// This file is part of LeanSDR Copyright (C) 2016-2019 . // See the toplevel README for more information. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #ifndef LEANSDR_DVB_H #define LEANSDR_DVB_H #include #include "leansdr/convolutional.h" #include "leansdr/rs.h" #include "leansdr/sdr.h" #include "leansdr/viterbi.h" namespace leansdr { static const int SIZE_RSPACKET = 204; static const int MPEG_SYNC = 0x47; static const int MPEG_SYNC_INV = (MPEG_SYNC ^ 0xff); static const int MPEG_SYNC_CORRUPTED = 0x55; // Generic deconvolution enum code_rate { FEC12, FEC23, FEC46, FEC34, FEC56, FEC78, // DVB-S FEC45, FEC89, FEC910, // DVB-S2 FEC14, FEC13, FEC25, FEC35, // DVB-S2 FEC_COUNT }; // static const char *fec_names[] = { // [FEC12] = "1/2", // [FEC23] = "2/3", // [FEC46] = "4/6", // [FEC34] = "3/4", // [FEC56] = "5/6", // [FEC78] = "7/8", // [FEC45] = "4/5", // [FEC89] = "8/9", // [FEC910] = "9/10", // [FEC14] = "1/4", // [FEC13] = "1/3", // [FEC25] = "2/5", // [FEC35] = "3/5", // }; // EN 300 421, section 4.4.3, table 2 Punctured code, G1=0171, G2=0133 static const int DVBS_G1 = 0171; static const int DVBS_G2 = 0133; // G1 = 0b1111001 // G2 = 0b1011011 // // G1 = [ 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ] // G2 = [ 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 ] // // C = [ G2 ; // G1 ; // 0 G2 ; // 0 G1 ; // 0 0 G2 ; // 0 0 G1 ] // // C = [ 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; // 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; // 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ; // 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ; // 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 ; // 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ; // 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 ; // 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ; // 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 ; // 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 ; // 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 ; // 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 ; // 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 ; // 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ] // // IQ = [ Q1; I1; ... Q10; I10 ] = C * S // // D * C == [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] // // D = [ 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0] // D = 0x3ba template struct deconvol_sync : runnable { deconvol_sync(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out, uint32_t gX, uint32_t gY, uint32_t pX, uint32_t pY) : runnable(sch, "deconvol_sync"), fastlock(false), in(_in), out(_out, SIZE_RSPACKET), skip(0) { conv = new uint32_t[2]; conv[0] = gX; conv[1] = gY; nG = 2; punct = new uint32_t[2]; punct[0] = pX; punct[1] = pY; punctperiod = 0; punctweight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { int nbits = log2(punct[i]) + 1; if (nbits > punctperiod) punctperiod = nbits; punctweight += hamming_weight(punct[i]); } if (sch->verbose) fprintf(stderr, "puncturing %d/%d\n", punctperiod, punctweight); deconv = new iq_t[punctperiod]; deconv2 = new iq_t[punctperiod]; inverse_convolution(); init_syncs(); locked = &syncs[0]; } typedef uint64_t signal_t; typedef uint64_t iq_t; static int log2(uint64_t x) { int n = -1; for (; x; ++n, x >>= 1) ; return n; } iq_t convolve(signal_t s) { int sbits = log2(s) + 1; iq_t iq = 0; unsigned char state = 0; for (int b = sbits - 1; b >= 0; --b) { // Feed into convolver, MSB first unsigned char bit = (s >> b) & 1; state = (state >> 1) | (bit << 6); // Shift register for (int j = 0; j < nG; ++j) { unsigned char xy = parity(state & conv[j]); // Taps if (punct[j] & (1 << (b % punctperiod))) iq = (iq << 1) | xy; } } return iq; } void run() { run_decoding(); } void next_sync() { if (fastlock) fail("Bug: next_sync() called with fastlock"); ++locked; if (locked == &syncs[NSYNCS]) { locked = &syncs[0]; // Try next symbol alignment (for FEC other than 1/2) skip = 1; } } bool fastlock; private: static const int maxsbits = 64; iq_t response[maxsbits]; //static const int traceback = 48; // For code rate 7/8 static const int traceback = 64; // For code rate 7/8 with fastlock void solve_rec(iq_t prefix, unsigned int nprefix, signal_t exp, iq_t *best) { if (prefix > *best) return; if (nprefix > sizeof(prefix) * 8) return; int solved = 1; for (int b = 0; b < maxsbits; ++b) { if (parity(prefix & response[b]) != ((exp >> b) & 1)) { // Current candidate does not solve this column. if ((response[b] >> nprefix) == 0) // No more bits to trace back. return; solved = 0; } } if (solved) { *best = prefix; return; } solve_rec(prefix, nprefix + 1, exp, best); solve_rec(prefix | ((iq_t)1 << nprefix), nprefix + 1, exp, best); } static const int LATENCY = 0; void inverse_convolution() { for (int sbit = 0; sbit < maxsbits; ++sbit) { response[sbit] = convolve((iq_t)1 << sbit); //fprintf(stderr, "response %d = %x\n", sbit, response[sbit]); } for (int b = 0; b < punctperiod; ++b) { deconv[b] = -(iq_t)1; solve_rec(0, 0, 1 << (LATENCY + b), &deconv[b]); } // Alternate polynomials for fastlock for (int b = 0; b < punctperiod; ++b) { uint64_t d = deconv[b], d2 = d; // 1/2 if (d == 0x00000000000003baLL) d2 = 0x0000000000038ccaLL; // 2/3 if (d == 0x0000000000000f29LL) d2 = 0x000000003c569329LL; if (d == 0x000000000003c552LL) d2 = 0x00000000001dee1cLL; if (d == 0x0000000000007948LL) d2 = 0x00000001e2b49948LL; if (d == 0x00000000000001deLL) d2 = 0x00000000001e2a90LL; // 3/4 if (d == 0x000000000000f247LL) d2 = 0x000000000fd6383bLL; if (d == 0x00000000000fd9eeLL) d2 = 0x000000000fd91392LL; if (d == 0x0000000000f248d8LL) d2 = 0x00000000fd9eef18LL; // 5/6 if (d == 0x0000000000f5727fLL) d2 = 0x000003d5c909758fLL; if (d == 0x000000003d5c90aaLL) d2 = 0x0f5727f0229c90aaLL; if (d == 0x000000003daa371cLL) d2 = 0x000003d5f45630ecLL; if (d == 0x0000000f5727ff48LL) d2 = 0x0000f57d28260348LL; if (d == 0x0000000f57d28260LL) d2 = 0xf5727ff48128260LL; // 7/8 if (d == 0x0000fbeac76c454fLL) d2 = 0x00fb11d6ba045a8fLL; if (d == 0x00000000fb11d6baLL) d2 = 0xfbea3c7d930e16baLL; if (d == 0x0000fb112d5038dcLL) d2 = 0x00fb112d5038271cLL; if (d == 0x000000fbea3c7d68LL) d2 = 0x00fbeac7975462a8LL; if (d == 0x00000000fb112d50LL) d2 = 0x00fbea3c86793290LL; if (d == 0x0000fb112dabd2e0LL) d2 = 0x00fb112d50c3cd20LL; if (d == 0x00000000fb11d640LL) d2 = 0x00fbea3c8679c980LL; if (d2 == d) fail("Alt polynomial not provided"); deconv2[b] = d2; } if (sch->debug) { for (int b = 0; b < punctperiod; ++b) { fprintf(stderr, "deconv[%d]=0x%016llx %d taps / %d bits\n", b, (unsigned long long)deconv[b], hamming_weight(deconv[b]), log2(deconv[b]) + 1); } } // Sanity check for (int b = 0; b < punctperiod; ++b) { for (int i = 0; i < maxsbits; ++i) { iq_t iq = convolve((iq_t)1 << (LATENCY + i)); int expect = (b == i) ? 1 : 0; int d = parity(iq & deconv[b]); if (d != expect) fail("Failed to inverse convolutional coding"); int d2 = parity(iq & deconv2[b]); if (d2 != expect) fail("Failed to inverse convolutional coding (alt)"); } if (traceback > sizeof(iq_t) * 8) fail("Bug: traceback exceeds register size"); if (log2(deconv[b]) + 1 > traceback) fail("traceback insufficient for deconvolution"); if (log2(deconv2[b]) + 1 > traceback) fail("traceback insufficient for deconvolution (alt)"); } } static const int NSYNCS = 4; struct sync_t { u8 lut[2][2]; // lut[(re>0)?1:0][(im>0)?1:0] = 0b000000IQ iq_t in; int n_in; signal_t out; int n_out; // Auxiliary shift register for fastlock iq_t in2; int n_in2, n_out2; } syncs[NSYNCS]; void init_syncs() { // EN 300 421, section 4.5, Figure 5 QPSK constellation // Four rotations * two conjugations. // 180° rotation is detected as polarity inversion in mpeg_sync. for (int sync_id = 0; sync_id < NSYNCS; ++sync_id) { for (int re_pos = 0; re_pos <= 1; ++re_pos) { for (int im_pos = 0; im_pos <= 1; ++im_pos) { int re_neg = !re_pos; //int im_neg = !im_pos; int I, Q; switch (sync_id) { case 0: // Direct 0° I = re_pos ? 0 : 1; Q = im_pos ? 0 : 1; break; case 1: // Direct 90° I = im_pos ? 0 : 1; Q = re_neg ? 0 : 1; break; case 2: // Conj 0° I = re_pos ? 0 : 1; Q = im_pos ? 1 : 0; break; case 3: // Conj 90° I = im_pos ? 1 : 0; Q = re_neg ? 0 : 1; break; #if 0 case 4: // Direct 180° I = re_neg ? 0 : 1; Q = im_neg ? 0 : 1; break; case 5:// Direct 270° I = im_neg ? 0 : 1; Q = re_pos ? 0 : 1; break; case 6:// Conj 180° I = re_neg ? 0 : 1; Q = im_neg ? 1 : 0; break; case 7:// Conj 270° I = im_neg ? 1 : 0; Q = re_pos ? 0 : 1; break; #endif } syncs[sync_id].lut[re_pos][im_pos] = (I << 1) | Q; } } syncs[sync_id].n_in = 0; syncs[sync_id].n_out = 0; syncs[sync_id].n_in2 = 0; syncs[sync_id].n_out2 = 0; } } // TODO: Unroll for each code rate setting. // 1/2: 8 symbols -> 1 byte // 2/3 12 symbols -> 2 bytes // 3/4 16 symbols -> 3 bytes // 5/6 24 symbols -> 5 bytes // 7/8 32 symbols -> 7 bytes inline Tbyte readbyte(sync_t *s, eucl_ss *&p) { while (s->n_out < 8) { iq_t iq = s->in; while (s->n_in < traceback) { u8 iqbits = s->lut[(p->nearest & 2) ? 1 : 0][p->nearest & 1]; ++p; iq = (iq << 2) | iqbits; s->n_in += 2; } s->in = iq; for (int b = punctperiod - 1; b >= 0; --b) { u8 bit = parity(iq & deconv[b]); s->out = (s->out << 1) | bit; } s->n_out += punctperiod; s->n_in -= punctweight; } Tbyte res = (s->out >> (s->n_out - 8)) & 255; s->n_out -= 8; return res; } inline unsigned long readerrors(sync_t *s, eucl_ss *&p) { unsigned long res = 0; while (s->n_out2 < 8) { iq_t iq = s->in2; while (s->n_in2 < traceback) { u8 iqbits = s->lut[(p->nearest & 2) ? 1 : 0][p->nearest & 1]; ++p; iq = (iq << 2) | iqbits; s->n_in2 += 2; } s->in2 = iq; for (int b = punctperiod - 1; b >= 0; --b) { u8 bit = parity(iq & deconv[b]); u8 bit2 = parity(iq & deconv2[b]); if (bit2 != bit) ++res; } s->n_out2 += punctperiod; s->n_in2 -= punctweight; } s->n_out2 -= 8; return res; } void run_decoding() { in.read(skip); skip = 0; // 8 byte margin to fill the deconvolver if (in.readable() < 64) return; int maxrd = (in.readable() - 64) / (punctweight / 2) * punctperiod / 8; int maxwr = out.writable(); int n = (maxrd < maxwr) ? maxrd : maxwr; if (!n) return; // Require enough symbols to discriminate in fastlock mode // (threshold must be less than size of rspacket) if (n < 32) return; if (fastlock) { // Try all sync alignments long errors_best = 1 << 30; sync_t *best = &syncs[0]; for (sync_t *s = syncs; s < syncs + NSYNCS; ++s) { eucl_ss *pin = in.rd(); long errors = 0; for (int c = n; c--;) errors += readerrors(s, pin); if (errors < errors_best) { errors_best = errors; best = s; } } if (best != locked) { // Another alignment produces fewer bit errors if (sch->debug) { fprintf(stderr, "{%d->%d}\n", (int)(locked - syncs), (int)(best - syncs)); } locked = best; } // If deconvolution bit error rate > 33%, try next sample alignment if (errors_best > n * 8 / 3) { // fprintf(stderr, ">"); skip = 1; } } eucl_ss *pin = in.rd(), *pin0 = pin; Tbyte *pout = out.wr(), *pout0 = pout; while (n--) { *pout++ = readbyte(locked, pin); } in.read(pin - pin0); out.written(pout - pout0); } pipereader in; pipewriter out; // DECONVOL int nG; uint32_t *conv; // [nG] Convolution polynomials; MSB is newest uint32_t *punct; // [nG] Puncturing pattern int punctperiod, punctweight; iq_t *deconv; // [punctperiod] Deconvolution polynomials iq_t *deconv2; // [punctperiod] Alternate polynomials (for fastlock) sync_t *locked; int skip; }; typedef deconvol_sync deconvol_sync_simple; deconvol_sync_simple *make_deconvol_sync_simple(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out, enum code_rate rate); // CONVOLUTIONAL ENCODER static const uint16_t polys_fec12[] = { DVBS_G1, DVBS_G2 // X1Y1 }; static const uint16_t polys_fec23[] = { DVBS_G1, DVBS_G2, DVBS_G2 << 1 // X1Y1Y2 }; // Same code rate as 2/3, usable with QPSK static const uint16_t polys_fec46[] = { DVBS_G1, DVBS_G2, DVBS_G2 << 1, // X1Y1Y2 DVBS_G1 << 2, DVBS_G2 << 2, DVBS_G2 << 3 // X3Y3Y4 }; static const uint16_t polys_fec34[] = { DVBS_G1, DVBS_G2, // X1Y1 DVBS_G2 << 1, DVBS_G1 << 2 // Y2X3 }; static const uint16_t polys_fec45[] = { // Non standard DVBS_G1, DVBS_G2, // X1Y1 DVBS_G2 << 1, DVBS_G1 << 2, // Y2X3 DVBS_G1 << 3 // X4 }; static const uint16_t polys_fec56[] = { DVBS_G1, DVBS_G2, // X1Y1 DVBS_G2 << 1, DVBS_G1 << 2, // Y2X3 DVBS_G2 << 3, DVBS_G1 << 4 // Y4X5 }; static const uint16_t polys_fec78[] = { DVBS_G1, DVBS_G2, // X1Y1 DVBS_G2 << 1, DVBS_G2 << 2, // Y2Y3 DVBS_G2 << 3, DVBS_G1 << 4, // Y4X5 DVBS_G2 << 5, DVBS_G1 << 6 // Y6X7 }; // FEC parameters, for convolutional coding only (not S2). static struct fec_spec { int bits_in; // Entering the convolutional coder int bits_out; // Exiting the convolutional coder const uint16_t *polys; // [bits_out] } fec_specs[FEC_COUNT] = { {1, 2, polys_fec12}, {2, 3, polys_fec23}, {4, 6, polys_fec46}, {3, 4, polys_fec34}, {5, 6, polys_fec56}, {7, 8, polys_fec78}, {4, 5, polys_fec45}, // Non-standard }; struct dvb_convol : runnable { typedef u8 uncoded_byte; typedef u8 hardsymbol; dvb_convol(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out, code_rate fec, int bits_per_symbol) : runnable(sch, "dvb_convol"), in(_in), out(_out, 64) // BPSK 7/8: 7 bytes in, 64 symbols out { fec_spec *fs = &fec_specs[fec]; if (!fs->bits_in) fail("Unexpected FEC"); convol.bits_in = fs->bits_in; convol.bits_out = fs->bits_out; convol.polys = fs->polys; convol.bps = bits_per_symbol; // FEC must output a whole number of IQ symbols if (convol.bits_out % convol.bps) fail("Code rate not suitable for this constellation"); } void run() { int count = min(in.readable(), out.writable() * convol.bps / convol.bits_out * convol.bits_in / 8); // Process in multiples of the puncturing period and of 8 bits. int chunk = convol.bits_in; count = (count / chunk) * chunk; convol.encode(in.rd(), out.wr(), count); in.read(count); int nout = count * 8 / convol.bits_in * convol.bits_out / convol.bps; out.written(nout); } private: pipereader in; pipewriter out; convol_multipoly convol; }; // dvb_convol // NEW ALGEBRAIC DECONVOLUTION // QPSK 1/2 only; // With DVB-S polynomials hardcoded. template struct dvb_deconvol_sync : runnable { typedef u8 decoded_byte; int resync_period; static const int chunk_size = 64; // At least 2*sizeof(Thist)/8 dvb_deconvol_sync(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out) : runnable(sch, "deconvol_sync_multipoly"), resync_period(32), in(_in), out(_out, chunk_size), resync_phase(0) { init_syncs(); locked = &syncs[0]; } void run() { while (in.readable() >= chunk_size * 8 && out.writable() >= chunk_size) { int errors_best = 1 << 30; sync_t *best = NULL; for (sync_t *s = syncs; s < syncs + NSYNCS; ++s) { if (resync_phase != 0 && s != locked) // Decode only the currently-locked alignment continue; Tin *pin = in.rd(); static decoded_byte dummy[chunk_size]; decoded_byte *pout = (s == locked) ? out.wr() : dummy; int nerrors = s->deconv.run(pin, s->lut, pout, chunk_size); if (nerrors < errors_best) { errors_best = nerrors; best = s; } } in.read(chunk_size * 8); out.written(chunk_size); if (best != locked) { if (sch->debug) fprintf(stderr, "%%%d", (int)(best - syncs)); locked = best; } if (++resync_phase >= resync_period) resync_phase = 0; } // Work to do } // run() private: pipereader in; pipewriter out; int resync_phase; static const int NSYNCS = 4; struct sync_t { deconvol_poly2 deconv; u8 lut[4]; // TBD Swap and flip bits in the polynomials instead. } syncs[NSYNCS]; sync_t *locked; void init_syncs() { for (int s = 0; s < NSYNCS; ++s) // EN 300 421, section 4.5, Figure 5 QPSK constellation // Four rotations * two conjugations. // 180° rotation is detected as polarity inversion in mpeg_sync. // 2 | 0 // --+-- // 3 | 1 // 0° syncs[0].lut[0] = 0; syncs[0].lut[1] = 1; syncs[0].lut[2] = 2; syncs[0].lut[3] = 3; // 90° syncs[1].lut[0] = 2; syncs[1].lut[1] = 0; syncs[1].lut[2] = 3; syncs[1].lut[3] = 1; // 0° conjugated syncs[2].lut[0] = 1; syncs[2].lut[1] = 0; syncs[2].lut[2] = 3; syncs[2].lut[3] = 2; // 90° conjugated syncs[3].lut[0] = 0; syncs[3].lut[1] = 2; syncs[3].lut[2] = 1; syncs[3].lut[3] = 3; } }; // dvb_deconvol_sync typedef dvb_deconvol_sync dvb_deconvol_sync_soft; typedef dvb_deconvol_sync dvb_deconvol_sync_hard; // BIT ALIGNMENT AND MPEG SYNC DETECTION template struct mpeg_sync : runnable { int scan_syncs, want_syncs; unsigned long lock_timeout; bool fastlock; int resync_period; mpeg_sync(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out, deconvol_sync *_deconv, pipebuf *_state_out = NULL, pipebuf *_locktime_out = NULL) : runnable(sch, "sync_detect"), scan_syncs(8), want_syncs(4), lock_timeout(4), fastlock(false), resync_period(1), in(_in), out(_out, SIZE_RSPACKET * (scan_syncs + 1)), deconv(_deconv), polarity(0), resync_phase(0), bitphase(0), synchronized(false), next_sync_count(0), report_state(true) { state_out = _state_out ? new pipewriter(*_state_out) : NULL; locktime_out = _locktime_out ? new pipewriter(*_locktime_out) : NULL; } void run() { if (report_state && state_out && state_out->writable() >= 1) { // Report unlocked state on first invocation. state_out->write(0); report_state = false; } if (synchronized) { run_decoding(); } else { if (fastlock) run_searching_fast(); else run_searching(); } } void run_searching() { bool next_sync = false; int chunk = SIZE_RSPACKET * scan_syncs; while (in.readable() >= chunk + 1 // Need 1 ahead for bit shifting && out.writable() >= chunk // Use as temp buffer && (!state_out || state_out->writable() >= 1)) { if (search_sync()) return; in.read(chunk); // Switch to next bit alignment ++bitphase; if (bitphase == 8) { bitphase = 0; next_sync = true; } } if (next_sync) { // No lock this time ++next_sync_count; if (next_sync_count >= 3) { // After a few cycles without a lock, resync the deconvolver. next_sync_count = 0; if (deconv) deconv->next_sync(); } } } void run_searching_fast() { int chunk = SIZE_RSPACKET * scan_syncs; while (in.readable() >= chunk + 1 // Need 1 ahead for bit shifting && out.writable() >= chunk // Use as temp buffer && (!state_out || state_out->writable() >= 1)) { if (resync_phase == 0) { // Try all bit alighments for (bitphase = 0; bitphase <= 7; ++bitphase) { if (search_sync()) return; } } in.read(SIZE_RSPACKET); if (++resync_phase >= resync_period) resync_phase = 0; } } bool search_sync() { int chunk = SIZE_RSPACKET * scan_syncs; // Bit-shift [scan_sync] packets according to current [bitphase] Tbyte *pin = in.rd(), *pend = pin + chunk; Tbyte *pout = out.wr(); unsigned short w = *pin++; for (; pin <= pend; ++pin, ++pout) { w = (w << 8) | *pin; *pout = w >> bitphase; } // Search for [want_sync] start codes at all 204 offsets for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_RSPACKET; ++i) { int nsyncs_p = 0, nsyncs_n = 0; // # start codes assuming pos/neg polarity int phase8_p = -1, phase8_n = -1; // Position in sequence of 8 packets Tbyte *p = &out.wr()[i]; for (int j = 0; j < scan_syncs; ++j, p += SIZE_RSPACKET) { Tbyte b = *p; if (b == MPEG_SYNC) { ++nsyncs_p; phase8_n = (8 - j) & 7; } if (b == MPEG_SYNC_INV) { ++nsyncs_n; phase8_p = (8 - j) & 7; } } // Detect most likely polarity int nsyncs; if (nsyncs_p > nsyncs_n) { polarity = 0; nsyncs = nsyncs_p; phase8 = phase8_p; } else { polarity = -1; nsyncs = nsyncs_n; phase8 = phase8_n; } if (nsyncs >= want_syncs && phase8 >= 0) { if (sch->debug) fprintf(stderr, "Locked\n"); if (!i) { // Avoid fixpoint detection in scheduler i = SIZE_RSPACKET; phase8 = (phase8 + 1) & 7; } in.read(i); // Skip to first start code synchronized = true; lock_timeleft = lock_timeout; locktime = 0; if (state_out) state_out->write(1); return true; } } return false; } void run_decoding() { while (in.readable() >= SIZE_RSPACKET + 1 && out.writable() >= SIZE_RSPACKET && (!state_out || state_out->writable() >= 1) && (!locktime_out || locktime_out->writable() >= 1)) { Tbyte *pin = in.rd(), *pend = pin + SIZE_RSPACKET; Tbyte *pout = out.wr(); unsigned short w = *pin++; for (; pin <= pend; ++pin, ++pout) { w = (w << 8) | *pin; *pout = (w >> bitphase) ^ polarity; } in.read(SIZE_RSPACKET); Tbyte syncbyte = *out.wr(); out.written(SIZE_RSPACKET); ++locktime; if (locktime_out) locktime_out->write(locktime); // Reset timer if sync byte is correct Tbyte expected = phase8 ? MPEG_SYNC : MPEG_SYNC_INV; if (syncbyte == expected) lock_timeleft = lock_timeout; phase8 = (phase8 + 1) & 7; --lock_timeleft; if (!lock_timeleft) { if (sch->debug) fprintf(stderr, "Unlocked\n"); synchronized = false; next_sync_count = 0; if (state_out) state_out->write(0); return; } } } private: pipereader in; pipewriter out; deconvol_sync *deconv; unsigned char polarity; // XOR mask, 0 or 0xff int resync_phase; int bitphase; bool synchronized; int next_sync_count; int phase8; // Position in 8-packet cycle, -1 if not synchronized unsigned long lock_timeleft; unsigned long locktime; pipewriter *state_out; pipewriter *locktime_out; bool report_state; }; template struct rspacket { Tbyte data[SIZE_RSPACKET]; }; // INTERLEAVER struct interleaver : runnable { interleaver(scheduler *sch, pipebuf> &_in, pipebuf &_out) : runnable(sch, "interleaver"), in(_in), out(_out, SIZE_RSPACKET) { } void run() { while (in.readable() >= 12 && out.writable() >= SIZE_RSPACKET) { rspacket *pin = in.rd(); u8 *pout = out.wr(); int delay = 0; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_RSPACKET; ++i, ++pout, delay = (delay + 1) % 12) { *pout = pin[11 - delay].data[i]; } in.read(1); out.written(SIZE_RSPACKET); } } private: pipereader> in; pipewriter out; }; // interleaver // DEINTERLEAVER template struct deinterleaver : runnable { deinterleaver(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf> &_out) : runnable(sch, "deinterleaver"), in(_in), out(_out) { } void run() { while (in.readable() >= 17 * 11 * 12 + SIZE_RSPACKET && out.writable() >= 1) { Tbyte *pin = in.rd() + 17 * 11 * 12, *pend = pin + SIZE_RSPACKET; Tbyte *pout = out.wr()->data; for (int delay = 17 * 11; pin < pend; ++pin, ++pout, delay = (delay - 17 + 17 * 12) % (17 * 12)) { *pout = pin[-delay * 12]; } in.read(SIZE_RSPACKET); out.written(1); } } private: pipereader in; pipewriter> out; }; // deinterleaver static const int SIZE_TSPACKET = 188; // TBD remove struct tspacket { static const int SIZE = 188; u8 data[SIZE_TSPACKET]; }; // RS ENCODER struct rs_encoder : runnable { rs_encoder(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf> &_out) : runnable(sch, "RS encoder"), in(_in), out(_out) { } void run() { while (in.readable() >= 1 && out.writable() >= 1) { u8 *pin = in.rd()->data; u8 *pout = out.wr()->data; // The first 188 bytes are the uncoded message P(X) memcpy(pout, pin, SIZE_TSPACKET); // Append 16 RS parity bytes R(X) = - (P(X)*X^16 mod G(X)) // so that G(X) divides the coded message S(X) = P(X)*X^16 - R(X). rs.encode(pout); in.read(1); out.written(1); } } private: rs_engine rs; pipereader in; pipewriter> out; }; // rs_encoder // RS DECODER template struct rs_decoder : runnable { rs_engine rs; rs_decoder(scheduler *sch, pipebuf> &_in, pipebuf &_out, pipebuf *_bitcount = NULL, pipebuf *_errcount = NULL) : runnable(sch, "RS decoder"), in(_in), out(_out) { bitcount = _bitcount ? new pipewriter(*_bitcount) : NULL; errcount = _errcount ? new pipewriter(*_errcount) : NULL; } void run() { if (bitcount && bitcount->writable() < 1) return; if (errcount && errcount->writable() < 1) return; int nbits = 0, nerrs = 0; while (in.readable() >= 1 && out.writable() >= 1) { Tbyte *pin = in.rd()->data; u8 *pout = out.wr()->data; nbits += SIZE_RSPACKET * 8; // The message is the first 188 bytes. if (sizeof(Tbyte) == 1) memcpy(pout, pin, SIZE_TSPACKET); else fail("Erasures not implemented"); u8 synd[16]; bool corrupted = rs.syndromes(pin, synd); #if 0 if ( ! corrupted ) { // Test BM fprintf(stderr, "Simulating errors\n"); pin[203] ^= 42; pin[202] ^= 99; corrupted = rs.syndromes(pin, synd); } #endif if (!corrupted) { if (sch->debug) fprintf(stderr, "_"); // Packet received without errors. } else { corrupted = rs.correct(synd, pout, pin, &nerrs); if (sch->debug) { if (!corrupted) fprintf(stderr, "."); // Errors were corrected. else fprintf(stderr, "!"); // Packet still corrupted. } } in.read(1); // Output corrupted packets (with a special mark) // otherwise the derandomizer will lose synchronization. if (corrupted) pout[0] ^= MPEG_SYNC_CORRUPTED; out.written(1); } if (nbits) { if (bitcount) bitcount->write(nbits); if (errcount) errcount->write(nerrs); } } private: pipereader> in; pipewriter out; pipewriter *bitcount, *errcount; }; // rs_decoder // RANDOMIZER struct randomizer : runnable { randomizer(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out) : runnable(sch, "derandomizer"), in(_in), out(_out) { precompute_pattern(); pos = pattern; pattern_end = pattern + sizeof(pattern) / sizeof(pattern[0]); } void precompute_pattern() { // EN 300 421, section 4.4.1 Transport multiplex adaptation pattern[0] = 0xff; // Invert one in eight sync bytes unsigned short st = 000251; // 0b 000 000 010 101 001 (Fig 2 reversed) for (int i = 1; i < 188 * 8; ++i) { u8 out = 0; for (int n = 8; n--;) { int bit = ((st >> 13) ^ (st >> 14)) & 1; // Taps out = (out << 1) | bit; // MSB first st = (st << 1) | bit; // Feedback } pattern[i] = (i % 188) ? out : 0; // Inhibit on sync bytes } } void run() { while (in.readable() >= 1 && out.writable() >= 1) { u8 *pin = in.rd()->data, *pend = pin + SIZE_TSPACKET; u8 *pout = out.wr()->data; if (pin[0] != MPEG_SYNC) fprintf(stderr, "randomizer: bad MPEG sync %02x\n", pin[0]); for (; pin < pend; ++pin, ++pout, ++pos) *pout = *pin ^ *pos; if (pos == pattern_end) pos = pattern; in.read(1); out.written(1); } } private: u8 pattern[188 * 8], *pattern_end, *pos; pipereader in; pipewriter out; }; // randomizer // DERANDOMIZER struct derandomizer : runnable { derandomizer(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out) : runnable(sch, "derandomizer"), in(_in), out(_out) { precompute_pattern(); pos = pattern; pattern_end = pattern + sizeof(pattern) / sizeof(pattern[0]); } void precompute_pattern() { // EN 300 421, section 4.4.1 Transport multiplex adaptation pattern[0] = 0xff; // Restore the inverted sync byte unsigned short st = 000251; // 0b 000 000 010 101 001 (Fig 2 reversed) for (int i = 1; i < 188 * 8; ++i) { u8 out = 0; for (int n = 8; n--;) { int bit = ((st >> 13) ^ (st >> 14)) & 1; // Taps out = (out << 1) | bit; // MSB first st = (st << 1) | bit; // Feedback } pattern[i] = (i % 188) ? out : 0; // Inhibit on sync bytes } } void run() { while (in.readable() >= 1 && out.writable() >= 1) { u8 *pin = in.rd()->data, *pend = pin + SIZE_TSPACKET; u8 *pout = out.wr()->data; if (pin[0] == MPEG_SYNC_INV || pin[0] == (MPEG_SYNC_INV ^ MPEG_SYNC_CORRUPTED)) { if (pos != pattern) { if (sch->debug) fprintf(stderr, "derandomizer: resynchronizing\n"); pos = pattern; } } for (; pin < pend; ++pin, ++pout, ++pos) { *pout = *pin ^ *pos; } if (pos == pattern_end) pos = pattern; in.read(1); u8 sync = out.wr()->data[0]; if (sync == MPEG_SYNC) { out.written(1); } else { if (sync != (MPEG_SYNC ^ MPEG_SYNC_CORRUPTED)) if (sch->debug) fprintf(stderr, "(%02x)", sync); out.wr()->data[1] |= 0x80; // Set the Transport Error Indicator bit // We could output corrupted packets here, in case the // MPEG decoder can use them somehow. //out.written(1); } } } private: u8 pattern[188 * 8], *pattern_end, *pos; pipereader in; pipewriter out; }; // derandomizer // VITERBI DECODING // Supports all code rates and constellations // Simplified metric to support large constellations. // This version implements puncturing by expanding the trellis. // TBD Compare performance vs skipping updates in a 1/2 trellis. struct viterbi_sync : runnable { typedef uint8_t TS, TCS, TUS; typedef int32_t TBM; // Only 16 bits per IQ, but several IQ per Viterbi CS typedef int32_t TPM; typedef viterbi_dec_interface dvb_dec_interface; // 1/2: 6 bits of state, 1 bit in, 2 bits out typedef bitpath path_12; typedef trellis trellis_12; typedef viterbi_dec dvb_dec_12; // 2/3: 6 bits of state, 2 bits in, 3 bits out typedef bitpath path_23; typedef trellis trellis_23; typedef viterbi_dec dvb_dec_23; // 4/6: 6 bits of state, 4 bits in, 6 bits out typedef bitpath path_46; typedef trellis trellis_46; typedef viterbi_dec dvb_dec_46; // 3/4: 6 bits of state, 3 bits in, 4 bits out typedef bitpath path_34; typedef trellis trellis_34; typedef viterbi_dec dvb_dec_34; // 4/5: 6 bits of state, 4 bits in, 5 bits out (non-standard) typedef bitpath path_45; typedef trellis trellis_45; typedef viterbi_dec dvb_dec_45; // 5/6: 6 bits of state, 5 bits in, 6 bits out typedef bitpath path_56; typedef trellis trellis_56; typedef viterbi_dec dvb_dec_56; // 7/8: 6 bits of state, 7 bits in, 8 bits out typedef bitpath path_78; typedef trellis trellis_78; typedef viterbi_dec dvb_dec_78; private: pipereader in; pipewriter out; cstln_lut *cstln; fec_spec *fec; int bits_per_symbol; // Bits per IQ symbol (not per coded symbol) int nsyncs; int nshifts; struct sync { int shift; dvb_dec_interface *dec; TCS *map; // [nsymbols] } * syncs; // [nsyncs] int current_sync; static const int chunk_size = 128; int resync_phase; public: int resync_period; viterbi_sync(scheduler *sch, pipebuf &_in, pipebuf &_out, cstln_lut *_cstln, code_rate cr) : runnable(sch, "viterbi_sync"), in(_in), out(_out, chunk_size), cstln(_cstln), current_sync(0), resync_phase(0), resync_period(32) // 1/32 = 9% synchronization overhead TBD { bits_per_symbol = log2i(cstln->nsymbols); fec = &fec_specs[cr]; { // Sanity check: FEC block size must be a multiple of label size. int symbols_per_block = fec->bits_out / bits_per_symbol; if (bits_per_symbol * symbols_per_block != fec->bits_out) fail("Code rate not suitable for this constellation"); } int nconj; switch (cstln->nsymbols) { case 2: nconj = 1; break; // Conjugation is not relevant for BPSK default: nconj = 2; break; } int nrotations; switch (cstln->nsymbols) { case 2: case 4: // For BPSK and QPSK, 180° rotation is handled as // polarity inversion in mpeg_sync. nrotations = cstln->nrotations / 2; break; default: nrotations = cstln->nrotations; break; } nshifts = fec->bits_out / bits_per_symbol; nsyncs = nconj * nrotations * nshifts; // TBD Many HOM constellations are labelled in such a way // that certain rot/conj combinations are equivalent to // polarity inversion. We could reduce nsyncs. syncs = new sync[nsyncs]; for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) { // Bit pattern [shift|conj|rot] int rot = s % nrotations; int conj = (s / nrotations) % nconj; int shift = s / nrotations / nconj; syncs[s].shift = shift; if (shift) // Reuse identical map syncs[s].map = syncs[conj * nrotations + rot].map; else syncs[s].map = init_map(conj, 2 * M_PI * rot / cstln->nrotations); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "sync %3d: conj%d offs%d rot%d/%d map:", s, conj, syncs[s].shift, rot, cstln->nrotations); for ( int i=0; insymbols; ++i ) fprintf(stderr, " %2d", syncs[s].map[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif } if (cr == FEC12) { trellis_12 *trell = new trellis_12(); trell->init_convolutional(fec->polys); for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) syncs[s].dec = new dvb_dec_12(trell); } else if (cr == FEC23) { trellis_23 *trell = new trellis_23(); trell->init_convolutional(fec->polys); for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) syncs[s].dec = new dvb_dec_23(trell); } else if (cr == FEC46) { trellis_46 *trell = new trellis_46(); trell->init_convolutional(fec->polys); for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) syncs[s].dec = new dvb_dec_46(trell); } else if (cr == FEC34) { trellis_34 *trell = new trellis_34(); trell->init_convolutional(fec->polys); for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) syncs[s].dec = new dvb_dec_34(trell); } else if (cr == FEC45) { trellis_45 *trell = new trellis_45(); trell->init_convolutional(fec->polys); for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) syncs[s].dec = new dvb_dec_45(trell); } else if (cr == FEC56) { trellis_56 *trell = new trellis_56(); trell->init_convolutional(fec->polys); for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) syncs[s].dec = new dvb_dec_56(trell); } else if (cr == FEC78) { trellis_78 *trell = new trellis_78(); trell->init_convolutional(fec->polys); for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) syncs[s].dec = new dvb_dec_78(trell); } else { fail("CR not supported"); } } TCS *init_map(bool conj, float angle) { // Each constellation has its own pattern for labels. // Here we simply tabulate systematically. TCS *map = new TCS[cstln->nsymbols]; float ca = cosf(angle), sa = sinf(angle); for (int i = 0; i < cstln->nsymbols; ++i) { int8_t I = cstln->symbols[i].re; int8_t Q = cstln->symbols[i].im; if (conj) Q = -Q; int8_t RI = I * ca - Q * sa; int8_t RQ = I * sa + Q * ca; cstln_lut::result *pr = cstln->lookup(RI, RQ); map[i] = pr->ss.nearest; } return map; } inline TUS update_sync(int s, eucl_ss *pin, TPM *discr) { // Read one FEC ouput block pin += syncs[s].shift; TCS cs = 0; TBM cost = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nshifts; ++i, ++pin) { cs = (cs << bits_per_symbol) | syncs[s].map[pin->nearest]; cost -= pin->discr2; } return syncs[s].dec->update(cs, cost, discr); } void run() { // Number of FEC blocks to fill the bitpath depth. // Before that we cannot discriminate between synchronizers int discr_delay = 64 / fec->bits_in; // Process [chunk_size] FEC blocks at a time TPM *totaldiscr = new TPM[nsyncs]; while ((long)in.readable() >= nshifts * chunk_size + (nshifts - 1) && (long)out.writable() * 8 >= fec->bits_in * chunk_size) { for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) totaldiscr[s] = 0; uint64_t outstream = 0; int nout = 0; eucl_ss *pin = in.rd(); for (int blocknum = 0; blocknum < chunk_size; ++blocknum, pin += nshifts) { TPM discr; TUS result = update_sync(current_sync, pin, &discr); outstream = (outstream << fec->bits_in) | result; nout += fec->bits_in; if (blocknum >= discr_delay) totaldiscr[current_sync] += discr; if (!resync_phase) { // Every [resync_period] chunks, also run the other decoders. for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) { if (s == current_sync) continue; TPM discr; (void)update_sync(s, pin, &discr); if (blocknum >= discr_delay) totaldiscr[s] += discr; } } while (nout >= 8) { out.write(outstream >> (nout - 8)); nout -= 8; } } // chunk_size in.read(chunk_size * nshifts); if (nout) fail("overlapping out"); if (!resync_phase) { // Switch to another decoder ? int best = current_sync; for (int s = 0; s < nsyncs; ++s) if (totaldiscr[s] > totaldiscr[best]) best = s; if (best != current_sync) { if (sch->debug) fprintf(stderr, "{%d->%d}", current_sync, best); current_sync = best; } } if (++resync_phase >= resync_period) resync_phase = 0; } delete[] totaldiscr; } }; // viterbi_sync } // namespace leansdr #endif // LEANSDR_DVB_H