# swagger configuration file # values in the swagger hash are system configuration for swagger-node swagger: fittingsDirs: [ api/fittings ] defaultPipe: null swaggerControllerPipe: swagger_controllers # defines the standard processing pipe for controllers # values defined in the bagpipes key are the bagpipes pipes and fittings definitions # (see https://github.com/apigee-127/bagpipes) bagpipes: _router: name: swagger_router mockMode: false mockControllersDirs: [ api/mocks ] controllersDirs: [ api/controllers ] _swagger_validate: name: swagger_validator validateResponse: true # pipe for all swagger-node controllers swagger_controllers: - onError: json_error_handler - cors - swagger_security - _swagger_validate - express_compatibility - _router # pipe to serve swagger (endpoint is in swagger.yaml) swagger_raw: name: swagger_raw # any other values in this file are just loaded into the config for application access...