ADSBDemodFeedDialog 0 0 472 553 9 Feed Settings Import Parameters Username to access server with Latitude Min Minimum latitude of area to receive aircraft data from Latitude Max Maximum latitude of area to receive aircraft data from Minimum longitude of area to receive aircraft data from Longitude Min Longitude Max Maximum longitude of area to receive aircraft data from Server hostname Username Update period (s) 100 0 Enable import Password to access the server with Parameters for the API call such as geographic location Time period in seconds between updates requested from the server 0 5.000000000000000 1000.000000000000000 10.000000000000000 Hostname of server to receive ADS-B data from Password Export Client 100 0 Enable client Enable TCP client Server hostname Hostname of server to feed ADS-B data to true Port The TCP port number the server is listening on 1024 65535 Format Format to feed the data to the server in Beast binary Beast hex Export Server Port TCP port number to listen for connections on 1024 65535 100 0 Enable server Enable TCP server Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok exportClientEnabled exportClientHost exportClientPort exportClientFormat exportServerEnabled exportServerPort importEnabled importHost importUsername importPassword importParameters importPeriod latitudeMin latitudeMax longitudeMin longitudeMax buttonBox accepted() ADSBDemodFeedDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() ADSBDemodFeedDialog reject() 316 260 286 274