RemoteTCPSinkSettingsDialog 0 0 409 947 9 Settings Server Settings Maximum channel sample rate 2700 100000000 10000000 Time Limit Max Clients Connection time limit in minutes if max clients reached. 0 for no limit. 100000 Max Ch. Sample Rate S/s Maximum number of simultaneous clients 0 10000 mins IQ only Transmit uncompressed IQ only. Disables compression, position and messaging support. Compression Compressor FLAC zlib Compression Level 0 - Least compression. 8 - Most compression Higher compression requires more CPU. 8 Block size 4096 16384 SSL Settings SSL certificate ... :/load.png:/load.png Key SSL certificate key 0 0 Certificate ... :/load.png:/load.png Public Directory false Antenna false Minimum recommend frequency in MHz 20000 false Publically accessible port number 1024 65535 1234 false Direction false Town and country where antenna is located 255 List Server false Isotropic false Az false Antenna azimuth in degrees 3 360.000000000000000 Qt::Vertical false El false Antenna elevation in degrees 3 -90.000000000000000 90.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false Maximum recommend frequency in MHz 20000 false Address false Location false MHz false Publically accessible IP address or hostname false Check to indicate an antenna that is isotropic (non-directional) Whether to list the server as publically accessible false Frequency Range false Antenna description 255 false Rotator false Rotator feature to get antenna direction from None IP Blacklist List of IP addresses from which connections should not be allowed QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection + - Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok maxClients timeLimit maxSampleRate iqOnly compressor compressionLevel blockSize certificate browseCertificate key browseKey publicListing publicAddress publicPort minFrequency maxFrequency antenna location isotropic rotator azimuth elevation ipBlacklist addIP removeIP buttonBox accepted() RemoteTCPSinkSettingsDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() RemoteTCPSinkSettingsDialog reject() 316 260 286 274