/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2016 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "dsp/dspcommands.h" #include "dsp/dspengine.h" #include "device/deviceapi.h" #include "remoteinputudphandler.h" #include "remoteinput.h" MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(RemoteInputUDPHandler::MsgReportSampleRateChange, Message) MESSAGE_CLASS_DEFINITION(RemoteInputUDPHandler::MsgUDPAddressAndPort, Message) RemoteInputUDPHandler::RemoteInputUDPHandler(SampleSinkFifo *sampleFifo, DeviceAPI *deviceAPI) : m_deviceAPI(deviceAPI), m_masterTimer(deviceAPI->getMasterTimer()), m_masterTimerConnected(false), m_running(false), m_rateDivider(1000/REMOTEINPUT_THROTTLE_MS), m_dataSocket(nullptr), m_dataAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost), m_remoteAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost), m_dataPort(9090), m_multicastAddress(QStringLiteral("")), m_multicast(false), m_dataConnected(false), m_udpBuf(nullptr), m_udpReadBytes(0), m_sampleFifo(sampleFifo), m_samplerate(0), m_centerFrequency(0), m_tv_msec(0), m_messageQueueToGUI(0), m_tickCount(0), m_samplesCount(0), m_timer(0), m_throttlems(REMOTEINPUT_THROTTLE_MS), m_readLengthSamples(0), m_readLength(0), m_converterBuffer(0), m_converterBufferNbSamples(0), m_throttleToggle(false), m_autoCorrBuffer(true) { m_udpBuf = new char[RemoteUdpSize]; #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_TIMER #warning "Uses internal timer" m_timer = new QTimer(); m_timer->start(50); m_throttlems = m_timer->interval(); #else m_throttlems = m_masterTimer.interval(); #endif m_rateDivider = 1000 / m_throttlems; connect(&m_inputMessageQueue, SIGNAL(messageEnqueued()), this, SLOT(handleMessages())); } RemoteInputUDPHandler::~RemoteInputUDPHandler() { stop(); delete[] m_udpBuf; if (m_converterBuffer) { delete[] m_converterBuffer; } #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_TIMER if (m_timer) { delete m_timer; } #endif } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::start() { qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::start"); if (m_running) { return; } if (!m_dataSocket) { m_dataSocket = new QUdpSocket(this); m_dataSocket->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::ReceiveBufferSizeSocketOption, getDataSocketBufferSize()); } if (!m_dataConnected) { if (m_dataSocket->bind(m_multicast ? QHostAddress::AnyIPv4 : m_dataAddress, m_dataPort, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress)) { qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::start: bind data socket to %s:%d", m_dataAddress.toString().toStdString().c_str(), m_dataPort); if (m_multicast) { if (m_dataSocket->joinMulticastGroup(m_multicastAddress)) { qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::start: joined multicast group %s", qPrintable(m_multicastAddress.toString())); } else { qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::start: failed joining multicast group %s", qPrintable(m_multicastAddress.toString())); } } connect(m_dataSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(dataReadyRead())); //, Qt::QueuedConnection); m_dataConnected = true; } else { qWarning("RemoteInputUDPHandler::start: cannot bind data port %d", m_dataPort); m_dataConnected = false; } } m_elapsedTimer.start(); m_running = true; } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::stop() { qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::stop"); if (!m_running) { return; } disconnectTimer(); if (m_dataConnected) { m_dataConnected = false; disconnect(m_dataSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(dataReadyRead())); } if (m_dataSocket) { delete m_dataSocket; m_dataSocket = 0; } m_centerFrequency = 0; m_samplerate = 0; m_running = false; } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::configureUDPLink(const QString& address, quint16 port, const QString& multicastAddress, bool multicastJoin) { Message* msg = MsgUDPAddressAndPort::create(address, port, multicastAddress, multicastJoin); m_inputMessageQueue.push(msg); } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::applyUDPLink(const QString& address, quint16 port, const QString& multicastAddress, bool multicastJoin) { qDebug() << "RemoteInputUDPHandler::applyUDPLink: " << " address: " << address << " port: " << port << " multicastAddress: " << multicastAddress << " multicastJoin: " << multicastJoin; bool addressOK = m_dataAddress.setAddress(address); if (!addressOK) { qWarning("RemoteInputUDPHandler::applyUDPLink: invalid address %s. Set to localhost.", address.toStdString().c_str()); m_dataAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost; } m_multicast = multicastJoin; addressOK = m_multicastAddress.setAddress(multicastAddress); if (!addressOK) { qWarning("RemoteInputUDPHandler::applyUDPLink: invalid multicast address %s. disabling multicast.", address.toStdString().c_str()); m_multicast = false; } m_dataPort = port; stop(); start(); } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::dataReadyRead() { m_udpReadBytes = 0; while (m_dataSocket->hasPendingDatagrams() && m_dataConnected) { qint64 pendingDataSize = m_dataSocket->pendingDatagramSize(); m_udpReadBytes += m_dataSocket->readDatagram(&m_udpBuf[m_udpReadBytes], pendingDataSize, &m_remoteAddress, 0); if (m_udpReadBytes == RemoteUdpSize) { processData(); m_udpReadBytes = 0; } } } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::processData() { m_remoteInputBuffer.writeData(m_udpBuf); const RemoteMetaDataFEC& metaData = m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta(); bool change = false; m_tv_msec = m_remoteInputBuffer.getTVOutMSec(); if (m_centerFrequency != metaData.m_centerFrequency) { m_centerFrequency = metaData.m_centerFrequency; change = true; } if (m_samplerate != metaData.m_sampleRate) { disconnectTimer(); adjustNbDecoderSlots(metaData); if (m_messageQueueToInput) { MsgReportSampleRateChange *msg = MsgReportSampleRateChange::create(metaData.m_sampleRate); m_messageQueueToInput->push(msg); } m_samplerate = metaData.m_sampleRate; change = true; } if (change && (m_samplerate != 0)) { qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::processData: m_samplerate: %u S/s m_centerFrequency: %lu Hz", m_samplerate, m_centerFrequency); DSPSignalNotification *notif = new DSPSignalNotification(m_samplerate, m_centerFrequency); // Frequency in Hz for the DSP engine m_deviceAPI->getDeviceEngineInputMessageQueue()->push(notif); if (m_messageQueueToGUI) { RemoteInput::MsgReportRemoteInputStreamData *report = RemoteInput::MsgReportRemoteInputStreamData::create( m_samplerate, m_centerFrequency, // Frequency in Hz for the GUI m_tv_msec); m_messageQueueToGUI->push(report); } m_dataSocket->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::ReceiveBufferSizeSocketOption, getDataSocketBufferSize()); connectTimer(); } } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::adjustNbDecoderSlots(const RemoteMetaDataFEC& metaData) { int sampleRate = metaData.m_sampleRate; int sampleBytes = metaData.m_sampleBytes; int bufferFrameSize = RemoteInputBuffer::getBufferFrameSize(); float fNbDecoderSlots = (float) (4 * sampleBytes * sampleRate) / (float) bufferFrameSize; int rawNbDecoderSlots = ((((int) ceil(fNbDecoderSlots)) / 2) * 2) + 2; // next multiple of 2 qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::adjustNbDecoderSlots: rawNbDecoderSlots: %d", rawNbDecoderSlots); m_remoteInputBuffer.setNbDecoderSlots(rawNbDecoderSlots < 4 ? 4 : rawNbDecoderSlots); m_remoteInputBuffer.setBufferLenSec(metaData); } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::connectTimer() { if (!m_masterTimerConnected) { qDebug() << "RemoteInputUDPHandler::connectTimer"; #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_TIMER #warning "Uses internal timer" connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); #else connect(&m_masterTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); #endif m_masterTimerConnected = true; } } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::disconnectTimer() { if (m_masterTimerConnected) { qDebug() << "RemoteInputUDPHandler::disconnectTimer"; #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_TIMER #warning "Uses internal timer" disconnect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); #else disconnect(&m_masterTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick())); #endif m_masterTimerConnected = false; } } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::tick() { // auto throttling int throttlems = m_elapsedTimer.restart(); if (throttlems != m_throttlems) { m_throttlems = throttlems; m_readLengthSamples = (m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta().m_sampleRate * (m_throttlems+(m_throttleToggle ? 1 : 0))) / 1000; m_throttleToggle = !m_throttleToggle; } if (m_autoCorrBuffer) { m_readLengthSamples += m_remoteInputBuffer.getRWBalanceCorrection(); // Eliminate negative or excessively high values m_readLengthSamples = m_readLengthSamples < 0 ? 0 : m_readLengthSamples > (int) m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta().m_sampleRate/5 ? m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta().m_sampleRate/5 : m_readLengthSamples; } const RemoteMetaDataFEC& metaData = m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta(); m_readLength = m_readLengthSamples * (metaData.m_sampleBytes & 0xF) * 2; if ((metaData.m_sampleBits == 16) && (SDR_RX_SAMP_SZ == 24)) // 16 -> 24 bits { if (m_readLengthSamples > (int) m_converterBufferNbSamples) { if (m_converterBuffer) { delete[] m_converterBuffer; } m_converterBuffer = new int32_t[m_readLengthSamples*2]; } uint8_t *buf = m_remoteInputBuffer.readData(m_readLength); for (int is = 0; is < m_readLengthSamples; is++) { m_converterBuffer[2*is] = ((int16_t*)buf)[2*is]; // I m_converterBuffer[2*is]<<=8; m_converterBuffer[2*is+1] = ((int16_t*)buf)[2*is+1]; // Q m_converterBuffer[2*is+1]<<=8; } m_sampleFifo->write(reinterpret_cast(m_converterBuffer), m_readLengthSamples*sizeof(Sample)); } else if ((metaData.m_sampleBits == 24) && (SDR_RX_SAMP_SZ == 16)) // 24 -> 16 bits { if (m_readLengthSamples > (int) m_converterBufferNbSamples) { if (m_converterBuffer) { delete[] m_converterBuffer; } m_converterBuffer = new int32_t[m_readLengthSamples]; } uint8_t *buf = m_remoteInputBuffer.readData(m_readLength); for (int is = 0; is < m_readLengthSamples; is++) { m_converterBuffer[is] = ((int32_t *)buf)[2*is+1]>>8; // Q -> MSB m_converterBuffer[is] <<=16; m_converterBuffer[is] += ((int32_t *)buf)[2*is]>>8; // I -> LSB } m_sampleFifo->write(reinterpret_cast(m_converterBuffer), m_readLengthSamples*sizeof(Sample)); } else if ((metaData.m_sampleBits == 16) || (metaData.m_sampleBits == 24)) // same sample size and valid size { // read samples directly feeding the SampleFifo (no callback) m_sampleFifo->write(reinterpret_cast(m_remoteInputBuffer.readData(m_readLength)), m_readLength); m_samplesCount += m_readLengthSamples; } else // invalid size { qWarning("RemoteInputUDPHandler::tick: unexpected sample size in stream: %d bits", (int) metaData.m_sampleBits); } if (m_tickCount < m_rateDivider) { m_tickCount++; } else { m_tickCount = 0; if (m_messageQueueToGUI) { int framesDecodingStatus; int minNbBlocks = m_remoteInputBuffer.getMinNbBlocks(); int minNbOriginalBlocks = m_remoteInputBuffer.getMinOriginalBlocks(); int nbOriginalBlocks = m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta().m_nbOriginalBlocks; int nbFECblocks = m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta().m_nbFECBlocks; int sampleBits = m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta().m_sampleBits; int sampleBytes = m_remoteInputBuffer.getCurrentMeta().m_sampleBytes; //framesDecodingStatus = (minNbOriginalBlocks == nbOriginalBlocks ? 2 : (minNbOriginalBlocks < nbOriginalBlocks - nbFECblocks ? 0 : 1)); if (minNbBlocks < nbOriginalBlocks) { framesDecodingStatus = 0; } else if (minNbBlocks < nbOriginalBlocks + nbFECblocks) { framesDecodingStatus = 1; } else { framesDecodingStatus = 2; } RemoteInput::MsgReportRemoteInputStreamTiming *report = RemoteInput::MsgReportRemoteInputStreamTiming::create( m_tv_msec, m_remoteInputBuffer.getBufferLengthInSecs(), m_remoteInputBuffer.getBufferGauge(), framesDecodingStatus, minNbBlocks == nbOriginalBlocks + nbFECblocks, minNbBlocks, minNbOriginalBlocks, m_remoteInputBuffer.getMaxNbRecovery(), m_remoteInputBuffer.getAvgNbBlocks(), m_remoteInputBuffer.getAvgOriginalBlocks(), m_remoteInputBuffer.getAvgNbRecovery(), nbOriginalBlocks, nbFECblocks, sampleBits, sampleBytes); m_messageQueueToGUI->push(report); } } } void RemoteInputUDPHandler::handleMessages() { Message* message; while ((message = m_inputMessageQueue.pop()) != 0) { if (handleMessage(*message)) { delete message; } } } bool RemoteInputUDPHandler::handleMessage(const Message& cmd) { if (MsgUDPAddressAndPort::match(cmd)) { MsgUDPAddressAndPort& notif = (MsgUDPAddressAndPort&) cmd; applyUDPLink(notif.getAddress(), notif.getPort(), notif.getMulticastAddress(), notif.getMulticastJoin()); return true; } else { return false; } } int RemoteInputUDPHandler::getDataSocketBufferSize() { // set a floor value at 96 kS/s uint32_t samplerate = m_samplerate < 96000 ? 96000 : m_samplerate; // 250 ms (1/4s) at current sample rate int bufferSize = (samplerate * 2 * (SDR_RX_SAMP_SZ == 16 ? 2 : 4)) / 4; qDebug("RemoteInputUDPHandler::getDataSocketBufferSize: %d bytes", bufferSize); return bufferSize; }