/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2021 Jon Beniston, M7RCE // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License V3 for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef INCLUDE_AIS_H #define INCLUDE_AIS_H #include #include #include #include #include "export.h" class SDRBASE_API AISMessage { public: int m_id; int m_repeatIndicator; int m_mmsi; AISMessage(const QByteArray ba); virtual ~AISMessage() {} virtual QString getType() = 0; virtual bool hasPosition() { return false; } virtual float getLatitude() { return 0.0f; } virtual float getLongitude() { return 0.0f; } virtual bool hasCourse() { return false; } virtual float getCourse() { return 0.0f; } virtual bool hasSpeed() { return false; } virtual float getSpeed() { return 0.0f; } virtual bool hasHeading() { return false; } virtual float getHeading() { return 0.0f; } virtual QString toString() { return ""; } QString toHex(); QString toNMEA(); static AISMessage* decode(const QByteArray ba); static QString toNMEA(const QByteArray ba); static QString typeToString(quint8 type); protected: static QString getString(QByteArray ba, int byteIdx, int bitsLeft, int chars); static qint8 nmeaChecksum(QString string); QByteArray m_bytes; }; class SDRBASE_API AISPositionReport : public AISMessage { public: int m_status; bool m_rateOfTurnAvailable; float m_rateOfTurn; // Degrees per minute bool m_speedOverGroundAvailable; float m_speedOverGround; // Knots int m_positionAccuracy; bool m_longitudeAvailable; float m_longitude; // Degrees, North positive bool m_latitudeAvailable; float m_latitude; // Degrees, East positive bool m_courseAvailable; float m_course; // Degrees bool m_headingAvailable; int m_heading; // Degrees int m_timeStamp; int m_specialManoeuvre; AISPositionReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Position report"; } virtual bool hasPosition() { return m_latitudeAvailable && m_longitudeAvailable; } virtual float getLatitude() { return m_latitude; } virtual float getLongitude() { return m_longitude; } virtual bool hasCourse() { return m_courseAvailable; } virtual float getCourse() { return m_course; } virtual bool hasSpeed() { return m_speedOverGroundAvailable; } virtual float getSpeed() { return m_speedOverGround; } virtual bool hasHeading() { return m_headingAvailable; } virtual float getHeading() { return m_heading; } virtual QString toString() override; static QString getStatusString(int status); }; class SDRBASE_API AISBaseStationReport : public AISMessage { public: QDateTime m_utc; int m_positionAccuracy; bool m_longitudeAvailable; float m_longitude; // Degrees, North positive bool m_latitudeAvailable; float m_latitude; // Degrees, East positive AISBaseStationReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { if (m_id == 4) return "Base station report"; else return "UTC and data reponse"; } virtual bool hasPosition() { return m_latitudeAvailable && m_longitudeAvailable; } virtual float getLatitude() { return m_latitude; } virtual float getLongitude() { return m_longitude; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISShipStaticAndVoyageData : public AISMessage { public: int m_version; int m_imo; QString m_callsign; QString m_name; quint8 m_type; int m_dimension; int m_positionFixing; int m_eta; int m_draught; QString m_destination; AISShipStaticAndVoyageData(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Ship static and voyage related data"; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISBinaryMessage : public AISMessage { public: int m_sequenceNumber; int m_destinationId; int m_retransmitFlag; AISBinaryMessage(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Addressed binary message"; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISBinaryAck : public AISMessage { public: AISBinaryAck(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Binary acknowledge"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISBinaryBroadcast : public AISMessage { public: AISBinaryBroadcast(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Binary broadcast message"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISSARAircraftPositionReport : public AISMessage { public: bool m_altitudeAvailable; float m_altitude; // Metres. 4094 = 4094+ bool m_speedOverGroundAvailable; float m_speedOverGround; // Knots int m_positionAccuracy; bool m_longitudeAvailable; float m_longitude; // Degrees, North positive bool m_latitudeAvailable; float m_latitude; // Degrees, East positive bool m_courseAvailable; float m_course; // Degrees bool m_headingAvailable; int m_heading; // Degrees int m_timeStamp; AISSARAircraftPositionReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Standard SAR aircraft position report"; } virtual bool hasPosition() { return m_latitudeAvailable && m_longitudeAvailable; } virtual float getLatitude() { return m_latitude; } virtual float getLongitude() { return m_longitude; } virtual bool hasCourse() { return m_courseAvailable; } virtual float getCourse() { return m_course; } virtual bool hasSpeed() { return m_speedOverGroundAvailable; } virtual float getSpeed() { return m_speedOverGround; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISUTCInquiry : public AISMessage { public: AISUTCInquiry(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "UTC and date inquiry"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISSafetyMessage : public AISMessage { public: int m_sequenceNumber; int m_destinationId; int m_retransmitFlag; QString m_safetyRelatedText; AISSafetyMessage(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Addressed safety related message"; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISSafetyAck : public AISMessage { public: AISSafetyAck(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Safety related acknowledge"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISSafetyBroadcast : public AISMessage { public: QString m_safetyRelatedText; AISSafetyBroadcast(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Safety related broadcast message"; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISInterrogation : public AISMessage { public: AISInterrogation(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Interrogation"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISAssignedModeCommand : public AISMessage { public: AISAssignedModeCommand(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Assigned mode command"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISGNSSBroadcast : public AISMessage { public: AISGNSSBroadcast(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "GNSS broadcast binary message"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISStandardClassBPositionReport : public AISMessage { public: bool m_speedOverGroundAvailable; float m_speedOverGround; // Knots int m_positionAccuracy; bool m_longitudeAvailable; float m_longitude; // Degrees, North positive bool m_latitudeAvailable; float m_latitude; // Degrees, East positive bool m_courseAvailable; float m_course; // Degrees bool m_headingAvailable; int m_heading; // Degrees int m_timeStamp; AISStandardClassBPositionReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Standard Class B equipment position report"; } virtual bool hasPosition() { return m_latitudeAvailable && m_longitudeAvailable; } virtual float getLatitude() { return m_latitude; } virtual float getLongitude() { return m_longitude; } virtual bool hasCourse() { return m_courseAvailable; } virtual float getCourse() { return m_course; } virtual bool hasSpeed() { return m_speedOverGroundAvailable; } virtual float getSpeed() { return m_speedOverGround; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISExtendedClassBPositionReport : public AISMessage { public: bool m_speedOverGroundAvailable; float m_speedOverGround; // Knots int m_positionAccuracy; bool m_longitudeAvailable; float m_longitude; // Degrees, North positive bool m_latitudeAvailable; float m_latitude; // Degrees, East positive bool m_courseAvailable; float m_course; // Degrees bool m_headingAvailable; int m_heading; // Degrees int m_timeStamp; QString m_name; quint8 m_type; AISExtendedClassBPositionReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Extended Class B equipment position report"; } virtual bool hasPosition() { return m_latitudeAvailable && m_longitudeAvailable; } virtual float getLatitude() { return m_latitude; } virtual float getLongitude() { return m_longitude; } virtual bool hasCourse() { return m_courseAvailable; } virtual float getCourse() { return m_course; } virtual bool hasSpeed() { return m_speedOverGroundAvailable; } virtual float getSpeed() { return m_speedOverGround; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISDatalinkManagement : public AISMessage { public: AISDatalinkManagement(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Data link management message"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISAidsToNavigationReport : public AISMessage { public: int m_type; QString m_name; int m_positionAccuracy; bool m_longitudeAvailable; float m_longitude; // Degrees, North positive bool m_latitudeAvailable; float m_latitude; // Degrees, East positive AISAidsToNavigationReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Aids-to-navigation report"; } virtual bool hasPosition() { return m_latitudeAvailable && m_longitudeAvailable; } virtual float getLatitude() { return m_latitude; } virtual float getLongitude() { return m_longitude; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISChannelManagement : public AISMessage { public: AISChannelManagement(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Channel management"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISGroupAssignment : public AISMessage { public: AISGroupAssignment(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Group assignment command"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISStaticDataReport : public AISMessage { public: int m_partNumber; QString m_name; quint8 m_type; QString m_vendorId; QString m_callsign; AISStaticDataReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Static data report"; } virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISSingleSlotBinaryMessage : public AISMessage { public: AISSingleSlotBinaryMessage(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Single slot binary message"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISMultipleSlotBinaryMessage : public AISMessage { public: AISMultipleSlotBinaryMessage(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Multiple slot binary message"; } }; class SDRBASE_API AISLongRangePositionReport : public AISMessage { public: int m_positionAccuracy; int m_raim; int m_status; bool m_longitudeAvailable; float m_longitude; // Degrees, North positive bool m_latitudeAvailable; float m_latitude; // Degrees, East positive bool m_speedOverGroundAvailable; float m_speedOverGround; // Knots bool m_courseAvailable; float m_course; // Degrees AISLongRangePositionReport(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return "Position report for long-range applications"; } virtual bool hasPosition() { return m_latitudeAvailable && m_longitudeAvailable; } virtual float getLatitude() { return m_latitude; } virtual float getLongitude() { return m_longitude; } virtual bool hasCourse() { return m_courseAvailable; } virtual float getCourse() { return m_course; } virtual bool hasSpeed() { return m_speedOverGroundAvailable; } virtual float getSpeed() { return m_speedOverGround; } QString getStatus(); virtual QString toString() override; }; class SDRBASE_API AISUnknownMessageID : public AISMessage { public: AISUnknownMessageID(const QByteArray ba); virtual QString getType() override { return QString("Unknown message ID (%1)").arg(m_id); } }; #endif // INCLUDE_AIS_H