ADSBDemodGUI 0 0 350 1019 0 0 350 0 Liberation Sans 9 ADS-B Demodulator 0 0 340 101 300 0 Settings 3 2 2 2 2 2 16 0 Df 0 0 32 16 Liberation Mono 12 PointingHandCursor Qt::StrongFocus Demod shift frequency from center in Hz Hz Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Qt::Horizontal 40 20 60 0 Channel power Qt::RightToLeft -100.0 dB Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter dB 0 0 0 24 Liberation Mono 8 Level meter (dB) top trace: average, bottom trace: instantaneous peak, tip: peak hold RFBW RF bandwidth 1000000 3000000 100000 1000000 2300000 Qt::Horizontal 2.3M Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical SR 40 0 Demodulator sample rate. This should ideally be matched to baseband sample rate 4 6 8 10 12 M Qt::Vertical Threshold 24 24 Correlation threshold in dB. Lower values will increase the number of frames that can be received, but require more processing. -990 0 1 -500 30 0 -15.0 Enable feeding of received ADS-B messages in Beast binary format to the specifed server Feed Server Hostname of the server to feed Port 60 0 Port the server is listening on 1024 65535 30005 0 114 341 291 0 0 Liberation Mono ADS-B Data 2 3 3 3 3 Liberation Mono QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers ICAO ID International Civil Aviation Organization identifier. Links to Flight No. Commercial flight number. Links to Lat (°) Latitude in degrees postive towards the North Lon (°) Longitude in degrees. Positive towards the East Alt (ft) Altitude in feet Sp (kn) Speed in knots Hd (°) Aircraft heading in degrees Climb Climbing rate in feet per minute Category Aircraft standard category Status Aircraft standard status D (km) Range or distance of aircraft to home location Az/El (°) Aircraft azimuth and elevation from home point in degrees Updated Last time updated Frames Number of frames received Correlation Correlation power min/avg/max in dB 10 420 331 581 0 0 Map 2 3 3 3 3 0 0 100 400 Aircraft location map QQuickWidget::SizeRootObjectToView qrc:/map.qml QQuickWidget QWidget
RollupWidget QWidget
LevelMeterSignalDB QWidget
ValueDialZ QWidget
deltaFrequency rfBW spb threshold beastEnabled host port adsbData map