LimeSdrInputSettings: description: LimeSDR properties: centerFrequency: type: integer format: int64 devSampleRate: type: integer log2HardDecim: type: integer dcBlock: type: integer iqCorrection: type: integer log2SoftDecim: type: integer lpfBW: type: integer lpfFIREnable: type: integer lpfFIRBW: type: integer gain: type: integer ncoEnable: type: integer ncoFrequency: type: integer antennaPath: type: integer gainMode: type: integer lnaGain: type: integer tiaGain: type: integer pgaGain: type: integer extClock: type: integer extClockFreq: type: integer transverterMode: type: integer transverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 iqOrder: type: integer description: > IQ samples order * 0 - Q then I (swapped) * 1 - I then Q (straight) gpioDir: type: integer format: int8 gpioPins: type: integer format: int8 useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer LimeSdrOutputSettings: description: LimeSDR properties: centerFrequency: type: integer format: int64 devSampleRate: type: integer log2HardInterp: type: integer log2SoftInterp: type: integer lpfBW: type: integer lpfFIREnable: type: integer lpfFIRBW: type: integer gain: type: integer ncoEnable: type: integer ncoFrequency: type: integer antennaPath: type: integer extClock: type: integer extClockFreq: type: integer transverterMode: type: integer transverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 gpioDir: type: integer format: int8 gpioPins: type: integer format: int8 useReverseAPI: description: Synchronize with reverse API (1 for yes, 0 for no) type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer LimeSdrMIMOSettings: description: LimeSDR properties: # General devSampleRate: type: integer gpioDir: description: GPIO pin direction LSB first; 0 input, 1 output type: integer format: int8 gpioPins: description: GPIO pins to write; LSB first type: integer format: int8 extClock: description: Boolean 1 if external clock source else 0 type: integer extClockFreq: description: Frequency (Hz) of external clock source type: integer useReverseAPI: description: Boolean type: integer reverseAPIAddress: type: string reverseAPIPort: type: integer reverseAPIDeviceIndex: type: integer # Rx general rxCenterFrequency: type: integer format: int64 log2HardDecim: type: integer log2SoftDecim: type: integer dcBlock: description: Boolean type: integer iqCorrection: description: Boolean type: integer rxTransverterMode: description: Boolean type: integer rxTransverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 iqOrder: type: integer description: > IQ samples order * 0 - Q then I (swapped) * 1 - I then Q (straight) ncoEnableRx: description: Boolean 1 to enable TSP NCO and mixing else 0 type: integer ncoFrequencyRx: description: Rx Actual NCO frequency (the resulting frequency with mixing is displayed) type: integer # Rx channel 0 lpfBWRx0: description: Rx[0] LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float lpfFIREnableRx0: description: Boolean 1 to enable Rx[0] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters else 0 type: integer lpfFIRBWRx0: description: Rx[0] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float gainRx0: description: Rx[0] Optimally distributed gain (dB) type: integer antennaPathRx0: description: > Rx[0] Antenna connection (PathRxRFE): * 0 - None * 1 - LNA High * 2 - LNA low * 3 - LNA Wide * 4 - LB TX1 * 5 - LB TX2 type: integer gainModeRx0: description: > Rx[0] Gain mode: * 0 - auto * 1 - manual type: integer lnaGainRx0: description: Rx[0] Manual LNA gain type: integer tiaGainRx0: description: Rx[0] Manual TIA gain type: integer pgaGainRx0: description: Rx[0] Manual PGA gain type: integer # Rx channel 1 lpfBWRx1: description: Rx[1] LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float lpfFIREnableRx1: description: Boolean 1 to enable Rx[1] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters else 0 type: integer lpfFIRBWRx1: description: Rx[1] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float gainRx1: description: Rx[1] Optimally distributed gain (dB) type: integer antennaPathRx1: description: > Rx[1] Antenna connection (PathRxRFE): * 0 - None * 1 - LNA High * 2 - LNA low * 3 - LNA Wide * 4 - LB TX1 * 5 - LB TX2 type: integer gainModeRx1: description: > Rx[1] Gain mode: * 0 - auto * 1 - manual type: integer lnaGainRx1: description: Rx[1] Manual LNA gain type: integer tiaGainRx1: description: Rx[1] Manual TIA gain type: integer pgaGainRx1: description: Rx[1] Manual PGA gain type: integer # Tx general txCenterFrequency: type: integer format: int64 log2HardInterp: type: integer log2SoftInterp: type: integer txTransverterMode: description: Boolean type: integer txTransverterDeltaFrequency: type: integer format: int64 ncoEnableTx: description: Boolean 1 to enable TSP NCO and mixing else 0 type: integer ncoFrequencyTx: description: Tx Actual NCO frequency (the resulting frequency with mixing is displayed) type: integer # Tx channel 0 lpfBWTx0: description: Tx[0] LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float lpfFIREnableTx0: description: Boolean 1 to enable Tx[0] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters else 0 type: integer lpfFIRBWTx0: description: Tx[0] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float gainTx0: description: Tx[0] Optimally distributed gain (dB) type: integer antennaPathTx0: description: > Tx[0] Antenna connection (PathTxRFE): * 0 - None * 1 - RF connector 1 * 2 - RF connector 2 type: integer # Tx channel 1 lpfBWTx1: description: Tx[1] LMS analog lowpass filter bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float lpfFIREnableTx1: description: Boolean 1 to enable Tx[1] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters else 0 type: integer lpfFIRBWTx1: description: Tx[1] LMS digital lowpass FIR filters bandwidth (Hz) type: number format: float gainTx1: description: Tx[1] Optimally distributed gain (dB) type: integer antennaPathTx1: description: > Tx[1] Antenna connection (PathTxRFE): * 0 - None * 1 - RF connector 1 * 2 - RF connector 2 type: integer LimeSdrInputReport: description: LimeSDR properties: success: description: 1 if info was successfullt retrieved else 0 type: integer streamActive: description: 1 if active else 0 type: integer fifoSize: type: integer fifoFill: type: integer underrunCount: type: integer overrunCount: type: integer droppedPacketsCount: type: integer linkRate: type: number format: float hwTimestamp: description: Hardware timestamp type: integer format: int64 temperature: type: number format: float gpioDir: type: integer format: int8 gpioPins: type: integer format: int8 LimeSdrOutputReport: description: LimeSDR properties: success: description: 1 if info was successfullt retrieved else 0 type: integer streamActive: description: 1 if active else 0 type: integer fifoSize: type: integer fifoFill: type: integer underrunCount: type: integer overrunCount: type: integer droppedPacketsCount: type: integer linkRate: type: number format: float hwTimestamp: description: Hardware timestamp type: integer format: int64 temperature: type: number format: float gpioDir: type: integer format: int8 gpioPins: type: integer format: int8 LimeSdrMIMOReport: description: LimeSDR properties: hwTimestamp: description: Hardware timestamp type: integer format: int64 temperature: type: number format: float gpioDir: type: integer format: int8 gpioPins: type: integer format: int8 successRx: description: 1 if Rx info was successfullt retrieved else 0 type: integer streamActiveRx: description: 1 if active else 0 type: integer fifoSizeRx: type: integer fifoFillRx: type: integer underrunCountRx: type: integer overrunCountRx: type: integer droppedPacketsCountRx: type: integer linkRateRx: type: number format: float successTx: description: 1 if Tx info was successfullt retrieved else 0 type: integer streamActiveTx: description: 1 if active else 0 type: integer fifoSizeTx: type: integer fifoFillTx: type: integer underrunCountTx: type: integer overrunCountTx: type: integer droppedPacketsCountTx: type: integer linkRateTx: type: number format: float