/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2020 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "azel.h" #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include // Calculate cartesian distance between two points double AzEl::cartDistance(const AzElPoint& a, const AzElPoint& b) { double dx = b.m_cart.m_x - a.m_cart.m_x; double dy = b.m_cart.m_y - a.m_cart.m_y; double dz = b.m_cart.m_z - a.m_cart.m_z; return std::sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); } // Calculate vector difference then normalise the result bool AzEl::normVectorDiff(const AzElCartesian& a, const AzElCartesian& b, AzElCartesian& n) { n.m_x = b.m_x - a.m_x; n.m_y = b.m_y - a.m_y; n.m_z = b.m_z - a.m_z; double distance = std::sqrt(n.m_x*n.m_x + n.m_y*n.m_y + n.m_z*n.m_z); if (distance > 0.0f) { n.m_x = n.m_x / distance; n.m_y = n.m_y / distance; n.m_z = n.m_z / distance; return true; } else { return false; } } // Convert geodetic latitude (as given by GPS) to geocentric latitude (angle from centre of Earth between the point and equator) // Both in radians. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latitude#Geocentric_latitude double AzEl::geocentricLatitude(double latRad) const { double e2 = 0.00669437999014; return std::atan((1.0 - e2) * std::tan(latRad)); } // Earth radius for a given latitude, as it's not quite spherical // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_radius double AzEl::earthRadiusInMetres(double geodeticLatRad) const { double equatorialRadius = 6378137.0; double polarRadius = 6356752.3; double cosLat = std::cos(geodeticLatRad); double sinLat = std::sin(geodeticLatRad); double t1 = equatorialRadius * equatorialRadius * cosLat; double t2 = polarRadius * polarRadius * sinLat; double t3 = equatorialRadius * cosLat; double t4 = polarRadius * sinLat; return std::sqrt((t1*t1 + t2*t2)/(t3*t3 + t4*t4)); } // Convert spherical coordinate to cartesian. Also calculates radius and a normal vector void AzEl::sphericalToCartesian(AzElPoint& point) { // First calculate cartesian coords for point on Earth's surface double latRad = point.m_spherical.m_latitude * M_PI/180.0; double longRad = point.m_spherical.m_longitude * M_PI/180.0; point.m_radius = earthRadiusInMetres(latRad); double clat = geocentricLatitude(latRad); double cosLong = cos(longRad); double sinLong = sin(longRad); double cosLat = cos(clat); double sinLat = sin(clat); point.m_cart.m_x = point.m_radius * cosLong * cosLat; point.m_cart.m_y = point.m_radius * sinLong * cosLat; point.m_cart.m_z = point.m_radius * sinLat; // Calculate normal vector at surface double cosGLat = std::cos(latRad); double sinGLat = std::sin(latRad); point.m_norm.m_x = cosGLat * cosLong; point.m_norm.m_y = cosGLat * sinLong; point.m_norm.m_z = sinGLat; // Add altitude along normal vector point.m_cart.m_x += point.m_spherical.m_altitude * point.m_norm.m_x; point.m_cart.m_y += point.m_spherical.m_altitude * point.m_norm.m_y; point.m_cart.m_z += point.m_spherical.m_altitude * point.m_norm.m_z; } // Calculate azimuth of target from location void AzEl::calcAzimuth() { AzElPoint bRot; // Rotate so location is at lat=0, long=0 bRot.m_spherical.m_latitude = m_target.m_spherical.m_latitude; bRot.m_spherical.m_longitude = m_target.m_spherical.m_longitude - m_location.m_spherical.m_longitude; bRot.m_spherical.m_altitude = m_target.m_spherical.m_altitude; sphericalToCartesian(bRot); double aLat = geocentricLatitude(-m_location.m_spherical.m_latitude * M_PI / 180.0); double aCos = std::cos(aLat); double aSin = std::sin(aLat); double bx = (bRot.m_cart.m_x * aCos) - (bRot.m_cart.m_z * aSin); double by = bRot.m_cart.m_y; double bz = (bRot.m_cart.m_x * aSin) + (bRot.m_cart.m_z * aCos); if (bz*bz + by*by > 1e-6) { double theta = std::atan2(bz, by) * 180.0 / M_PI; m_azimuth = 90.0 - theta; if (m_azimuth < 0.0) m_azimuth += 360.0; else if (m_azimuth > 360.0) m_azimuth -= 360.0; } else m_azimuth = 0.0; } // Calculate elevation of target from location void AzEl::calcElevation() { AzElCartesian bma; if (normVectorDiff(m_location.m_cart, m_target.m_cart, bma)) { m_elevation = 90.0 - (180.0/M_PI) * std::acos(bma.m_x * m_location.m_norm.m_x + bma.m_y * m_location.m_norm.m_y + bma.m_z * m_location.m_norm.m_z); } else m_elevation = 0.0; }