear; } m_settings = settings; }