SSBDemodSettings: description: SSBDemod properties: inputFrequencyOffset: type: integer format: int64 rfBandwidth: type: number format: float lowCutoff: type: number format: float volume: type: number format: float spanLog2: type: integer audioBinaural: description: Audio binaural mode (1 if active else 0) type: integer audioFlipChannels: description: Flip audio channels (1 if flipped else 0) type: integer dsb: description: Double sidebands mode (1 if DSB else 0) type: integer audioMute: description: Mute audio (1 if muted else 0) type: integer agc: description: AGC (1 if AGC active else 0) type: integer agcClamping: description: AGC clamping (1 if AGC clampingactive else 0) type: integer agcTimeLog2: description: AGC averaging time log2 in milliseconds type: integer agcPowerThreshold: description: Audio open RF threshold (dB) type: integer agcThresholdGate: description: Audio squelch gate in ms type: integer rgbColor: type: integer title: type: string audioDeviceName: type: string streamIndex: description: MIMO channel. Not relevant when connected to SI (single Rx). type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer reverseAPIChannelIndex: type: integer spectrumConfig: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/GLSpectrum.yaml#/GLSpectrum" channelMarker: $ref: "/doc/swagger/include/ChannelMarker.yaml#/ChannelMarker" SSBDemodReport: description: SSBDemod properties: channelPowerDB: description: power received in channel (dB) type: number format: float squelch: description: Audio squelch status (1 if open else 0) type: integer audioSampleRate: type: integer channelSampleRate: type: integer