/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2023 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "util/astronomy.h" #include "dfmprotocol.h" MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(DFMProtocol::MsgReportDFMStatus, Message) DFMProtocol::DFMProtocol() : m_packetCnt(0) { // Call periodicTask() every 500ms connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DFMProtocol::periodicTask); m_timer.start(500); } DFMProtocol::~DFMProtocol() { m_timer.stop(); } void DFMProtocol::setAzimuthElevation(float azimuth, float elevation) { // This gets position from source plugin in track is enabled (E.g. Star Tracker / Satellite tracker) // or My Position preference, if not tracking float latitude, longitude; getPosition(latitude, longitude); // Convert az/el to RA/Dec AzAlt aa; aa.az = azimuth; aa.alt = elevation; QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); RADec rd = Astronomy::azAltToRaDec(aa, latitude, longitude, dt); // Save as target m_targetRA = rd.ra; m_targetDec = rd.dec; // Call parent method to save m_lastAzimuth and m_lastElevation ControllerProtocol::setAzimuthElevation(azimuth, elevation); } // Handle data received from LCU // Packets are of the form #L,L,f,f,..,f; void DFMProtocol::readData() { char c; while (m_device->getChar(&c)) { if (c == '#') { // Start packet m_rxBuffer = QString(c); } else if (c == ';') { // End packet m_rxBuffer.append(c); // Only process if we have valid packet if (m_rxBuffer.startsWith('#')) { parseLCUResponse(m_rxBuffer); m_rxBuffer = ""; } else { qDebug() << "DFMProtocol::readData - Ignoring partial packet: " << m_rxBuffer; } } else { m_rxBuffer.append(c); } } } void DFMProtocol::parseLCUResponse(const QString& packet) { qDebug() << "DFMProtocol::parseLCUResponse - " << packet; // Check packet starts with expected header if (!packet.startsWith("#L,L,")) { qDebug() << "DFMProtocol::readData - Ignoring non LCU packet: " << m_rxBuffer; return; } // Strip off header and footer QString strippedPacket = packet.mid(5, packet.length() - 6); // Convert packet to list of strings QStringList dataStrings = strippedPacket.split(","); // Extract values we are interested in DFMStatus status; int statl = (int)dataStrings[1].toFloat(); status.m_initialized = statl & 1; status.m_brakesOn = (statl >> 1) & 1; status.m_trackOn = (statl >> 2) & 1; status.m_slewEnabled = (statl >> 3) & 1; status.m_lubePumpsOn = (statl >> 4) & 1; status.m_approachingSWLimit = (statl >> 5) & 1; status.m_finalSWLimit = (statl >> 6) & 1; status.m_slewing = (statl >> 7) & 1; int stath = (int)dataStrings[2].toFloat(); status.m_setting = stath & 1; status.m_haltMotorsIn = (stath >> 1) & 1; status.m_excomSwitchOn = (stath >> 2) & 1; status.m_servoPackAlarm = (stath >> 3) & 1; status.m_targetOutOfRange = (stath >> 4) & 1; status.m_cosdecOn = (stath >> 5) & 1; status.m_rateCorrOn = (stath >> 6) & 1; status.m_drivesOn = (stath >> 7) & 1; int statlh = (int)dataStrings[3].toFloat(); status.m_pumpsReady = statlh & 1; // Bit 1 unknown status.m_minorPlus = (statlh >> 2) & 1; status.m_minorMinus = (statlh >> 3) & 1; status.m_majorPlus = (statlh >> 4) & 1; status.m_majorMinus = (statlh >> 5) & 1; status.m_nextObjectActive = (statlh >> 6) & 1; status.m_auxTrackRate = (statlh >> 7) & 1; status.m_siderealTime = dataStrings[5].toFloat(); status.m_universalTime = dataStrings[6].toFloat(); status.m_currentHA = dataStrings[7].toFloat(); status.m_currentRA = dataStrings[8].toFloat(); status.m_currentDec = dataStrings[9].toFloat(); status.m_currentX = dataStrings[20].toFloat(); status.m_currentY = dataStrings[21].toFloat(); status.m_siderealRateX = dataStrings[30].toFloat(); status.m_siderealRateY = dataStrings[31].toFloat(); status.m_torqueX = dataStrings[34].toFloat(); status.m_torqueY = dataStrings[35].toFloat(); status.m_controller = (DFMStatus::Controller)dataStrings[38].toInt(); status.m_rateX = dataStrings[39].toFloat(); status.m_rateY = dataStrings[40].toFloat(); // Display status in GUI sendMessage(MsgReportDFMStatus::create(status)); // Convert current X/Y to Az/El AzAlt aa = Astronomy::xy85ToAzAlt(status.m_currentX, status.m_currentY); float az = aa.az; float el = aa.alt; reportAzEl(az, el); // If this is the second LCU packet, we send a command m_packetCnt++; if (m_packetCnt == 2) { m_packetCnt = 0; sendCommand(); } } void DFMProtocol::sendCommand() { // TODO: Use m_lastAzimuth/m_lastElevation or m_targetRA/m_targetDec to calculate position commands // Send a command to the LCU int cmdId = 98; int handPaddle = 0; int frontPanel = (m_settings.m_dfmDrivesOn << 2) | (m_settings.m_dfmTrackOn << 3) | (m_settings.m_dfmLubePumpsOn << 4) | (m_settings.m_dfmBrakesOn << 7); QString cmd = QString("#M,R,%1,%2.000000,%3.000000;").arg(cmdId).arg(handPaddle).arg(frontPanel); m_device->write(cmd.toLatin1()); qDebug() << "DFMProtocol::sendCommand - " << cmd; } // Request current Az/El void DFMProtocol::update() { // This is called periodically for protocols that need to send a command to get current az/el // However, for this protocol, we might not need to do anything here, // if we're continually calling reportAzEl() in response to packets received from the LCU. //sendCommand(); } void DFMProtocol::periodicTask() { // Just as an example, this will be called every 500ms. Can be removed if not needed } // This is called when new settings are available from GUI (or API). void DFMProtocol::applySettings(const GS232ControllerSettings& settings, const QList& settingsKeys, bool force) { if (settingsKeys.contains("dfmTrackOn") || force) { // Do something with settings.m_dfmTrackOn if needed } if (settingsKeys.contains("dfmLubePumpsOn") || force) { // Do something with settings.m_dfmLubePumpsOn if needed } if (settingsKeys.contains("dfmBrakesOn") || force) { // Do something with settings.m_dfmBreaksOn if needed } if (settingsKeys.contains("dfmDrivesOn") || force) { // Do something with settings.m_dfmDrivesOn if needed } // Call parent method to set m_settings to settings ControllerProtocol::applySettings(settings, settingsKeys, force); }