PERTesterGUI 0 0 335 472 0 0 335 472 335 472 Liberation Sans 9 Packet Error Rate Tester 2 2 331 341 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 Start/stop PER Test :/play.png :/stop.png:/play.png Reset statistics :/recycle.png:/recycle.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Start test Number of packets to transmit 1 2000000000 When to start the test, after the start button is pressed Immediately On satellite AOS On satellite mid pass 0 0 Packets Interval in seconds between packets 3 1000000.000000000000000 Interval (s) Satellites Space separated list of satellite names to start the PER test on ISS Packet 0 0 0 80 Hex encoded packet to transmit. Substitutions: %{ax25.src=CALLSIGN} %{ax25.dst=CALLSIGN} %{num} %{data=min,max} Ignore Leading 10000 Trailing 10000 bytes TX UDP 120 0 Qt::ClickFocus Destination UDP address : Qt::AlignCenter 50 0 50 16777215 Qt::ClickFocus Destination UDP port 00000 9997 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 RX UDP 120 0 Qt::ClickFocus Destination UDP address : Qt::AlignCenter 50 0 50 16777215 Qt::ClickFocus Destination UDP port 00000 9998 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 2 352 331 117 Statistics 3 2 2 2 2 Number of packets received that match a transmitted packet 0 Received and Matched PER 0% Number of packets that have been transmitted 0 Transmitted Received and Unmatched Number of packets received that do not match a transmitted packet 0 ButtonSwitch QToolButton
RollupContents QWidget